968 resultados para correlation studies


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Com o objetivo de obter uma equação que, através de parâmetros lineares dimensionais das folhas, permita a estimativa da área foliar de Typha latifolia, estudaram-se relações entre a área foliar real (Sf) e parâmetros dimensionais do limbo foliar, como o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C) e a largura máxima (L), perpendicular à nervura principal. As equações lineares simples, exponenciais e geométricas obtidas podem ser usadas para estimação da área foliar da taboa. do ponto de vista prático, sugere-se optar pela equação linear simples que envolve o produto C x L, usando-se a equação de regressão Sf = 0,9651 x (C x L), que equivale a tomar 96,51% do produto entre o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal e a largura máxima, com um coeficiente de determinação de 0,9411.


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Com o objetivo de obter uma equação que, através de parâmetros lineares dimensionais das folhas, permita a estimativa da área foliar de Tridax procumbens, estudaram-se relações entre a área foliar real (Sf) e os parâmetros dimensionais do limbo foliar, como o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C) e a largura máxima (L), perpendicular à nervura principal. As equações lineares simples, exponenciais e geométricas obtidas podem ser usadas para estimação da área foliar da erva-de-touro. do ponto de vista prático, sugere-se optar pela equação linear simples envolvendo o produto C x L, usando-se a equação de regressão Sf = 0,6008 x (C x L), que equivale a tomar 60,08% do produto entre o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal e a largura máxima, com um coeficiente de determinação de 0,8731.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo obter uma equação, por meio de medidas lineares dimensionais das folhas, que permitisse a estimativa da área foliar de Momordica charantia e Pyrostegia venusta. Entre maio e dezembro de 2007, foram estudadas as correlações entre a área folia real (Sf) e as medidas dimensionais do limbo foliar, como o comprimento ao longo da nervura principal (C) e a largura máxima (L) perpendicular à nervura principal. Todas as equações, exponenciais geométricas ou lineares simples, permitiram boas estimativas da área foliar. do ponto de vista prático, sugere-se optar pela equação linear simples envolvendo o produto C x L, considerando-se o coeficiente linear igual a zero. Desse modo, a estimativa da área foliar de Momordica charantia pode ser feita pela fórmula Sf = 0,4963 x (C x L), e a de Pyrostegia venusta, por Sf = 0,6649 x (C x L).


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Although numerous studies have reported the production of skeletal muscle alpha -tropomyosin in E. coli, the protein needs to be modified at the amino terminus in order to be active. Without these modifications the protein does not bind to actin, does not exhibit head-to-tail polymerization, and does not inhibit the actomyosin Mg2+-ATPase in the absence of troponin. on the other hand, the protein produced in insect cells using baculovirus as an expression vector (Urbancikova, M., and Hitchcock-DeGregori, S. E., J. Biol. Chem., 269, 24310-24315, 1994) is only partially acetylated at its amino terminal and therefore is not totally functional. In an attempt to produce an unmodified functional recombinant muscle alpha -tropomyosin for structure-function correlation studies we have expressed the chicken skeletal alpha -tropomyosin cDNA in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Recombinant protein was produced at a high level (20 mg/L) and was similar to the wild type muscle protein in its ability to polymerize, to bind to actin and to regulate the actomyosin S1 Mg2+-ATPase. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Embora haja homogeneidade nas características morfológicas na classe dos Latossolos, existe grande diversidade química na subsuperfície. Trabalhos indicam que a produção agrícola apresenta correlação significativa com atributos químicos de subsuperfície, que são mais estáveis que na camada arável, sujeita a alterações decorrentes da exploração agrícola. Pelo exposto, o presente estudo avaliou os efeitos dos atributos químicos de subsuperfície de Latossolos da região Centro-Sul do Brasil na produtividade agrícola dos três primeiros cortes de clones de cana-de-açúcar e da variedade RB72454. Utilizaram-se os dados de produtividade agrícola correspondentes ao período de 1993 a 1998. Os solos foram caracterizados sob o ponto de vista granulométrico e químico na profundidade entre 0,8 e 1,0 m e foram feitos estudos de correlação entre tais atributos e as médias de produtividade agrícola diária durante o ciclo dos clones de cada ensaio e da variedade RB72454 e análise de regressão múltipla, com as variáveis selecionadas pelo procedimento stepwise em função do R². As características químicas de subsuperfície dos Latossolos influenciaram na produtividade agrícola da cana-de-açúcar, principalmente no 3º corte. Para as médias dos clones, o modelo de produtividade do 3º corte em função de saturação por bases e fósforo, mostra R² = 0,31, ou seja, que 31% da variação de TCH dia-1 pode ser explicada por esses dois atributos. No caso da variedade RB72454, essa mesma variação no 3º corte é explicada em 47% pelos atributos soma de bases e teores de cálcio e matéria orgânica. As variações de produtividade de 1º e 2º cortes foram melhor explicadas pelo pHágua.


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Doença de Jorge Lobo (DJL) ou lacaziose é infecção crônica granulomatosa da pele e tecido subcutâneo causada pelo fungo Lacazia loboi. As lesões cutâneas em geral são polimorfas, sendo mais comum o tipo nodular de aspecto queloidiano envolvendo principalmente pavilhão auricular e membros. O exame histopatológico constitui o padrão ouro para o diagnóstico. São escassos os estudos sobre correlação clinicopatológica nesta doença. O presente trabalho apresenta como objetivo estudar casos diagnosticados como DJL pelo laboratório de dermatopatologia do Serviço de Dermatologia da Universidade Federal do Pará, no período de 1967 a 2009. Foi realizada a revisão dos prontuários médicos e estudadas as características demográficas, histológicas, clínicas e localização das lesões. 59 biópsias de 45 pacientes foram avaliadas. A amostra foi composta de 37 homens e oito mulheres, com média de idade de 50 anos. A maioria dos pacientes era lavrador (55%), dos quais 93% eram do sexo masculino. O aspecto queloidiano correspondeu a 59% das lesões. Com menor freqüência foram observadas lesões verruciformes (8%), placa (3%), gomosa (1%) e lesão macular hipercrômica (1%). A maioria das lesões estava localizada nos membros inferiores (56%). Histopatologicamente, a camada córnea encontrava-se hiperceratósica em 71% das biópsias, com paraceratose em 37% e ortoceratose em 50%. A eliminação transepidérmica (ETE) do parasitas foi observada em 36% dos casos e nestes, a hiperceratose estava presente em 95% (p = 0,0121) e a paraceratose em 90% (p< 0,0001). A epiderme apresentava aspecto hiperplásico em 58%, atrófica em 29%, normal em 12% e ulcerada em 8%. Nos casos em que houve ETE a epiderme apresentava-se hiperplásica em 86% (p = 0,0054). Observou-se presença de parasitas na epiderme em 30%, das quais 89% apresentavam ETE associada (p< 0,0001). Não houve relação estatisticamente significante entre a ocorrência de ETE e o aspecto clínico da lesão (p = 0,4231). Linfócitos, macrófagos e células gigantes do tipo corpo estranho foram as células predominantes do infiltrado (100% dos casos). Plasmócitos foram observados em 35%, neutrófilos em 15% e eosinófilos em 11% dos casos. Houve relação estatisticamente significante entre a ocorrência de ETE e presença de neutrófilos no infiltrado (p = 0,0016). Em 10% esteve presente reação exsudativa e 11% áreas de necrose isoladas. Células gigantes do tipo Langhans foram observadas em 59% das biópsias, corpos asteróides em 5%, células pseudo-Gaucher em 69% e fibrose em 96%. O infiltrado se estendia à derme reticular em todos os casos e para a derme profunda em 88% (52/59). Em 10% (6/59) dos casos houve disseminação do infiltrado para a gordura subcutânea, com encontro do parasita em um caso. Quanto à distribuição por idade, sexo e profissão dos pacientes, os dados foram superponíveis aos da literatura. A análise dos resultados, portanto, permitiu avaliar o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e histopatológico da doença, que diferiram, em alguns aspectos, dos achados classicamente descritos na literatura, especialmente em relação às características da epiderme, infiltrado inflamatório e localização das lesões.


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Leaf area estimate may contribute to understand the relationships of interference among weeds and crops. The objective of this research was to obtain a mathematical equation to estimate the leaf area of Euphorbia heterophylla based on linear measures of the leaf blade. Correlation studies were carried out using the real leaf area and leaf length (C) and the maximum leaf width (L) of 200 leaf blades which were collected from several agroecosystems at Universidade Estadual Paulista in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The evaluated statistic models were: linear Y = a + bx; simple linear Y = bx; geometric Y = ax b; and exponential Y = ab x. All of the evaluated models can be used for E. heterophylla leaf area estimation. The simple linear regression model is suggested using C*L and taking the linear coefficient equal to zero. Thus, an estimate of the leaf area of E. heterophylla can be obtained using the equation Af' = 0.6816*(C*L).


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The objective of this study was to obtain a mathematical equation to estimate the leaf area of Panicum maximum using linear measures of leaf blade. Correlation studies were conducted involving the real leaf area (Sf), the main vein leaf length (C), and the maximum leaf width (L). The linear and geometric equations related to C provided good leaf area estimates. For practical reasons, the use of an equation involving only the C*L product is suggested. Thus, an estimate of P. maximum leaf area can be obtained by the equation Sf = 0.6058 (C*L), with the coefficient of determination R = 0.8586.


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The purpose of this study was to determine a shape factor to estimate area of leaflets of two peanut cultivars (IAC TATU ST, IAC RUNNER 886). Correlation studies were conducted involving real leaf area (Sf) and leaf length (C), maximum leaf width (L) and the product between C and L. For each cultivar was determined a form factor (f) by means of regression analysis between the product of the length by the width and the actual area of leaves and the correlation between leaf area estimated by the correction factor and direct measurement. All evaluated models (linear, exponential or geometric) provided good estimates of leaf area (above 87%). Linear models had the best fit, passing or not through the origin. From a practical viewpoint, it is suggested to use the linear model involving the C and L product, using a linear coefficient equal to zero, with values of factor f equal to 0.7111 and 0.7266 for IAC RUNNER 886 and IAC TATU ST, respectively. The method of dimensions is feasible for the estimation of leaf area for both peanut cultivars, for showing good r(2) values (0.97), with errors below 3%, even when used with independent data.


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Background: High grade serous carcinoma whether ovarian, tubal or primary peritoneal, continues to be the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the USA. Although combination chemotherapy and aggressive surgical resection has improved survival in the past decade the majority of patients still succumb to chemo-resistant disease recurrence. It has recently been reported that amplification of 5q31-5q35.3 is associated with poor prognosis in patients with high grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Although the amplicon contains over 50 genes, it is notable for the presence of several members of the fibroblast growth factor signaling axis. In particular acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF1) has been demonstrated to be one of the driving genes in mediating the observed prognostic effect of the amplicon in ovarian cancer patients. This study seeks to further validate the prognostic value of fibroblast growth receptor 4 (FGFR4), another candidate gene of the FGF/FGFR axis located in the same amplicon. The emphasis will be delineating the role the FGF1/FGFR4 signaling axis plays in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma; and test the feasibility of targeting the FGF1/FGFR4 axis therapeutically. Materials and Methods: Spearman and Pearson correlation studies on data generated from array CGH and transcriptome profiling analyses on 51 microdissected tumor samples were used to identify genes located on chromosome 5q31-35.3 that showed significant correlation between DNA and mRNA copy numbers. Significant correlation between FGF1 and FGFR4 DNA copy numbers was further validated by qPCR analysis on DNA isolated from 51 microdissected tumor samples. Immunolocalization and quantification of FGFR4 expression were performed on paraffin embedded tissue samples from 183 cases of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. The expression was then correlated with clinical data to assess impact on survival. The expression of FGF1 and FGFR4 in vitro was quantified by real-time PCR and western blotting in six high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma cell lines and compared to those in human ovarian surface epithelial cells to identify overexpression. The effect of FGF1 on these cell lines after serum starvation was quantified for in vitro cellular proliferation, migration/invasion, chemoresistance and survival utilizing a combination of commercially available colorimetric, fluorometric and electrical impedance assays. FGFR4 expression was then transiently silenced via siRNA transfection and the effects on response to FGF1, cellular proliferation, and migration were quantified. To identify relevant cellular pathways involved, responsive cell lines were transduced with different transcription response elements using the Cignal-Lenti reporter system and treated with FGF1 with and without transient FGFR4 knock down. This was followed by western blot confirmation for the relevant phosphoproteins. Anti-FGF1 antibodies and FGFR trap proteins were used to attempt inhibition of FGF mediated phenotypic changes and relevant signaling in vitro. Orthotopic intraperitoneal tumors were established in nude mice using serous cell lines that have been previously transfected with luciferase expressing constructs. The mice were then treated with FGFR trap protein. Tumor progression was then followed via bioluminescent imaging. The FGFR4 gene from 52 clinical samples was sequenced to screen for mutations. Results: FGFR4 DNA and mRNA copy numbers were significantly correlated and FGFR4 DNA copy number was significantly correlated with that of FGF1. Survival of patients with high FGFR4 expressing tumors was significantly shorter that those with low expression(median survival 28 vs 55 month p< 0.001) In a multivariate cox regression model FGFR expression significantly increased risk of death (HR 2.1, p<0.001). FGFR4 expression was significantly higher in all cell lines tested compared to HOSE, OVCA432 cell line in particular had very high expression suggesting amplification. FGF1 was also particularly overexpressed in OVCA432. FGF1 significantly increased cell survival after serum deprivation in all cell lines. Transient knock down of FGFR4 caused significant reduction in cell migration and proliferation in vitro and significantly decreased the proliferative effects of FGF1 in vitro. FGFR1, FGFR4 traps and anti-FGF1 antibodies did not show activity in vitro. OVCA432 transfected with the cignal lenti reporter system revealed significant activation of MAPK, NFkB and WNT pathways, western blotting confirmed the results. Reverse phase protein array (RPPA) analysis also showed activation of MAPK, AKT, WNT pathways and down regulation of E Cadherin. FGFR trap protein significantly reduced tumor growth in vivo in an orthotopic mouse model. Conclusions: Overexpression and amplification of several members of the FGF signaling axis present on the amplicon 5q31-35.3 is a negative prognostic indicator in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma and may drive poor survival associated with that amplicon. Activation of The FGF signaling pathway leads to downstream activation of MAPK, AKT, WNT and NFkB pathways leading to a more aggressive cancer phenotype with increased tumor growth, evasion of apoptosis and increased migration and invasion. Inhibition of FGF pathway in vivo via FGFR trap protein leads to significantly decreased tumor growth in an orthotopic mouse model.


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Structure-function analysis of human Integrator subunit 4 Anupama Sataluri Advisor: Eric. J. Wagner, Ph.D. Uridine-rich small nuclear RNAs (U snRNA) are RNA Polymerase-II (RNAPII) transcripts that are ubiquitously expressed and are known to be essential for gene expression. snRNAs play a key role in mRNA splicing and in histone mRNA expression. Inaccurate snRNA biosynthesis can lead to diseases related to defective splicing and histone mRNA expression. Although the 3′ end formation mechanism and processing machinery of other RNAPII transcripts such as mRNA has been well studied, the mechanism of snRNA 3′ end processing has remained a mystery until the recent discovery of the machinery that mediates this process. In 2005, a complex of 14 subunits (the Integrator complex) associated with RNA Polymerase-II was discovered. The 14subunits were annotated Integrator 1-14 based on their size. The subunits of this complex together were found to facilitate 3′ end processing of snRNA. Identification of the Integrator complex propelled research in the direction of understanding the events of snRNA 3’end processing. Recent studies from our lab confirmed that Integrator subunit (IntS) 9 and 11 together perform the endonucleolytic cleavage of the nascent snRNA 3′ end to generate mature snRNA. However, the role of other members of the Integrator complex remains elusive. Current research in our lab is focused on deciphering the role of each subunit within the Integrator complex This work specifically focuses on elucidating the role of human Integrator subunit 4 (IntS4) and understanding how it facilitates the overall function of the complex. IntS4 has structural similarity with a protein called “Symplekin”, which is part of the mRNA 3’end processing machinery. Symplekin has been thoroughly researched in recent years and structure-function correlation studies in the context of mRNA 3’end processing have reported a scaffold function for Symplekin due to the presence of HEAT repeat motifs in its N-terminus. Based upon the structural similarity between IntS4 and Symplekin, we hypothesized that Integrator subunit 4 may be behaving as a Symplekin-like scaffold molecule that facilitates the interaction between other members of the Integrator Complex. To answer this question, the two important goals of this study were to: 1) identify the region of IntS4, which is important for snRNA 3′ end processing and 2) determine binding partners of IntS4 which promote its function as a scaffold. IntS4 structurally consists of a highly conserved N-terminus with 8 HEAT repeats, followed by a nonconserved C- terminus. A series of siRNA resistant N and C-terminus deletion constructs as well as specific point mutants within its N-terminal HEAT repeats were generated for human IntS4 and, utilizing a snRNA transcriptional readthrough GFP-reporter assay, we tested their ability to rescue misprocessing. This assay revealed a possible scaffold like property of IntS4. To probe IntS4 for interaction partners, we performed co-immunoprecipitation on nuclear extracts of IntS4 expressing stable cell lines and identified IntS3 and IntS5 among other Integrator subunits to be binding partners which facilitate the scaffold like function of hIntS4. These findings have established a critical role for IntS4 in snRNA 3′ end processing, identified that both its N and C termini are essential for its function, and mapped putative interaction domains with other Integrator subunits.


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The study of the effectiveness of the cognitive rehabilitation processes and the identification of cognitive profiles, in order to define comparable populations, is a controversial area, but concurrently it is strongly needed in order to improve therapies. There is limited evidence about cognitive rehabilitation efficacy. Many of the trials conclude that in spite of an apparent clinical good response, differences do not show statistical significance. The common feature in all these trials is heterogeneity among populations. In this situation, observational studies on very well controlled cohort of studies, together with innovative methods in knowledge extraction, could provide methodological insights for the design of more accurate comparative trials. Some correlation studies between neuropsychological tests and patients capacities have been carried out -1---2- and also correlation between tests and morphological changes in the brain -3-. The procedures efficacy depends on three main factors: the affectation profile, the scheduled tasks and the execution results. The relationship between them makes up the cognitive rehabilitation as a discipline, but its structure is not properly defined. In this work we present a clustering method used in Neuro Personal Trainer (NPT) to group patients into cognitive profiles using data mining techniques. The system uses these clusters to personalize treatments, using the patients assigned cluster to select which tasks are more suitable for its concrete needs, by comparing the results obtained in the past by patients with the same profile.


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Devido à crescente implementação do Controle Preditivo baseado em Modelo (MPC) em outros processos além de refino e plantas petroquímicas, que geralmente possuem múltiplas entradas e saídas, tem-se um aumento na demanda de modelos gerados por identificação de sistemas. Identificar modelos que representem fielmente a dinâmica do processo depende em grande medida das características dos sinais de excitação dos processos. Assim, o foco deste trabalho é realizar um estudo dos sinais típicos usados em identificação de sistemas, PRBS e GBN, em uma abordagem multivariável. O estudo feito neste trabalho parte das características da geração dos sinais individualmente, depois é feita uma análise de correlação cruzada dos sinais de entrada, observando a influência desta sobre os resultados de identificação. Evitar uma alta correlação entre os sinais de entrada permite determinar o efeito de cada entrada sobre a saída no processo de identificação. Um ponto importante no projeto de sinais de identificação de sistemas multivariáveis é a frequência dos mesmos para conseguir excitar os processos nas regiões de frequência de operação normal e assim extrair a maior informação dinâmica possível do processo. As características estudadas são avaliadas por meio de testes em três plantas simuladas diferentes, categorizadas como mal, medianamente e bem condicionadas. Estas implementações foram feitas usando sinais GBN e PRBS de diferentes frequências. Expressões para a caracterização dos sinais de excitação foram avaliadas identificando os processos em malha aberta e malha fechada. Para as plantas mal condicionadas foram implementados sinais compostos por uma parte completamente correlacionada e uma parte não-correlacionada, conhecido como método de dois passos. Finalmente são realizados experimentos de identificação em uma aplicação em tempo real de uma planta piloto de neutralização de pH. Os testes realizados na planta foram feitos visando avaliar os estudos de frequência e correlação em uma aplicaficção real. Os resultados mostram que a condição de sinais completamente descorrelacionados n~ao deve ser cumprida para ter bons resultados nos modelos identificados. Isto permite ter mais exibilidade na geração do conjunto de sinais de excitação.


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Tese de mestrado, Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016


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Context. The gamma-ray binary LS I +61º303 is a well-established source from centimeter radio up to very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV). The broadband emission shows a periodicity of ∼26.5 days, coincident with the orbital period. A longer (super-orbital) period of 1667 ± 8 days was proposed from radio variability and confirmed using optical and high-energy (HE; E ¿ 100 MeV) gamma-ray observations. In this paper, we report on a four-year campaign performed by MAGIC together with archival data concentrating on a search for a long-timescale signature in the VHE emission from LS I +61º303. Aims. We focus on the search for super-orbital modulation of the VHE emission, similar to that observed at other energies, and on the search for correlations between TeV emission and an optical determination of the extension of the circumstellar disk. Methods. A four-year campaign has been carried out using the MAGIC telescopes. The source was observed during the orbital phases when the periodic VHE outbursts have occurred (φ = 0.55 – 0.75, one orbit = 26.496 days). Additionally, we included archival MAGIC observations and data published by the VERITAS collaboration in these studies. For the correlation studies, LS I +61◦303 has also been observed during the orbital phases where sporadic VHE emission had been detected in the past (φ = 0.75 – 1.0). These MAGIC observations were simultaneous with optical spectroscopy from the LIVERPOOL telescope. Results. The TeV flux of the periodical outburst in orbital phases φ = 0.5 – 0.75 was found to show yearly variability consistent with the long-term modulation of ∼4.5 years found in the radio band. This modulation of the TeV flux can be well described by a sine function with a best-fit period of 1610±58 days. The complete data, including archival observations, span two super-orbital periods. There is no evidence for a correlation between the TeV emission and the mass-loss rate of the Be star, but this may be affected by the strong, short-timescale (as short as intra-day) variation displayed by the Hα fluxes.