954 resultados para box-counting


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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La geometria euclidea risulta spesso inadeguata a descrivere le forme della natura. I Frattali, oggetti interrotti e irregolari, come indica il nome stesso, sono più adatti a rappresentare la forma frastagliata delle linee costiere o altri elementi naturali. Lo strumento necessario per studiare rigorosamente i frattali sono i teoremi riguardanti la misura di Hausdorff, con i quali possono definirsi gli s-sets, dove s è la dimensione di Hausdorff. Se s non è intero, l'insieme in gioco può riconoscersi come frattale e non presenta tangenti e densità in quasi nessun punto. I frattali più classici, come gli insiemi di Cantor, Koch e Sierpinski, presentano anche la proprietà di auto-similarità e la dimensione di similitudine viene a coincidere con quella di Hausdorff. Una tecnica basata sulla dimensione frattale, detta box-counting, interviene in applicazioni bio-mediche e risulta utile per studiare le placche senili di varie specie di mammiferi tra cui l'uomo o anche per distinguere un melanoma maligno da una diversa lesione della cute.


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La geometria frattale descrive la complessità strutturale di oggetti che presentano, entro certi limiti, invarianza a fattori di scala. Obiettivo di questa tesi è l’analisi di indici frattali della morfologia cerebrale e cerebellare da immagini di risonanza magnetica (MRI) pesate T1 e della loro correlazione con l’età. A tale scopo sono state analizzate la dimensione frattale (D0) e la lacunarità (λs), indice di eterogeneità strutturale, della sostanza grigia (GM) e bianca (WM), calcolate mediante algoritmi di box counting e di differential gliding box, implementati in linguaggio C++, e regressione lineare con scelta automatica delle scale spaziali. Gli algoritmi sono stati validati su fantocci 3D ed è stato proposto un metodo per compensare la dipendenza di λs dalle dimensioni dell’immagine e dalla frazione di immagine occupata. L’analisi frattale è stata applicata ad immagini T1 a 3T del dataset ICBM (International Consortium for Brain Mapping) composto da 86 soggetti (età 19-85 anni). D0 e λs sono state rispettivamente 2.35±0.02 (media±deviazione standard) e 0.41±0.05 per la GM corticale, 2.34±0.03 e 0.35±0.05 per la WM cerebrale, 2.19±0.05 e 0.17±0.02 per la GM cerebellare, 1.95±0.06 e 0.30±0.04 per la WM cerebellare. Il coefficiente di correlazione lineare tra età e D0 della GM corticale è r=−0.38 (p=0.003); tra età e λs, r=0.72 (p<0.001) (mostrando che l’eterogeneità strutturale aumenta con l’invecchiamento) e tra età e λs compensata rispetto al volume della GM cerebrale (GMV), r=0.51 (p<0.001), superiore in valore assoluto a quello tra età e GMV (r=−0.45, p<0.001). In un modello di regressione lineare multipla, dove l’età è stata modellata da D0, λ e GMV della GM corticale, λs è risultato l’unico predittore significativo (r parziale=0.62, p<0.001). La lacunarità λs è un indice sensibile alle variazioni strutturali dovute all’invecchiamento cerebrale e si candida come biomarcatore nella valutazione della complessità cerebrale nelle malattie neurodegenerative.


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Most fusion satellite image methodologies at pixel-level introduce false spatial details, i.e.artifacts, in the resulting fusedimages. In many cases, these artifacts appears because image fusion methods do not consider the differences in roughness or textural characteristics between different land covers. They only consider the digital values associated with single pixels. This effect increases as the spatial resolution image increases. To minimize this problem, we propose a new paradigm based on local measurements of the fractal dimension (FD). Fractal dimension maps (FDMs) are generated for each of the source images (panchromatic and each band of the multi-spectral images) with the box-counting algorithm and by applying a windowing process. The average of source image FDMs, previously indexed between 0 and 1, has been used for discrimination of different land covers present in satellite images. This paradigm has been applied through the fusion methodology based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), using the à trous algorithm (WAT). Two different scenes registered by optical sensors on board FORMOSAT-2 and IKONOS satellites were used to study the behaviour of the proposed methodology. The implementation of this approach, using the WAT method, allows adapting the fusion process to the roughness and shape of the regions present in the image to be fused. This improves the quality of the fusedimages and their classification results when compared with the original WAT method


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Image analysis could be a useful tool for investigating the spatial patterns of apparent soil moisture at multiple resolutions. The objectives of the present work were (i) to define apparent soil moisture patterns from vertical planes of Vertisol pit images and (ii) to describe the scaling of apparent soil moisture distribution using fractal parameters. Twelve soil pits (0.70 m long × 0.60 m width × 0.30 m depth) were excavated on a bare Mazic Pellic Vertisol. Six of them were excavated in April/2011 and six pits were established in May/2011 after 3 days of a moderate rainfall event. Digital photographs were taken from each Vertisol pit using a Kodak™ digital camera. The mean image size was 1600 × 945 pixels with one physical pixel ≈373 μm of the photographed soil pit. Each soil image was analyzed using two fractal scaling exponents, box counting (capacity) dimension (DBC) and interface fractal dimension (Di), and three prefractal scaling coefficients, the total number of boxes intercepting the foreground pattern at a unit scale (A), fractal lacunarity at the unit scale (Λ1) and Shannon entropy at the unit scale (S1). All the scaling parameters identified significant differences between both sets of spatial patterns. Fractal lacunarity was the best discriminator between apparent soil moisture patterns. Soil image interpretation with fractal exponents and prefractal coefficients can be incorporated within a site-specific agriculture toolbox. While fractal exponents convey information on space filling characteristics of the pattern, prefractal coefficients represent the investigated soil property as seen through a higher resolution microscope. In spite of some computational and practical limitations, image analysis of apparent soil moisture patterns could be used in connection with traditional soil moisture sampling, which always renders punctual estimates


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Image analysis could be a useful tool for investigating the spatial patterns of apparent soil moisture at multiple resolutions. The objectives of the present work were (i) to define apparent soil moisture patterns from vertical planes of Vertisol pit images and (ii) to describe the scaling of apparent soil moisture distribution using fractal parameters. Twelve soil pits (0.70 m long × 0.60 m width × 0.30 m depth) were excavated on a bare Mazic Pellic Vertisol. Six of them were excavated in April/2011 and six pits were established in May/2011 after 3 days of a moderate rainfall event. Digital photographs were taken from each Vertisol pit using a Kodak? digital camera. The mean image size was 1600 × 945 pixels with one physical pixel ?373 ?m of the photographed soil pit. Each soil image was analyzed using two fractal scaling exponents, box counting (capacity) dimension (DBC) and interface fractal dimension (Di), and three prefractal scaling coefficients, the total number of boxes intercepting the foreground pattern at a unit scale (A), fractal lacunarity at the unit scale (?1) and Shannon entropy at the unit scale (S1). All the scaling parameters identified significant differences between both sets of spatial patterns. Fractal lacunarity was the best discriminator between apparent soil moisture patterns. Soil image interpretation with fractal exponents and prefractal coefficients can be incorporated within a site-specific agriculture toolbox. While fractal exponents convey information on space filling characteristics of the pattern, prefractal coefficients represent the investigated soil property as seen through a higher resolution microscope. In spite of some computational and practical limitations, image analysis of apparent soil moisture patterns could be used in connection with traditional soil moisture sampling, which always renders punctual estimates.


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Desde finales del siglo pasado, el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes digitales, se ha convertido en una poderosa herramienta para la investigación de las propiedades del suelo a múltiples resoluciones, sin embargo todavía no existen los mejores resultados en cuanto a estos trabajos. El principal problema para investigar el drenaje vertical a partir de la distribución de humedad en un perfil de vertisol es la búsqueda de métodos factibles que usen este procedimiento. El objetivo general es implementar una metodología para el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes digitales, que permita caracterizar la distribución del contenido de humedad de un perfil de vertisol. Para el estudio, doce calicatas fueron excavadas en un Mazic Pellic Vertisol, seis de ellas en mayo 13/2011 y el resto en mayo 19/2011 después de moderados eventos de lluvia. Las imágenes RGB de los perfiles fueron tomadas con una cámara Kodak™; con tamaños seleccionados de 1600 x 945 píxeles cada una fue procesada para homogeneizar el brillo y se aplicaron filtros suavizadores de diferentes tamaños de ventana, hasta obtener el óptimo. Cada imagen se dividió en sus matrices componentes, seleccionando los umbrales de cada una para ser aplicado y obtener el patrón digital binario. Este último fue analizado a través de la estimación de dos exponentes fractales: dimensión de conteo de cajas (DBC) y dimensión fractal de interfase húmedo seco (Di). Además, fueron determinados tres coeficientes prefractales a la máxima resolución: número total de cajas interceptados en el plano del patrón (A), la lagunaridad fractal (λ1) y la entropía de Shannon (S1). Para todas las imágenes obtenidas, basado en la entropía, los análisis de clúster y de histogramas, el filtro espacial de 9x9 resultó ser el de tamaño de ventana óptimo. Los umbrales fueron seleccionados a partir del carácter bimodal de los histogramas. Los patrones binarios obtenidos mostraron áreas húmedas (blancas) y secas (negras) que permitieron su análisis. Todos los parámetros obtenidos mostraron diferencias significativas entre ambos conjuntos de patrones espaciales. Mientras los exponentes fractales aportan información sobre las características de llenado del patrón de humedad, los coeficientes prefractales representan propiedades del suelo investigado. La lagunaridad fractal fue el mejor discriminador entre los patrones de humedad aparente del suelo. ABSTRACT From last century, digital image processing and analysis was converted in a powerful tool to investigate soil properties at multiple resolutions, however, the best final procedure in these works not yet exist. The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a bare Mazic Pellic Vertisol, six of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19/2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak™ camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents: box counting dimension (DBC


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The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a ba re Mazic Pellic Vertisols ix of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19 /2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak? camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents box counting dimension D BC) and interface fractal dimension (D) In addition, three pre-fractal scaling coefficients were determinate at maximum resolution: total number of boxes intercepting the foreground pattern (A), fractal lacunarity (?1) and Shannon entropy S1). For all the images processed the spatial filter 9x9 was the optimum based on entropy, cluster and histogram criteria. Thresholds for each color were selected based on bimodal histograms.


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Purpose: The human retinal vasculature has been demonstrated to exhibit fractal, or statistically self similar properties. Fractal analysis offers a simple quantitative method to characterise the complexity of the branching vessel network in the retina. Several methods have been proposed to quantify the fractal properties of the retina. Methods: Twenty five healthy volunteers underwent retinal photography, retinal oximetry and ocular biometry. A robust method to evaluate the fractal properties of the retinal vessels is proposed; it consists of manual vessel segmentation and box counting of 50 degree retinal photographs centred on the fovea. Results: Data is presented on the associations between the fractal properties of the retinal vessels and various functional properties of the retina. Conclusion Fractal properties of the retina could offer a promising tool to assess the risk and prognostic factors that define retinal disease. Outstanding efforts surround the need to adopt a standardised protocol for assessing the fractal properties of the retina, and further demonstrate its association with disease processes.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la existencia de la relación entre la atrofia cortical difusa objetivada por neuroimagenes cerebrales y desempeños cognitivos determinados mediante la aplicación de pruebas neuropsicológicas que evalúan memoria de trabajo, razonamiento simbólico verbal y memoria anterógrada declarativa. Participaron 114 sujetos reclutados en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de la ciudad de Bogotá mediante muestreo de conveniencia. Los resultados arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos (pacientes con diagnóstico de atrofia cortical difusa y pacientes con neuroimagenes interpretadas como dentro de los límites normales) en todas las pruebas neuropsicológicas aplicadas. Respecto a las variables demográficas se pudo observar que el grado de escolaridad contribuye como factor neuroprotector de un posible deterioro cognitivo. Tales hallazgos son importantes para determinar protocoles tempranos de detección de posible instalación de enfermedades neurodegenerativas primarias.


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The cerebral cortex presents self-similarity in a proper interval of spatial scales, a property typical of natural objects exhibiting fractal geometry. Its complexity therefore can be characterized by the value of its fractal dimension (FD). In the computation of this metric, it has usually been employed a frequentist approach to probability, with point estimator methods yielding only the optimal values of the FD. In our study, we aimed at retrieving a more complete evaluation of the FD by utilizing a Bayesian model for the linear regression analysis of the box-counting algorithm. We used T1-weighted MRI data of 86 healthy subjects (age 44.2 ± 17.1 years, mean ± standard deviation, 48% males) in order to gain insights into the confidence of our measure and investigate the relationship between mean Bayesian FD and age. Our approach yielded a stronger and significant (P < .001) correlation between mean Bayesian FD and age as compared to the previous implementation. Thus, our results make us suppose that the Bayesian FD is a more truthful estimation for the fractal dimension of the cerebral cortex compared to the frequentist FD.


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In questa tesi si vuole trattare il concetto di dimensione a partire dalla teoria della misura e lo si vuole applicare per definire e studiare gli insiemi frattali, in particolare, autosimili. Nel primo capitolo si tratta la dimensione di Hausdorff a partire dalla teoria della misura di Hausdorff, di cui si osservano alcune delle proprietà grazie a cui la prima si può definire. Nel secondo capitolo si danno altre definizioni di dimensione, come ad esempio quella di auto-similarità e la box-counting, per mostrare che tale concetto non è univoco. Si analizzano quindi le principali differenze tra le diverse dimensioni citate e si forniscono esempi di insiemi per cui esse coincidono e altri, invece, per cui esse differiscono. Nel terzo capitolo si introduce poi il vero e proprio concetto di insieme frattale. In particolare, definendo i sistemi di funzioni iterate e studiandone le principali proprietà, si definisce una particolare classe di insiemi frattali detti autosimili. In questo capitolo sono enunciati e dimostrati teoremi fondamentali che legano gli attrattori di sistemi di funzioni iterate a insiemi frattali autosimili e forniscono, per alcuni specifici casi, una formula per calcolarne la dimensione di Hausdorff. Si danno, inoltre, esempi di calcolo di tale dimensione per alcuni insiemi frattali autosimili molto noti. Nel quarto capitolo si dà infine un esempio di funzione che abbia grafico frattale, la Funzione di Weierstrass, per mostrare un caso pratico in cui è utilizzata la teoria studiata nei capitoli precedenti.