750 resultados para composite membranes


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O presente trabalho envolveu a produção de membranas compósitas para separação de CO2 a altas temperaturas. Os compósitos habituais são constituídos por duas fases, uma cerâmica, de céria dopada com gadolínio (Ce0.9Gd0.1O0.95 - CGO) condutora de iões óxido, que funciona como suporte da segunda fase composta por uma mistura eutética de carbonatos alcalinos (Li2CO3 e Na2CO3), que assegura o transporte de iões carbonato. O objetivo do trabalho prende-se com o estudo do transporte de iões através destes compósitos, por forma a perceber se os sais destes compósitos apresentam condução iónica singular ou condução mista. Neste sentido a resposta a esta questão teve por base a realização de ensaios de eficiência faradaica com recurso a amostras compósitas envolvendo matrizes de CGO (condutor de iões óxido) e de aluminato de lítio (não condutor de iões óxido). A preparação tanto de esqueletos porosos como de compósitos foi realizada tendo por base métodos e precursores semelhantes aos usados na literatura. Primeiramente efetuou-se o processamento dos esqueletos porosos para posteriormente impregnação com mistura eutética de carbonatos. Obtidos os compósitos estes foram caraterizados por microscopia de impedância e por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento de forma a serem submetidos mais tarde aos ensaios de eficiência faradaica. Os resultados de eficiência faradaica revelaram que na realidade existem processos de condução mista cuja importância depende das condições de operação da membrana.


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A new ultrafiltration membrane was developed by the incorporation of binary metal oxides inside polyethersulfone. Physico-chemical characterization of the binary metal oxides demonstrated that the presence of Ti in the TiO2?ZrO2 system results in an increase of the size of the oxides, and also their dispersity. The crystalline phases of the synthesized binary metal oxides were identified as srilankite and zirconium titanium oxide. The effect of the addition of ZrO2 can be expressed in terms of the inhibition of crystal growth of anocrystalline TiO2 during the synthesis process. For photocatalytic applications the band gap of the synthesized semiconductors was determined, confirming a gradual increase (blue shift) in the band gap as the amount of Zr loading increases. Distinct distributions of binary metal oxides were found along the permeation axis for the synthesized membranes. Particles with Ti are more uniformly dispersed throughout the membrane cross-section. The physico-chemical characterization of membranes showed a strong correlation between some key membrane properties and the spatial particle distribution in the membrane structure. The proximity of metal oxide fillers to the membrane surface determines the hydrophilicity and porosity of modified membranes. Membranes incorporating binary metal oxides were found to be promising candidates for wastewater treatment by ultrafiltration, considering the observed improvement influx and anti-fouling properties of doped membranes. Multi-run fouling tests of doped membranes confirmed the stability of permeation through membranes embedded with binary TiO2?ZrO2 particles.


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The preparation and characterisation of collagen:PCL composites for manufacture of tissue engineered skin substitutes and models are reported. Films having collagen:PCL (w/w) ratios of 1:4, 1:8 and 1:20 were prepared by impregnation of lyophilised collagen mats by PCL solutions followed by solvent evaporation. In vitro assays of collagen release and residual collagen content revealed an expected inverse relationship between the collagen release rate and the content of synthetic polymer in the composite that may be exploited for controlled presentation and release of biopharmaceuticals such as growth factors. DSC analysis revealed the characteristic melting point of PCL at around 60°C and a tendency for the collagen component, at high loading, to impede crystallinity development within the PCL phase. The preparation of fibroblast/composite constructs was investigated using cell culture as a first stage in mimicking the dermal/epidermal structure of skin. Fibroblasts were found to attach and proliferate on all the composites investigated reaching a maximum of 2×105/cm2 on 1:20 collagen:PCL materials at day 8 with cell numbers declining thereafter. Keratinocyte growth rates were similar on all types of collagen:PCL materials investigated reaching a maximum of 6.6×104/cm2 at day 6. The results revealed that composite films of collagen and PCL are favourable substrates for growth of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and may find utility for skin repair. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Commercial Nafion® 117 membranes were successfully modified by in-situ reactions (sol-gel of TEOS and/or polymerization of aniline) within Nafion structures. Water-methanol permeability and proton conductivity were investigated in order to determine the potential performance of these membranes for DMFC systems. Silica-polyaniline modification resulted in 84% methanol crossover reduction, from 2.45x10^-5 cm2.s^-1 for conventional Nafion membranes to 3.71x10^-6 cm2.s^-1 for the modified silica-polyaniline composite membrane at 75 degrees C. In addition, conductivity was not hindered, as the polyaniline-Nafion membrane increased from 12.2 to 15 mS.cm^-1 as compared to Nafion, while a reduction of 11% was observed for silica-polyaniline-Nafion composite membrane. The results in this work strongly suggest the potential of polyaniline nanocomposites to enhance the performance of DMFCs.


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Objectives. To test the null hypothesis that continuity of resin cement/dentin interfaces is not affected by location along the root canal walls or water storage for 3 months when bonding fiber posts into root canals. Methods. Fiber posts were luted to bovine incisors using four resinous luting systems: Multilink, Variolink II, Enforce Dual and Enforce PV. After cementation, roots were longitudinally sectioned and epoxy resin replicas were prepared for SEM analysis (baseline). The original halves were immersed in solvent, replicated and evaluated. After 3 months water storage and a second solvent immersion, a new set of replicas were made and analyzed. The ratio (%) between the length (mm) of available bonding interface and the actual extension of bonded cement/dentin interface was calculated. Results. Significant lower percent values of bond integrity were found for Multilink (8.25%) and Variolink 11 (10.08%) when compared to Enforce Dual (25.11%) and Enforce PV (27.0%) at baseline analysis. The same trend was observed after immersion in solvent, with no significant changes. However, bond integrity was significantly reduced after 3 months water storage and a second solvent immersion to values below 5% (Multilink = 3.31%, Variolink=1.87%, Enforce Dual=1.20%, and Enforce PV=0.75%). The majority of gaps were depicted at the apical and middle thirds at baseline and after immersion in solvent. After 3 months, gaps were also detected at the cervical third. Significance. Bond integrity at the cement/dentin interface was surprisingly low after cementation of fiber posts to root canals with all resin cements. That was not significantly altered after immersion in solvent, but was further compromised after 3 months water storage. Gaps were mainly seen at middle and apical thirds throughout the experiment and extended to the cervical third after water storage for 3 months. Bond integrity of fiber posts luted to root canals was affected both by location and water storage. (C) 2007 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mm of this work was to evaluate the biocompatibility of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT) membrane to be used in guided tissue regeneration (GTR) Fibroblasts from human periodontal ligament (hPDLF) and keratinocytes (SCC9) were plated on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT and polytetrafluorethylene membranes at a cell density of 20.000 cells well(-1) and Cultured for up to 21 days Cell morphology, adhesion and proliferation were evaluated in hPDLF and keratinocytes, while total protein content and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were assayed only for hPDLF Using a higher cell density. real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to assess the expression of typical genes of hPDLF, such as periostin, PDLs17, S100A4 and fibromodulin, and key phenotypic markers of keratinocytes, including involucrin, keratins 1. 10 and 14 Expression of the apoptotic genes bax, bcl-2 and Survivin was evaluated for both cultures hPDLF adhered and spread more oil P(VDF-TrFE)/BT, whereas keratinocytes showed a round shape on both membranes. hPDLF adhesion was greater oil P(VDF-TrFE)/BT at 2 and 4 h, while keratinocyte adhesion was similar for both membranes. Whereas proliferation was significantly higher for hPDLF on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT at days 1 and 7. no signs of keratinocyte proliferation could be noticed for both membranes Total protein content was greater on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT at 7, 14 and 21 days, and higher levels of ALP activity were observed oil P(VDF-TrFE)/BT at 21 days. Real-time PCR revealed higher expression of phenotypic markers of hPDLF and keratinocytes as well as greater expression of apoptotic genes in cultures grown on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT. These results indicate that, by favoring hPDLF adhesion. spreading. proliferation and typical mRNA expression, P(VDF-TrFE)/BT membrane should be considered an advantageous alternative for GTR (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Fiber meshes of poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and poly(hydroxybutyrate)/ poly(ethylene oxide) (PHB/PEO) with different concentrations of chlorhexidine (CHX) were prepared by electrospinning, for assessment as a polymer based drug delivery system. The electrospun fibers were characterized at morphological, molecular and mechanical levels. The bactericidal potential of PHB and PHB/PEO electrospun fibers with and without CHX was investigated against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) by disk diffusion susceptibility tests. Electrospun fibers containing CHX exhibited bactericidal activity. PHB/PEO-1%CHX displayed higher CHX release levels and equivalent antibacterial activity when compared to PHB/PEO with 5 and 10 wt% CHX. Bactericidal performance of samples with 1 wt% CHX was assessed by Colony Forming Units (CFU), where a reduction of 100 % and 99.69 % against E. coli and S. aureus were achieved, respectively.


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Thermal degradation of as electrospun chitosan membranes and samples subsequently treated with ethanol and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA) have been studied by thermogravimetry (TG) coupled with an infrared spectrometer (FTIR). The influence of the electrospinning process and cross-linking in the electrospun chitosan thermal stability was evaluated. Up to three degradation steps were observed in the TG data, corresponding to water dehydration reaction at temperatures below 100 ºC, loss of side groups formed between the amine groups of chitosan and trifluoroacetic acid between 150 – 270 ºC and chitosan thermal degradation that starts around 250 ºC and goes up to 400 ºC. The Kissinger model was employed to evaluate the activation energies of the electrospun membranes during isothermal experiments and revealed that thermal degradation activation energy increases for the samples processed by electrospinning and subsequent neutralization and cross-linking treatments with respect to the neat chitosan powder.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projecto europeu intitulado: “Operational demonstration of innovative and sustainable nitrate elimination in stainless steel pickling by higher power biological denitrification technique” Projecto RESP-CT-2007-00047, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de membranas para o tratamento de efluente resultante da decapagem do aço inox. Numa fase inicial foram desenvolvidas membranas compostas assimétricas pelo método de polimerização interfacial. Estas membranas foram produzidas utilizando uma membrana comercial de suporte em polietersulfona e os filmes selectivos de poliamiada foram formados por reacção entre 1,3,5-tri(clorocarboni)benzeno (TMC) e várias dinaminas: piperazina (PIP), N-(2-aminoetil)-piperazina (EAP), 1,4-bis(3-aminopropil)-piperazina (DAPP), 6-metil-1,3,5 triazina-2,4 diamina (MTC), Isoforodiamina (IPD) e Dietilenetriamina (DET). A elaboração de membranas de TFC (thin film composite) tinha como objectivo a retenção de sais do efluente resultante da decapagem do aço inox. No entanto, chegou-se a conclusão de que o principal problema do efluente não era a retenção dos sais, mas sim a retenção da matéria orgânica. Assim, já não era necessa´ria a produção de membranas compostas, mas apenas uma membrana suporte simples de microfiltração. Numa segunda fase procedeu-se a preparação da membrana suporte pelo método da inversão de fase, tendo-se testado vários tipos de polímeros: PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PEI (Polyetherimide) e um polímero termoplástico geral. A membrana seleccionada foi a de PEI, com base na sua permeabilidade à água destilada e ao efluente resultante das águas residuais da decapagem do aço inox. Todas as membranas elaboradas durante a realização deste trabalho foram testadas na célula de Berghof a uma pressão de 4bar e com agitação. O principal prâmetro estudado foi a permeabilidade da membrana.


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Fiber membranes prepared from jute fragments can be valuable, low cost, and renewable. They have broad application prospects in packing bags, geotextiles, filters, and composite reinforcements. Traditionally, chemical adhesives have been used to improve the properties of jute fiber membranes. A series of new laccase, laccase/mediator systems, and multi-enzyme synergisms were attempted. After the laccase treatment of jute fragments, the mechanical properties and surface hydrophobicity of the produced fiber membranes increased because of the cross-coupling of lignins with ether bonds mediated by laccase. The optimum conditions were a buffer pH of 4.5 and an incubation temperature of 60 °C with 0.92 U/mL laccase for 3 h. Laccase/guaiacol and laccase/alkali lignin treatments resulted in remarkable increases in the mechanical properties; in contrast, the laccase/2,2-azino-bis-(3-ethylthiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS) and laccase/2,6-dimethoxyphenol treatments led to a decrease. The laccase/ guaiacol system was favorable to the surface hydrophobicity of jute fiber membranes. However, the laccase/alkali lignin system had the opposite effect. Xylanase/laccase and cellulase/laccase combined treatments were able to enhance both the mechanical properties and the surface hydrophobicity of jute fiber membranes. Among these, cellulase/laccase treatment performed better; compared to mechanical properties, the surface hydrophobicity of the jute fiber membranes showed only a slight increase after the enzymatic multi-step processes.


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Ion exchange membranes are indispensable for the separation of ionic species. They can discriminate between anions and cations depending on the type of fixed ionic group present in the membrane. These conventional ion exchange membranes (CIX) have exceptional ionic conductivity, which is advantageous in various electromembrane separation processes such as electrodialysis, electrodeionisation and electrochemical ion exchange. The main disadvantage of CIX membranes is their high electrical resistance owing to the fact that the membranes are electronically non conductive. An alternative can be electroactive ion exchange membranes, which are ionically and electronically conducting. Polypyrrole (PPy) is a type of electroactive ion exchange material as well as a commonly known conducting polymer. When PPy membranes are repeatedly reduced and oxidised, ions are pumped through the membrane. The main aim of this thesis was to develop electroactive cation transport membranes based on PPy for the selective transport of divalent cations. Membranes developed composed of PPy films deposited on commercially available support materials. To carry out this study, cation exchange membranes based on PPy doped with immobile anions were prepared. Two types of dopant anions known to interact with divalent metal ions were considered, namely 4-sulphonic calix[6]arene (C6S) and carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNT). The transport of ions across membranes containing PPy doped with polystyrene sulphonate (PSS) and PPy doped with para-toluene sulphonate (pTS) was also studied in order to understand the nature of ion transport and permeability across PPy(CNT) and PPy(C6S) membranes. In the course of these studies, membrane characterisation was performed using electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Permeability of the membranes towards divalent cations was explored using a two compartment transport cell. EQCM results demonstrated that the ion exchange behaviour of polypyrrole is dependent on a number of factors including the type of dopant anion present, the type of ions present in the surrounding medium, the scan rate used during the experiment and the previous history of the polymer film. The morphology of PPy films was found to change when the dopant anion was varied and even when the thickness of the film was altered in some cases. In nearly all cases the permeability of the membranes towards metal ions followed the order K+ > Ca2+ > Mn2+. The one exception was PPy(C6S), for which the permeability followed the order Ca2+ ≥ K+ > Mn2+ > Co2+ > Cr3+. The above permeability sequences show a strong dependence on the size of the metal ions with metal ions having the smallest hydrated radii exhibiting the highest flux. Another factor that affected the permeability towards metal ions was the thickness of the PPy films. Films with the least thickness showed higher metal ion fluxes. Electrochemical control over ion transport across PPy(CNT) membrane was obtained when films composed of the latter were deposited on track-etched Nucleopore® membranes as support material. In contrast, the flux of ions across the same film was concentration gradient dependent when the polymer was deposited on polyvinylidene difluoride membranes as support material. However, electrochemical control over metal ion transport was achieved with a bilayer type of PPy film consisting of PPy(pTS)/PPy(CNT), irrespective of the type of support material. In the course of studying macroscopic charge balance during transport experiments performed using a two compartment transport cell, it was observed that PPy films were non-permselective. A clear correlation between the change in pH in the receiving solution and the ions transported across the membrane was observed. A decrease in solution pH was detected when the polymer membrane acted primarily as an anion exchanger, while an increase in pH occurred when it functioned as a cation exchanger. When there was an approximately equal flux of anions and cations across the polymer membrane, the pH in the receiving solution was in the range 6 - 8. These observations suggest that macroscopic charge balance during the transport of cations and anions across polypyrrole membranes was maintained by introduction of anions (OH-) and cations (H+) produced via electrolysis of water.


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This study was aimed at investigating the in vitro biocompatibility of a novel membrane of the composite poly(vinylidene-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate (P(VDF-TrFE)/BT). Osteoblastic cells were obtained from human alveolar bone fragments and cultured under standard osteogenic condition until subconfluence. First passaged cells were cultured on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE - control) membranes in 24-well plates. Cell adhesion and spreading were evaluated at 30 min, and 4 and 24 h. For proliferation assay, cells were cultured for 1, 7, and 10 days. Cell viability was detected by trypan blue at 7 and 10 days. Total protein content and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were measured at 7, 14, and 21 days. Cultures were stained with Alizarin red at 21 days, for detection of mineralized matrix. Data were compared by ANOVA and Student t test. Cell attachment (p = 0.001), cell number (p = 0.001), and ALP activity (p = 0.0001) were greater on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT. Additionally, doubling time was greater on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT (p = 0.03), indicating a decreased proliferation rate. Bone-like nodule formation took place only on P(VDF-TrFE)/BT. The present results showed that both membranes are biocompatible. However, P(VDF-TrFE)/BT presented a better in vitro biocompatibility and allowed bone-like nodule formation. Therefore, P(VDF-TrFE)/BT could be an alternative membrane to be used in guided tissue regeneration. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Unrepaired defects in the annulus fibrosus of intervertebral disks are associated with degeneration and persistent back pain. A clinical need exists for a disk repair strategy that can seal annular defects, be easily delivered during surgical procedures, and restore biomechanics with low risk of herniation. Multiple annulus repair strategies were developed using poly(trimethylene carbonate) scaffolds optimized for cell delivery, polyurethane membranes designed to prevent herniation, and fibrin-genipin adhesive tuned to annulus fibrosus shear properties. This three-part study evaluated repair strategies for biomechanical restoration, herniation risk and failure mode in torsion, bending and compression at physiological and hyper-physiological loads using a bovine injury model. Fibrin-genipin hydrogel restored some torsional stiffness, bending ROM and disk height loss, with negligible herniation risk and failure was observed histologically at the fibrin-genipin mid-substance following rigorous loading. Scaffold-based repairs partially restored biomechanics, but had high herniation risk even when stabilized with sutured membranes and failure was observed histologically at the interface between scaffold and fibrin-genipin adhesive. Fibrin-genipin was the simplest annulus fibrosus repair solution evaluated that involved an easily deliverable adhesive that filled irregularly-shaped annular defects and partially restored disk biomechanics with low herniation risk, suggesting further evaluation for disk repair may be warranted. Statement of significance Lower back pain is the leading cause of global disability and commonly caused by defects and failure of intervertebral disk tissues resulting in herniation and compression of adjacent nerves. Annulus fibrosus repair materials and techniques have not been successful due to the challenging mechanical and chemical microenvironment and the needs to restore biomechanical behaviors and promote healing with negligible herniation risk while being delivered during surgical procedures. This work addressed this challenging biomaterial and clinical problem using novel materials including an adhesive hydrogel, a scaffold capable of cell delivery, and a membrane to prevent herniation. Composite repair strategies were evaluated and optimized in quantitative three-part study that rigorously evaluated disk repair and provided a framework for evaluating alternate repair techniques.


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Carbon molecular sieve membranes have been analyzed in supported and unsupported configurations in this experimental study. The membranes were used to adsorb CO2, N2 and CH4, and their adsorption data were analyzed to establish differences in rate and capacity of adsorption between the two types of samples (supported and unsupported). Experimental results show an important effect of the support, which can be considered as an additional parameter to tailor pore size on these carbon membranes. Immersion calorimetry values were measured by immersing the membranes into liquids of different molecular dimensions (dichloromethane, benzene, n-hexane, 2,2-dimethylbutane). Similarities were found between adsorption and calorimetric analysis. The pore volume of the samples analyzed ranged from 0.016 to 0.263 cm3/g. The effect of the pyrolysis temperature, either 550 or 700 °C, under N2 atmosphere was also analyzed. Quantification of the pore-size distribution of the support was done by liquid-liquid displacement porosimetry. The composite membrane was used for CO2/CH4 separation before and after pore plugging was done. The ideal selectivity factors value (4.47) was over the Knudsen theoretical factor (0.60) for membrane pyrolyzed at 600 °C, which indicates the potential application of these membranes for the separation of low-molecular weight gases.