767 resultados para discursive practices


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o teletrabalho, especialmente, sobre a dinâmica da realização do trabalho na esfera familiar, a partir do home-office telework. Investigou-se de que maneira os teletrabalhadores e sua família dão sentido aos dilemas, oportunidades e exigências da realização do trabalho no ambiente familiar, à luz de suas práticas discursivas. Para tanto, entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram realizadas com 25 teletrabalhadores e seus co-residentes e analisadas sob a ótica da análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa revela que quando a casa dá lugar às atividades profissionais do indivíduo, as relações entre as demandas pessoais, familiares e profissionais se tornam mais próximas, diluídas e entrelaçadas. A aproximação das esferas de trabalho e não-trabalho conduz a uma ruptura nas dinâmicas espaciais, temporais e psicológicas desses domínios, proporcionando aos indivíduos oportunidades de desenvolvimento pessoal. No entanto, as mudanças pelas quais os mesmos terão de passar apresentam potencialidades contraditórias. Ao mesmo tempo em que o teletrabalho proporciona uma oportunidade de integração com a família e flexibilidade para o melhor aproveitamento do tempo de trabalho e não-trabalho, a dificuldade de equilibrar dois mundos construídos sobre discursos diversos, o mundo da casa e da rua, pode despontar uma crise, dependendo do preparo de cada família para essa situação de trabalho. A fim de auxiliar na interpretação dos resultados, os pontos de conteúdo mais expressivos, os quais ilustram o exposto acima, foram expostos em quatro temas relacionados ao telehomework: espaço, flexibilidade de tempo, gênero e equilíbrio trabalho-vida pessoal.


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Afinal, o que os gestores entendem por resiliência? É o questionamento que pautou este estudo e para respondê-lo desenvolvemos uma pesquisa empírica com 17 gestores de empresas de diversos portes, aqui no Rio de Janeiro, por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, realizada durante os meses de janeiro a junho de 2015. As respostas colhidas foram submetidas à Análise do Discurso posibilitando identificar na prática discursiva, figuras de linguagem, ethos do entrevistado, seleção lexical predominante, intertextualidade e temas de fundo, e relacioná-los aos elementos do corpus discursivo acadêmico, o que permitiu a constituição das categorias analíticas sobre: resiliência humana e resiliência organizacional. A análise concluiu que, para os gestores, embora o conceito de resiliência humana ainda seja influenciado pelos conceitos de elasticidade e invulnerabilidade, que informaram a construção do conceito de resiliência nos estudos iniciais no campo da Psicologia, a resiliência é um processo dinâmico cujo resultado é a adaptação bem sucedida e a transformação do indivíduo. A resiliência organizacional é personificada na resiliência dos indivíduos, especificamente, na dos gestores cujos comportamentos, individuais e coletivos, contribuem ou impedem a resiliência organizacional, com destaque para a revelação a respeito de como a resiliência influencia o processo de tomada de decisão, tanto por sua presença como por sua ausência. Este estudo é relevante na medida que suas revelações consubstanciam implicações para a academia e para as empresas. Para a academia a influência da resiliência no processo decisório sinaliza um denominador comum diante do qual as pesquisas acadêmicas podem partir, viabilizando a elaboração de proposições epistemológicas, metodológicas e praxiólogicas que ampliem, de forma realista, as possibilidades de acesso, por indivíduos e organizações, de um repertório de respostas produtivas às adversidades. Para as empresas as revelações deste estudo implicam em maior foco das iniciativas de desenvolvimento, tanto organizacional quanto de pessoas, no alinhamento de estrutura, processos e gestão de ativos intangíveis relacionados ao exercício da liderança, que resultem no delineamento de uma cultura organizacional favorável e compatível com um contexto viabilizador da resiliência organizacional.


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This research aims to analyze the concept of childhood in the dimension of educational practice, which is present in the regimental school and historically constructed power relations during the period 1910 to 1930, in Rio Grande do Norte. To contextualize this study, it is necessary to address the Bylaws of the School Groups (1915), the Internal Isolated Schools (1925) and Education Reform (1916). The expansion of education in the State, aiming at preparing the individual for the new capitalist social order was the concern of all governments of the first republic. During this period, the school is conceived as a privileged scenario of a set of practices aimed at disciplining the children, to explore, in some respects, the concept of childhood. Over time, this cocepção was constructed historically. In addition, the school receives children, which in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, are inserted into an educational process in line with the state, embodied in laws, regulations and school discursive practices


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In this research study, in which I discuss the discursive constitution of ethnic-racial identity of black male and female teachers, I understand that the process of identity formation of the subject covers both personal/family and social/professional areas. In it, I propose, in general terms, to analyze the discursive practices present in narratives of black male and female teachers when they look for their social insertion into different social contexts, identifying outbreaks of resistance that are present in their process of ethnicracial identities. The fundamental issue that permeates the survey investigates: how can black male and female teachers behave discursively in the construction of ethnicracial identities in multiple distinct contexts? The theoretical foundations that support this research work come from theoretical fields that complement each other; among them, French Discourse Analysis, Foucault s Theory and cultural studies. These, even with their singularities, are being interlaced by the conception that conceives language as social practice. Methodologically, I adopt an interpretative and qualitative paradigm to examine not only the linguistic repertoires that compose these teachers written narratives written but also the data that were generated by semi-structured interviews. The results show that the subjects, realizing contrary forces that interfere in their process of social inclusion, make use of acetic techniques to (re)signify the history of their lives


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A partir da análise da Política Nacional de Saúde Mental formulada nos últimos anos e das experiências desenvolvidas após 1987 no país, procura-se compreender como o Sistema Único de Saúde tem contribuído ao avanço da reforma psiquiátrica nos municípios; verificar como a assistência oferecida nesses municípios está viabilizando os princípios da reforma psiquiátrica e a melhora das condições de vida dos usuários, bem como pesquisar o papel dos trabalhadores e gestores na construção de novas práticas de cuidado em Saúde Mental. A análise das práticas discursivas aponta que os vários segmentos sociais envolvidos na Saúde Mental conhecem os princípios e propostas da reforma psiquiátrica. No entanto, as gestões municipais não assumem integralmente as propostas do Ministério da Saúde para a área, sob a alegação de falta de recursos financeiros para a contrapartida exigida. Os usuários e familiares têm aos poucos assumido as novas propostas de intervenção, mas os mecanismos de participação e organização popular ainda são incipientes. Por fim, deve-se destacar que, para uma efetiva consolidação das propostas atuais da reforma psiquiátrica, é necessário um maior compromisso dos gestores com a atenção em Saúde Mental, maior investimento nas equipes multiprofissionais, o estímulo à organização e à participação dos usuários e familiares e a integralidade dos dispositivos de saúde, de assistência social e de cultura existentes nas cidades.


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Neste artigo, estamos desenvolvendo um estudo relativo às instituições totais. Pesquisamos no romance O Ateneu de Raul Pompéia quais são os dispositivos disciplinares produtores de subjetividade no contexto institucional. Trata-se de uma análise institucional tomando como campo de pesquisa um caso da literatura, pautada pelos referenciais de Goffman e de Foucault. Goffman diz o que são e como funcionam e indica o que produzem as instituições totais. Foucault, por sua vez, nos revela como são possíveis as instituições disciplinares e quais as razões de sua emergência. A leitura de Goffman a partir das análises de Foucault pode nos proporcionar um enriquecimento fecundo na compreensão dos processos de produção de subjetividade na sociedade contemporânea e, de modo específico, no contexto das instituições totais. Goffman analisa as práticas não-discursivas, ele as articula com grande sutileza, fazendo falar os detalhes mais pitorescos e aparentemente insignificantes do cotidiano institucional: percebemos então o plano microfísico das relações intra-institucionais, mergulhando nas diferentes estratégias nas quais o poder se ramifica, circula, domina e produz saberes e sujeitos.


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Este artigo analisa, sob a perspectiva da relação entre a família e instituições de saúde, os sentidos produzidos sobre a maternidade em um programa de saúde neonatal desenvolvido na rede pública - o Programa Mãe Canguru. A partir de entrevistas e observações feitas com usuárias durante sua participação no programa, buscamos apreender como as práticas discursivas e não discursivas sobre maternidade e maternagem, difundidas nesse processo, se articulam com as experiências concretas dessas mulheres para produzir novas configurações subjetivas. Na interpretação dos dados, realizada através de análise do discurso, os aspectos mais significativos das falas das entrevistadas foram agrupados em quatro núcleos de sentido: família e religião; o impacto do nascimento prematuro; desconfiança e resistência nas relações com instituições e profissionais de saúde; e a experiência com o Programa Mãe Canguru. Ao final, procurou-se identificar as principais estratégias e formas de singularização utilizadas por essas mulheres ao atribuírem sentidos ao papel materno.


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The present work investigates related discourse in rewriting discursive practices, at monographic works specifically at the theoretical foundation section. Focalizing some discursive strategies of voice management (direct and indirect discourse and modalization voice) we detach the introduction way and function of cited discourse. To do so, it were analyzed eighteen monographic works: nine of them final graduation works and other nine specialization works seeing that each works belonging to the same student, in two different stages, in the period from 2003 in graduation conclusion to 2005 in the end of specialization course. The data reveal that the monographic writer/student emphasizes the use of direct discourse in graduation works while in specialization works there was an emphasis at indirect speech. The analysis the way they introduce cited discourse pointed out that writer/student in graduation course such as specialization student make meaningless constructions when they do not use discendi verbs, they demonstrate difficulties inarticulate citing discourse with cited discourse. In what is related to functions of cited discourse we verify that the student/writer, in both stages or levels give emphasis to the function maintain an assertion, indicating that other s discourse serve mainly as a resource of authority just because that this function reveals the absence of a dialog between student writing and cited discourse. In a general way, the forms of other s discourse claim a form of writing that is found starting from a sequence of cited discourse in what student/writer voice in graduation and specialization comes to text surface just few times, but most of the times, the student takes other s words as they were themselves, every time there is an overlap of author/source


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This thesis, which is entitled Registration discourse of subjectivity homo affective in G Magazine, is proposed to describe / interpret modes of subjectivity that is set in the discourse of homo affective confessions, recorded in letters addressed to G Magazine. The study is based on the theories of Discourse Analysis French, with a focus in the discussions Foucaultian remarkably discursive practices that produce meanings about the processes of subjectivity and sexuality. Methodologically, the research is of appreciative/qualitative character and falls in the field of Applied Linguistics (LA), at a press that the historical and cultural reality of the subject, establishing dialogues with many other fields of knowledge, which deal of the subject matter of speech and sexuality. Data analysis indicates that the magazine G Magazine works as a discursive space, where individuals on condition that homosexual, take it as the place that it gives security to talk to you, it's worrying, because the nature of the journal it suggests a belonging to the same discursive formation - that of homo affective . Thus, some of which are felt constructed for the investigation of the letters selected for this study showed that the forms of subjectivity of such homo affective are emerging in the game of the bans, the other is that as a subject of sexuality and to materialize in operation the confession. These homo affective, in a gesture of incessant registration of alternatives to be subject to its own truth of their sexuality, to seek his party in the case, the psychologist, a referral, a "light" that can guide them in an attempt to get rid of the forms of to subject. Installs itself in this way, as a point of resistance: the attempt to dissociate itself be of some states of submission, opening itself to other ways of being subject


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This research investigates the discursive constitution of identities; in spe-cial, it aim to problematize women identities constitution, pointing discursive prac-tices and power relations which involve them. The interviewed subjects had been adult women who had resumed their school trajectory, after certain period without frequenting educational establishments. Aware of that those identities can be per-ceived through the observations of the discursive practices, we question: which discursive practices and power relations involve and constitute those women? Which identity positionings they take through the discursive practices and power relations that include them and that are identified in their stories? Which linguistic marks characterize, in the speech of those women, forms of resistance in the con-stitution of identities? We intend to investigate the constitution of woman identities in the contemporanity; pointing discursive practices and power relations which in-volve women that converge to their identity constitution; exploring in the linguistic materiality effects of senses that emanate of the discursive practices and power relations which involve the collaborators in the identity constitution in private and public spaces. Research corpus is composed by stories of life granted by three women, collected through semidirected interview between 2004 and 2005. To ana-lyze the data, we base in authors as Pêcheux (1993; 2002), Foucault (1979; 1988; etc.), Butler (2003), Scott (1992; 1995), Hall (2000; 2004; 2005), Bauman (1999; 2005), among others that problematize questions as discourse, identity, social gender, power and its interfaces. The life stories had allowed to analyze: the gen-der identity constitution from discursive practices and relations of forces lived in the familiar scenery; assumed identity positionings from discursive practices in globalized urban contexts; power positions in the domestic and extradomestic sphere and new identity positionings


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This present thesis has the object to study the discursive constitution the teacher s subjectivities of practice permeating the sections of the magazine Nova Escola between the years 2000-2005. Problematizes how the teacher s subjectivities are produced facing the discourse of truth, which effects establishes a program for autonomist professional development in a perspective of neo-liberal governmentality. Then from this uneasiness arises some requisite questions: in the new century how teacher s subjectivities are discursively produced in magazine s sections Nova Escola during those five years of governmentality? In which perspective the discourses throughout government documents in related with professional development reflect in the linguistic-discursive repertories adopted by Nova Escola? How the experts belonging to the cadre from and/or guests from the magazine, seeking equip discursive the teacher s subjectivities for the XXI Century? Therefore, this paper objective is to examine the linguistics strategies used to produce these subjectivities at magazine s sections, what it admittedly teaches another method how to be teacher; and also it analyzes the discursive practices that compound and set boundaries to the autonomist professional development proposed by sections the magazine; describe technologies used by experts to equip and conduct of conduct the teacher to govern the self. This research is inserted theoretically in the field of Applied Linguistis, to the Cultural Studies and about the contribution of Michel Foucault s theories and methodologically in the perspective discursive interpretative. The results seek to show that the teacher s subjectivities are produced by many technologies of the self, traversed by government discourses and ratified by discursive practices of the magazine s experts. That discourse, without any oppressing or authoritarian connotation, opens space for practice of Freedom and self guiding to both constitute the subjectivity process of the teacher in the XXI Century s path


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The study object of this thesis is the process of affirmation, (re)construction and (re)signification of the black identities in the discourses which cross the samba-enredo of African theme of the samba schools belonging to the elite group from the carioca carnival, in the period from 1960 and 2007. The main question which guides this research is the following: How does this discursive process occur and which are the possible effects resulting from it? This research aims to understand, through interpretation gestures of such discourses and from those which undergo the interview statements and the answers given to the questionnaires applied to spectators and parade exhibiters of these samba schools, in what way the negritude conception and the citizenship practice of the black Brazilian people, especially those from Rio de Janeiro, can be affected by the meaning production circulating in the discursive practices of these sambas. The research was theoretically related to the Applied Linguistics, however it articulates theories originated from Cultural Studies and Ethnic-racial Studies as well as it presents some theoretical and methodological fundamentals from the Discourse Analysis of French line. As concerns the methodology, it is of interpretative, qualitative basis with procedures of discursive character. The interview analysis did not reveal, as consequence of the discourses circulating in the sambas, a direct involvement of the black people who were interviewed in struggle for their citizenship practice, but it pointed out sliding of meaning in regard to the negritude emergence


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Football, understood as a phenomenon of sports practice and nearly universal coverage, can also be seen as a game whose operation circumvents the cultural universe of people who practice it. Much more than just a sport, so this game is a cultural phenomenon par excellence, bearing a communicational and aesthetic dimension whose occurrence has been spotted in various fields of scientific and cultural. Therefore, it is as game and as a phenomenon of culture, we intend to focus on football here as an object of study. Our aim is to investigate the sport in Brazil taking the Literature and Journalism as privileged instances of their representation in the media. Thus, the central idea of this research is to show when and how football has become a recurrent theme in Brazilian literature, starting with its journalistic approach until we get an overview of the aesthetic representation of the game, Literature as the main focus of attention and taking the genre of fiction story as material fact of their representation. With this approach, we intend to develop an overall view, overview of the literature about football in our country and at the same time, particularize this vision in some representative authors of it, like the writer-journalist Mario Filho (the historian, essayist on the modernization of chronic specific theme), José Lins do Rego (writer passionate about the game), Nelson Rodrigues (the esthetician that elevated the sport to the status of art by chronic), Lima Barreto (who along with Antonio de Alcantara Machado pioneered the formalized within the fiction) and the storytellers of the topic itself. In the end, we intend to infer the results of evaluations and reviews of books and authors listed, we have examined a wide sense, but also vertical (and which were focused on a socio-historical perspective and critical-aesthetic) within the assumption that seems be a homology between the way football practice amongst us will historically winning characteristics as to form a Brazilian school of football, and how our writers, journalists will be addressing the topic, which also would focus on creating a "Brazilian way" of telling literary football. The proof of this hypothesis operational work together with the development of historiography and the necessity arising from it, creating a "Guide to Reading football theme in fictional tale of Brazil" shut the focal perspective of this study


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Starting from the premise that we live in the society of spectacle, as proclaimed by Guy Debbord, and, in this context, the media feeds itself off of this spectacularization and constructs a culture of images and production of goods, providing templates from which the subject can identify himself/herself as being male or female, successful or unsuccessful, powerful or powerless. In other words, the culture conveyed by the media produces material for the creation of identities through which individuals insert and recognize themselves in contemporary society. Observing the election campaigns, we can see clearly that this profusion of identities is fairly explored in the advertising propaganda used by the candidates, particularly in the propaganda broadcasted on the Free Electoral Time on TV. Instigated by the explicit relation between the media and politics within the society of the spectacle, this study aims to investigate the main identities that emerge in the discursive practices of the media in the election campaigns of 2010 for president of the Republic and governor of the State of Rio Grande do Norte that had as protagonists the candidates at that moment Dilma Rousseff (PT) for president and Rosalba Ciarline (DEM) for governor. To do so, we based ourselves on the theory of Bakhtin Circle, which considers the statement as a unit of verbal communication and conceives language as a dialogical phenomena and a discursive practice and also in the conceptions of dialogical relationships, social voices and chronotope formulated by the previous mentioned theory. Still in the theoretical field, we have established an interconnection with the theories coming from the Cultural Studies (Hall, Woodward) about the identity, which conceives it as multiple, fragmented, non-fixed, so that, the subject assumes different identities, not always coherent, at different times, depending on the context in which they are approached. The research is situated in the frames of Applied Linguistics, which considers language as the center of its studies and settles on the border of an open number of areas of knowledge expanding its possibilities of investigation by means of the interdisciplinary. Our corpus consists in 20 electoral propaganda videos aired on TV during the Free Election Time in 2010 campaign; among these, 14 videos are Dilma Rousseff s propaganda and 06 videos are Rosalba Ciarline s propaganda. We seek for the purpose of the analysis to identify the identities which emerge from the discourses about the candidates in propaganda videos broadcasted in the referred campaign, as well as realize the dialogical relations established in these discourses and even if the identity construction of these subjects is located in the same axiological axis. The corpus analysis revealed that the multiple cultural identities of the candidates campaigning emerge in the discourses circulating in the electoral propaganda aired on TV such as: the identities of pioneer woman, competent, sensitive, mother, grandmother, religious. And, yet, those are changeable as the electoral demands, in other words, the need to obtain support and votes, outline a fluid identity construction about the candidate to the position in question