994 resultados para Valence band offset


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The valence band structures of Al-N-codoped [ZnO:(Al, N)] and N-doped (ZnO:N) ZnO films were studied by normal and soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence-band maximum of ZnO:(Al, N) shifts up to Fermi energy level by about 300 meV compared with that of ZnO:N. Such a shift can be attributed to the existence of a kind of Al-N in ZnO:(Al, N), as supported by core level XPS spectra and comparison of modified Auger parameters. Al-N increased the relative quantity of Zn-N in ZnO:(Al, N), while N-N decreased that of Zn-N in ZnO:N. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We have investigated the optical transitions in Ga1-yInyNxAs1-x/GaAs single and multiple quantum wells using photovoltaic measurements at room temperature. From a theoretical fit to the experimental data, the conduction band offset Q(c), electron effective mass m(e)*, and band gap energy E-g were estimated. It was found that the Q(c) is dependent on the indium concentration, but independent on the nitrogen concentration over the range x=(0-1)%. The m(e)* of GaInNAs is much greater than that of InGaAs with the same concentration of indium, and increases as the nitrogen concentration increases up to 1%. Our experimental results for the m(e)* and E-g of GaInNAs are quantitatively explained by the two-band model based on the strong interaction of the conduction band minimum with the localized N states. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The conduction-band offset Delta E-C has been determined for a molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs/In0.2Ga0.8As single quantum-well structure, by measuring the capacitance-voltage (C - V) profiling, taking into account a correction for the interface charge density, and the capacitance transient resulting from thermal emission of carriers from the quantum well, respectively. We found that Delta E-C = 0.227 eV, corresponding to about 89% Delta E-g, from the C - V profiling; and Delta E-C = 0.229eV, corresponding to about 89.9% Delta E-g, from the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique. The results suggest that the conduction-band discontinuity Delta E-C obtained from the C-V profiling is in good agreement with that obtained from the DLTS technique. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction light-emitting diodes (LEDs) show weak defect-related electroluminescence (EL). In order to analyze the origin of the weak EL, the energy band alignment and interfacial microstructure of ZnO/Si heterojunction are investigated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence band offset (VBO) is determined to be 3.15 +/- 0.15 eV and conduction band offset is -0.90 +/- 0.15 eV, showing a type-II band alignment. The higher VBO means a high potential barrier for holes injected from Si into ZnO, and hence, charge carrier recombination takes place mainly on the Si side rather than the ZnO layer. It is also found that a 2.1 nm thick SiOx interfacial layer is formed at the ZnO/Si interface. The unavoidable SiOx interfacial layer provides to a large number of nonradiative centers at the ZnO/Si interface and gives rise to poor crystallinity in the ZnO films. The weak EL from the n-ZnO/p-Si LEDs can be ascribed to the high ZnO/Si VBO and existence of the SiOx interfacial layer.


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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to measure the valence band offset (VBO) of the w-InN/h-BN heterojunction. We find that it is a type-II heterojunction with the VBO being -0.30 +/- A 0.09 eV and the corresponding conduction band offset (CBO) being 4.99 +/- A 0.09 eV. The accurate determination of VBO and CBO is important for designing the w-InN/h-BN-based electronic devices.


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The tunneling from an AlGaAs confined thin layer to a GaAs layer in the GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs structure during the trapped electron emission from deep level in the AlGaAs to its conduction band has been observed by deep level transient spectroscopy. With the aid of the tunneling effect, the conduction-band offset DELTAE(c) was determined to be 0.260 eV, corresponding to 63% of DELTAE(g). A calculation was also carried out based on this tunneling model by using the experimental value of DELTAE(c) = E2 - E1 = 0. 260 eV, and good agreement between the experimental and calculated curves is obtained.


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Investigations on thin films that started decades back due to scientific curiosity in the properties of a two-dimensional solid, has developed into a leading research field in recent years due to the ever expanding applications of the thin films in the fann of a variety of active and passive microminiaturized components and devices, solar cells, radiation sowces and detectors, magnetic memory devices, interference filters, refection and antireflection coatings etc. [1]. The recent environment and energy resource concerns have aroused an enonnous interest in the study of materials in thin film form suitable for renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic devices. Recognition of the immense potential applications of the chalcopyrites that can fonn homojunctions or heterojunctions for solar cell fabrication has attracted many researchers to extensive and intense research on them. In this thesis, we have started with studies performed on CuInSe, thin films, a technologically well recognized compound belonging to the l•ill-VI family of semiconductors and have riveted on investigations on the preparation and characterization of compoWlds Culn3Se5. Culn5Seg and CuIn7Se12, an interesting group of compounds related to CuInSe2 called Ordered Vacancy Compounds, having promising applications in photovoltaic devices. A pioneering work attempted on preparing and characterizing the compound Culn7Sel2 is detailed in the chapters on OVC's. Investigation on valence band splitting in avc's have also been attempted for the first time and included as the last chapter in the thesis. Some of the salient features of the chalcopyrite c.ompounds are given in the next section .of this introductory chapter.


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Optical properties of intentionally disordered multiple quantum well (QW) system embedded in a wide AlGaAs parabolic well were investigated by photoluminescence (PL) measurements as functions of the laser excitation power and the temperature. The characterization of the carriers localized in the individual wells was allowed due to the artificial disorder that caused spectral separation of the photoluminescence lines emitted by different wells. We observed that the photoluminescence peak intensity from each quantum well shifted to high energy as the excitation power was increased. This blue-shift is associated with the filling of localized states in the valence band tail. We also found that the dependence of the peak intensity on the temperature is very sensitive to the excitation power. The temperature dependence of the photoluminescence peak energy from each QW was well fitted using a model that takes into account the thermal redistribution of the localized carriers. Our results demonstrate that the band tails in the studied structures are caused by alloy potential fluctuations and the band tail states dominate the emission from the peripheral wells. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730769]


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The optical and structural properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QD) are strongly modified through the use of a thin (~ 5 nm) GaAsSb(N) capping layer. In the case of GaAsSb-capped QDs, cross-sectional scanning tunnelling microscopy measurements show that the QD height can be controllably tuned through the Sb content up to ~ 14 % Sb. The increased QD height (together with the reduced strain) gives rise to a strong red shift and a large enhancement of the photoluminescence (PL) characteristics. This is due to improved carrier confinement and reduced sensitivity of the excitonic bandgap to QD size fluctuations within the ensemble. Moreover, the PL degradation with temperature is strongly reduced in the presence of Sb. Despite this, emission in the 1.5 !lm region with these structures is only achieved for high Sb contents and a type-II band alignment that degrades the PL. Adding small amounts of N to the GaAsSb capping layer allows to progressively reduce the QD-barrier conduction band offset. This different strategy to red shift the PL allows reaching 1.5 !lm with moderate Sb contents, keeping therefore a type-I alignment. Nevertheless, the PL emission is progressively degraded when the N content in the capping layer is increased


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The origin of the modified optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QD) capped with a thin GaAs1−xSbx layer is analyzed in terms of the band structure. To do so, the size, shape, and composition of the QDs and capping layer are determined through cross-sectional scanning tunnelling microscopy and used as input parameters in an 8 × 8 k·p model. As the Sb content is increased, there are two competing effects determining carrier confinement and the oscillator strength: the increased QD height and reduced strain on one side and the reduced QD-capping layer valence band offset on the other. Nevertheless, the observed evolution of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity with Sb cannot be explained in terms of the oscillator strength between ground states, which decreases dramatically for Sb > 16%, where the band alignment becomes type II with the hole wavefunction localized outside the QD in the capping layer. Contrary to this behaviour, the PL intensity in the type II QDs is similar (at 15 K) or even larger (at room temperature) than in the type I Sb-free reference QDs. This indicates that the PL efficiency is dominated by carrier dynamics, which is altered by the presence of the GaAsSb capping layer. In particular, the presence of Sb leads to an enhanced PL thermal stability. From the comparison between the activation energies for thermal quenching of the PL and the modelled band structure, the main carrier escape mechanisms are suggested. In standard GaAs-capped QDs, escape of both electrons and holes to the GaAs barrier is the main PL quenching mechanism. For small-moderate Sb (<16%) for which the type I band alignment is kept, electrons escape to the GaAs barrier and holes escape to the GaAsSb capping layer, where redistribution and retraping processes can take place. For Sb contents above 16% (type-II region), holes remain in the GaAsSb layer and the escape of electrons from the QD to the GaAs barrier is most likely the dominant PL quenching mechanism. This means that electrons and holes behave dynamically as uncorrelated pairs in both the type-I and type-II structures.


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Limitations on the open-circuit voltage of p-ZnTe/n-ZnSe heterojunction solar cells are studied via current-voltage (I-V) measurements under solar concentration and at variable temperature. The open-circuit voltage reaches a maximum value of 1.95 V at 77 K and 199 suns. The open-circuit voltage shows good agreement with the calculated built-in potential of 2.00 V at 77 K. These results suggest that the open-circuit voltage is limited by heterojunction band offsets associated with the type-II heterojunction band lineup, rather than the bandgap energy of the ZnTe absorber material.


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AMPS (Analysis of microelectronic and photonic structures) mode,which was developed by Pennsylvania State University, has been used to module the light J-V characteristics of a-Si solar cells with a structure of TCO/p-a-SiC:H/i-a-Si:H/n-a-Si:H/ metal. The effects of valence band offset and contact barriers at p/i and TOC/p, n/metal interfaces on the light J-V characteristics have been examined. The modeling has qualitatively categorized and explained the non-ideal J-V behaviors (rollover, crossover, Voc shift,and rollunder) observed in a-Si based solar cells.


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Rashba spin splitting (RSS) in biased semiconductor quantum wells is investigated theoretically based on eight-band k center dot p theory. We find that at large wave vectors, RSS is both nonmonotonic and anisotropic as a function of in-plane wave vector, in contrast to the widely used isotropic linear model. We derive an analytical expression for RSS, which can qualitatively reproduce such nonmonotonic behavior at large wave vectors. We also investigate numerically the dependence of RSS on the various band parameters and find that RSS increases with decreasing band gap and subband index, increasing valence band offset, external electric field, and well width. All these dependences can be qualitatively described by our analytical model.