48 resultados para communicatie ISK- MBO


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Resumo: O presente estudo procura analisar sob as lentes da antropologia, a forma como as lideranças religiosas Mbya, cumprem os sonhos recebidos de Nhanderú Ete, iniciando a caminhada em direção a terra sem mal, a yvy marãe‟y; retornam ao local de ocupação antiga ou a indicada por Nhanderú, terra com a qual mantém laços históricos de luta. Os conflitos se intensificam com a demarcação/ampliação dos territórios ou de terra para o Guarani Mbya, como no caso do Pará, que andaram por cerca de cem anos até encontrar a terra onde exercitar o modo correto de se viver; o dissenso potencializa o etnocentrismo, a discriminação, o racismo, o estigma de ser índio, bugre, preguiçoso, alcoólatra, “raça inferior”. A pesquisa versa sobre o modo como "escolhem”, “adotam,” “retomam,” ressignificam, reterritorializam, guaranizam a terra onde pausaram a caminhada.


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The project covered the main issues of privatisation, corporate governance and company restructuring after privatisation in Hungary and in the Russian Republic, together with a summary of the broader picture of company-level changes in Central and Eastern Europe, discussing the issues of micro-financial restructuring in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The two countries selected as the focus of research can be regarded as the two most widely differing cases of the economic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. Hungary began its transition very early in 1989, while Russia was very late in doing so. Hungary first implemented a series of institutional and systemic reforms before stabilising its public finances, while Russia has struggled with financial stabilisation for years without great success. Company restructuring and the introduction of new forms of governance only began in Russia in the mid-1990s. Hungary opted for "traditional" western methods of privatisation and invited a large amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) while in Russia the bulk of state-owned property was privatised either by free distribution or by a strange blend of ESOP-MBO schemes. FDI in Russia remained modest because of the high risk and uncertainty surrounding economic transactions there. Hungary was a forerunner in privatising public utilities, while Russia has moved cautiously in this area. The group's studies show that the Hungarian economy is now over the "transformation recession" and its economic success is largely due to its successful privatisation and to the dominant participation of foreign investors in company take-overs and in the restructuring process. The study of Russia provides a comprehensive account of the main factors in the so-far modest results in Russian privatisation and economic transformation.


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Timing divergence events allow us to infer the conditions under which biodiversity has evolved and gain important insights into the mechanisms driving evolution. Cichlid fishes are a model system for studying speciation and adaptive radiation, yet, we have lacked reliable timescales for their evolution. Phylogenetic reconstructions are consistent with cichlid origins prior to Gondwanan landmass fragmentation 121-165 MYA, considerably earlier than the first known fossil cichlids (Eocene). We examined the timing of cichlid evolution using a relaxed molecular clock calibrated with geological estimates for the ages of 1) Gondwanan fragmentation and 2) cichlid fossils. Timescales of cichlid evolution derived from fossil-dated phylogenies of other bony fishes most closely matched those suggested by Gondwanan breakup calibrations, suggesting the Eocene origins and marine dispersal implied by the cichlid fossil record may be due to its incompleteness. Using Gondwanan calibrations, we found accumulation of genetic diversity within the radiating lineages of the African Lakes Malawi, Victoria and Barombi Mbo, and Palaeolake Makgadikgadi began around or after the time of lake basin formation. These calibrations also suggest Lake Tanganyika was colonized independently by the major radiating cichlid tribes that then began to accumulate genetic diversity thereafter. These results contrast with the widely accepted theory that diversification into major lineages took place within the Tanganyika basin. Together, this evidence suggests that ancient lake habitats have played a key role in generating and maintaining diversity within radiating lineages and also that lakes may have captured preexisting cichlid diversity from multiple sources from which adaptive radiations have evolved.


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isk Management today has moved from being the topic of top level conferences and media discussions to being a permanent issue in the board and top management agenda. Several new directives and regulations in Switzerland, Germany and EU make it obligatory for the firms to have a risk management strategy and transparently disclose the risk management process to their stakeholders. Shareholders, insurance providers, banks, media, analysts, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders expect the board members to be pro-active in knowing the critical risks facing their organization and provide them with a reasonable assurance vis-à-vis the management of those risks. In this environment however, the lack of standards and training opportunities makes this task difficult for board members. This book with the help of real life examples, analysis of drivers, interpretation of the Swiss legal requirements, and information based on international benchmarks tries to reach out to the forward looking leaders of today's businesses. The authors have collectively brought their years of scientific and practical experience in risk management, Swiss law and board memberships together to provide the board members practical solutions in risk management. The desire is that this book will clear the fear regarding risk management from the minds of the company leadership and help them in making risk savvy decisions in quest to achieve their strategic objectives.


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hrsg. vom ISK, Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampf-Bund


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El petróleo en Guinea Ecuatorial como en todo el mundo, es una fuente de energía agotable, pero de mucha importancia por la infinidad de usos de sus derivados. Por eso se necesita optimizar al máximo su producción de los yacimientos. En este proyecto se pretende descubrir qué parámetros variar en el yacimiento “QUA IBOE ESTE” del Campo Zafiro (Guinea Ecuatorial), con el fin de producir más crudo del inicialmente previsto. Para ello emplearemos el método de simulación, usando las herramientas que nos ofrecen los programas de simulación de yacimientos PETREL 2011.2 y ECLIPSE 100. Después de conocer cuántos barriles de petróleo, y metros cúbico de gas recuperaríamos de más, en el apartado económico, se busca conocer el total de beneficio se obtendría. ABSTRACT Oil in Equatorial Guinea and around the world, is an exhaustible energy source, but of great importance for the myriad uses of derivatives. We therefore need to optimize reservoir production. In this project we intend to discover which parameters vary in the field "QUA IBOE ESTE" Zafiro Field (Equatorial Guinea), in order to produce more oil than estimated. To do this we use the simulation method, using the tools that we provide the reservoir simulation programs Petrel 2011.2 and ECLIPSE 100. After knowing how many barrels of oil and cubic meters of gas would recover more in the economic section, we seek to know the total benefit would be obtained.


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Trotz der steigenden Bedeutung von familienexternen Nachfolgeregelungen wie MBO und MBI bestehen hinsichtlich dieser Nachfolgeoptionen noch große Forschungslücken. Obwohl die Informationsökonomie einen viel versprechenden Ansatz darstellt, um ein fundierteres Verständnis zu erlangen, ist sie in diesem Kontext noch zu wenig angewandt worden. Dies wäre jedoch vor allem in Bezug auf einen MBI sinnvoll, da dort die deutlichsten Informationsasymmetrien zwischen Übergeber und Nachfolger auftreten können. In diesem Beitrag bedienen wir uns daher der Informationsökonomie und analysieren die verschiedenen Informationsasymmetrien bei einem MBI im Detail. Außerdem zeigen wir verschiedene Möglichkeiten auf, wie die entsprechenden Asymmetrien überwunden werden können. Damit leisten wir einen wertvollen Beitrag zu Wissenschaft und Praxis.


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Previous results in our laboratory suggest that the (CG) 4 segments whether present in a right-handed or a left-handed conformation form distinctive junctions with adjacent random sequences. These junctions and their associated sequences have unique structural and thermodynamic properties that may be recognized by DNA-binding molecules. This study probes these sequences by using the following small ligands: actinomycin D, 1,4-bis(((di(aminoethyl)amino)ethyl)amino)anthracene-9,10-dione, ametantrone, and tris(phenanthroline)ruthenium (II). These ligands may recognize the distinctive features associated to the (CG)4 segment and its junctions and thus interact preferentially near these sequences. Restriction enzyme inhibition assays were used to determine whether or not binding interactions took place, and to approximate locations of these interactions. These binding studies are first carried out using two small synthetic oligomers BZ-III and BZ-IV. The (5meCG)4 segment present in BZ-III adopts the Z-conformation in the presence of 50 m M Co(NH3)63+. In BZ-IV, the unmethylated (CG)4 segment changes to a non-B conformation in the presence of 50 m M Co(NH3)63+. BZ-IV, containing the (CG)4 segment, was inserted into a clone plasmid then digested with the restriction enzyme Hinf I to produce a larger fragment that contains the (CG)4 segment. The results obtained on the small oligomers and on the larger fragment for restriction enzyme Mbo I indicate that 1,4-bis(((di(aminoethyl)amino)ethyl)amino)anthracene-9,10-dione binds more efficiently at or near the (CG)4 segment. Restriction enzymes EcoRV, Sac I and Not I with cleavage sites upstream and downstream of the (CG)4 insert were used to further localize binding interactions in the vicinity of the (CG)4 insert. RNA polymerase activity was studied in a plasmid which contained the (CG)4 insert downstream from the promoter sites of SP6 and T7 RNA polymerases. Activities of these two polymerases were studied in the presence of each one of the ligands used throughout the study. Only actinomycin D and spider, which bind at or near the (CG)4 segment, alter the activities of SP6 and T7 RNA polymerases. Surprisingly, enhancement of polymerase activity was observed in the presence of very low concentrations of actinomycin D. These results suggest that the conformational features of (CG) segments may serve in regulatory functions of DNA. ^


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Alternating (CG) sequences form an unusual conformation in the presence of cobalt hexamine. The oligomer, BZ-IV, containing a (CG)4 run (BZ-IV sequence: 5'TCGACGCGCGCGATCAGTCA- 3') was inserted at the Sal I site of the Escherichia coli pGEM-5zf(+) plasmid producing the plasmid pCW001. Hinf I digestion of pCW001 produced a 367 base pair (bp) fragment containing the BZ-IV insert. For controls, the 452 bp Hinf I fragment from the pCW001 plasmid and the 347 bp Hinf I fragment from the pGEM plasmid were used. Digestion studies were performed using the restriction enzymes Bgl I, EcoRV, Hha I, Mbo I, Not I, Pst I, and Taq I and methylation studies were performed using dam methylase. Data were obtained by beta scanning or ethidium bromide staining the polyacrylamide gels of the digestion or methylation products. The results show that in the presence of 100 uM cobalt hexamine, in which BZ-IV takes on a non-B-Z-structure, the enzyme's ability to react and cleave its recognition site is enhanced.


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Migration is as old as humanity, but since the 1990s migration flows in Western Europe have led to societies that are not just multicultural but so-called «super-diverse». As a result, Western towns now have very complex social structures, with amongst others large amounts of small immigrant communities that are in constant change. In this paper we argue that for social workers to be able to offer adequate professional help to non-native residents in town, they will need balanced view of ‘culture’ and of the role culture plays in social aid. Culture is never static, but is continually changing. By teaching social workers about how to look at cultural backgrounds of immigrant groups and about the limitations of then role that culture plays in communication, they will be better equipped to provide adequate aid and will contribute to making various groups grow towards each other and to avoid people thinking in terms of ‘out-group-homogeneity’. Nowadays, inclusion is a priority in social work that almost every social worker supports. Social workers should have an open attitude to allow them to approach every individual as a unique person. They will see the other person as the person they are, and not as a part of a specific cultural group. Knowledge about the others makes them see the cultural heterogeneity in every group. The social sector, though, must be aware not to fall into the trap of the ‘inclusion mania’! This will cause the social deprivation of a particular group to be forgotten. An inclusive policy requires an inclusive society. Otherwise, this could result in even more deprivation of other groups, already discriminated against. Emancipation of deprived people demands a certain target-group policymaking. Categorized aid will raise efficiency of working with immigrants and of acknowledging the cultural identity of the non-natives group. It will also create the possibility to work on fighting social deprivation, in which most immigrants can be found.


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Advertising investment and audience figures indicate that television continues to lead as a mass advertising medium. However, its effectiveness is questioned due to problems such as zapping, saturation and audience fragmentation. This has favoured the development of non-conventional advertising formats. This study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical development. This investigation analyzes the recall generated by four non-conventional advertising formats in a real environment: short programme (branded content), television sponsorship, internal and external telepromotion versus the more conventional spot. The methodology employed has integrated secondary data with primary data from computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) were performed ad-hoc on a sample of 2000 individuals, aged 16 to 65, representative of the total television audience. Our findings show that non-conventional advertising formats are more effective at a cognitive level, as they generate higher levels of both unaided and aided recall, in all analyzed formats when compared to the spot.


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Maakt ICT ons nou knapper of juist dommer? In amper twintig jaar is het maatschappelijk leven voor een groot deel verplaatst naar de virtuele ruimte. Alles en iedereen wordt digitaal met elkaar verbonden. Wat is de invloed van al die nieuwe technologie op ons begrip van de wereld, op ons gedrag, op onze cultuur? Wat betekent het voor het onderwijs? Deze sessie bespreekt de rol van media voor onze cognitieve ontwikkeling. Daartoe worden de ervaringen met oude media zoals geschreven tekst, radio en TV gekoppeld aan de wereld van Twitter, Apple, Facebook en Google, en wordt de blik gericht op wat ons nog te wachten staat.


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Games voor onderwijs en training worden een serieuze zaak. Marktprognoses melden een jaarlijkse groei van 18% tot een wereldwijd volume van meer dan 5 miljard Euro in 2020. Games bieden leerlingen een virtuele praktijk, waarin ze actief kunnen oefenen. Studietaken worden levensechte uitdagingen die tot indringende leerervaringen leiden. Dat schept nieuwe mogelijkheden juist in het MBO, waar praktische ervaring vaak belangrijker is dan theoretische kennis. Deze sessie geeft een snelle update over serious games. Diverse game-mechanismen worden besproken aan de hand van actuele voorbeelden.


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De Groot, D. (2016). Flexibele Leerroutes voor Propedeusestudenten: Grounded Theory Onderzoek naar het Identificeren van Studentkenmerken in de Matching, ten behoeve van een Vraaggerichte, Gepersonaliseerde Leerroute in de Propedeuse Social Work. Juli, 26, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit.


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Kragten, L. (2016). Excelleren in een Passende Omgeving: een Verkennend Onderzoek naar Wenselijke Karakteristieken van Excellentieprogramma’s voor het Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs. Juni, 21, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit.