962 resultados para Underground coal
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de neumoconiosis y caracterizar los resultados de la espirometría y la presencia de síntomas respiratorios en trabajadores expuestos a polvo de carbón por las labores realizadas en minas de socavón en Cundinamarca. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal en 215 trabajadores con exposición ocupacional a polvo de carbón, que laboran en minas subterráneas en Cundinamarca, 2014. Se recolectó información de variables sociodemográficas, hábitos de tabaquismo, resultados de espirometría, cuestionario de síntomas respiratorios y radiografía de tórax con toma y lectura según criterios exigidos por la guía técnica de la OIT. Se utilizaron distribuciones de frecuencias absolutas y relativas expresadas en porcentajes para las variables cualitativas y para variables cuantitativas medidas de tendencia central y de variabilidad. Se usó la prueba de asociación chí cuadrado, o prueba de correlación según naturaleza de las variables y análisis multivariable para el control o ajuste de la relación por dichas variables. Resultados: La edad media de la población fue de 45,5 años y la antigüedad laboral media de 21,7 años. El diagnóstico según resultados de espirometría se clasificó con patrón normal el 89.8% de la población estudiada, patrón obstructivo el 5.1%, patrón restrictivo el 3,7% y alteración vías aéreas periféricas el 0,5%. Conclusión: La prevalencia de neumoconiosis en los trabajadores de Cundinamarca fue de 42,33% teniendo en cuenta los criterios establecidos por la OIT para lectura de radiografías de tórax e indica la necesidad de implementar políticas para la prevención de enfermedades asociadas a la explotación minera
Introducción: La exposición en minas subterráneas a altos niveles de polvo de carbón está relacionada con patologías pulmonares. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de neumoconiosis, medidas de higiene y seguridad industrial y su relación con niveles ambientales de carbón en trabajadores de minas de socavón en Cundinamarca. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, en 215 trabajadores seleccionados mediante muestreo probabilístico estratificado con asignación proporcional. Se realizaron monitoreos ambientales, radiografías de tórax y encuestas con variables sociodemográficas y laborales. Se emplearon medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y la prueba de independencia ji-cuadrado de Pearson o pruebas exactas, con el fin de establecer las asociaciones. Resultados: El 99,5% de la población perteneció al género masculino, el 36,7% tenía entre 41-50 años, con un promedio de años de trabajo de 21,70 ± 9,99. La prevalencia de neumoconiosis fue de 42,3% y la mediana de la concentración de polvo de carbón bituminoso fue de 2,329670 mg/m3. El índice de riesgo de polvo de carbón presentó diferencias significativas en las categorías de bajo (p=0,0001) y medio (p=0,0186) con la prevalencia de neumoconiosis. El 84,2% reporto no usar mascarilla. No se presentan diferencias entre los niveles de carbón (p=0,194) con la prevalencia de neumoconiosis. Conclusiones: Se encontró una prevalencia de neumoconiosis de 42,3% en Cundinamarca. Se requiere contar con medidas de higiene y seguridad industrial efectivas para controlar el riesgo al que están expuestos los mineros de carbón por la inhalación de polvo de carbón.
RESUMEN. Introducción: la minería a cielo abierto y la subterránea, presentan altas cifras de lesiones asociadas a esta industria a nivel internacional. Países como Australia, algunos de Europa y Estados Unidos tienen avances en seguridad minera, tanto en lesiones fatales como no mortales; sin embargo, otros países no muestran el mismo desarrollo, ejemplo de ello son algunos países de África, China y países de Suramérica. Colombia, muestra un paupérrimo avance en seguridad minera, agravado por ausencia de registros de calidad para establecer políticas en salud y seguridad minera. Objetivo: describir los accidentes de trabajo (AT) y enfermedades laborales (EL) de dichos trabajadores y sus relaciones con tiempo de exposición y oficio. Metodología: estudio transversal con 476 trabajadores del el sector de minería. Se indago sobre los AT y EL de los mineros de socavón en los departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Norte de Santander. Se realizó análisis estadístico con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, estimación de prevalencia de AT y EL y pruebas de asociación Chi-cuadrado para identificar factores relacionados con las variables. Para las estimaciones de parámetros se empleó un nivel de confianza del 95% y las pruebas de asociación un nivel α de 0,05. Resultados: La edad en años de los trabajadores varió entre 20 y 76 años con una media general de 43 ± 10. La antigüedad laboral en años varió entre 10 y 57 años con una media general de 19,3±9,1. Los trabajadores con mayor promedio de antigüedad laboral fueron los de Cundinamarca (valor_p< 0.000). La incidencia de AT fue de 52,3%, IC (95% 47,7% – 56,9%) en los tres departamentos, siendo mayor en Boyacá. Las regiones anatómicas más comprometidas fueron miembros inferiores 32,2%, miembros superiores 26,9%, la cabeza y espalda con 9,9% respectivamente. La enfermedad laboral que más se diagnosticó, fue hernia de disco. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la magnitud del problema de la accidentalidad observada en los tres departamentos; la distribución de los accidentes en el sector minero, según la región anatómica, el tipo de lesión y su agente causal, esto será insumo para ayudar a la elaboración de políticas públicas, a nivel empresarial, de las Administradoras de Riesgos Laborales (ARL) y otros actores del Sistema de gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SGSST). Palabras clave: minería, exposición profesional, accidentes de trabajo, enfermedad laboral, Colombia.
Historicamente a convivência entre a mineração e a população sempre foi problemática, com prejuízos enormes para esta última, que, por problemas da falta de moradia, tem de conviver com a degradação do meio ambiente ao seu redor, como a poluição através da poeira, ruído e vibração. Esse trabalho, com dados coletados na mina subterrânea de carvão Trevo, na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina, coloca em evidência a necessidade da integração Empresa x Comunidade, no sentido da melhoria das técnicas de mineração e do meio ambiente, visando a uma convivência pacífica e tendo como um dos seus principais resultados alertar e despertar a consciência da Empresa ante aos reclamos da comunidade, demonstrando-se com dados, o perigo decorrente do planejamento de uma lavra sem levar em conta as habitações em superfície.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Underground coal mines explosions generally arise from the inflammation of a methane/air mixture. This explosion can also generate a subsequent coal dust explosion. Traditionally such explosions have being fought eliminating one or several of the factors needed by the explosion to take place. Although several preventive measures are taken to prevent explosions, other measures should be considered to reduce the effects or even to extinguish the flame front. Unlike other protection methods that remove one or two of the explosion triangle elements, namely; the ignition source, the oxidizing agent and the fuel, explosion barriers removes all of them: reduces the quantity of coal in suspension, cools the flame front and the steam generated by vaporization removes the oxygen present in the flame. Passive water barriers are autonomous protection systems against explosions that reduce to a satisfactory safety level the effects of methane and/or flammable dust explosions. The barriers are activated by the pressure wave provoked in the explosion destroying the barrier troughs and producing a uniform dispersion of the extinguishing agent throughout the gallery section in quantity enough to extinguish the explosion flame. Full scale tests have been carried out in Polish Barbara experimental mine at GIG Central Mining Institute in order to determine the requirements and the optimal installation conditions of these devices for small sections galleries which are very frequent in the Spanish coal mines. Full scale tests results have been analyzed to understand the explosion timing and development, in order to assess on the use of water barriers in the typical small crosssection Spanish galleries. Several arrangements of water barriers have been designed and tested to verify the effectiveness of the explosion suppression in each case. The results obtained demonstrate the efficiency of the water barriers in stopping the flame front even with smaller amounts of water than those established by the European standard. According to the tests realized, water barriers activation times are between 0.52 s and 0.78 s and the flame propagation speed are between 75 m/s and 80 m/s. The maximum pressures (Pmax) obtained in the full scale tests have varied between 0.2 bar and 1.8 bar. Passive barriers protect effectively against the spread of the flame but cannot be used as a safeguard of the gallery between the ignition source and the first row of water troughs or bags, or even after them, as the pressure could remain high after them even if the flame front has been extinguished.
The Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response (MINER) Act of 2006 implemented new regulations in the underground coal mining industry that allow for the certification of non-compressed gas equipment for respiratory protection in underground coal mines. NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Biomedical Research and Engineering Laboratory (BRL) is investigating the potential to expand cryogenic air supply systems into the mining and general industries. These investigations have, so far, resulted in four separate comparison and hardware development programs. The Propellant Handlers Ensemble (PHE) and Level “A” Ensemble Comparison (LAE): This study compared worker thermal stress while using the industry standard Level A hazardous material handling ensemble as opposed to using the similarly protective Propellant Handler’s Ensemble (PHE) that utilizes a cryogenic air supply pack, known as an Environmental Control Unit (ECU) as opposed to the compressed air Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) used in the LAE. The research found that, in a 102°F environment, test subjects experienced significantly decreased body temperature increases, significantly decreased heart rate increases, and decreased sweat loss while performing a standard work routine while using the PHE, compared to the same test subjects performing the same routine while using the LAE. The Cryogenic Refuge Alternative Supply System (CryoRASS) project: The MINER Act of 2006 requires the operators of underground coal mines to provide refuge alternatives that can provide a safe atmosphere for workers for up to 96 hours in the event of a mine emergency. The CryoRASS project retrofitted an existing refuge chamber with a liquid air supply instead of the standard compressed air supply system and performed a 96 hour test. The CryoRASS system demonstrated that it provided a larger air supply in a significantly smaller footprint area, provided humidity and temperature control, and maintained acceptable oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the chamber for the required amount of time. SCBA and Mine Rescue System (CryoBA/CryoASFS) Another requirement of the MINER Act is that additional emergency breathing equipment must be staged along evacuation routes to supplement the Self Contained/Self Rescue (SCSR) devices that are now required. The BRL has developed an SCBA known as the Cryogenic Breathing Apparatus (CryoBA), that has the ability to provide 2 hours of breathing air, a refill capability, and some cooling for the user. Cryogenic Air Storage and Filling Stations (CryoASFS) would be positioned in critical areas to extend evacuation time. The CryoASFS stations have a significantly smaller footprint and larger air storage capacity to similar compressed air systems. The CryoBA pack is currently undergoing NIOSH certification testing. Technical challenges associated with liquid breathing air systems: Research done by the BRL has also addressed three major technical challenges involved with the widespread use of liquid breathing air. The BRL developed a storage Dewar fitted with a Cryorefrigerator that has stored liquid air for four months with no appreciable oxygen enrichment due to differential evaporation. Testing of liquid breathing air was material and time intensive. A BRL contract developed a system that only required 1 liter of air and five minutes of time compared to the 10 liters of air and 75 minutes of time required by the old method. The BRL also developed a simple and cost effective method of manufacturing liquid air that joins a liquid oxygen tanker with a liquid nitrogen tanker through an orifice controlled “Y” fitting, mixing the two components, and depositing the mixed breathing air in a separate tanker.
"Period of performance: September, l968- December, 1973."
This paper presents an analysis of personal respirable coal dust measurements recorded by the Joint Coal Board in the underground longwall mines of New South Wales from 1985 to 1999. A description of the longwall mining process is given. In the study, 11 829 measurements from 33 mines were analysed and the results given for each occupation, for seven occupational groups, for individual de-identified mines and for each year of study. The mean respirable coal dust concentration for all jobs was 1.51 mg/m(3) (SD 1.08 mg/m(3)). Only 6.9% of the measurements exceeded the Australian exposure standard of 3 mg/m(3). Published exposure-response relationships were used to predict the prevalence of progressive massive fibrosis and the mean loss of FEV1, after a working lifetime (40 years) of exposure to the mean observed concentration of 1.5 mg/m(3). Prevalences of 1.3 and 2.9% were predicted, based on data from the UK and the USA, respectively. The mean loss of FEV1 was estimated to be 73.7 ml.
Coal mining and incineration of solid residues of health services (SRHS) generate several contaminants that are delivered into the environment, such as heavy metals and dioxins. These xenobiotics can lead to oxidative stress overgeneration in organisms and cause different kinds of pathologies, including cancer. In the present study the concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, copper, iron, manganese and zinc in the urine, as well as several enzymatic and non-enzymatic biomarkers of oxidative stress in the blood (contents of lipoperoxidation = TBARS, protein carbonyls = PC, protein thiols = PT, alpha-tocopherol = AT, reduced glutathione = GSH, and the activities of glutathione S-transferase = GST, glutathione reductase = GR, glutathione peroxidase = GPx, catalase = CAT and superoxide dismutase = SOD), in the blood of six different groups (n = 20 each) of subjects exposed to airborne contamination related to coal mining as well as incineration of solid residues of health services (SRHS) after vitamin E (800 mg/day) and vitamin C (500 mg/day) supplementation during 6 months, which were compared to the situation before the antioxidant intervention (Avila et al., Ecotoxicology 18:1150-1157, 2009; Possamai et al., Ecotoxicology 18:1158-1164, 2009). Except for the decreased manganese contents, heavy metal concentrations were elevated in all groups exposed to both sources of airborne contamination when compared to controls. TBARS and PC concentrations, which were elevated before the antioxidant intervention decreased after the antioxidant supplementation. Similarly, the contents of PC, AT and GSH, which were decreased before the antioxidant intervention, reached values near those found in controls, GPx activity was reestablished in underground miners, and SOD, CAT and GST activities were reestablished in all groups. The results showed that the oxidative stress condition detected previously to the antioxidant supplementation in both directly and indirectly subjects exposed to the airborne contamination from coal dusts and SRHS incineration, was attenuated after the antioxidant intervention.
Reactive oxygen species and nitrogen species have been implicated in the pathogenesis of coal dust-induced toxicity. The present study investigated several oxidative stress biomarkers (Contents of lipoperoxidation = TBARS, reduced = GSH, oxidized = GSSG and total glutathione = TG, alpha-tocopherol, and the activities of glutathione S-transferase = GST, glutathione reductase = GR, glutathione peroxidase = GPx, catalase = CAT and superoxide dismutase = SOD), in the blood of three different groups (n = 20 each) exposed to airborne contamination associated with coal mining activities: underground workers directly exposed, surface workers indirectly exposed, residents indirectly exposed (subjects living near the mines), and controls (non-exposed subjects). Plasma TBARS were increased and whole blood TG and GSH levels were decreased in all groups compared to controls. Plasma alpha-tocopherol contents showed approximately half the values in underground workers compared to controls. GST activity was induced in workers and also in residents at the vicinity of the mining plant, whilst CAT activity was induced only in mine workers. SOD activity was decreased in all groups examined, while GPx activity showed decreased values only in underground miners, and GR did not show any differences among the groups. The results showed that subjects directly and indirectly exposed to coal dusts face an oxidative stress condition. They also indicate that people living in the vicinity of the mine plant are in health risk regarding coal mining-related diseases.
A study of information available on the settlement characteristics of backfill in restored opencast coal mining sites and other similar earthworks projects has been undertaken. In addition, the methods of opencast mining, compaction controls, monitoring and test methods have been reviewed. To consider and develop the methods of predicting the settlement of fill, three sites in the West Midlands have been examined; at each, the backfill had been placed in a controlled manner. In addition, use has been made of a finite element computer program to compare a simple two-dimensional linear elastic analysis with field observations of surface settlements in the vicinity of buried highwalls. On controlled backfill sites, settlement predictions have been accurately made, based on a linear relationship between settlement (expressed as a percentage of fill height) against logarithm of time. This `creep' settlement was found to be effectively complete within 18 months of restoration. A decrease of this percentage settlement was observed with increasing fill thickness; this is believed to be related to the speed with which the backfill is placed. A rising water table within the backfill is indicated to cause additional gradual settlement. A prediction method, based on settlement monitoring, has been developed and used to determine the pattern of settlement across highwalls and buried highwalls. The zone of appreciable differential settlement was found to be mainly limited to the highwall area, the magnitude was dictated by the highwall inclination. With a backfill cover of about 15 metres over a buried highwall the magnitude of differential settlement was negligible. Use has been made of the proposed settlement prediction method and monitoring to control the re-development of restored opencase sites. The specifications, tests and monitoring techniques developed in recent years have been used to aid this. Such techniques have been valuable in restoring land previously derelict due to past underground mining.
Coal ignited the industrial revolution. An organic sedimentary rock that energized the globe, transforming cities, landscapes and societies for generations, the importance of ‘King Coal’ to the development and consolidation of modernity has been well-recognised. And yet, as a critical factor in the production of modern architecture, coal—as well as other forms of energy—has been mostly overlooked.
From Appalachia to Lanarkshire, from the pits of northern France, Belgium and the Ruhr valley, to the monumental opencast excavations of Russia, China, Africa and Australia, mining operations have altered the immediate social and physical landscapes of coal-rich areas. But in contrast to its own underground conditions of production, the winning of coal, especially in the twentieth-century, has produced conspicuously enlightened and humane approaches to architecture and urbanism. In the twentieth century, educational buildings, holiday camps, hospitals, swimming pools, convalescent homes and housing prevailed alongside model collieries in mining settlements and areas connected to them. In 1930s Britain, pit head baths—funded by a levy on each ton produced—were often built in the International Style. Many won praise for architectural merit, appearing in Nicholas Pevsner’s guides to the buildings of England alongside cathedrals, village manors and Masonic halls as testimonies to the public good.
The deep relationships between coal and modernity, and the expressions of architecture it has articulated, in the collieries from which it was hewn, the landscape and towns it shaped, and the power stations and other infrastructure where it was used, offer innumerable opportunities to explore how coal produced architectures which embodied and expressed both social and technological conditions. While proposals on coal are preferred, we also welcome papers that interrogate the complexity, heterogeneity and hybridity of other forms of energy production and how these have also interceded into architectural form at a range of scales.
Acid drainage influence on the water and sediment quality was investigated in a coal mining area (southern Brazil). Mine drainage showed pH between 3.2 and 4.6 and elevated concentrations of sulfate, As and metals, of which, Fe, Mn and Zn exceeded the limits for the emission of effluents stated in the Brazilian legislation. Arsenic also exceeded the limit, but only slightly. Groundwater monitoring wells from active mines and tailings piles showed pH interval and chemical concentrations similar to those of mine drainage. However, the river and ground water samples of municipal public water supplies revealed a pH range from 7.2 to 7.5 and low chemical concentrations, although Cd concentration slightly exceeded the limit adopted by Brazilian legislation for groundwater. In general, surface waters showed large pH range (6 to 10.8), and changes caused by acid drainage in the chemical composition of these waters were not very significant. Locally, acid drainage seemed to have dissolved carbonate rocks present in the local stratigraphic sequence, attenuating the dispersion of metals and As. Stream sediments presented anomalies of these elements, which were strongly dependent on the proximity of tailings piles and abandoned mines. We found that precipitation processes in sediments and the dilution of dissolved phases were responsible for the attenuation of the concentrations of the metals and As in the acid drainage and river water mixing zone. In general, a larger influence of mining activities on the chemical composition of the surface waters and sediments was observed when enrichment factors in relation to regional background levels were used.