517 resultados para Transmedia Storytelling


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The transmedia storytelling is a phenomenom recently conceptualized theoretically (JENKINS, 2009), arising from ficcional mediatic products and disseminated as well by the use on other fields. This search aims to analyze how the transmedia storytellings can be applied to journalism on the basis of an specific genre, the reporting. To that, take as reference theoretical developments performed by brazilian authors (FECHINE et al., 2011, 2012, 2013), on the basis of televisive fiction, which culminated on concepts as transmediation and transmedia contents and deepened the comprehension and the research in this area. Thenceforth, this study propone a problematization and apropriation of this theoretic support for the journalism field, using, for that, a comprehension of journalistic production on a speech level, as well as its social practices (newsmaking). The empiric research also take two different paths. First, analyze a group of reportings, in which there is transmediation, in order to verifying the configuration of the transmedia phenomenom - more specifically of the transmedia storytelling - and its particularities to journalism. Then, develops an investigation, based on the etnographic method, of the productive routine on the special reporting section of the Jornal do Commercio (Recife/PE), aiming to investigate the conditions of transmediation in this range and the practices that favor and difficult the employment of transmedia storytelling. The result are, therefore, compared and related, with the goal of providing multidimensional view of the phenomenom


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Theoretical work that studies the alternate reality game, as well as their use for promotional purposes, to explore the convergence of media and encourage the participant to change between them. To do this analysis is plotted an overview of the concepts of transmedia storytelling and transmedia marketing to analyze a proposed game - Vivencie a Pandora - to promote a TV series - Nova Éden


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This study supports the role of Public Relations within Organizations, inserted in the context of the media convergence age, in which all the medias complement each other and can be used together to achieve a given goal. The approach is exposed after reflection on consumers’ specificity and identity, in addition to an approach about media convergence age characteristics, such as collective intelligence, participatory culture and affective economy. Throughout this paper, it is also discussed the concept of Transmedia Storytelling and how consumers and communicators stories have become especially important in the convergence age. In this context, consumers are understood as prosumers, since they infer and influence brands, organizations or products, by using words. We showed that, because of those prosumers narratives, an organization may became susceptible to their image destruction in a short period of time or get more acceptance and profitability. Thus, Public Relations presents itself as a communication professional that can use several corporate strategies in the relationship between organizations and their different target audience


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Studies investigating the relationship between literature and film have been largely oriented by an analysis vector which always departs from literary texts towards films. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of criticism done by renowned theorists such as Robert Stam and Brian McFarlane approaches almost exclusively texts considered canonical. This reveals an overemphasis on the notion that the “primordial” text in a study of adaptation should be the literary text. This essay discusses some of those concepts, challenging the “binary” models in adaptation studies and showing how the vectors of analysis can be usefully reversed, for example, starting from films to literature and to other textual architectures. This approach, shared by theorists such as Linda Hutcheon (2006) and Thomas Leitch (2007), rejects old notions that guided comparisons between literary and filmic texts, such as fidelity and equivalence, replacing them with intertextuality and transmedia storytelling.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Cultural events are changing significantly since the arrival of Web 2.0, where the company now has the ability to interact with the content available on the Internet, and also produce their own channels of media content. Among the existing manifestations, stands out by a bias folk-communicational, content production Comics, which consists in the narrative reconstruction of existing audiovisual products, making the author of the new work in an agent folkcommunicational. This article presents new perspectives on the issue, proposing a new reading of the mediations folk-communicational from transmedia storytelling.


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The genre documentary in itself characterized by citizen emancipation from the content discussed in his works. Termed as images of the people by Jean-Claude Bernardet (2003), the documentary is gaining traction in social development when added to citizen participation offered by transmedia storytelling. This study presents the results obtained from a literature search, the film analysis and experimentation supported in quasi-experimental methodology, results that support these conditions. Hopefully, from this discussion, consolidate the systematic development of transmedia documentary works in new media ecology and that maximizes the role of journalism by a traditionally audiovisual platform, now with other strands to the representation of the news.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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The present dissertation aims at analyzing the construction of American adolescent culture through teen-targeted television series and the shift in perception that occurs as a consequence of the translation process. In light of the recent changes in television production and consumption modes, largely caused by new technologies, this project explores the evolution of Italian audiences, focusing on fansubbing (freely distributed amateur subtitles made by fans for fan consumption) and social viewing (the re-aggregation of television consumption based on social networks and dedicated platforms, rather than on physical presence). These phenomena are symptoms of a sort of ‘viewership 2.0’ and of a new type of active viewing, which calls for a revision of traditional AVT strategies. Using a framework that combines television studies, new media studies, and fandom studies with an approach to AVT based on Descriptive Translation Studies (Toury 1995), this dissertation analyzes the non-Anglophone audience’s growing need to participation in the global dialogue and appropriation process based on US scheduling and informed by the new paradigm of convergence culture, transmedia storytelling, and affective economics (Jenkins 2006 and 2007), as well as the constraints intrinsic to multimodal translation and the different types of linguistic and cultural adaptation performed through dubbing (which tends to be more domesticating; Venuti 1995) and fansubbing (typically more foreignizing). The study analyzes a selection of episodes from six of the most popular teen television series between 1990 and 2013, which has been divided into three ages based on the different modes of television consumption: top-down, pre-Internet consumption (Beverly Hills, 90210, 1990 – 2000), emergence of audience participation (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 1997 – 2003; Dawson’s Creek, 1998 – 2003), age of convergence and Viewership 2.0 (Gossip Girl, 2007 – 2012; Glee, 2009 – present; The Big Bang Theory, 2007 - present).


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Este trabalho dedica-se a examinar as principais mudanças que ocorrem no processo de construção da notícia nos telejornais regionais paulistas na última década. Objetivamos o estudo das tecnologias digitais conectadas e as consequentes alterações no trabalho dos profissionais envolvidos jornalistas, técnicos e engenheiros, a fim de entender os novos formatos aplicados na transmissão de conteúdo contando com o auxílio da internet. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo comparativo com duas emissoras da Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba: TV Vanguarda, afiliada a Rede Globo, e a Tv Band Vale filiada ao Grupo Bandeirantes, que passaram por transformações em todas as dimensões da difusão de notícias com a digitalização dos seus processos tecnológicos e investimentos no ambiente virtual. Por meio da técnica de pesquisa observação participante chegou-se a conclusão de que a tecnologia é uma realidade adotada nas emissoras contribuindo para agilizar os trabalhos nas redações e aproximar o público dos telejornais.


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Este trabalho dedica-se a examinar as principais mudanças que ocorrem no processo de construção da notícia nos telejornais regionais paulistas na última década. Objetivamos o estudo das tecnologias digitais conectadas e as consequentes alterações no trabalho dos profissionais envolvidos jornalistas, técnicos e engenheiros, a fim de entender os novos formatos aplicados na transmissão de conteúdo contando com o auxílio da internet. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo comparativo com duas emissoras da Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba: TV Vanguarda, afiliada a Rede Globo, e a Tv Band Vale filiada ao Grupo Bandeirantes, que passaram por transformações em todas as dimensões da difusão de notícias com a digitalização dos seus processos tecnológicos e investimentos no ambiente virtual. Por meio da técnica de pesquisa observação participante chegou-se a conclusão de que a tecnologia é uma realidade adotada nas emissoras contribuindo para agilizar os trabalhos nas redações e aproximar o público dos telejornais.


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El artículo analiza el concepto de transmedia storytelling en su dimensión publicitaria. En cierto modo, las narrativas transmediáticas, esto es, la diseminación de las tramas ficcionales a lo largo de soportes y plataformas diversos pero sinérgicos (letra impresa, cine, televisión) fueron empleadas en primer lugar en el mensaje publicitario, obligado a transmigrar por su carencia de un soporte exclusivo y a cambio por la vocación de colonizarlos a todos. Hoy día es el producto cultural ficcional el que devuelve a la publicidad el préstamo: son los universos ficcionales los marcos más propiciatorios para el consumo, no sólo de la cultura industrial en sí, en cualquiera de sus soportes, sino de todo un rosario de marcas arracimadas en torno a la narrativa ficcional. Analizaremos en detalle este fenómeno en una teleserie norteamericana muy reciente, True Blood (HBO, 2008), todavía en emisión, y en todo el universo ficcional que orbita a su alrededor. La diferencia entre los productos culturales en sí y las piezas publicitarias encargadas de promocionarlos –como ya vio premonitoriamente Adorno- se disuelve en un continuo cross-promotional, que tiende a enmascarar también los límites entre las estrategias corporativas y las intervenciones del fan.


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La reflexión en torno a las narraciones transmediáticas ha sido muy intensa en los últimos diez años. En este artículo intentamos desbrozar el concepto, dar cuenta de su especificidad y mostrar algunos ejemplos clásicos y otros más recientes. También apuntaremos algunas dificultades y retos que plantea a los estudios no sólo narratológicos, sino también en los márgenes entre estos y otros dominios tanto semióticos como de los Media Studies: las dimensiones y los límites de una “historia” de la narración transmedia, las explicaciones económicas de su pujanza actual, el afán de construcción de universos narrativos complejos y la inmersión en ellos de los fans, el papel crucial de la serialidad, la dimensión promocional y más en general paratextual de las narraciones trasmediáticas y finalmente la extensión del fenómeno más allá del dominio de la ficción. El “giro narrativo” descrito en las ciencias sociales y en muchos discursos públicos hace ya unas décadas debería complementarse ahora con un “giro transmediático”, funcional al primero y a la manera de su brazo secular (tecnológico y económico).


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Analizamos el Facebook de la teleserie Pulseras Rojas emitida en España por Antena 3, en tanto recurso transmedia y fuente de oportunidades para estimular el engagement del espectador. Estudiamos el tráfico generado durante la emisión de la segunda temporada, entre julio y agosto de 2013. Siguiendo la propuesta de Askwith (2007), se pueden identificar siete modalidades de touchpoints, es decir, puntos de contacto con la narración, adicionales a la propia emisión televisiva: acceso expandido, contenido adaptado, contenido expandido, productos de marca, actividades relacionadas, interacción social e interactividad. El estudio exploratorio se basa en el análisis del contenido del grupo de la serie en Facebook e identifica las modalidades de touchpoints y sus resultados. Facebook se revela como un potente instrumento para involucrar al espectador, aunque la estrategia comunicativa de la cadena de televisión presenta una gestión incipiente, poco evolucionada, que desaprovecha el carácter interactivo y bidireccional de la red social.