958 resultados para delay-line position sensitive detector


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Antihydrogen holds the promise to test, for the first time, the universality of freefall with a system composed entirely of antiparticles. The AEgIS experiment at CERN’s antiproton decelerator aims to measure the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter by measuring the deflection of a beam of antihydrogen in the Earths gravitational field (g). The principle of the experiment is as follows: cold antihydrogen atoms are synthesized in a Penning-Malberg trap and are Stark accelerated towards a moir´e deflectometer, the classical counterpart of an atom interferometer, and annihilate on a position sensitive detector. Crucial to the success of the experiment is the spatial precision of the position sensitive detector.We propose a novel free-fall detector based on a hybrid of two technologies: emulsion detectors, which have an intrinsic spatial resolution of 50 nm but no temporal information, and a silicon strip / scintillating fiber tracker to provide timing and positional information. In 2012 we tested emulsion films in vacuum with antiprotons from CERN’s antiproton decelerator. The annihilation vertices could be observed directly on the emulsion surface using the microscope facility available at the University of Bern. The annihilation vertices were successfully reconstructed with a resolution of 1–2 μmon the impact parameter. If such a precision can be realized in the final detector, Monte Carlo simulations suggest of order 500 antihydrogen annihilations will be sufficient to determine gwith a 1 % accuracy. This paper presents current research towards the development of this technology for use in the AEgIS apparatus and prospects for the realization of the final detector.


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AEgIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is an experiment that aims to perform the first direct measurement of the gravitational acceleration g of antihydrogen in the Earth’s field. A cold antihydrogen beam will be produced by charge exchange reaction between cold antiprotons and positronium excited in Rydberg states. Rydberg positronium (with quantum number n between 20 and 30) will be produced by a two steps laser excitation. The antihydrogen beam, after being accelerated by Stark effect, will fly through the gratings of a moir´e deflectometer. The deflection of the horizontal beam due to its free fall will be measured by a position sensitive detector. It is estimated that the detection of about 103 antihydrogen atoms is required to determine the gravitational acceleration with a precision of 1%. In this report an overview of the AEgIS experiment is presented and its current status is described. Details on the production of slow positronium and its excitation with lasers are discussed.


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There are serious concerns that ocean acidification will combine with the effects of global warming to cause major shifts in marine ecosystems, but there is a lack of field data on the combined ecological effects of these changes due to the difficulty of creating large-scale, long-term exposures to elevated CO2 and temperature. Here we report the first coastal transplant experiment designed to investigate the effects of naturally acidified seawater on the rates of net calcification and dissolution of the branched calcitic bryozoan Myriapora truncata (Pallas, 1766). Colonies were transplanted to normal (pH 8.1), high (mean pH 7.66, minimum value 7.33) and extremely high CO2 conditions (mean pH 7.43, minimum value 6.83) at gas vents off Ischia Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). The net calcification rates of live colonies and the dissolution rates of dead colonies were estimated by weighing after 45 days (May-June 2008) and after 128 days (July-October) to examine the hypothesis that high CO2 levels affect bryozoan growth and survival differently during moderate and warm water conditions. In the first observation period, seawater temperatures ranged from 19 to 24 °C; dead M. truncata colonies dissolved at high CO2 levels (pH 7.66), whereas live specimens maintained the same net calcification rate as those growing at normal pH. In extremely high CO2 conditions (mean pH 7.43), the live bryozoans calcified significantly less than those at normal pH. Therefore, established colonies of M. truncata seem well able to withstand the levels of ocean acidification predicted in the next 200 years, possibly because the soft tissues protect the skeleton from an external decrease in pH. However, during the second period of observation a prolonged period of high seawater temperatures (25-28 °C) halted calcification both in controls and at high CO2, and all transplants died when high temperatures were combined with extremely high CO2 levels. Clearly, attempts to predict the future response of organisms to ocean acidification need to consider the effects of concurrent changes such as the Mediterranean trend for increased summer temperatures in surface waters. Although M. truncata was resilient to short-term exposure to high levels of ocean acidification at normal temperatures, our field transplants showed that its ability to calcify at higher temperatures was compromised, adding it to the growing list of species now potentially threatened by global warming.


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The AEgIS experiment at CERN aims to perform the first direct measurement of gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter by measuring the deviation of a cold antihydrogen beam in the Earth gravitational field. The design of the experiment has been recently updated to include emulsion films as position sensitive detector. The submicrometric position accuracy of emulsions leads indeed to a significant improvement of the experimental sensitivity. We present results of preliminary tests and discuss perspectives for the final measurement.


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We describe the planning, implementation, and initial results of the first planned move of the default position of spectra on the Hubble Space Telescope's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) Far Ultraviolet (FUV) cross-delay line detector. This was motivated by the limited amount of charge that can be extracted from the microchannel plate due to gain sag at any one position. Operations at a new location began on July 23, 2012, with a shift of the spectrum by +3.5"(corresponding to ~ 41 pixels or ~ 1 mm) in a direction orthogonal to the spectral dispersion. Operation at this second "lifetime position" allows for spectra to be collected which are not affected by detector artifacts and loss of sensitivity due to gain sag. We discuss programs designed to enable operations at the new lifetime position; these include determinations of operational high voltage, measuring walk corrections and focus, confirming spectrum placement and aperture centering, and target acquisition performance. We also present results related to calibration of the new lifetime position, including measurements of spectral resolution and wavelength calibration, flux and flat field calibration, carryover of time-dependent sensitivity monitoring, and operations with the Bright Object Aperture (BOA).


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The thesis work concerns X-ray spectrometry for both medical and space applications and is divided into two sections. The first section addresses an X-ray spectrometric system designed to study radiological beams and is devoted to the optimization of diagnostic procedures in medicine. A parametric semi-empirical model capable of efficiently reconstructing diagnostic X-ray spectra in 'middle power' computers was developed and tested. In addition, different silicon diode detectors were tested as real-time detectors in order to provide a real-time evaluation of the spectrum during diagnostic procedures. This project contributes to the field by presenting an improved simulation of a realistic X-ray beam emerging from a common X-ray tube with a complete and detailed spectrum that lends itself to further studies of added filtration, thus providing an optimized beam for different diagnostic applications in medicine. The second section describes the preliminary tests that have been carried out on the first version of an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), integrated with large area position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) to be used on board future space missions. This technology has been developed for the ESA project: LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing), a new medium-class space mission that the European Space Agency has been assessing since February of 2011. The LOFT project was proposed as part of the Cosmic Vision Program (2015-2025).


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This paper provides fundamental understanding for the use of cumulative plots for travel time estimation on signalized urban networks. Analytical modeling is performed to generate cumulative plots based on the availability of data: a) Case-D, for detector data only; b) Case-DS, for detector data and signal timings; and c) Case-DSS, for detector data, signal timings and saturation flow rate. The empirical study and sensitivity analysis based on simulation experiments have observed the consistency in performance for Case-DS and Case-DSS, whereas, for Case-D the performance is inconsistent. Case-D is sensitive to detection interval and signal timings within the interval. When detection interval is integral multiple of signal cycle then it has low accuracy and low reliability. Whereas, for detection interval around 1.5 times signal cycle both accuracy and reliability are high.


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An all-digital technique is proposed for generating an accurate delay irrespective of the inaccuracies of a controllable delay line. A subsampling technique-based delay measurement unit (DMU) capable of measuring delays accurately for the full period range is used as the feedback element to build accurate fractional period delays based on input digital control bits. The proposed delay generation system periodically measures and corrects the error and maintains it at the minimum value without requiring any special calibration phase. Up to 40x improvement in accuracy is demonstrated for a commercial programmable delay generator chip. The time-precision trade-off feature of the DMU is utilized to reduce the locking time. Loop dynamics are adjusted to stabilize the delay after the minimum error is achieved, thus avoiding additional jitter. Measurement results from a high-end oscilloscope also validate the effectiveness of the proposed system in improving accuracy.


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We investigate the controllable negative and positive group delay in transmission through a single quantum well at the finite longitudinal magnetic fields. It is shown that the magneto-coupling effect between the longitudinal motion component and the transverse Landau orbits plays an important role in the group delay. The group delay depends not only on the width of potential well and the incident energy, but also on the magnetic-field strengthen and the Landau quantum number. The results show that the group delay can be changed from positive to negative by the modulation of the magnetic field. These interesting phenomena may lead to the tunable quantum mechanical delay line. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A full-ring PET insert device should be able to enhance the image resolution of existing small-animal PET scanners. Methods: The device consists of 18 high-resolution PET detectors in a cylindric enclosure. Each detector contains a cerium-doped lutetium oxyorthosilicate array (12 x 12 crystals, 0.72 x 1.51 x 3.75 mm each) coupled to a position-sensitive photomultiplier tube via an optical fiber bundle made of 8 x 16 square multiclad fibers. Signals from the insert detectors are connected to the scanner through the electronics of the disabled first ring of detectors, which permits coincidence detection between the 2 systems. Energy resolution of a detector was measured using a Ge-68 point source, and a calibrated 68Ge point source stepped across the axial field of view (FOV) provided the sensitivity profile of the system. A Na-22 point source imaged at different offsets from the center characterized the in-plane resolution of the insert system. Imaging was then performed with a Derenzo phantom filled with 19.5 MBq of F-18-fluoride and imaged for 2 h; a 24.3-g mouse injected with 129.5 MBq of F-18-fluoride and imaged in 5 bed positions at 3.5 h after injection; and a 22.8-g mouse injected with 14.3 MBq of F-18-FDG and imaged for 2 h with electrocardiogram gating. Results: The energy resolution of a typical detector module at 511 keV is 19.0% +/- 3.1 %. The peak sensitivity of the system is approximately 2.67%. The image resolution of the system ranges from 1.0- to 1.8-mm full width at half maximum near the center of the FOV, depending on the type of coincidence events used for image reconstruction. Derenzo phantom and mouse bone images showed significant improvement in transaxial image resolution using the insert device. Mouse heart images demonstrated the gated imaging capability of the device. Conclusion: We have built a prototype full-ring insert device for a small-animal PET scanner to provide higher-resolution PET images within a reduced imaging FOV. Development of additional correction techniques are needed to achieve quantitative imaging with such an insert.


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L’utilisation accrue des nanomatériaux manufacturés (NM) fait en sorte que les différents acteurs de réglementation se questionnent de plus en plus par rapport à leur destin et leurs impacts sur les écosystèmes et la santé humaine suite à leur rejet dans l’environnement. Le développement de techniques analytiques permettant de détecter et de caractériser les NM en matrice environnementale est impératif étant donné la nécessité d’évaluer le risque relié à ces polluants émergents. Une des approches de plus en plus favorisée est d’utiliser une technique chromatographique et un ou plusieurs détecteurs sensibles dans les buts de réduire les effets de matrice, d’identifier des nanoparticules (NP) selon leurs temps de rétention et de les quantifier à des concentrations représentatives de la réalité environnementale. Une technique analytique utilisant la chromatographie hydrodynamique (HDC) et des détecteurs en ligne ou hors ligne (détecteurs de diffusion statique ou dynamique de la lumière, spectromètre de masse par torche à plasma en mode particule unique (SP-ICPMS), l’ultracentrifugation analytique) a donc été développée. Le couplage de la colonne HDC avec ces détecteurs a permis de caractériser des NP standards et l’optimisation des conditions de séparation de ces nanoparticules de polystyrène, d’or et d’argent a permis de confirmer que les NP y sont bel et bien séparées seulement selon leur taille, tel que la théorie le prédit. De plus, l’utilisation de la colonne HDC couplée au SP-ICPMS a permis de séparer un mélange de nanoparticules d’argent (nAg) et de les détecter à des concentrations représentatives de celles rencontrées dans l’environnement, soit de l’ordre du μg L-1 au ng L-1. Par exemple, dans un échantillon d’eau usée (effluent), un mélange de nAg de 80 et de 40 nm a été séparé et les nAg ont été détectées à l’aide du SP-ICPMS connecté à la colonne HDC (temps de rétention de 25.2 et 25.6 minutes et diamètres déterminés de 71.4 nm et 52.0 nm). Finalement, pour plusieurs échantillons environnementaux auxquels aucun ajout de nanoparticules n’a été fait, les analyses HDC-SP-ICPMS effectuées ont permis de déterminer qu’ils ne contenaient initialement pas de nAg.


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This paper analyzes the convergence behavior of the least mean square (LMS) filter when used in an adaptive code division multiple access (CDMA) detector consisting of a tapped delay line with adjustable tap weights. The sampling rate may be equal to or higher than the chip rate, and these correspond to chip-spaced (CS) and fractionally spaced (FS) detection, respectively. It is shown that CS and FS detectors with the same time-span exhibit identical convergence behavior if the baseband received signal is strictly bandlimited to half the chip rate. Even in the practical case when this condition is not met, deviations from this observation are imperceptible unless the initial tap-weight vector gives an extremely large mean squared error (MSE). This phenomenon is carefully explained with reference to the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix when the input signal is not perfectly bandlimited. The inadequacy of the eigenvalue spread of the tap-input correlation matrix as an indicator of the transient behavior and the influence of the initial tap weight vector on convergence speed are highlighted. Specifically, a initialization within the signal subspace or to the origin leads to very much faster convergence compared with initialization in the a noise subspace.


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Monte Carlo (MC) simulation techniques are becoming very common in the Medical Physicists community. MC can be used for modeling Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and for dosimetry calculations. 188Re, is a promising candidate for radiotherapeutic production and understanding the mechanisms of the radioresponse of tumor cells "in vitro" is of crucial importance as a first step before "in vivo" studies. The dosimetry of 188Re, used to target different lines of cancer cells, has been evaluated by the MC code GEANT4. The simulations estimate the average energy deposition/per event in the biological samples. The development of prototypes for medical imaging, based on LaBr3:Ce scintillation crystals coupled with a position sensitive photomultiplier, have been studied using GEANT4 simulations. Having tested, in the simulation, surface treatments different from the one applied to the crystal used in our experimental measurements, we found out that the Energy Resolution (ER) and the Spatial Resolution (SR) could be improved, in principle, by machining in a different way the lateral surfaces of the crystal. We have then studied a system able to acquire both echographic and scintigraphic images to let the medical operator obtain the complete anatomic and functional information for tumor diagnosis. The scintigraphic part of the detector is simulated by GEANT4 and first attempts to reconstruct tomographic images have been made using as method of reconstruction a back-projection standard algorithm. The proposed camera is based on slant collimators and LaBr3:Ce crystals. Within the Field of View (FOV) of the camera, it possible to distinguish point sources located in air at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. In particular conditions of uptake, tumor depth and dimension, the preliminary results show that the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) values obtained are higher than the standard detection limit.


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The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to test the weak equivalence principle for antimatter. We will measure the Earth ' s gravitational acceleration g with antihydrogen atoms being launched in a horizontal vacuum tube and traversing a moiré de fl ectometer. We intend to use a position sensitive device made of nuclear emulsions (combined with a time-of- fl ight detector such as silicon μ strips) to measure precisely their annihilation points at the end of the tube. The goal is to determine g with a 1% relative accuracy. In 2012 we tested emulsion fi lms in vacuum and at room temperature with low energy antiprotons from the CERN antiproton decelerator. First results on the expected performance for AEgIS are presented