995 resultados para corpus multilingüe
Esta comunicação, baseando-se num extenso corpus oral que está a ser recolhido, procurará refletir de que modo a língua realizada oralmente nos permite perceber o que realmente são e como funcionam as línguas para além da dimensão formalizada da escrita. Pretende-se demonstrar que é a linguagem em uso que melhor evidencia muitos aspetos impossíveis de perceber por uma designada do sistema. Assim, procurar-se-á verificar até que ponto a verdadeira realização linguística da oralidade respeita a noção de frase e de norma, bem assim como especificamente realiza várias dimensões lexicais e pragmáticas.
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir metodologicamente para a pesquisa no estudo das relações culturais na península ibérica, a partir do recurso a corpus elaborados com base na imprensa diária, o que denominamos corpus mediático. Ao longo das páginas seguintes, exporemos (i) em que medida entendemos o estudo primário da imprensa periódica da maior relevância investigadora para a análise das relações entre dois ou mais sistemas culturais e, do mesmo modo, (ii) como a elaboração de corpus deste género pode ser útil e fiável para a análise da(s) natureza(s) das relações objeto de estudo, principalmente através de técnicas de cômputo quantitativo.
El videoclip, al unir imagen y música, se presenta como un producto audiovisual de éxito, capaz de movilizar cuerpos, miradas, gestos en una gozosa y prolífica fruición. El encuentro del videoclip y del cuerpo en esta investigación, además de marcar las influencias mutuas de ambos “cuerpos”, se interesa por la potencia del medio “clíptico” en la producción de nuevas corporeidades y de nuevas narrativas
Mitjançant el mètode de treball terminològic proposat per la Teoria Comunicativa de la Terminologia (TCT) es realitza una anàlisi d'un corpus bilingüe ad hoc sobre Cultura de Pau per establir el mapa de la xarxa conceptual del terme "pau" i les seves col·locacions en castellà i anglès. Aquestes s'obtenen mitjançant un sistema d'extracció de terminologia. Aquest treball pretén ser una primera aproximació a la terminologia de la Cultura de Pau. L'estudi es realitza des d'un punt de vista interdisciplinari tenint en compte les aportacions teòriques procedents de la TCT, la lingüística de corpus i les xarxes conceptuals
Aquest treball analitza, mitjançant un petit corpus de textos mèdics especialitzats publicats en llengua espanyola d'Espanya (13.470 paraules) i llengua russa (12.318 paraules), els usos i freqüències dels tipus oracionals i dels girs de participi i gerundi en el llenguatge científic. L'objectiu del treball és descriure aquests aspectes sintàctics de la prosa científica original en aquestes dues llengües per tal de conèixer i evitar els calcs sintàctics en la traducció dels textos mèdics. Una sintaxi sense calcs ajuda a adequar el text meta a les expectatives del lector, en aquest cas l'especialista mèdic
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) In 1953 the first fascicle of the first volume of the Corpus Christianorum was published. Now, fifty years later, this series has established itself as one of the great scientific enterprises in the field of patristic and medieval studies. We offer this birthday-present to ourselves, our old and new collaborators and our friends as a celebration of what has been achieved, as a survey of where we currently stand and as an insight into our future. The book opens with an essay on fifty years of the Corpus Christianorum. It tells the story of how the enterprise started as an ambitious yet limited project and how it developed into what it is today: a conglomerate of many different research projects located in different places all over the world. The second part presents a florilegium of patristic and medieval texts, all of which have been edited in the series, some only recently, others long ago. The selection has been made by a group of scholars representing the variety of interests reflected in the subseries of the Corpus Christianorum. At the end of the volume an Onomasticon has been added. It gives a complete survey of all the text-editions published to date. This "mini-clavis" will make it easier to find one's way in the library of the Corpus Christianorum.
Este artículo describe una metodología de construcción de WordNets que se basa en la traducción automática de un corpus en inglés desambiguado por sentidos. El corpus que utilizamos está formado por las propias glosas de WN 3.0 etiquetadas semánticamente y por el corpus Semcor. Los resultados de precisión son comparables a los obtenidos mediante métodos basados en diccionarios bilingües para las mismas lenguas. La metodología descrita se está utilizando, en combinación con otras estrategias, en la creación de los WordNets 3.0 del español y catalán.
Vax1 and Vax2 have been implicated in eye development and the closure of the choroid fissure in mice and zebrafish. We sequenced the coding exons of VAX1 and VAX2 in 70 patients with anophthalmia/microphthalmia. In VAX1, we observed homozygosity for two successive nucleotide substitutions c.453G>A and c.454C>A, predicting p.Arg152Ser, in a proband of Egyptian origin with microphthalmia, small optic nerves, cleft lip/palate and corpus callosum agenesis. This mutation affects an invariant residue in the homeodomain of VAX1 and was absent from 96 Egyptian controls. It is likely that the mutation results in a loss of function, as the mutation results in a phenotype similar to the Vax1 homozygous null mouse. We did not identify any mutations in VAX2. This is the first description of a phenotype associated with a VAX1 mutation in humans and establishes VAX1 as a new causative gene for anophthalmia/microphthalmia. ©2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Estudi de la neologia semàntica verbal en català a partir d'un corpus de dades format per neologismes semàntics verbals apareguts en la premsa escrita en català durant els anys 2010 i 2011. Relació entre la neologia semàntica i la metàfora com a recurs cognitiu.
During the postnatal development of cat visual cortex and corpus callosum the molecular composition of tau proteins varied with age. In both structures, they changed between postnatal days 19 and 39 from a set of two juvenile forms to a set of at least two adult variants with higher molecular weights. During the first postnatal week, tau proteins were detectable with TAU-1 antibody in axons of corpus callosum and visual cortex, and in some perikarya and dendrites in the visual cortex. At later ages, tau proteins were located exclusively within axons in all cortical layers and in the corpus callosum. Dephosphorylation of postnatal day 11 cortical tissue by alkaline phosphatase strongly increased tau protein immunoreactivity on Western blots and in numerous perikarya and dendrites in all cortical layers, in sections, suggesting that some tau forms had been unmasked. During postnatal development the intensity of this phosphate-dependent somatodendritic staining decreased, but remained in a few neurons in cortical layers II and III. On blots, the immunoreactivity of adult tau to TAU-1 was only marginally increased by dephosphorylation. Other tau antibodies (TAU-2, B19 and BR133) recognized two juvenile and two adult cat tau proteins on blots, and localized tau in axons or perikarya and dendrites in tissue untreated with alkaline phosphatase. Tau proteins in mature tissue were soluble and not associated with detergent-resistant structures. Furthermore, dephosphorylation by alkaline phosphatase resulted in the appearance of more tau proteins in soluble fractions. Therefore tau proteins seem to alter their degree of phosphorylation during development. This could affect microtubule stability as well as influence axonal and dendritic differentiation.
Els objectius del projecte “Les traduccions de Carles Riba i Marià Manent al Corpus Literari Digital” són diversos: d’una banda, digitalitzar totes les edicions originals de les traduccions publicades per Carles Riba i Marià Manent; d’altra banda, fer un inventari de tots els textos continguts en aquestes traduccions (de poesia, de narrativa i de teatre); i finalment, introduir els registres dins la plataforma del Corpus Literari Digital de la Càtedra Màrius Torres. La digitalització ha permès de preservar digitalment el patrimoni literari constituït per aquestes traduccions de dos dels autors i traductors més importants de la literatura catalana del segle XX. L’inventari dels textos de cadascun dels seus volums de traduccions (poemes, narracions i obres de teatre) ha permès de constituir una base de dades en la qual es registren totes les versions diferents de cadascun dels textos traduïts que Riba i Manent van anar revisant al llarg de la seva vida. Finalment, la inclusió d’aquests registres bibliogràfics dins la plataforma del Corpus Literari Digital de la Càtedra Màrius Torres permet la seva consulta en línia i la possibilitat de trobar, per a cada text, totes les seves versions i de visualitzar la imatge del document original, la qual cosa facilitarà als investigadors l’estudi de la història textual de les traduccions, la de l’evolució de la llengua literària dels autors, entre altres possibilitats.
A number of experimental methods have been reported for estimating the number of genes in a genome, or the closely related coding density of a genome, defined as the fraction of base pairs in codons. Recently, DNA sequence data representative of the genome as a whole have become available for several organisms, making the problem of estimating coding density amenable to sequence analytic methods. Estimates of coding density for a single genome vary widely, so that methods with characterized error bounds have become increasingly desirable. We present a method to estimate the protein coding density in a corpus of DNA sequence data, in which a ‘coding statistic’ is calculated for a large number of windows of the sequence under study, and the distribution of the statistic is decomposed into two normal distributions, assumed to be the distributions of the coding statistic in the coding and noncoding fractions of the sequence windows. The accuracy of the method is evaluated using known data and application is made to the yeast chromosome III sequence and to C.elegans cosmid sequences. It can also be applied to fragmentary data, for example a collection of short sequences determined in the course of STS mapping.