949 resultados para Zeta function, Calabi-Yau Differential equation, Frobenius Polynomial


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In this paper we study Dirichlet convolution with a given arithmetical function f as a linear mapping 'f that sends a sequence (an) to (bn) where bn = Pdjn f(d)an=d. We investigate when this is a bounded operator on l2 and ¯nd the operator norm. Of particular interest is the case f(n) = n¡® for its connection to the Riemann zeta function on the line 1, 'f is bounded with k'f k = ³(®). For the unbounded case, we show that 'f : M2 ! M2 where M2 is the subset of l2 of multiplicative sequences, for many f 2 M2. Consequently, we study the `quasi'-norm sup kak = T a 2M2 k'fak kak for large T, which measures the `size' of 'f on M2. For the f(n) = n¡® case, we show this quasi-norm has a striking resemblance to the conjectured maximal order of j³(® + iT )j for ® > 12 .


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Starting with the work of Lapidus and van Frankenhuysen a number of papers have introduced zeta functions as a way of capturing multifractal information. In this paper we propose a new multifractal zeta function and show that under certain conditions the abscissa of convergence yields the Hausdorff multifractal spectrum for a class of measures.


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A 2D steady model for the annular two-phase flow of water and steam in the steam-generating boiler pipes of a liquid metal fast breeder reactor is proposed The model is based on thin-layer lubrication theory and thin aerofoil theory. The exchange of mass between the vapour core and the liquid film due to evaporation of the liquid film is accounted for using some simple thermodynamics models, and the resultant change of phase is modelled by proposing a suitable Stefan problem Appropriate boundary conditions for the now are discussed The resulting non-lineal singular integro-differential equation for the shape of the liquid film free surface is solved both asymptotically and numerically (using some regularization techniques) Predictions for the length to the dryout point from the entry of the annular regime are made The influence of both the traction tau provided by the fast-flowing vapour core on the liquid layer and the mass transfer parameter eta on the dryout length is investigated


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We consider a certain type of second-order neutral delay differential systems and we establish two results concerning the oscillation of solutions after the system undergoes controlled abrupt perturbations (called impulses). As a matter of fact, some particular non-impulsive cases of the system are oscillatory already. Thus, we are interested in finding adequate impulse controls under which our system remains oscillatory. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The first 12000 zeroes of Riemann's zeta function on the critical line with 20000 decimal digits accuracy. Format: the zeroes are in text file listed consecutively in decimal representation, each zero starts on a new line.

Zeroes of zeta function presented in this file were calculated on MASSIVE cluster (www.massive.org.au) using Python and packages MPmath version 0.17 and gmpy version 2.1, with a Newton based algorithm proposed by Fredrik Johansson with precision set to 20000 decimal digits. Partial recalculation with higher precision didn't show any loss of accuracy so we expect that the values are correct up to, possibly, a few last digits. We express our thanks to Fredrik Johansson for this algorithm and for development of MPmath as well.


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The project aims at computing Riemann's zeroes with high accuracy through an analysis of large determinants using Matyasievich's Artless method. Location of Riemann's zeroes is the famous 8th Hilbert problem, and one of Clay's Institute millennium problems.


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The use of fractional calculus when modeling phenomena allows new queries concerning the deepest parts of the physical laws involved in. Here we will be dealing with an apparent paradox in which the time of transference from zero in a system with fractional derivatives can be strictly shortened relatively to the minimal time transference done in an equivalent system in the frame of the entire derivatives.


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In this article, we study the existence of mild solutions for fractional neutral integro-differential equations with infinite delay.


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Ist $f: X \to S$ eine glatte Familie von Calabi-Yau-Mannigfaltigkeiten der Dimension $m$ über einer quasiprojektiven Kurve, so trägt nach einem Resultat von Zucker die erste $L^2$-Kohomologiegruppe $H^1_{(2)}(S, R^m f_* \mathbb{C}_X)$ eine reine Hodgestruktur vom Gewicht $m+1$. In dieser Arbeit berechnen wir die Hodgezahlen solcher Hodgestrukturen für $m= 1, 2, 3$ und verallgemeinern dabei Formeln aus einem Artikel von del Angel, Müller-Stach, van Straten und Zuo auf den Fall, in dem die lokalen Monodromiematrizen bei Unendlich nicht unipotent, sondern echt quasi-unipotent sind. Wir verwenden dazu den $L^2$-Higgs-Komplex nach Jost, Yang und Zuo. Für Familien von Kurven führt dies auf eine bereits bekannte Formel von Cox und Zucker. Schließlich wenden wir die Ergebnisse im Fall $m=3$ auf 14 Familien von Calabi-Yau-Mannigfaltigkeiten an, die eine Rolle in der Spiegelsymmetrie spielen, sowie auf eine von Rohde konstruierte Familie ohne Punkte mit maximal unipotenter Monodromie.


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The continued fraction method for solving differential equations is illustrated using three famous differential equations used in quantum chemistry.


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This paper proves that the real projection of each simple zero of any partial sum of the Riemann zeta function ζn(s):=∑nk=11ks,n>2 , is an accumulation point of the set {Res : ζ n (s) = 0}.