945 resultados para chemical and thermal stability
Processos como a purificação do metano (CH4) e a produção de hidrogênio gasoso (H2) envolvem etapas de separação de CO2. Atualmente, etanolaminas como monoetanolamina (MEA), dietanolamina (DEA), metildietanolamina (MDEA) e trietanolamina (TEA) são as substâncias mais utilizadas no processo de separação/captura de CO2 em processos industriais. Entretanto, o uso destas substâncias apresenta alguns inconvenientes devido à alta volatilidade, dificuldade de se trabalhar com material líquido, também ao alto gasto energético envolvido das etapas de regeneração e à baixa estabilidade térmica e química. Com base nessa problemática, esse trabalho teve por objetivo a síntese de um tipo de sílica mesoporosa altamente ordenada (SBA-15) de modo a utilizá-la no processo de captura de CO2. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro etapas experimentais que envolveram a síntese da SBA-15, o estudo do comportamento térmico de algumas etanolaminas livres, síntese e caracterização de materiais adsorventes preparados a partir de incorporação de etanolaminas à SBA-15 e estudo da eficiência de captura de CO2 por esses materiais. Novas alternativas de síntese da SBA-15 foram estudadas neste trabalho, visando aperfeiçoar as propriedades texturais do material produzido. Tais alternativas são baseadas na remoção do surfatante, utilizado como molde na síntese da sílica mesoporosa, por meio da extração por Soxhlet, utilizando diferentes solventes. O processo contribuiu para melhorar as propriedades do material obtido, evitando o encolhimento da estrutura que pode ser ocasionado durante a etapa de calcinação. Por meio de técnicas como TG/DTG, DSC, FTIR e Análise Elementar de C, H e N foi realizada a caracterização físico-química e termoanalítica da MEA, DEA, MDEA e TEA, visando melhor conhecer as características destas substâncias. Estudos cinéticos baseados nos métodos termogravimétricos isotérmicos e não isotérmicos (Método de Ozawa) foram realizados, permitindo a determinação de parâmetros cinéticos envolvidos nas etapas de volatilização/decomposição térmica das etanolaminas. Além das técnicas acima mencionadas, MEV, MET, SAXS e Medidas de Adsorção de N2 foram utilizadas na caraterização da SBA-15 antes e após a incorporação das etanolaminas. Dentre as etanolaminas estudadas, a TEA apresentou maior estabilidade térmica, entretanto, devido ao seu maior impedimento estérico, é a etanolamina que apresenta menor afinidade com o CO2. Diferentemente das demais etanolaminas estudadas, a decomposição térmica da DEA envolve uma reação intramolecular, levando a formação de MEA e óxido de etileno. A incorporação destes materiais à SBA-15 aumentou a estabilidade térmica das etanolaminas, uma vez que parte do material permanece dentro dos poros da sílica. Os ensaios de adsorção de CO2 mostraram que a incorporação da MEA à SBA-15 catalisou o processo de decomposição térmica da mesma. A MDEA foi a etanolamina que apresentou maior poder de captura de CO2 e sua estabilidade térmica foi consideravelmente aumentada quando a mesma foi incorporada à SBA-15, aumentando também seu potencial de captura de CO2.
This work presents a comparative study between the catalytic performance of the 2% CuO/ceria-zirconia powder catalyst and the same catalyst supported on silicon carbide DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) towards NO oxidation reaction and soot combustion reaction. The ceria-zirconia catalyst was prepared by the co-precipitation method and 2 wt% copper was incorporated by the incipient wetness impregnation method. The catalyst was incorporated onto the ceramic support using a simple and organic solvent-free procedure by a simply dipping the DPF into an aqueous solution of the catalyst. The powder catalyst has been characterized using N2 adsorption at −196 °C, XRD and Raman Spectroscopy; whereas the catalytic coating morphology has been evaluated by SEM and the mechanical stability by an adherence test. Both catalyst configurations were tested for NO oxidation to NO2 and for soot combustion under NOx/O2. The results revealed that incorporation of the very active copper/ceria-zirconia catalyst onto SiC-DPF has been successfully achieved by a simple coating procedure. Furthermore, the catalytic coating has shown suitable mechanical, chemical and thermal stability. A satisfactory catalytic performance of the catalytic-coated filter was reached towards the NO oxidation reaction. Moreover, it was proved that the catalytic coating is stable and the corresponding coated DPF can be reused for several cycles of NO oxidation without a significant decrease in its activity. Finally, it was verified that the loose-contact mode is a good choice to simulate the catalytic performance of this active phase in a real diesel particulate filter.
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are well-ordered, high aspect ratio allotropes of carbon. The two main variants, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) both possess a high tensile strength, are ultra-light weight, and have excellent chemical and thermal stability. They also possess semi- and metallic-conductive properties. This startling array of features has led to many proposed applications in the biomedical field, including biosensors, drug and vaccine delivery and the preparation of unique biomaterials such as reinforced and/or conductive polymer nanocomposites. Despite an explosion of research into potential devices and applications, it is only recently that information on toxicity and biocompatibility has become available. This review presents a summary of the performance of existing carbon biomaterials and gives an outline of the emerging field of nanotoxicology, before reviewing the available and often conflicting investigations into the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of CNT. Finally, future areas of investigation and possible solutions to current problems are proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Face à la diminution des ressources énergétiques et à l’augmentation de la pollution des énergies fossiles, de très nombreuses recherches sont actuellement menées pour produire de l’énergie propre et durable et pour réduire l’utilisation des sources d’énergies fossiles caractérisées par leur production intrinsèque des gaz à effet de serre. La pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC) est une technologie qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur pour produire l’énergie qui s’inscrit dans un contexte de développement durable. La PEMFC est un dispositif électrochimique qui fonctionne selon le principe inverse de l’électrolyse de l’eau. Elle convertit l’énergie de la réaction chimique entre l’hydrogène et l’oxygène (ou l’air) en puissance électrique, chaleur et eau; son seul rejet dans l’atmosphère est de la vapeur d’eau. Une pile de type PEMFC est constituée d’un empilement Électrode-Membrane-Électrode (EME) où la membrane consiste en un électrolyte polymère solide séparant les deux électrodes (l’anode et la cathode). Cet ensemble est intégré entre deux plaques bipolaires (BP) qui permettent de collecter le courant électrique et de distribuer les gaz grâce à des chemins de circulation gravés sur chacune de ses deux faces. La plupart des recherches focalisent sur la PEMFC afin d’améliorer ses performances électriques et sa durabilité et aussi de réduire son coût de production. Ces recherches portent sur le développement et la caractérisation des divers éléments de ce type de pile; y compris les éléments les plus coûteux et les plus massifs, tels que les plaques bipolaires. La conception de ces plaques doit tenir compte de plusieurs paramètres : elles doivent posséder une bonne perméabilité aux gaz et doivent combiner les propriétés de résistance mécanique, de stabilité chimique et thermique ainsi qu’une conductivité électrique élevée. Elles doivent aussi permettre d’évacuer adéquatement la chaleur générée dans le cœur de la cellule. Les plaques bipolaires métalliques sont pénalisées par leur faible résistance à la corrosion et celles en graphite sont fragiles et leur coût de fabrication est élevé (dû aux phases d’usinage des canaux de cheminement des gaz). C’est pourquoi de nombreuses recherches sont orientées vers le développement d’un nouveau concept de plaques bipolaires. La voie la plus prometteuse est de remplacer les matériaux métalliques et le graphite par des composites à matrice polymère. Les plaques bipolaires composites apparaissent attrayantes en raison de leur facilité de mise en œuvre et leur faible coût de production mais nécessitent une amélioration de leurs propriétés électriques et mécaniques, d’où l’objectif principal de cette thèse dans laquelle on propose: i) un matériau nanocomposite développé par extrusion bi-vis qui est à base de polymères chargés d’additifs solides conducteurs, incluant des nanotubes de carbone. ii) fabriquer un prototype de plaque bipolaire à partir de ces matériaux en utilisant le procédé de compression à chaud avec un refroidissement contrôlé. Dans ce projet, deux polymères thermoplastiques ont été utilisés, le polyfluorure de vinylidène (PVDF) et le polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET). Les charges électriquement conductrices sélectionnées sont: le noir de carbone, le graphite et les nanotubes de carbones. La combinaison de ces charges conductrices a été aussi étudiée visant à obtenir des formulations optimisées. La conductivité électrique à travers l’épaisseur des échantillons développés ainsi que leurs propriétés mécaniques ont été soigneusement caractérisées. Les résultats ont montré que non seulement la combinaison entre les charges conductrices influence les propriétés électriques et mécaniques des prototypes développés, mais aussi la distribution de ces charges (qui de son côté dépend de leur nature, leur taille et leurs propriétés de surface), avait aidé à améliorer les propriétés visées. Il a été observé que le traitement de surface des nanotubes de carbone avait aidé à l’amélioration de la conductivité électrique et la résistance mécanique des prototypes. Le taux de cristallinité généré durant le procédé de moulage par compression des prototypes de plaques bipolaires ainsi que la cinétique de cristallisation jouent un rôle important pour l’optimisation des propriétés électriques et mécaniques visées.
This thesis is devoted to the development, synthesis, properties, and applications of nano materials for critical technologies, including three areas: (1) Microbial contamination of drinking water is a serious problem of global significance. About 51% of the waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States can be attributed to contaminated ground water. Development of metal oxide nanoparticles, as viricidal materials is of technological and fundamental scientific importance. Nanoparticles with high surface areas and ultra small particle sizes have dramatically enhanced efficiency and capacity of virus inactivation, which cannot be achieved by their bulk counterparts. A series of metal oxide nanoparticles, such as iron oxide nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles and iron oxide-silver nanoparticles, coated on fiber substrates was developed in this research for evaluation of their viricidal activity. We also carried out XRD, TEM, SEM, XPS, surface area measurements, and zeta potential of these nanoparticles. MS2 virus inactivation experiments showed that these metal oxide nanoparticle coated fibers were extremely powerful viricidal materials. Results from this research suggest that zinc oxide nanoparticles with diameter of 3.5 nm, showing an isoelectric point (IEP) at 9.0, were well dispersed on fiberglass. These fibers offer an increase in capacity by orders of magnitude over all other materials. Compared to iron oxide nanoparticles, zinc oxide nanoparticles didn’t show an improvement in inactivation kinetics but inactivation capacities did increase by two orders of magnitude to 99.99%. Furthermore, zinc oxide nanoparticles have higher affinity to viruses than the iron oxide nanoparticles in presence of competing ions. The advantages of zinc oxide depend on high surface charge density, small nanoparticle sizes and capabilities of generating reactive oxygen species. The research at its present stage of development appears to offer the best avenue to remove viruses from water. Without additional chemicals and energy input, this system can be implemented by both points of use (POU) and large-scale use water treatment technology, which will have a significant impact on the water purification industry. (2) A new family of aliphatic polyester lubricants has been developed for use in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), specifically for hard disk drives that operate at high spindle speeds (>15000rpm). Our program was initiated to address current problems with spin-off of the perfluoroether (PFPE) lubricants. The new polyester lubricant appears to alleviate spin-off problems and at the same time improves the chemical and thermal stability. This new system provides a low cost alternative to PFPE along with improved adhesion to the substrates. In addition, it displays a much lower viscosity, which may be of importance to stiction related problems. The synthetic route is readily scalable in case additional interest emerges in other areas including small motors. (3) The demand for increased signal transmission speed and device density for the next generation of multilevel integrated circuits has placed stringent demands on materials performance. Currently, integration of the ultra low-k materials in dual Damascene processing requires chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) to planarize the copper. Unfortunately, none of the commercially proposed dielectric candidates display the desired mechanical and thermal properties for successful CMP. A new polydiacetylene thermosetting polymer (DEB-TEB), which displays a low dielectric constant (low-k) of 2.7, was recently developed. This novel material appears to offer the only avenue for designing an ultra low k dielectric (1.85k), which can still display the desired modulus (7.7Gpa) and hardness (2.0Gpa) sufficient to withstand the process of CMP. We focused on further characterization of the thermal properties of spin-on poly (DEB-TEB) ultra-thin film. These include the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), biaxial thermal stress, and thermal conductivity. Thus the CTE is 2.0*10-5K-1 in the perpendicular direction and 8.0*10-6 K-1 in the planar direction. The low CTE provides a better match to the Si substrate which minimizes interfacial stress and greatly enhances the reliability of the microprocessors. Initial experiments with oxygen plasma etching suggest a high probability of success for achieving vertical profiles.
Synthetic inorganic pigments are the most widely used in ceramic applications because they have excellent chemical and thermal stability and also, in general, a lower toxicity to man and to the environment. In the present work, the ceramic black pigment CoFe2O4 was synthesized by the polymerization Complex method (MPC) in order to form a material with good chemical homogeneity. Aiming to optimize the process of getting the pigment through the MPC was used a fractional factorial design 2(5-2), with resolution III. The factors studied in mathematical models were: citric acid concentration, the pyrolysis time, temperature, time and rate of calcination. The response surfaces using the software statistica 7.0. The powders were characterized by thermal analysis (TG/DSC), x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and spectroscopy in the UV-visible. Based on the results, there was the formation of phase cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with spinel structure. The color of the pigments obtained showed dark shades, from black to gray. The model chosen was appropriate since proved to be adjusted and predictive. Planning also showed that all factors were significant, with a confidence level of 95%
Wearable electronic textiles are an emerging research field playing a pivotal role among several different technological areas such as sensing, communication, clothing, health monitoring, information technology, and microsystems. The possibility to realise a fully-textile platform, endowed with various sensors directly realised with textile fibres and fabric, represents a new challenge for the entire research community. Among several high-performing materials, the intrinsically conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), doped with poly(styrenesulfonic acid) (PSS), or PEDOT:PSS, is one of the most representative and utilised, having an excellent chemical and thermal stability, as well as reversible doping state and high conductivity. This work relies on PEDOT:PSS combined with sensible materials to design, realise, and develop textile chemical and physical sensors. In particular, chloride concentration and pH level sensors in human sweat for continuous monitoring of the wearer's hydration status and stress level are reported. Additionally, a prototype smart bandage detecting the moisture level and pH value of a bed wound to allow the remote monitoring of the healing process of severe and chronic wounds is described. Physical sensors used to monitor the pressure distribution for rehabilitation, workplace safety, or sport tracking are also presented together with a novel fully-textile device able to measure the incident X-ray dose for medical or security applications where thin, comfortable, and flexible features are essential. Finally, a proof-of-concept for an organic-inorganic textile thermoelectric generator that harvests energy directly from body heat has been proposed. Though further efforts must be dedicated to overcome issues such as durability, washability, power consumption, and large-scale production, the novel, versatile, and widely encompassing area of electronic textiles is a promising protagonist in the upcoming technological revolution.
Protein structure and function can be regulated by no specific interactions, such as ionic interactions in the presence of salts. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) shows remarkable structural stability and high fluorescence; its stability can be directly related to its fluorescence output, among other characteristics. GFP is stable under increasing temperatures, and its thermal denaturation is highly reproducible. The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal stability of GFP in the presence of different salts at several concentrations and exposed to constant temperatures, in a range of 70-95 degrees C. Thermal stability was expressed in decimal reduction time. It was observed that the D-values obtained were higher in the presence of citrate and phosphate, when compared with that obtained in their absence, indicating that these salts stabilized the protein against thermal denaturation. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 269-272, 2011
Cellulose was extracted from lignocellulosic fibers and nanocrystalline cellulose (NC) prepared by alkali treatment of the fiber, steam explosion of the mercerized fiber, bleaching of the steam exploded fiber and finally acid treatment by 5% oxalic acid followed again by steam explosion. The average length and diameter of the NC were between 200-250 nm and 4-5 nm, respectively, in a monodisperse distribution. Different concentrations of the NC (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5% by weight) were dispersed non-covalently into a completely bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) derived entirely from oleic acid. The physical properties of the TPU nanocomposites were assessed by Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and Mechanical Properties Analysis. The nanocomposites demonstrated enhanced stress and elongation at break and improved thermal stability compared to the neat TPU. The best results were obtained with 0.5% of NC in the TPU. The elongation at break of this sample was improved from 178% to 269% and its stress at break from 29.3 to 40.5 MPa. In this and all other samples the glass transition temperature, melting temperature and crystallization behavior were essentially unaffected. This finding suggests a potential method of increasing the strength and the elongation at break of typically brittle and weak lipid-based TPUs without alteration of the other physico-chemical properties of the polymer. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The guava seed protein isolate ( PI) was obtained from the protein precipitation belonging to the class of the gluteline (Ip 4.5). The conditions for the preparation of the PI were determined by both the solubility curve and simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA): pH 11.5, absence of NaCl and whiteners and T=( 25 +/- 3) degrees C. Under these conditions a yield of 77.0 +/- 0.4%, protein content of 94.2 +/- 0.3, ashes 0.50 +/- 0.05% and thermal stability, T= 200 degrees C, were obtained. The TG-DTA curves and the PI emulsification capacity study showed the presence of hydrophobic microdomains at pH 11.5 and 3.0 suggesting a random coil protein conformation and, to pH 10.0, an open protein conformation. The capacity of emulsification (CE), in the absence of NaCl, was verified for: 1 - pH 3.0 and 8.5, using the IP extracted at pH 10.0 and 11.5, CE >= 343 +/- 5 g of emulsified oil/g of protein; 2 - pH 6.60 just for the PI obtained at pH 11.5, CE >= 140 +/- 8 g of emulsified oil/g of protein.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Three morphotypes of aguaje Mauritia flexuosa were tested, classified by the color of their mesocarpium: ""color"", ""shambo"" and ""amarillo"", collected from different areas near the city of Iquitos, Peru. Also, physical-chemical analyses of the mesocarpium were performed, such as the characterization of fatty acids by gas chromatography, determination of beta- carotene y alpha tocopherol by high efficiency liquid chromatography system in normal and reverse phase and the determination of oxidation induction time in the Rancimat apparatus. Proximate, mineral and fatty acid analyses were done on the seeds. The aguaje mesocarpium is rich in oleic oil (""amarillo"": 75.63% +/- 0.31), (beta-carotene (""amarillo"": 342.42ug/g 0.71) and alpha- tocopherol (""color"": 685.81mg/L +/- 1.04), plus the morphotype ""color"" has a superior oxidation induction time compared to other morphotypes with 6.91 +/- 0.01. The aguaje seed contains significant amounts of (06 (linoleic oil) in ""shambo"" with 36.04 +/- 0.09%. The results indicate that these oils, regardless their classification, contain important chemical compounds that give them a special nutritive value.
Organosolv lignins can replace petroleum chemicals such as phenol either partially or totally in various applications. Eight lignins, seven of which corresponded to the ethanol-water fractionation of bagasse and the other to a reference lignin (Alcell (R)) were analyzed with the aim to evaluate their chemical and physicochemical characteristics. The purity of the lignin fractions was determined by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and by ash content. Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques and differential UV spectroscopy were applied to identify the chemical groups in the lignin samples. The molecular weight distribution was determined by size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques were used to determine the mass loss due to the high temperature treatment. The lignins studied showed the presence of p-hydroxyphenyl (H unit) and a greater proportion of guaiacyl (G unit) moieties, lower purity, similar or greater amount of phenolic hydroxyl groups, and higher degradation temperatures, than the Alcell (R) lignin.
This work aimed at the production of stabilized derivatives of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL) by multipoint covalent immobilization of the enzyme on chitosan-based matrices. The resulting biocatalysts were tested for synthesis of biodiesel by ethanolysis of palm oil. Different hydrogels were prepared: chitosan alone and in polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) with kappa-carrageenan, gelatin, alginate, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The obtained supports were chemically modified with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to increase support hydrophobicity, followed by activation with different agents such as glycidol (GLY), epichlorohydrin (EPI), and glutaraldehyde (GLU). The chitosan-alginate hydrogel, chemically modified with TNBS, provided derivatives with higher apparent hydrolytic activity (HA(app)) and thermal stability, being up to 45-fold more stable than soluble lipase. The maximum load of immobilized enzyme was 17.5 mg g(-1) of gel for GLU, 7.76 mg g(-1) of gel for GLY, and 7.65 mg g(-1) of gel for EPI derivatives, the latter presenting the maximum apparent hydrolytic activity (364.8 IU g(-1) of gel). The three derivatives catalyzed conversion of palm oil to biodiesel, but chitosan-alginate-TNBS activated via GLY and EPI led to higher recovered activities of the enzyme. Thus, this is a more attractive option for both hydrolysis and transesterification of vegetable oils using immobilized TLL, although industrial application of this biocatalyst still demands further improvements in its half-life to make the enzymatic process economically attractive.
Isotretinoin is the drug of choice for the management of severe recalcitrant nodular acne. Nevertheless, some of its physical-chemical properties are still poorly known. Hence, the aim of our study consisted to comparatively evaluate the particle size distribution (PSD) and characterize the thermal behavior of the three encapsulated isotretinoin products in oil suspension (one reference and two generics) commercialized in Brazil. Here, we show that the PSD, estimated by laser diffraction and by polarized light microscopy, differed between the generics and the reference product. However, the thermal behavior of the three products, determined by thermogravimetry (TGA), differential thermal (DTA) analyses and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), displayed no significant changes and were more thermostable than the isotretinoin standard used as internal control. Thus, our study suggests that PSD analyses in isotretinoin lipid-based formulations should be routinely performed in order to improve their quality and bioavailability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.