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Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schultz (Convolvulaceae) and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich) Vahl. (Verbenaceae), two weeds found in pastures and crop areas in the Brazilian Amazonia, Brazil, were grown in controlled environment cabinets under high (800-1000 µmol m-² s-¹) and low (200-350 µmol m-² s-¹) light regimes during a 40-day period. The objective was to determine the effect of shade on photosynthetic features and leaf nitrogen content of I. asarifolia and S. cayennensis. High-irradiance grown I. asarifolia leaves had significantly higher dark respiration and light saturated rates of photosynthesis than low-irradiance leaves. No significant differences for these traits, between treatments, were observed in S. cayennensis. Low-irradiance leaves of both species displayed higher CO2 assimilation rates under low irradiance. High-irradiance grown leaves of both species had less nitrogen per unit of weight. Low-irradiance S. cayennensis had more nitrogen per unit of leaf area than high-irradiance plants; however, I. asarifolia showed no consistent pattern for this variable through time. For S. cayennensis, leaf nitrogen content and CO2 assimilation were inversely correlated to the amount of biomass allocated to developing reproductive structures. These results are discussed in relation to their ecological and weed management implications.
There is nothing as amazing and fascinating as children learning process. Between 0 and 6 years old, a child brain develops in a waythat will never be repeated. At this age, children are eager to discover and they have great potential of active and affective life.Because of this, their learning capacity in this period is incalculable. (Jordan-Decarbo y Nelson, 2002; Wild, 1999).Pre-school Education is a unique and special stage, with self identity, which aims are:attending children as a whole,motivate them to learn,give them an affective and stable environment in which they can grow up and get to be balanced and confident people and inwhich they can relate to others, learn, enjoy and be happy.Arts, Music, Visual Arts and Drama (Gardner, 1994) can provide a framework of special, even unique, personal expression.With the aim of introducing qualitative improvements in the education of children and to ensure their emotional wellbeing, and havingnoticed that teachers had important needs and concerns as regards to diversity in their student groups, we developed a programbased on the detection of needs and concerns explained by professionals in education.This program of Grupo edebé, object of our research, is a multicultural, interdisciplinary and globalizing project the aims of which are:developing children's talent and personality,keeping their imagination and creativity and using these as a learning resource,promoting reasoning, favouring expression and communication,providing children with the tools to manage their emotions,and especially, introducing Arts as a procedure to increase learning.We wanted to start the research by studying the impact (Brice, 2003) that this last point had on the learning of five-year-old childrenschooled in multicultural environments.Therefore, the main goal of the research was the assessment of the implementation of a child education programme attending todiversity in a population of five-year-old children, specifically in the practice of procedures based on the use of Arts (music, arts andcrafts and theatre) as a vehicle or procedure for learning contents in Pre-school stage.Because children emotional welfare was a subject of our concern, and bearing in mind that the affective aspects are of vitalimportance for learning and child development (Parke and Gauvain, 2009), Grupo Edebé has also evaluated the starting, evolving andfinal impact in five-year-old children given that they finish Pre-school education at that age.
Diplomityö liittyy Accenturen projektiin, jossa kehitettiin asiakkaalle CMS Web-portaali, jonka tarkoitus on tarjota mekanismi tuote- ja kampanjainformaation luontiin ja hallintaan sekä hallita niihin liittyviä budjettiprosesseja yrityksen Intranetissä. Työn tavoitteena on kuvata CMS-portaalin kehitysprosessia ja koota projektin aikana saadut opit ja parannusehdotukset. Tavoitteena on myös esittää ideoita havaittujen ongelmien ehkäisemiseksi tulevissa projekteissa. Portaalin kehitysprojektinsuurimmat haasteet liittyivät tietojärjestelmien kehitysympäristöihin, portaali- ja sisällönhallintapuolen yhdistämiseen sekä tiimikehitykseen. Kun portaaliprojekti tehdään asiakkaan tiloissa, ei täyttä kontrollia kehitysympäristöistä voi saada. Jos kehitysympäristöjen kanssa on ongelmia, niistä on syytä kommunikoida selkeästi ja ammattimaisesti asiakkaan kehitysympäristöistä vastaavalle taholle. Yhteistyö ja hyvät henkilökohtaiset suhteet asiakkaan kanssaovat tärkeitä. Jos portaalin sisällönhallintatarpeet eivät ole erittäin rajoittuneet, on suositeltavaa käyttää erillistä sisällönhallintaohjelmistoa portaalin sisällön hallitsemiseksi. Pienemmillekin projekteille tämä mahdollistaa paremmat laajennusmahdollisuudet. Portaali- ja sisällönhallintapuolenyhdistäminen kannattaa tehdä ohjelmistojen tarjoajien ohjeiden mukaan ja yleisiä menettelytapoja noudattaen. Yleisillä menettelytavoilla tarkoitetaan portaalinja sisällönhallinnan yhdistämisessä sitä, että portaali vastaanottaa sisältöä sisällönhallintajärjestelmältä, mutta kaikki sisällön muokkaustoimenpiteet tehdään sisällönhallintajärjestelmän käyttöliittymän kautta. Jos mukautettuja menettelytapoja on käytettävä, näiden kehittämiselle on varattava niiden vaatima aika. Tällöin Web-palveluiden käyttöä kannattaa harkita, koska Web-palvelut auttavat ohjelmistojen yhdistämisessä etenkin, kun yhdistäminen tehdään mukautetusti. Kun portaali tehdään käyttäen tiimikehitystyötä, on käytettävä myös versionhallintajärjestelmää, jolla estetään päällekkäisten muutosten mahdollisuus. Kehitysprosessin yhdenmukaistamiseksi on erittäin suositeltavaa tehdä yleinen kehitysohjedokumentti. Lisäksi on huolehdittava siitä, että kaikki kehittäjät noudattavat yleisiä kehitysohjeita, jotta yhdenmukaisuuden mukanaan tuomat edut saavutetaan mahdollisimman hyvin.
Epävarmuus ei ole outoa enää julkishallinon alueellakaan. Globalisaation,tietotalous ja muut yksityissektoria ravistelleet ilmiöt ovat lisänneet mielenkiintoa erilaisiin tekniikoihin joilla voidaan lievittää epävarmuudesta aiheutuvia ongelmia. Tämä raportti kuvailee skenaariosuunnittelun käyttöä eräänä mahdollisuutena epävarmuuden hallintaan julkishallinnossa ja yksityissektorilla. Raportti sijoittuu samaan skenaariotutkimuksen jatkumoon edellisten LTY:ssä toteutettujen skenaariotutkimusten kanssa. tutkimus valottaa tutkimuksen ja käytännön työn nykytilaa helposti hyödynnettävässä muodossa. Rapostin kontribuutio on kuvata tutkimukseen perustuva tuettu skenaarioprosessi ja syntyneet skenaariot, keskittyen prosessin tukemiseen eri menetelmin.
Lyhytsanomiin perustuvat lisäarvopalvelut ovat viime vuosikymmenen lopulla kehittyneet nopeasti parhaimmin tuottaviksi mobiilin televerkon käyttötavoista. Nämä palvelut on monesti kehitetty nopeasti ottamatta huomioon mahdollisia siirrettävyysongelmia, joita palveluiden vieminen muihin kuin alkuperäiseen ympäristöön aiheuttaa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia odotettavissa olevia teknisiä ongelmia vietäessä lyhytsanomapohjaisia palveluita kansainvälisille markkinoille. Ongelman ratkaisuna esitellään Intellitel Messaging Gateway (MGw) - yhdyskäytävä, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuuden avointen internet-protokollien kautta tarjottavaan lisäarvopalveluiden luontiin. Työn käytännön osuus koostuu valikoimasta pieniä suunnittelu- ja toteutustehtäviä, joiden tarkoituksena on korjata kansainvälistä verkkoonvientiä estäviä ominaisuuksia ja puutteita Intellitel MGw:ssä. Näistä ominaisuuksista tärkeimmät ovat merkistö-, osoitteistus- ja protokollayhteensopivuuden asettamat rajoitukset.
Mobiiliviestintään käytetystä lyhytsanomapalvelusta (Short Messaging Service, SMS) on tullut ilmiömäinen menestys. SMS-palvelulle on tulossa seuraaja, jota kutsutaan monimediaviestipalveluksi (Multimedia Messaging Service, MMS). MMS-viestit voivat sisältää useita erilaisia kuva-, ääni- ja videoformaatteja. Vaikka yhteensopimattomia SMS-keskuksia yhdistämään tarvitaan Intellitel Messaging Gatewayn kaltaisia sanomanvälitystuotteita, ei tällainen SMS-keskeinen lähestyminen sanomanvälitykseen ole MMS-kykyisen sanomanvälittimen kannalta järkevä ratkaisu. MMS-kykyisen sanomanvälittimen täytyy lisätä arvoa itse sanomanvälitysprosessiin, jotta tuotteesta tulisi menestyksekäs. Tässä työssä käsitellään MMS-sanomanvälityksen ongelmallisuuksia. Erityisesti painotetaan MMS-kykyisen sanomanvälittimen kehittämistä olemassaolevasta SMS-sanomanvälitintuotteesta, sekä selvitetään syitä arvonlisäyksen välttämättömyydelle. Työssä esitetään myös erilaisia arvonlisäystapoja MMS-sanomanvälitykseen. Eräitä esitetyistä arvonlisäystavoista käytetään käytännön osassa toteutetussa Nokian MMS-keskuksen MM7/VAS-rajapintaan kytkeytymään kykenevässä sanomanvälityskomponentissa.
The purpose of this study was to develop co-operation between business units of the company operating in graphic industry. The development was done by searching synergy opportunities between these business units. The final aim was to form a business model, which is based on co-operation of these business units.The literature review of this thesis examines synergies and especially the process concerning the search and implementation of synergies. Also the concept of business model and its components are examined. The research was done by using qualitative research method. The main data acquiring method to the empirical part was theme interviews. The data was analyzed using thematisation and content analysis.The results of the study include seven identified possible synergies and a business model, which is based on the co-operation of the business units. The synergy opportunities are evaluated and the implementation order of the synergies is suggested. The presented synergies create the base for the proposed business model.
The aim of this master’s thesis is to analyze the mining industry customers' current and future needs for the water treatment services and discover new business development opportunities in the context of mine water treatment. In addition, the study focuses on specifying service offerings needed and evaluate suitable revenue generation models for them. The main research question of the study is: What kind of service needs related to water treatment can be identified in the Finnish mining industry? The literature examined in the study focused on industrial service classification and new service development process as well as the revenue generation of services. A qualitative research approach employing a case study method was chosen for the study. The present study uses customer and expert interviews as primary data source, complemented by archival data. The primary data was gathered by organizing total of 13 interviews, and the interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The abductive-logic was chosen as the way of conducting scientific reasoning in this study. As a result, new service proposals were developed for Finnish mine industry suppliers. The main areas of development were on asset efficiency services and process support services. The service needs were strongly associated with suppliers’ know-how of water treatment process optimization, cost-effectiveness as well as on alternative technologies. The study provides an insight for managers that wish to pursue a water treatment services as a part of their business offering.
The aim of the present thesis was to explore possible promotional actions to support the emergence of eco-industrial business networks in Finland. The main objectives were to investigate what kind of factors affect in the development of eco-industrial networks and further make suggestions in what kinds of actions this could be supported. In addition, since the active facilitation was discovered as one potential promoting activity, further investigation about facilitation process in Finnish context was conducted and also main characteristics of nationwide facilitation programme were identified. This thesis contains literature review of network orchestration and eco-industrial networks. The latter consists of green supply chain management and industrial symbiosis, although the main focus of the study leans on the concept of industrial symbiosis. The empirical data of the study was obtained from semi-structured expert interviews. These interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The study identified four main promotional activities for eco-industrial networks: 1) building awareness, 2) incentives, 3) dismantling of legislative barriers and 4) active facilitation. In addition, a framework for facilitation activities in Finnish context was built and main characteristics of nationwide facilitation programme were identified.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
(Morphology and anatomy of the developing fruit of Maclura tinctoria, Moraceae). Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steudel was selected for the present study due of its economic and medicinal importance. The purpose of this investigation is to present a detailed description of the fruit development, specially by: (a) defining the fruit type presented by the species, and (b) characterizing the seed type of the species based upon the presence or not of mechanical tissue on the seed-coat. The fruit originates from the subglobose female inflorescence which consists of small unipistillate flowers with superior ovary, unilocular and uniovular apical placentation. The mature fruit is multiple, constituted of small drupes. The ovule is ana-campylotropous, suspended, bitegmic and crassinucellate. The mature seed is flattened, slightly ovated, cream colored, with unspecialized membrane coat with thin-walled cells more or less crushed. The seed has parenchymatic endosperm with lipophilic content. The embryo is straight, with two cotyledons of the same size. Ontogenetic studies reveal that the fruits are infrutescences. The fleshy edible part is derived from the perigone and inflorescence axis. The drupes consist of a single pyrene of macrosclereids.
Proteoglycans are abundant in the developing brain and there is much circumstantial evidence for their roles in directional neuronal movements such as cell body migration and axonal growth. We have developed an in vitro model of astrocyte cultures of the lateral and medial sectors of the embryonic mouse midbrain, that differ in their ability to support neuritic growth of young midbrain neurons, and we have searched for the role of interactive proteins and proteoglycans in this model. Neurite production in co-cultures reveals that, irrespective of the previous location of neurons in the midbrain, medial astrocytes exert an inhibitory or nonpermissive effect on neuritic growth that is correlated to a higher content of both heparan and chondroitin sulfates (HS and CS). Treatment of astrocytes with chondroitinase ABC revealed a growth-promoting effect of CS on lateral glia but treatment with exogenous CS-4 indicated a U-shaped dose-response curve for CS. In contrast, the growth-inhibitory action of medial astrocytes was reversed by exogenous CS-4. Treatment of astrocytes with heparitinase indicated that the growth-inhibitory action of medial astrocytes may depend heavily on HS by an as yet unknown mechanism. The results are discussed in terms of available knowledge on the binding of HS proteoglycans to interactive proteins, with emphasis on the importance of unraveling the physiological functions of glial glycoconjugates for a better understanding of neuron-glial interactions.
Lipid transport in arthropods is achieved by highly specialized lipoproteins, which resemble those described in vertebrate blood. Here we describe purification and characterization of the lipid-apolipoprotein complex, lipophorin (Lp), from adults and larvae of the cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus. We also describe the Lp-mediated lipid transfer to developing oocytes. Lps were isolated from homogenates of C. maculatus larvae and adults by potassio bromide gradient and characterized with respect to physicochemical properties and lipid content. The weevil Lp (465 kDa) and larval Lp (585 kDa), with hydrated densities of 1.22 and 1.14 g/mL, contained 34 and 56% lipids and 9 and 7% carbohydrates, respectively. In both Lps, mannose was the predominant monosaccharide detected by paper chromatography. SDS-PAGE revealed two apolipoproteins in each Lp with molecular masses of 225 kDa (apolipoprotein-I) and 79 kDa (apolipoprotein-II). The lipids were extracted and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography. The major phospholipids found were phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine in adult Lp, and phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin in larval Lp. Hydrocarbons, fatty acids and triacylglycerol were the major neutral lipids found in both Lps. Lps labeled in the protein moiety with radioactive iodine (125I-iodine) or in the lipid moiety with fluorescent lipids revealed direct evidence of endocytic uptake of Lps in live oocytes of C. maculatus.
The aim of this dissertation was to examine the skills and knowledge that pre-service teachers and teachers have and need about working with multilingual and multicultural students from immigrant backgrounds. The specific goals were to identify pre-service teachers’ and practising teachers’ current knowledge and awareness of culturally and linguistically responsive teaching, identify a profile of their strengths and needs, and devise appropriate professional development support and ways to prepare teachers to become equitable culturally responsive practitioners. To investigate these issues, the dissertation reports on six original empirical studies within two groups of teachers: international pre-service teacher education students from over 25 different countries as well as pre-service and practising Finnish teachers. The international pre-service teacher sample consisted of (n = 38, study I; and n = 45, studies II-IV) and the pre-service and practising Finnish teachers sample encompassed (n = 89, study V; and n = 380, study VI). The data used were multi-source including both qualitative (students’ written work from the course including journals, final reflections, pre- and post-definition of key terms, as well as course evaluation and focus group transcripts) and quantitative (multi-item questionnaires with open-ended options), which enhanced the credibility of the findings resulting in the triangulation of data. Cluster analytic procedures, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), and qualitative analyses mostly Constant Comparative Approach were used to understand pre-service teachers’ and practising teachers’ developing cultural understandings. The results revealed that the mainly white / mainstream teacher candidates in teacher education programmes bring limited background experiences, prior socialisation, and skills about diversity. Taking a multicultural education course where identity development was a focus, positively influenced teacher candidates’ knowledge and attitudes toward diversity. The results revealed approaches and strategies that matter most in preparing teachers for culturally responsive teaching, including but not exclusively, small group activities and discussions, critical reflection, and field immersion. This suggests that there are already some tools to address the need for the support needed to teach successfully a diversity of pupils and provide in-service training for those already practising the teaching profession. The results provide insight into aspects of teachers’ knowledge about both the linguistic and cultural needs of their students, as well as what constitutes a repertoire of approaches and strategies to assure students’ academic success. Teachers’ knowledge of diversity can be categorised into sound awareness, average awareness, and low awareness. Knowledge of diversity was important in teachers’ abilities to use students’ language and culture to enhance acquisition of academic content, work effectively with multilingual learners’ parents/guardians, learn about the cultural backgrounds of multilingual learners, link multilingual learners’ prior knowledge and experience to instruction, and modify classroom instruction for multilingual learners. These findings support the development of a competency based model and can be used to frame the studies of pre-service teachers, as well as the professional development of practising teachers in increasingly diverse contexts. The present set of studies take on new significance in the current context of increasing waves of migration to Europe in general and Finland in particular. They suggest that teacher education programmes can equip teachers with the necessary attitudes, skills, and knowledge to enable them work effectively with students from different ethnic and language backgrounds as they enter the teaching profession. The findings also help to refine the tools and approaches to measuring the competencies of teachers teaching in mainstream classrooms and candidates in preparation.
Breeding soybean for high seed quality is an important approach for developing cultivars for tropical regions, and the lignin content in the seed coat is one of the screening parameters for this trait. Considering that many breeding lines are evaluated in each growing season using the presently recommended method for lignin determination, a long period is required for the evaluation of the whole breeding program. This time limitation may influence lignin content assessment, if lignin is degraded during storage. This research reported was designed to determine whether lignin was degraded in the seed coat of soybean seed cultivars stored for one year in a controlled environment (10°C temperature and 50% air relative humidity). Seeds of 12 selected soybean cultivars that had a range in seed coat lignin content were evaluated. Seeds were hand harvested just after physiological maturity and evaluated for seed coat lignin content at harvest and after one year of storage in a cold room (10°C and 50% RH). The lignin content in seed coats differed significantly among cultivars in both analyses, but for both results the sequence of cultivar classification and the lignin content values of each cultivar did not change. A regression analysis of lignin content at harvest and after one year of storage indicated a direct relationship between both lignin determinations suggesting no differences between the lignin content of each cultivar due to prolonged storage (r² = 0.98***). This indicates that the lignin determination in the soybean seed coat can be performed over a long time period without any bias due to change in its content.