969 resultados para correlational study


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Introducción: Ingresar a la UCI no es una experiencia exclusiva del paciente; implica e involucra directamente a la familia, en aspectos generadores de estrés, estrategias de afrontamiento, temores, actitudes y expectativas, la participación de la familia en el cuidado y el rol del psicólogo. Objetivo: Revisar de los antecedentes teóricos y empíricos sobre la experiencia de la familia en UCI. Metodología: Se revisaron 62 artículos indexados en bases de datos. Resultados: la UCI es algo desconocido tanto para el paciente como para la familia, por esto este entorno acentúa la aparición de síntomas ansiosos, depresivos y en algunos casos estrés post traumático. La muerte es uno de los principales temores que debe enfrentar la familia. Con el propósito de ajustarse a las demandas de la UCI, los familiares exhiben estrategias de afrontamiento enfocadas principalmente en la comunicación, el soporte espiritual y religioso y la toma de decisiones. El cuidado centrado en la familia permite una mejor comunicación, relación con el paciente y personal médico. El papel del psicólogo es poco explorado en el espacio de la UCI, pero este puede promover estrategias de prevención y de rehabilitación en el paciente y su grupo familiar. Discusión: es importante tener en cuenta que la muerte en UCI es una posibilidad, algunos síntomas como ansiedad, depresión pueden aparecer y mantenerse en el tiempo, centrar el cuidado en la familia permite tomar las decisiones basados en el diagnóstico y pronóstico y promueve expectativas realistas. Conclusiones: temores, expectativas, actitudes, estrategias de afrontamiento, factores generadores de estrés permiten explicar y comprender la experiencia de la familia del paciente en UCI.


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La presente investigación surge en el programa de Bienestar y Calidad de Vida suscrito a la Línea de Liderazgo en la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario, con el objetivo de describir si las subdimensiones de la calidad de la atención percibida guardan relación con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en los pacientes participantes en Estudios Clínicos en la Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud IDEARG SAS, considerando si los factores sociodemográficos se constituyen en mediadores de esta relación. Esta investigación plantea un estudio descriptivo correlacional, en el que a partir de la utilización de los cuestionarios PECASUSS, Percepción de la Calidad según Usuarios del Servicio de Salud, y SF36 de Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud, se lleve a cabo un procesamiento estadístico descriptivo en el software SPSS 21, y con ello se evidencie la correlación entre la calidad de atención percibida y la calidad de vida en salud. Para su desarrollo se abordaran cinco capítulos. El primero engloba el proyecto de trabajo de grado propuesto, el segundo capítulo refiere a la descripción de las subdimensiones que componen la Calidad de la Atención Percibida y de los índices y dominios que a la Calidad de Vida relacionada con la Salud atañen; en el tercer capítulo se evidencia la relación entre los datos sociodemográficos de los participantes y, por un lado, la Calidad de la Atención Percibida y, por otro lado, la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud; enseguida en el cuarto capítulo se describen las relaciones emergentes entre los dominios de la calidad de vida relacionados con la salud y las subdimensiones de la calidad de la atención en salud percibida; en un quinto capítulo se discuten las correlaciones que describen la existencia de relación entre la Calidad de la Atención Percibida y la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud; y finalmente se da cierre al trabajo con las conclusiones y recomendaciones.


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Esta investigación presenta un estudio correlacional, que involucra el desempeño organizacional y la integración de operadores logísticos en la cadena de suministro con el fin de analizar el impacto generado por la implementación de proveedores de servicios logísticos en el desempeño de las Pymes exportadoras.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es formular, mediante una profunda revisión documental, bibliográfica y empírica, una fundamentación teórica sobre si existe o no incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos sobre el bienestar laboral de los empleados, y el que grado en que esta se presenta sobre aspecto como el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. Se realizó la revisión de múltiples estudios empíricos que aportaran evidencia sobre la relación que se presenta entre las principales prácticas de recursos humanos – provisión de personal, formación y desarrollo, promoción de personal, evaluación de desempeño, compensación y pago, y balance trabajo-familia – y el bienestar laboral, representado en el engagement y satisfacción en el trabajo de los empleados. Los resultados de este trabajo indican la existencia de una relación e incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos, el bienestar laboral, el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. De igual forma se encontró que estas relaciones son principalmente de carácter positivo, lo cual indica que las organizaciones que desarrollan este tipo de prácticas en su interior, fomentan tanto el desarrollo y la presencia de bienestar laboral en sus empleados, como su perdurabilidad.


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Este estudo visa investigar a relação entre os Valores Sociais e os Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional. O objetivo para este estudo é procurar perceber a relação entre os valores sociais e o comportamento de cidadania organizacional. Em particular pretende-se testar a hipótese de que quanto mais elevados os valores de auto transcendência e de abertura à mudança, maior tendência para haver manifestação de comportamentos de cidadania organizacional em voluntários, assim como quanto mais valores de auto transcendência, maior a motivação para praticar voluntariado e, quanto maior a motivação, maior tendência para a manifestação de comportamentos de cidadania organizacional. Para testar estas hipóteses recorreu-se a um estudo correlacional, com uma amostra de 52 voluntários de várias associações, com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 58 anos de idade e de ambos os sexos, que responderam a 2 questionários: um para medir os valores sociais e outro para medir os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional e três questões sobre motivação para o voluntariado. Os resultados obtidos revelam correlação positiva entre a dimensão dos valores de Auto transcendência e todas as dimensões do Comportamento de Cidadania Organizacional, bem como a motivação ser um fator que influencia a manifestação de comportamentos de cidadania organizacional.


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Este é um estudo exploratório e correlacional, com um número inicial de 150 participantes, utilizando uma amostra de conveniência constituída por cinco clínicas médicas e cinco casas de medicina tradicional chinesa, em Lisboa, onde os indivíduos foram autorizados a responder voluntariamente a questionários. Apresenta uma taxa de resposta de 74% (N=111). A adesão à acupunctura é maior no sexo feminino e na faixa etária de 31 a 50 anos (40% homens e 48% mulheres). A procura de tratamento de problemas musculares e articulares e para problemas do foro psicológico são as mais descritas, apesar de ser referida como eficaz noutro tipo de queixas, e não ser o primeiro tipo de tratamento que a população procura. É reconhecido que os resultados podem ocorrer a médio e longo prazo, após várias sessões terapêuticas, o que não parece afetar a perceção da população em estudo que se diz satisfeita (53%) com uma muita boa e / ou boa relação benefício-custo. Em geral, a maioria da população (93%) confia na terapia pelo resultado bom ou muito bom (79%) ou razoável (16%) obtido, e deposita confiança (88%) nas competências do profissional de saúde que executa a acupunctura.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the relationship between lower body strength of community-dwelling older adults and the time to negotiate obstructed gait tasks.

DESIGN: A correlational study.

SETTING: The Biomechanics Laboratory, Deakin University, Australia.

PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-nine women and 16 men aged 62 to 88 were recruited using advertisements placed in local newspapers. The participants were independent community dwellers, healthy and functionally mobile.

MEASUREMENTS: Maximal isometric strength of the knee extensors and dynamic strength of the hip extensors, hip flexors, hip adductors, hip abductors, knee extensors, knee flexors, and ankle plantar flexors were assessed. The times to negotiate four obstructed gait tasks at three progressively challenging levels on an obstacle course and to complete the course were recorded. The relationship between strength and the crossing times was explored using linear regression models.

RESULTS: Significant associations between the seven strength measures and the times to negotiate each gait task and to walk the entire course at each level were obtained (r = -0.38 to -0.55; P < .05). In addition, the percentage of the variance explained by strength (R2), consistently increased as a function of the progressively challenging level. This increase was particularly marked for the stepping over task (R2 = 19.3%,25.0%, and 27.2%, for levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively) and the raised surface condition (R2 = 17.1%,21.1%, and 30.8%, for levels 1,2, and 3, respectively) .

The findings of the study showed that strength is a critical requirement for obstructed locomotion. That the magnitude of the association increased as a function of the challenging levels suggests that intervention programs aimed at improving strength would potentially be effective in helping community-dwelling older adults negotiate environmental gait challenges.


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Triage is the formal nursing assessment of all patients who present to an Emergency Department (ED). The National Triage Scale (NTS) is used in most Australian EDs. Triage decision making involves the allocation of every patient presenting to an ED to one of the five NTS categories. The NTS directly relates a triage category to illness or injury severity and need for emergency care. Triage nurses’ decisions not only have the potential to impact on the health outcomes of ED patients, they are also used, in part, to evaluate ED performance and allocate components of ED funding. This study was a correlational study that used survey methods. Triage decisions were classified as ‘expected triage’, ‘overtriage’ or ‘undertriage’ decisions. Participant’s qualifications were allocated to five categories: ‘nil’; ‘emergency nursing’; ‘critical care nursing’; ‘midwifery’; and ‘tertiary’ qualifications. There was no correlation between triage decisions and length of experience in emergency nursing or triage. ‘Expected triage’ decisions were more common when the predicted triage category was Category 3 (P< 0.001) and ‘overtriage’ decisions were less common when the predicted triage category was Category 2 (P< 0.0010). The frequency of ‘undertriage’ decisions decreased significantly when the predicted triage category was Category 3 (P< 0.001) or Category 4 (P< 0.001). There was no correlation between triage decisions and qualifications in the ‘nil’, ‘emergency nursing’ or ‘critical care nursing’ categories. A midwifery qualification demonstrated a positive correlation with ‘expected triage’ decisions (P = 0.048) and a negative correlation with ‘undertriage’ decisions (P = 0.012). There was also a positive correlation between a tertiary qualification and ‘expected triage’ decisions (P = 0.012).


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Nestling birds solicit food from their parents with vigorous begging displays, involving posturing, jostling and calling. In some species, such as canaries, begging is especially costly because it causes a trade off against nestling growth. Fitness costs of begging like this are predicted by evolutionary theory because they function to resolve conflicts of interest within the family over the provision of parental investment. However, the mechanism that links these costs with nestling behaviour remains unclear. In the present study, we determine if the relationships between nestling androgen levels, nestling begging intensities and nestling growth rates are consistent with the hypothesis that testosterone is responsible for the trade-off between begging and growth. We test this idea with a correlational study, using fecal androgens as a non-invasive method for assaying nestling androgen levels. Our results show that fecal androgen levels are positively correlated with nestling begging intensity, and reveal marked family differences in each trait. Furthermore, changes in fecal androgen levels between 5 and 8 days after hatching are positively associated with changes in nestling begging intensity, and negatively associated with nestling growth during this time. Although these correlational results support our predictions, we suggest that that experimental manipulations are now required to test the direct or indirect role of testosterone in mediating the trade-off between begging and growth.


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Aims. This study sought to measure the rates and trajectory of depression over six months following admission for an acute cardiac event and describe the relationship between depression and life satisfaction.
Background. Co-morbid depression has an impact on cardiac mortality and is associated with the significant impairment of quality of life and well-being, impairments in psychosocial function, decreased medication adherence and increased morbidity.
Design. This was a descriptive, correlational study.
Method. The study was undertaken at a large public hospital in Melbourne. Participants were asked to complete a survey containing the cardiac depression scale (CDS) and the Personal Well-being Index.
Results. This study mapped the course of depression over six months of a cohort of patients admitted for an acute cardiac event. Significant levels of depressive symptoms were found, at a level consistent with the literature. A significant correlation between depressive symptoms as measured by the CDS and the Personal Well-being Index was found.
Conclusions. Depression remains a significant problem following admission for an acute coronary event. The Personal Wellbeing Index may be a simple, effective and non-confrontational initial screening tool for those at risk of depressive symptoms in this population. Relevance to clinical practice. Despite the known impact of depression on coronary heart disease (CHD), there is limited research describing its trajectory. This study makes a compelling case for the systematic screening for depression in patients with CHD and the importance of the nursing role in identifying at risk individuals.


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This study was undertaken to assess the correlation between a self-administered, adapted Six Minute Walk Test (the Home-Heart-Walk) and the standard Six Minute Walk Test based on the American Thoracic Society guideline. A correlational study was conducted at a university campus in Sydney, Australia. Thirteen healthy volunteers underwent the Home-Heart-Walk and the standard Six Minute Walk Test on a single occasion. The distance that participants walked during the two tests was assessed using Pearson's correlation. The correlation between the Home-Heart-Walk and the Six Minute Walk Test distance was 0.81. The Home-Heart-Walk distance was highly correlated to the standard Six Minute Walk Test distance in this study. This relationship provides confidence for further research in populations to facilitate monitoring and evaluation.


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The present study seeks to describe the features and peculiarities of the relationship between organizational culture and the quality of tourism services, specifically in the restaurant sector, attempting to contribute toward maintaining the tourism sector of the city of Natal/RN. Thus, a descriptive and correlational study, with qualitative and quantitative approaches, of thirty-seven restaurants that are located in areas that compose the tourism corridor of Natal was undertaken. To collect the quantitative dada, the Organizational Culture Evaluation instrument of Cameron and Quinn (2006) was applied and the SERVPERF instrument of Cronin and Taylor (1992) was used to measure the quality of the services. The results suggest that the Clan and Innovation Cultures are associated with better levels of quality of services than those of the Market and Hierarchy Cultures. The relationships that were identified in this study are consistent with results found in other studies and the information reported here can serve as a basis for managers of the restaurant sector to reach excellence in their services, satisfying their customers and contributing to maintaining the tourism sector


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In recent debates about the issues of quality, the theme organizational culture and Six Sigma has appeared ever more frequently. In this context several authors suggest that the adoption of Six Sigma practices is influenced by culture. This work focuses on the relationship of organizational culture and quality to the practices of Six Sigma quality. Thus a descriptive-exploratory and correlational study of forty pharmacies of manipulation from Rio Grande do Norte was undertaken. Data collection identified features of companies and the level of use of the practices of Six Sigma quality that have been identified in the literature. For the Organizational Culture evaluation was used the Competitive Value Model (Cameron & Quinn, 1996), tested on north-American organizations and considered a high value academic and professional instrument. This model has been involved with the taximetrics created by Cameron who classifies quality culture in four levels. The results suggest that the Group and Developmental cultures are associated with higher levels of use of the practices of Six Sigma quality than the Rational and Hierarchical Cultures. Regarding the levels of the culture s quality, the highest levels were most frequently cited in Errors Prevention and Perpetual Improvement and Creativity, being the last one more positively related to the Six Sigma indicators


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Social support is an important factor throughout one s life, especially in times of crisis. Premature delivery can be considered a crisis, followed by neonatal hospitalization. This type of birth is associated with elevated anxiety, representing risks to maternal mental health and mother-infant relationship. This research aims to investigate whether a relationship exists between perceived social support and the expression of anxiety in mothers of premature, hospitalized newborns. This is a cross-sectional, correlational study, conducted during the period of April to October 2011, using a convenience sample. The sample consisted of seventy mothers with preterm, hospitalized newborns and seventy mothers of full-term newborns. The instruments used were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Social Support Scale. The results demonstrated a weak negative relationship between intensity-State Anxiety and emotional support as well as a negative relationship in intensity between low to moderate-Trait Anxiety, social support and its dimensions (material support, emotional, information, interaction positive social and emotional). These suggest that the better the perception of social support, the less severe anxiogenic symptoms will be, and the converse is also true. It is noteworthy, therefore, the importance of social support, as well as the importance of health professionals to be aware not only of the physical health of the newborn, but also the psychosocial aspects that pervade the context of preterm birth followed by hospitalization


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Objectives: To examine the independent and combined association of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) on both systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in adolescents from two observational studies. Methods: Participants from two cross-sectional studies, one conducted in Europe (n = 3,308; HELENA study) and the other in Brazil (n = 991; BRACAH study), were selected by complex sampling. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (outcomes), PA and SB, both independently and combined, and potential confounders were analyzed. Associations were examined by multilevel linear regression. Results: Performing the recommended amount of PA (≥60 min/d) attenuated the effect of SB on DBP in BRACAH study girls and in boys from both studies. In contrast, PA did not attenuate the effects of SB on the SBP of girls in the HELENA study. The combination of less than recommended levels of PA with 2-4 h/d of sedentary behavior was found to be associated with increased SBP in boys from both studies. Conclusions: Meeting current PA recommendations could mediate the association between SB and DBP in both sexes. In boys, the joint effect of low levels of PA and excessive sedentary activity increases SBP levels. Longitudinal studies are required to confirm these findings. © 2013 de Moraes et al.