830 resultados para business school graduates


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee ekonomien ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeita muuttuvassa maailmassa, jossa ammatillinen erityisosaaminen vanhenee nopeasti. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ekonomikunnassa koettuja ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeita substanssin ja oppimistapojen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeita ekonomeilla on ja miten näihin tarpeisiin voisi vastata. Tutkimuksen pyrkimyksenä on selvittää myös, miten Suomen Ekonomiliitto SEFE voisi auttaa jäseniään kehittymään edelleen ammatillisesti. Aikuisoppimis- ja motivaatioteorioita on olemassa lukuisia. Pro gradun teoriaosassa selvitetään, miten aikuisten oppiminen tapahtuu, mitä se pitää sisällään ja mikä motivoi oppimaan. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan työelämän ekonomeille asettamia vaatimuksia tänään ja tulevaisuudessa. Pro graduni tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sähköistä kyselyä, ja otoksena oli 2000 SEFEn jäsenrekisteristä poimittua ekonomia. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että heterogeenisen ekonomikunnan näkemykset ammatillisen kehittymisen tarpeista ja varsinkin juuri itselle sopivista koulutusmuodoista eroavat melko paljon. Tärkeimmiksi ekonomiosaamisen osa-alueiksi nousivat seikat, joista on hyötyä muuttuvan maailman mukana pysymisessä, kuten valmius omaksua uusia asioita ja ongelmanratkaisutaito. Seuraavaksi tärkeimmäksi osaamisalueeksi nimettiin yleinen talouden tuntemus. Kehittää tulisi paitsi näitä osa-alueita, myös erilaisia johtamistaitoja. Tulosten mukaan suurin este ammatilliselle lisäkoulutukselle on ajan puute. Kyselyn vastauksissa painotettiin koulutuksesta saatavaa hyötyä suhteessa siihen laitettuihin panostuksiin. Kiireessä priorisoidaan työssä oppimista ja lyhyitä täsmäkoulutuksia.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Research across several countries has shown that degree classification (i.e. the final grade awarded to students successfully completing university) is an important determinant of graduates’ first destination outcome. Graduates leaving university with higher degree classifications have better employment opportunities and a higher likelihood of continuing education relative to those with lower degree classifications. This article investigates whether one of the reasons for this result is that employers and higher education institutions use degree classification as a signalling device for the ability that recent graduates may possess. Given the large number of applicants and the amount of time and resources typically required to assess their skills, employers and higher education institutions may decide to rely on this measure when forming beliefs about recent graduates’ abilities. Using data on two cohorts of recent graduates from a UK university, results suggest that an Upper Second degree classification may have a signalling role.


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We would like to thank Philipp Schwarz and Julia Gückel for their dedicated support in preparing this paper and our colleagues and students of the School of Engineering and the Business School for our fruitful discussions.


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A dissertação que ora apresentamos visa a obtenção do grau de mestre no MBA - Gestão de Empresas, pelo ISCTE Business School, Departamento de Gestão. Intitulado o ensino e prática da Contabilidade, orientado para o desenvolvimento de competências científicas, tecnológicas e relacionais, este estudo foi desenvolvido para tentarmos perceber até que ponto o ensino da contabilidade, no instituto eleito para o efeito, corresponde às expectativas da profissão, atendendo às competências que o mercado, inserido num mundo global em constantes mutações, determina como fundamentais para o sucesso da carreira contabilística. Com novas necessidades em competências, na prática contabilística, resultantes da utilização das TICs, presentes em qualquer ramo da esfera humana, tentámos perceber se o currículo do Curso de Contabilidade, do instituto, está projectado para conferir, aos diplomados, competências do saber-saber, saber-fazer, e saber-ser, em conformidade com tais necessidades ou, pelo contrário, baseia-se numa perspectiva tradicional assente numa pedagogia por objectivos, encontrando-se desactualizado. Tratou-se de um estudo de caso, numa investigação qualitativa holística, que permitiu desenvolver compreensões a partir das evidências reunidas, das representações dos sujeitos sobre quem recaem os resultados da investigação, que estabelecem uma relação indirecta com os mesmos resultados. Dos resultados obtidos, percebemos que o currículo do Curso de Contabilidade não se adequa a um currículo baseado em competências, sendo inadequado à realidade contabilística actual, local e global. As conclusões chegadas permitem-nos defender uma revisão curricular do curso para adequá-lo às competências necessárias à garantia duma profissão de contabilista de sucesso. Como contributo, propomos um plano de estudos alternativo. The present dissertation aims at obtaining the master degree in MBA - Management, ISCTE Business School, Department of Management. Titled the teaching and practice of accounting, aimed at developing scientific, technology and relations competencies, this study was designed trying to realize the extent to which accounting education, at the institute elected for that, has met the expectations of the profession given the skills that the market, housed in a global world in constant change, establishes as fundamental to successful accounting career. With new skills needs in accounting practice, resulting from the use of ICT, present in any branch of the human sphere, we tried to see if the accounting course curriculum, of the institute, is designed to give graduates the skills of knowing how to know, knowing how to do and how to be or, conversely, is based on a traditional perspective based on a pedagogy by objectives, and is outdated. It was a case study, a holistic qualitative research, which allowed us to develop insights from the evidence gathered, the representations of the subjects on whom fall the results of research, establishing an indirect link with the same results. From our results, we find that the accounting course curriculum is not appropriate for a curriculum based on skills, and unsuited to current accounting practice, locally and globally. The conclusions reached allow us to defend a curriculum review of the course to suit the skills necessary to ensure a successful accountancy profession. As a contribution, we propose an alternative curriculum.


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The history of the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, highlights the role of multinationals in establishing business education in Europe and the problem of legitimacy. The creation of IMD's predecessors CEI and IMEDE by Alcan and Nestlé also illuminates the role of Harvard Business School in their development and the reciprocal influences of American and European management education after World War II.


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We empirically contribute to the debate on business education in building on a decision frame perspective of decision making in corporate responsibility settings. Business schools have been accused to teach amoral theories, leading their students to behave less morally and engendering corporate responsibility scandals. Research has also pointed toward self-selection: business students would differ from non-business students before entering business school. We examine the role of socioeconomic status, core self-evaluations in this regard. Further, we investigate the belief in a free market as a distal influence triggering a business frame, and moral intensity as a proximal influence triggering a moral frame on responsible decision making by business and non-business students. Cross-sectional data obtained from 566 students on two decision making scenarios mostly supported our hypotheses. Socioeconomic status but not core self-evaluations explain the belief in a free market, and had indirect effects on the likelihood to make a less responsible decision. Importantly, the relationship between business studies and the belief in a free market remained significant after accounting for these variables. Our study thus contributes to the socialization and self-selection arguments. We discuss theoretical and practical implications for research on decision frames and for business education, respectively.


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An instrumental case study was conducted to explore the perspective of recent graduates from a Greater Toronto Area community college experience in relation to Workplace Essential Skills (WES). Five participants who graduated from a business school within the last 4 years were interviewed twice over a 4-month period to gain a deeper understanding of this relationship. This qualitative approach used semi-structured interviews to elicit stories about their experiences, their relationships in school, and the development of skills that were useful in the workplace. The analysis of data involved the 3-step coding process of open, axial, and selective coding consistent with the approach used by Neuman (2006). The analysis revealed that the overall experience of attending college contributed to the learning that took place. The participants gave greater significance to the life experience in learning WES and the networks associated with learning than the formal aspects of education. It is also important to acknowledge that the research identified a significant opportunity for educators’ to positively impact the learning experience.


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El propósito de esta investigación es describir la percepción de los egresados titulados y empleadores acerca de la pertinencia de la formación de programas académicos de Magíster en Administración ofrecidos por las Instituciones de Educación Superior en Bogotá. Además a través de esta investigación es posible determinar su importancia en el desarrollo y potencialización de las capacidades, habilidades y destrezas directivas y gerenciales necesarias para desempeñarse dentro de una empresa perdurable, coherentes con la realidad social, laboral, cultural y ambiental. Para ello, se hace un análisis del grado de satisfacción de los egresados titulados y empleadores permitiendo conocer las fortalezas y debilidades del programa. En consecuencia fue posible proponer recomendaciones y conclusiones para mejorar el programa, asegurando un camino para aportar “el estado del arte “ de la Administración para los futuros estudiantes y en beneficio de las compañías.


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Joining the sharpening critique of conventional University-based business school education, we argue that educating integrated catalysts is necessary to meet current sustainability challenges. The key feature of moving toward the integration required at the individual level is focusing on developing students' capacity for moral and cognitive maturity. Practically, this makes the practice of genuine dialogue focal as core interpersonal method for educating management students. In supporting such education, business schools must however first transform themselves. Acting as transformative social enterprises, they can demonstrate being a part in critically questioning and improving the impact and relevance of management on the flourishing of wider society and the practice of an ethically oriented economy. We offer practical suggestions and implications for future business education reform.