939 resultados para VEINTIMILLA DE GALINDO, DOLORES, 1829-1857


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[ES] La finalidad de este trabajo es la identificación taxonómica de algunos de los quironómidos (Diptera) presentes en el entorno de la Estación Depuradora de Aguas Residuales de Galindo. La captura de los insectos se llevó a cabo mediante dos metodologías distintas, en los clarificadores de Decantación Secundaria de la E.D.A.R. La identificación taxonómica se ha realizado con la consulta de guías de identificación de machos adultos, los cuales presentan características morfológicas diferenciadoras más útiles y complejas. La identificación llevó al establecimiento de cuatro morfotipos, que agrupan a los individuos observados según características morfológicas comunes. En cada morfotipo se incluyen los taxones correspondientes de acuerdo con su identificación taxonómica. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, la identificación no ha alcanzado el nivel de especie.


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Western Atlantic synodontid species were studied as part of an ongoing effort to reanalyze Caribbean shorefish diversity. A neighbor-joining tree constructed from cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) data revealed 2 highly divergent genetic lineages within both Synodus intermedius (Agassiz, 1829) (Sand Diver) and S. foetens (Linnaeus, 1766) (Inshore Lizardfish). A new species, Synodus macrostigmus, is described for one of the S. intermedius lineages. Synodus macrostigmus and S. intermedius differ in number of lateral-line scales, caudal pigmentation, size of the scapular blotch, and shape of the anterior-nostril flap. Synodus macrostigmus and S. intermedius have overlapping geographic and depth distributions, but S. macrostigmus generally inhabits deeper water (>28 m) than does S. intermedius and is known only from coastal waters of the southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico, in contrast to those areas and the Caribbean for S. intermedius. Synodus bondi Fowler, 1939, is resurrected from the synonymy of S. foetens for one of the S. foetens genetic lineages. The 2 species differ in length and shape of the snout, number of anal-fin rays, and shape of the anterior-nostril flap. Synodus bondi and S. foetens co-occur in the central Caribbean, but S. bondi otherwise has a more southerly distribution than does S. foetens. Redescriptions are provided for S. intermedius, S. foetens, and S. bondi. Neotypes are designated for S. intermedius and S. foetens. A revised key to Synodus species in the western Atlantic is presented.


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Population parameters of Lepturacanthus savala from the trawl catches in the north-eastern part of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were investigated based on length frequency data, using complete ELEFAN computer program. The asymptotic length (Lα) and growth constant (K) were estimated to be 106.50 cm (total length) and 0.80/year respectively. Based on these growth parameters, the total mortality (Z) was estimated to be 1.89. The estimated values for natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were 1.08 and 0.81 respectively. The estimated value for the exploitation rate (E) using the length converted catch curve was 0.43. The recruitment pattern showed two peaks per year. The estimated sizes of L. savala at 25, 50 and 75% probabilities of capture were 57.49, 60.39 and 63.28 cm respectively. The estimated length weight relationship for combined sex was W=0.00093 TL(super)2.97


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Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1829) constitutes a minor fishery contributing 23.3% to the total ribbonfish catch in Maharashtra. Based on the length data obtained from shrimp trawlers and the traditionally operated bag nets, age and growth of the species have been investigated from Mumbai waters. Growth was studied by various computer-based methods incorporated in FiSAT Programme. The growth parameters L∞ and K (on annual basis) by Gulland-Holt plot were 683.3 mm and 0.87, respectively. As the seasonal temperature variations in coastal waters of Mumbai are not pronounced, the seasonally oscillating growth patterns by ELEFAN and Appledoorn's method were not considered. Following the von Bertalanffy growth model, the fish attains 399.8, 567.2 and 637.4 mm at the end of 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively, and the lifespan of the fish is about 3.3 years.


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Age, growth and reproduction of H. kelee were studied, and a brief description of its fishery in Maputo Bay (Mozambique) is given. Most material was collected from gill net fisheries during 1977-1980, but some was taken from shrimp trawlers operating in the same area during 1980-1981. Main spawning takes place during October-January with a peak in December. There is also some evidence that spawning takes place during June-July. The size at first maturity was approximately equals 14-15 cm. Ageing was carried out using primary growth rings in the otoliths and length-frequency analysis of fish caught by shrimp trawlers. Von Bertalanffy's growth equation parameters were determined. Males and females grew in similar fashion. There are seasonal trends in the catch composition of the gill net fishery, showing high values during April to September and low during October to December.


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Phylogenetic relationships among 15 species of wood mice (genus Apodemus) were reconstructed to explore some long-standing taxonomic problems. The results provided support for the monophyly of the genus Apodemus, but could not reject the hypothesis of paraphyly for this genus. Our data divided the 15 species into four major groups: (1) the Sylvaemus group (A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis, A. alpicola, and A. uralensis), (2) the Apodemus group (A. peninsulae, A. chevreri, A. agrarius, A. speciosus, A. draco, A. ilex, A. semotus, A. latronum, and A. mystacinus), (3) A. argenteus, and (4) A. gurkha. Our results also suggested that orestes should be a valid subspecies of A. draco rather than an independent species; in contrast, A. ilex from Yunnan may be regarded as a separate species rather than a synonym of orestes or draco. The species level status of A. latronum, tscherga as synonyms of A. uralensis, and A. chevrieri as a valid species and the closest sibling species of A. agrarius were further corroborated by our data. Applying a molecular clock with the divergences of Mus and Rattus set at 12 million years ago (Mya) as a calibration point, it was estimated that five old lineages (A. mystacinus and four major groups above) diverged in the late Miocene (7.82-12.74 Mya). Then the Apodemus group (excluding A. mystacinus) split into two subgroups: agrarius and draco, at about 7.17-9.95 Mya. Four species of the Sylvaemus group were estimated to diverge at about 2.92-5.21 Mya. The Hengduan Mountains Region was hypothesized to have played important roles in Apodemus evolutionary histories since the Pleistocene. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The journalistic boom that occurred in Argentina from the second half of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of an active afroporteña press that defend the interests of the black community. This paper, in addition to reviewing the history of the Afro-Argentines newspapers, emphasizes the role played by the elite of African descent in the promotion of modernity among his brothers, while exploring the possible bases for an identity in the ideas spread.


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The paper examines some reflections and discussions about the role and nature of the press that took place in Buenos Aires during the 1850s, referring to the difficulties involved in congenial freedom and order. This was caused by the fact that the press was considered a pillar of republican and civilized societies, but also an agent capable of corroding the social and political order.


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The female body is central to the performance art, poetry and blog site interventions of Guatemalan Regina José Galindo. While Galindo is best known for her performance work, this article compares the hereto overlooked, distinctive and often shocking representations of the female body across her multimedia outputs. We first consider the ways in which, in all three media, Galindo presents an ‘excessive’, carnivalised, grotesque and abject female body. Second, we analyse representations of the female body that has been subjected to violence at a private and public level. In so doing, we show how Galindo not only contests hegemonic visions of gender and (national) identity but also challenges the viewer/reader to engage with, rather than look away from, the violence to which women are subjected in patriarchal society.


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This letter is to O. H. Spencer.