904 resultados para consumer-brand relationship


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- Purpose This paper aims to investigate how direct mail consumption contributes to brand relationship quality. Store flyers and other direct mailings continue to play a significant role in many companies’ communication strategies. Research on this topic predominantly investigates driving store traffic and sales. Less is known regarding the consumer side, such as the value that consumers may derive from the consumption of direct mailings and the effects of such a value on brand relationship quality. To address this limitation, this paper tests a causal model of the contribution of direct mail value to brand commitment, drawing on a value framework that integrates social theory of engagement regimes and literature on experiential customer value. - Design/methodology/approach The empirical work of this paper is based on a rigorous four-study mixed methods design, involving qualitative study, confirmatory factor analysis and partial least squares structural modeling. - Findings The authors develop two second-order formatively designed scales – familiar value and planned value scales – that illustrate the role of engagement regimes in consumer behavior. Although both types of value contribute equally to direct mail attachment, they exert contrasting effects on other mediational consumer responses, such as reading and gratitude. Finally, the proposed theoretical model appears to be robust in predicting customers’ brand commitment. - Research limitations/implications This study provides new insights into the research on consumer value and brand relational communication. - Originality/value This study is the first to consider consumer benefits from the social perspective of engagement regimes.


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Un résumé en français est également disponible.


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Cet article examine les complications juridiques mises de l’avant par la récente étude « Credibility on the Web » publiée par le groupe Consumers International. Selon cette étude, plusieurs sites n’étant affiliés à aucun manufacturier ou vendeur font leur apparition sur le Web afin d’offrir aux consommateurs certaines informations générales concernant divers produits et services. Malheureusement, puisque ces sites sont gérés par des tiers n’étant pas partie à la relation consommateur-commerçant, une nouvelle problématique juridique peut être mise de l’avant : quelle protection accorder aux consommateurs eu égard à leurs achats effectués suite aux mauvais conseils de ces sites ? Ce texte vise à mettre sur pied les fondements d’une telle problématique selon le droit de la consommation québécois et à envisager certaines pistes de solutions possibles concernant les recours que pourraient avoir les consommateurs contre de tels sites.


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Brand attachment recently has received great attention among practitioners and academics alike. Scholars consider brand attachment a key requisite in consumer-brand relationships that create favourable consumer behaviours such as positive brand attitudes and brand loyalty. Few studies, however, examine the detrimental outcomes of brand attachment. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework that explores how brand attachment may explain detrimental consumer behaviours, such as oppositional brand loyalty and antibrand actions. We investigate consumers' trash-talking and schadenfreude in brand communities and their subsequent outcomes. Our framework reveals that the link between brand attachment and oppositional brand loyalty is driven by consumers' social identity and sense of rivalry. Furthermore, we put forward that brand attachment leads to anti-brand actions when relationships deteriorate. We identify two factors behind the deterioration: (1) companies' opportunism activities, and (2) incongruity between consumers' values and the brand's values. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed arising from our emerging 'dark side' brand attachment framework.


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In contexts such as those in the arts and culture industry, where the use of branded products may be difficult to access due to intermittent availability, or, where the branded product outcomes may be difficult to predict, it is argued that consumers form complex relationships with brands.
In order to explore these complex relationships, this research explores the components of the bond that consumers form with arts and cultural products and brands. This research highlights empirically five components of brand bonding with arts and cultural products, viz., brand trust/affinity, social/self connectedness, loyalty, emotional connectedness and brand involvement. These results found that intricacies emerge, such as consumer optimism about branded product failures, anticipation of usage, and a sense of responsibility for the success of the brand. More importantly, these findings suggest that in situations where service outcomes are uncertain, and where the service is available intermittently, loyal consumers are still willing to develop a relationship based on their connectedness or bond with the brand, despite the situational difficulties associated with accessing it.


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Consumers make decisions using the information that is available to them most readily. This thesis examined the determinants and consequences of top-of-mind consumer brand awareness for fast-moving consumer goods, services, and durables. The findings have implications for marketers with regard to the design of their brand communications.


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Social responsibility (SR) is becoming an increasingly significant component of many firms’ strategic planning decisions. Research has shown that consumers tend to reward socially responsible behavior. However, there has been little testing of the construct in the hospitality industry. Additionally, when other important variables that influence consumer brand loyalty are considered, will brand social responsibility image (BSRI) still play a significant role? This study investigates the importance of SR and its impact on brand loyalty, relative to product quality and service quality in the quick-service restaurant industry. The authors were also interested to learn whether BSRI impacted consumers' image of product and service quality. It was found that BSRI had a positive impact on brand loyalty, product quality, and service quality. However, product quality was a significantly stronger predictor of brand loyalty than BSRI. Where the vast majority of studies of SR have utilized scenario analysis of hypothetical firms, this study utilizes consumers' perceptions of a real-world firm.


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Blurb: This empirical study analysed consumer emotional responses towards interactive products, specifically looking at properties that persuasively induce the pursuit of pleasure at an instinctual level of cognition, now known as ‘visceral hedonic rhetoric'. By analysing three different types of interactive products results found hierarchical and inter-relatable attributes with the potential to provide a positive consumer-product relationship that is more meaningful, less disposable and more sustainable in the future.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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Parret Design es una microempresa dedicada al diseño de mobiliario exclusivo y a la adecuación de oficinas para darle un mejor uso y aspecto a los diferentes espacios. El principal objetivo de la empresa es posicionarse a nivel nacional diferenciándose de sus competidores por sus diseños únicos.


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Se propone integrar los esfuerzos provenientes de las ciencias sociales para el desarrollo de las herramientas de gestión a través de las ciencias computacionales. Se busca desarrollar propuestas metodológicas que permitan el mejoramiento de un modelo computacional que haga posible el simular el desempeño de una marca dada, asociada a una empresa, frente a sus consumidores. Se procura que con esta monografía se establezcan formas que permitan una óptima recolección de información, insumo clave dentro de un modelo de simulación de inteligencia artificial que se aplicará al comportamiento de grupos poblacionales buscando comprender la respuestas que presentan los sujetos frente a la marca organizacional a partir del principio percepción-razonamiento-acción.


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Estudos comprovam que determinados componentes exercem uma função fundamental para o desempenho do produto final, por exemplo o microprocessador Intel e o revestimento Teflon. Assim como os exemplos, alguns destes componentes de produtos possuem marca, as quais tem notoriedade para o consumidor final. Ou seja, o fabricante de componente começa a ter reconhecimento de marca na mente do consumidor. Devido a esta tendência de mercado, este estudo verificará inicialmente, os fatores que determinam a lembrança de marca de componentes por parte do consumidor final. E posteriormente, analisará as influências desta percepção de marca, e do reconhecimento dos benefícios do componente para a decisão de compra do consumidor. Para tanto, o estudo propõe o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual, o qual será testado empiricamente. Este modelo tem como base o modelo de decisão de compra do consumidor para produto final, com sugeridas adaptações para a situação de marcas de componentes.


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El consumo de medicamentos es un asunto que actualmente se ha convertido en una preocupación a nivel global, ya que no todos los medicamentos están sujetos a prescripción médica, y esto implica que su consumo dependa de otras fuentes de información, como la publicidad masiva o el consejo de personas legas, entre otros. Esta revisión se basó en la publicidad y el impacto que tiene esta frente al consumidor. La presente revisión se dividió en dos categorías dado la relevancia del tema, en la primera se encuentra las características de los medicamentos de venta libre donde se evidenció cómo funciona el sector de la industria farmacéutica, las características de los medicamentos en general y los riesgos del abuso de este comportamiento. Así mismo, en la segunda categoria se habló sobre la publicidad y mercadeo de ventas libres donde se evidenció el alto impacto que tiene la publicidad en el consumidor, las restricciones que hay en el contexto nacional e internacional.