943 resultados para UDK:7.01


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to verify the effect on body sway during quiet standing of the habitual weight carried by students in a backpack. [Subjects] Forty-six students between the ages of 8 and 14 years volunteered. [Method] The percentage of body weight (% BW) of each student's backpack was calculated and the students were separated into three groups based on the results: Group A (0-7% BW), Group B (7.01-14% BW) and Group C (14.01-21%BW). [Results] The use of the backpack increased the area of the CoP sway, displacement and mean speed of the CoP data in the antero-posterior and medial-lateral directions in Group C. [Conclusion] Therefore, observed responses in the body posture changes caused by the weight of the backpack were similar to those reported in other studies conducted with different methodos of investigation.


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Recently, there is an interest in technologies that favour the use of coproducts for animal nutrition. The effect of adding two enzyme mixtures in diets for dogs formulated with wheat bran (WB) was evaluated. Two foods with similar compositions were formulated: negative control (NC; without WB) and test diet (25% of WB). The test diet was divided into four treatments: without enzyme (positive control), enzyme mixture 1 (ENZ1; added before extrusion β-glucanase, xylanase, cellulase, glucoamylase, phytase); enzyme mixture 2 (ENZ2; added before extrusion the ENZ1 more α-amylase); enzyme mixture 2 added after the extrusion (ENZ2ex). ENZ1 and ENZ2 were used to evaluate the enzyme effect on extruder pre-conditioner (processing additive) and ENZ2ex to evaluate the effect of enzyme supplementation for the animal. Digestibility was measured through total collection of faeces and urine. The experiment followed a randomized block design with five treatments (diets) and six dogs per diet, totalling 30 dogs (7.0 ± 1.2 years old and 11.0 ± 2.2 kg of body weight). Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey's test and orthogonal contrasts (p < 0.05). Reducing sugars showed an important reduction after extrusion, suggesting the formation of carbohydrate complexes. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid-hydrolysed fat and energy was higher in NC than in diets with WB (p < 0.001), without effects of enzyme additions. WB diets resulted in higher faecal production and concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and reduced pH and ammonia concentration (p < 0.01), with no effect of enzyme addition. The enzyme addition did not result in improved digestibility of a diet high in non-starch polysaccharides; however, only ATTD was measured and nutrient fermentation in the large intestine may have interfered with the results obtained. WB modified fermentation product formation in the colon of dogs. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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In this study, a total of 25 skulls of the adult, mongrel and mesaticephalics dogs were used. Craniometric measurements for different parts of the skull were made. Cephalic indices and ratios were calculated. Certain points and landmarks on the skull are recognized in making linear measurements and are inion, bregma, nasion, prosthion, pogonion, basion, euryon, and zygion. Skull height (41,92 mm ± 3,9), skull length (177,72 mm ± 16,22), neurocranium (96,84 mm ± 7,25), viscerocranial (79,24 mm ± 8,72), basal length (140,24 mm ± 12,21), condylobasal (149,32 mm ± 12,21), snout (69,84 mm ± 7,07), nasals (50,08 mm ± 6,77), mandibular (129,88 mm ± 16,3), and of palatal (76,84 mm ± 7,01); width of neurocranium (62,24 mm ± 3,8), and zygomatic (95,44 mm ± 7,85) were obtained. Therefore, were calculated cranial index (53,83 mm ± 3,36), neurocranium (64,48 mm ± 4,69), facial (121,06 mm ± 9,18), basal (44,64 mm ± 4,17), width of the jugular processes (41 mm ± 4,2), of occipital condyles (35,48 mm ± 3,21), and of the foramen magnum (17,48 mm ± 2,27); height of the occipital triangle (38,28 mm ± 3,35), of the foramen magnum (14,36 mm ± 1,07); length of the dorsal notch (16,1 mm ± 1,12), and foramen magnum index (83,71 mm ± 14,44). Although with some differences in measurements, no significant difference was observed between the dimensions and reported to mesaticephalic skulls.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a caracterização físico-química e microbiológica do surimi obtido de resíduos da filetagem de piramutaba. Os resultados da caracterização físico-química dos resíduos e surimi foram: umidade (76,37 e 79,11%), lipídios totais (5,35 e 0,74%), proteínas (14,92 e 10,79%), cinzas (3,03 e 2,35%), pH (6,9 e 7,4), valor calórico (109,15 e 77,86 kcal.g-1) e atividade de água (ambos 0,98), respectivamente. Os resultados dos valores de bases voláteis totais foi de 7,29 mgN/100-1 g (resíduos) e carboidratos de 7,01% (surimi). Os valores de lipídios totais e proteínas foram reduzidos durante o preparo do surimi, provavelmente, devido a sucessivas lavagens durante o processamento. Os resíduos e o surimi foram analisados microbiologicamente estando em conformidade com os parâmetros exigidos. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma perda da cor vermelha (parâmetro a*) e amarela (parâmetro b*). Por outro lado, o parâmetro L* (luminosidade) aumentou após o processamento do surimi. Conclui-se que os resíduos de piramutaba podem ser empregados como matéria-prima de qualidade na elaboração de surimi e como fonte de nutrientes para a alimentação humana, constituindo-se também como uma alternativa para destino dos resíduos, antes lançados no ambiente.


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O processo inflamatório decorrente da infecção por Mycobacterium leprae e a administração de fármacos com propriedades oxidativas, como a dapsona, são fatores de riscos ao estresse oxidativo ocasionado em pacientes com hanseníase. Este trabalho visa determinar as concentrações plasmáticas de dapsona em pacientes com hanseníase em uso de poliquimioterapia (PQT), correlacionando ao desenvolvimento do estresse oxidativo. Para o estudo, foram selecionados indivíduos saudáveis e pacientes com hanseníase, acompanhados antes (D0) e após a terceira dose supervisionada de PQT (D3). As concentrações plasmáticas de dapsona dos pacientes sob tratamento foram mesuradas por cromatografia liquida de alta eficiência. A avaliação do estresse oxidativo foi realizada através da determinação de metemoglobina (MetHb) e das concentrações de glutationa reduzida (GSH), óxido nítrico (NO), malondialdeído (MDA), capacidade antioxidante total (TEAC) e avaliação das atividades das enzimas catalase (CAT), superóxido dismutase (SOD) e da presença de corpúsculo de Heinz em esfregaços sanguíneos. No período de estudo foram obtidas 23 amostras de pacientes com hanseníase D0, 13 pacientes em D3 e 20 de indivíduos saudáveis e sem a doença. As alterações no pacientes antes do tratamento estavam associadas ao aumento de NO (D0=18.91± 2.39; controle= 6.86±1.79mM) e a redução significativa na enzima SOD (D0=69.88±12.26;controle= 138.42±14.99nmol/mL). Com relação aos pacientes sob tratamento, a concentração de dapsona no plasma foi 0.552± 0.037 μg/mL e as principais alterações observadas foram o aumento significativo no percentual de MetHb (D3= 3.29±0.74;controle=0.66±0.051%) e presença de corpúsculo de Heinz. Nos pacientes em tratamento também se observou aumento nos níveis de GSH (7.01±1.09μg/mL) quando comparados ao controle (3.33±1.09g/mL) e diminuição da atividade de CAT (D3= 10.29± 2.02; controle= 19.52±2.48 U/g de proteínas). Os níveis de MDA antes e durante o PQT não mostraram alteração, enquanto os níveis de TEAC aumentaram significativamente neste pacientes (D0=2.90 ± 0.42; D3=3.04±0.52; controle= 1.42±0.18μmol/mL). Estes dados sugerem que a PQT é a principal responsável pelo desenvolvimento de estresse oxidativo, através da geração de danos oxidativos identificados pela presença de corpúsculo de Heinz e aumento no percentual de MetHb.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e quantificar os constituintes dos óleos essenciais de Illicum verum, Ageratum conyzoides, Piper hispidinervum e Ocotea odorifera, bem como avaliar a toxicidade para o pulgão-verde Schizaphis graminum. A qualificação dos constituintes foi realizada por meio de um cromatógrafo gasoso + espectrômetro de massas, e a quantificação, por um cromatógrafo gasoso + detector de ionização de chama, ambos com uma coluna DB5. O método de hidrodestilação promoveu um rendimento (p/p) de 3,81% para I. verum, 0,46% para A. conyzoides, 2,85% para P. hispidinervum e 0,68% para O. odorífera. Já os componentes majoritários foram: precoceno (87,0%) e (E)-cariofileno (7,1%) para A. conyzoides; (E)-anetol (90,4%), limoneno (2,6%) e metil-chavicol (1,3%) para I. verum; metil-eugenol (81,2%) e safrol (10,6%) para Ocotea odorífera; e safrol (82,5%) e α-terpinoleno (13,4%) para P. hispidinervum. Pelos testes de toxicidade aguda (24 horas) com folhas de sorgo ou papel-filtro contaminados, verificou-se que o óleo de A. conyzoides foi o mais tóxico para o pulgão, com CL50 de 7,13 e 7,08 µL óleo/cm2 respectivamente, seguido por O. odorifera com CL50 de 11,80 e 103,00 µL óleo/cm2 respectivamente; I. verum de 51,80 µL óleo/cm2 em ambos os substratos; e o menos tóxico foi o óleo essencial de P. hispidinervum, com CL50 de 62,50 e 143,00 µL óleo/cm2, respectivamente. Dessa maneira, sugere-se que o uso dos óleos essenciais pode representar uma nova ferramenta em programas de manejo integrado de pragas.


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Lasiodiplodan, an exopolysaccharide of the (1 -> 6)-beta-d-glucan type, is produced by Lasiodiplodia theobromae MMPI when grown under submerged culture on glucose. The objective of this study was to evaluate lasiodiplodan production by examining the effects of carbon (glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose) and nitrogen sources (KNO3, (NH4)(2)SO4, urea, yeast extract, peptone), its production in shake flasks compared to a stirred-tank bioreactor, and to study the rheology of lasiodiplodan, and lasiodiplodan's anti-proliferative effect on breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Although glucose (2.05 +/- A 0.05 g L-1), maltose (2.08 +/- A 0.04 g L-1) and yeast extract (2.46 +/- A 0.06 g L-1) produced the highest amounts of lasiodiplodan, urea as N source resulted in more lasiodiplodan per unit biomass than yeast extract (0.74 +/- A 0.006 vs. 0.22 +/- A 0.008 g g(-1)). A comparison of the fermentative parameters of L. theobromae MMPI in shake flasks and a stirred-tank bioreactor at 120 h on glucose as carbon source showed maximum lasiodiplodan production in agitated flasks (7.01 +/- A 0.07 g L-1) with a specific yield of 0.25 +/- A 0.57 g g(-1) and a volumetric productivity of 0.06 +/- A 0.001 g L-1 h(-1). A factorial 2(2) statistical design developed to evaluate the effect of glucose concentration (20-60 g L-1) and impeller speed (100-200 rpm) on lasiodiplodan production in the bioreactor showed the highest production (6.32 g L-1) at 72 h. Lasiodiplodan presented pseudoplastic behaviour, and the apparent viscosity increased at 60A degrees C in the presence of CaCl2. Anti-proliferative activity of lasiodiplodan was demonstrated in MCF-7 cells, which was time- and dose-dependent with an IC50 of 100 mu g lasiodiplodan mL(-1).


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Aus dem tumorreaktiven T-Zellrepertoire der Melanompatientin Ma-Mel-86/INTH, bei der im Verlauf Lymphknotenmetastasen HLA-Klasse I-negativer Tumorzellen auftraten, wurden durch Stimulation mit autologen Tumorzellen CD8+ T-Zellklone isoliert und expandiert, die auf Melanomzellen der Patientin CSF2RA (engl. GM-CSF receptor alpha chain) in HLA-unabhängiger Weise erkannten. Aus einem der T-Zellklone wurde ein CSF2RA-reaktiver α:β-T-Zellrezeptor (TCR, engl. T-cell receptor) kloniert (Bezeichnung: TCR-1A.3/46). Die α-Kette des TCR enthielt die Domänen TRAV14/DV4*01, TRAJ48*01 und TRAC*01, die β-Kette die Domänen TRBV10-3*01, TRBD2*01, TRBJ2-7*01 und TRBC2*01. Durch Austausch der humanen konstanten gegen die homologen murinen Domänen wurde der TCR optimiert (Bezeichnung: cTCR-1A.3/46) und hinsichtlich seiner Expression und Funktionalität nach retroviralem Transfer in humane PBMC (engl. peripheral blood mononuclear cells) im 51Chromfreisetzungstest, im IFN-γ-ELISpot-Assay und in einem Degranulations-Assay validiert. TCR-transgene T-Zellen lysierten nicht nur spezifisch die HLA-defizienten, CSF2RA+ Melanomlinien des Modells Ma-Mel-86, sondern erkannten auch Zelllinien verschiedener Spezies nach Transfektion von CSF2RA sowie Monozyten, Granulozyten, dendritische Zellen und ein breites Spektrum hämatologischer Malignome myeloiden Ursprungs ungeachtet deren HLA-Phänotypen. Lymphatische Zellen sowie CD34+ Blutstammzellen wurden in In vitro-Untersuchungen nicht erkannt. Der Zusatz von GM-CSF zu Zellen, die CSF2RA und CSF2RB exprimierten, inhibierte die Erkennung durch TCR-transgene PBMC, während die Koexpression der α- und der ß-Kette des GM-CSF-Rezeptors alleine keinen negativen Effekt auf die Erkennung hatte. Daraus war zu schließen, dass CSF2RA präferentiell freistehend und weniger nach Integration in den heteromultimerischen GM-CSF-Rezeptor-Komplex erkannt wurde. In der zweidimensionalen Collier-de-Perles-Visualisierung der IMGT-Datenbank (engl. International immunogenetics information system) wies der CSF2RA-reaktive TCR-1A.3/46 im Vergleich zu TCR von konventionellen, HLA-restringierten T-Zellen keine Besonderheiten auf. Darüber hinaus waren auch die von den HLA-unabhängigen T-Zellen exprimierten CD8-Moleküle identisch zu den CD8-Molekülen HLA-abhängiger CTL (engl. cytotoxic T lymphocytes). Die Präsenz von CD8-Molekülen förderte die HLA-unabhängige Erkennung von CSF2RA, schien aber dafür nicht zwingend erforderlich zu sein, da Antikörper gegen CD8 die Erkennung zu ca. 65 % blockierten und TCR-transgene CD4+ T-Zellen im Vergleich zu TCR-transduzierten CD8+ T-Zellen eine deutlich verringerte, aber noch erhaltene Funktionalität aufwiesen. Es ist derzeit nicht klar, ob HLA-unabhängige T-Zellen gegen CSF2RA im peripheren Blut der Patientin vorkamen, weil sie der im Tiermodell postulierten Thymusselektion MHC-unabhängiger TCR (Tikhonova et al., Immunity 36:79, 2012) entkommen waren, oder weil ein ursprünglich gegen einen HLA-Peptid-Komplex gerichteter TCR eine HLA-unabhängige Kreuzreaktivität aufwies. CSF2RA verbessert die Glucoseutilisation in malignen Zellen, und es wurden ihm embryotrophe Eigenschaften zugeschrieben (Spielholz et al., Blood 85:973, 1995; Sjöblom et al., Biol. Reprod. 67:1817, 2002). Damit kann CSF2RA malignes Wachstum fördern und ist somit ein potentielles Zielmolekül für die Immuntherapie. Seine HLA-unabhängige Erkennung würde sowohl die HLA-Vielfalt als auch den HLA-Verlust als typische Limitationen der T-Zellimmuntherapie umgehen. Zur Überprüfung der In vivo-Spezifität des HLA-unabhängigen TCR gegen CSF2RA und damit zum Ausschluss relevanter off-tumor-/on-target- bzw. off-tumor-/off-target-Effekte ist jedoch eine Testung in einem präklinischen Tiermodell erforderlich.


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Objective: To evaluate early and mid-term results in patients undergoing proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery. Methods: We analyzed 60 patients (median age 60 years, median logistic EuroSCORE 40) who underwent proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery between January 2005 and April 2012. Outcome and risk factors were analyzed. Results: In hospital mortality was 13%, perioperative neurologic injury was 7%. Fifty percent of patients underwent redo surgery in an urgent or emergency setting. In 65%, partial or total arch replacement with or without conventional or frozen elephant trunk extension was performed. The preoperative logistic EuroSCORE I confirmed to be a reliable predictor of adverse outcome- (ROC 0.786, 95%CI 0.64–0.93) as did the new EuroSCORE II model: ROC 0.882 95%CI 0.78–0.98. Extensive individual logistic EuroSCORE I levels more than 67 showed an OR of 7.01, 95%CI 1.43–34.27. A EuroSCORE II larger than 28 showed an OR of 4.44 (95%CI 1.4–14.06). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified a critical preoperative state (OR 7.96, 95%CI 1.51–38.79) but not advanced age (OR 2.46, 95%CI 0.48–12.66) as the strongest independent predictor of in-hospital mortality. Median follow-up was 23 months (1–52 months). One year and five year actuarial survival rates were 83% and 69% respectively. Freedom from reoperation during follow-up was 100%. Conclusions: Despite a substantial early attrition rate in patients presenting with a critical preoperative state, proximal thoracic aortic redo surgery provides excellent early and mid-term results. Higher EuroSCORE I and II levels and a critical preoperative state but not advanced age are independent predictors of in-hospital mortality. As a consequence, age alone should no longer be regarded as a contraindication for surgical treatment in this particular group of patient


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This systematic review assesses the evidence for an association between Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and Crohn's disease. We analysed 28 case-control studies comparing MAP in patients with Crohn's disease with individuals free of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or patients with ulcerative colitis. Compared with individuals free of IBD, the pooled odds ratio (OR) from studies using PCR in tissue samples was 7.01 (95% CI 3.95-12.4) and was 1.72 (1.02-2.90) in studies using ELISA in serum. ORs were similar for comparisons with ulcerative colitis patients (PCR, 4.13 [1.57-10.9]; ELISA, 1.88 [1.26-2.81]). The association of MAP with Crohn's disease seems to be specific, but its role in the aetiology of Crohn's disease remains to be defined.