722 resultados para Stabilizing
Für die Realisierung zukünftiger Technologien, wie z.B. molekulare Elektronik, werden Strategien benötigt, um funktionale Strukturen direkt auf Oberflächen zu erzeugen. Für die Bewältigung dieser Aufgabe ist die molekulare Selbstanordnung ein äußerst vielversprechender Bottom-up-Ansatz. Hierbei ist eine der größten Herausforderungen das Zusammenspiel aus intramolekularer Wechselwirkung und der Wechselwirkung zwischen Substrat und Molekülen in ein Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Da jedoch die wirkenden Kräfte der molekularen Selbstanordnung ausschließlich reversibler Natur sind, ist eine langfristige Stabilität fragwürdig. Somit ist die kovalente Verknüpfung der gebildeten Strukturen durch Reaktionen direkt auf der Oberfläche unerlässlich, um die Stabilität der Strukturen weiter zu erhöhen. Hierzu stellt die vorliegende Arbeit eine ausführliche Studie zu molekularer Selbstanordnung und der zielgerichteten Modifikation ebensolcher Strukturen dar. Durch den Einsatz von hochauflösender Rasterkraftmikroskopie im Ultrahochvakuum, welche es erlaubt einzelne Moleküle auf Nichtleitern abzubilden, wurde der maßgebliche Einfluss von Ankerfunktionalitäten auf den Prozess der molekularen Selbstanordnung gezeigt. Des Weiteren konnte die Stabilität der selbst angeordneten Strukturen durch neue Oberflächenreaktionskonzepte entschieden verbessert werden. Der Einfluss von Ankerfunktionen, die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen Molekül und Substrat vermitteln, auf den Strukturbildungsprozess der molekularen Selbstanordnung wird eingehend durch den Vergleich eines aromatischen Moleküls und seines vierfach chlorierten Derivates gezeigt. Für diese beiden Moleküle wurde ein deutlich unterschiedliches Verhalten der Selbstanordnung beobachtet. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Fähigkeit zur Bildung selbst angeordneter, stabiler Inseln entscheidend durch die Substituenten und die Abmessungen des Moleküls beeinflusst wird. Auch wird in dieser Arbeit die erste photochemische Reaktion organischer Moleküle auf einem Isolator gezeigt. Qualitative und quantitative Ergebnisse liefern ein detailliertes Bild darüber, wie die Abmessungen des Substratgitters die Richtung der Reaktion gezielt beeinflussen. Des Weiteren wird ein allgemeines Konzept zur selektiven Stabilisierung selbstangeordneter Molekülstrukturen durch den kontrollierten Transfer von Elektronen präsentiert. Durch die gezielte Steuerung der Menge an Dotierungsatomen wird die Desorptionstemperatur der molekularen Inseln signifikant erhöht und das Desorptionsverhalten der Inseln entschieden verändert. Diese Arbeit präsentiert somit erfolgreich durchgeführte Strategien um den Prozess der molekularen Selbstanordnung zu steuern, sowie entscheidende Mechanismen um die Stabilisierung und Modifizierung von selbst angeordneten Strukturen zu gewährleisten.
In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the ATP analogue adenosine-5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate-induced nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the mRNA stabilizing factor HuR in human (h) mesangial cells (MC). Using synthetic protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors and small interfering RNA approaches, we demonstrated that knockdown of PKC alpha efficiently blocked the ATP-dependent nuclear HuR export to the cytoplasm. The functional importance of PKC alpha in HuR shuttling is highlighted by the high cytosolic HuR content detected in hMC stably overexpressing PKC alpha compared with mock-transfected cells. The ATP-induced recruitment of HuR to the cytoplasm is preceded by a direct interaction of PKC alpha with nuclear HuR and accompanied by increased Ser phosphorylation as demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Mapping of putative PKC target sites identified serines 158 and 221 as being indispensable for HuR phosphorylation by PKC alpha. RNA pull-down assay and RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assay demonstrated that the HuR shuttling by ATP is accompanied by an increased HuR binding to cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 mRNA. Physiologically, the ATP-dependent increase in RNA binding is linked with an augmentation in COX-2 mRNA stability and subsequent increase in prostaglandin E(2) synthesis. Regulation of HuR via PKC alpha-dependent phosphorylation emphasizes the importance of posttranslational modification for stimulus-dependent HuR shuttling.
This review article provides an overview on the current state of research in the area of microtubule-stabilizing agents from natural sources, with a primary focus on the biochemistry, biology, and pharmacology associated with these compounds. A variety of natural products have been discovered over the last decade to inhibit human cancer cell proliferation through a taxol-like mechanism. These compounds represent a whole new range of structurally diverse lead structures for anticancer drug discovery.
Liquid films, evaporating or non-evaporating, are ubiquitous in nature and technology. The dynamics of evaporating liquid films is a study applicable in several industries such as water recovery, heat exchangers, crystal growth, drug design etc. The theory describing the dynamics of liquid films crosses several fields such as engineering, mathematics, material science, biophysics and volcanology to name a few. Interfacial instabilities typically manifest by the undulation of an interface from a presumed flat state or by the onset of a secondary flow state from a primary quiescent state or both. To study the instabilities affecting liquid films, an evaporating/non-evaporating Newtonian liquid film is subject to a perturbation. Numerical analysis is conducted on configurations of such liquid films being heated on solid surfaces in order to examine the various stabilizing and destabilizing mechanisms that can cause the formation of different convective structures. These convective structures have implications towards heat transfer that occurs via this process. Certain aspects of this research topic have not received attention, as will be obvious from the literature review. Static, horizontal liquid films on solid surfaces are examined for their resistance to long wave type instabilities via linear stability analysis, method of normal modes and finite difference methods. The spatiotemporal evolution equation, available in literature, describing the time evolution of a liquid film heated on a solid surface, is utilized to analyze various stabilizing/destabilizing mechanisms affecting evaporating and non-evaporating liquid films. The impact of these mechanisms on the film stability and structure for both buoyant and non-buoyant films will be examined by the variation of mechanical and thermal boundary conditions. Films evaporating in zero gravity are studied using the evolution equation. It is found that films that are stable to long wave type instabilities in terrestrial gravity are prone to destabilization via long wave instabilities in zero gravity.
Aims Floral traits are frequency used in traditional plant systematics because Of their assumed constancy. One potential reason for the apparent constancy of flower size is that effective pollen transfer between flowers depends oil the accuracy of the physical fit between the flower and pollinator. Therefore, dowels are likely to he under stronger stabilizing selection for uniform size than vegetative plant parts. Moreover, as predicted by the pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection (PMSS) hypothesis, all accurate fit between flowers and their pollinators is likely to he more important for specialized pollination systems as found in many species with bilaterally symmetric (zygomorphic) flowers than for species, with radially symmetric (actinomorphic) flowers. Methods In a comparative study of 15 zygomorphic and 13 actinomorphic species ill Switzerland, we tested whether variation in flower size, among and within individuals, is smaller than variation ill leaf size and whether variation in flower size is smaller ill zygomorphic compared to actinomorphic species. Important findings Indeed, variation ill leaf length was significantly larger than variation in flower length and width. Within-individual variation ill flower and leaf sizes did not differ significantly between zygomorphic and actinomorphic species. In line with the predictions of the PMSS, among-individual variation ill flower length and flower width was significantly smaller for zygomorphic species than for actinomorphic species, while the two groups did not differ in leaf length variation. This suggests that plants with zygomorphic flowers have undergone stronger selection for uniform flowers than plants with actinomorphic flowers. This supports that the uniformity of flowers compared to vegetative structures within species, as already observed in traditional plant systematics, is, at least in part, a consequence of the requirement for effective pollination.
The annexins are a family of Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-binding proteins, which interact with membranes upon increase of [Ca(2+)](i) or during cytoplasmic acidification. The transient nature of the membrane binding of annexins complicates the study of their influence on intracellular processes. To address the function of annexins at the plasma membrane (PM), we fused fluorescent protein-tagged annexins A6, A1, and A2 with H- and K-Ras membrane anchors. Stable PM localization of membrane-anchored annexin A6 significantly decreased the store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE), but did not influence the rates of Ca(2+) extrusion. This attenuation was specific for annexin A6 because PM-anchored annexins A1 and A2 did not alter SOCE. Membrane association of annexin A6 was necessary for a measurable decrease of SOCE, because cytoplasmic annexin A6 had no effect on Ca(2+) entry as long as [Ca(2+)](i) was below the threshold of annexin A6-membrane translocation. However, when [Ca(2+)](i) reached the levels necessary for the Ca(2+)-dependent PM association of ectopically expressed wild-type annexin A6, SOCE was also inhibited. Conversely, knockdown of the endogenous annexin A6 in HEK293 cells resulted in an elevated Ca(2+) entry. Constitutive PM localization of annexin A6 caused a rearrangement and accumulation of F-actin at the PM, indicating a stabilized cortical cytoskeleton. Consistent with these findings, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton using latrunculin A abolished the inhibitory effect of PM-anchored annexin A6 on SOCE. In agreement with the inhibitory effect of annexin A6 on SOCE, constitutive PM localization of annexin A6 inhibited cell proliferation. Taken together, our results implicate annexin A6 in the actin-dependent regulation of Ca(2+) entry, with consequences for the rates of cell proliferation.
OBJECTIVES To evaluate the stabilizing function of atlanto-axial ligaments in dogs. STUDY DESIGN Cadaveric biomechanical study. ANIMALS Beagle dog cadavers (n = 10). METHODS The craniocervical region was collected from 10 Beagle cadavers, and the occipito-atlanto-axial region was prepared and freed from the surrounding muscles. Care was taken to preserve integrity of the atlantoaxial ligaments and atlantoaxial joint capsule. The atlanto-occipital joints were blocked with 2 diverging transarticular 1.8 mm positive threaded K-wires. Specimen extremities were embedded in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and mounted on a simulator testing shear load at the atlantoaxial joint. Range of motion (ROM) and neutral zone (NZ) were determined with all ligaments intact, after cutting the apical ligament, both alar ligaments, the transverse ligaments and finally after cutting the dorsal atlantoaxial ligament. RESULTS ROM increased similarly and stepwise during testing. The most significant increase was observed after transection of the alar ligaments. CONCLUSION The alar ligaments seem to be the most important ligamentous structures for stabilization of the atlantoaxial joint under shear load.
Lead is efficiently protected against cathodic corrosion by the addition of diammonium salts in the electrolyte. The cationic coating of the cathode allows the efficient electroreduction of benzamides to benzylamines. The electrochemical deoxygenation of the amide is achieved without the use of oxophilic agents or sacrificial anodes. The surface of the lead cathode stays smooth and the cathode can be reused for multiple runs, providing <2.5 ppm of the crude product. Cyclic voltammetry studies reveal a shift in the onset potential of the hydrogen evolution reaction by −157 mV.
Barrier characteristics of brain endothelial cells forming the blood-brain barrier (BBB) are tightly regulated by cellular and acellular components of the neurovascular unit. During embryogenesis, the accumulation of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan agrin in the basement membranes ensheathing brain vessels correlates with BBB maturation. In contrast, loss of agrin deposition in the vasculature of brain tumors is accompanied by the loss of endothelial junctional proteins. We therefore wondered whether agrin had a direct effect on the barrier characteristics of brain endothelial cells. Agrin increased junctional localization of vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin, β-catenin, and zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) but not of claudin-5 and occludin in the brain endothelioma cell line bEnd5 without affecting the expression levels of these proteins. This was accompanied by an agrin-induced reduction of the paracellular permeability of bEnd5 monolayers. In vivo, the lack of agrin also led to reduced junctional localization of VE-cadherin in brain microvascular endothelial cells. Taken together, our data support the notion that agrin contributes to barrier characteristics of brain endothelium by stabilizing the adherens junction proteins VE-cadherin and β-catenin and the junctional protein ZO-1 to brain endothelial junctions.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the biomechanical properties of a ventral transarticular lag screw fixation technique, a new dorsal atlantoaxial instability (AAI) clamp, and a new ventral AAI hook plate under sagittal shear loading after transection of the ligaments of the atlantoaxial joint. STUDY DESIGN: Cadaveric biomechanical study. ANIMALS: Canine cadavers (n = 10). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The occipitoatlantoaxial region of Beagles euthanatized for reasons unrelated to the study was prepared leaving only ligamentous structures and the joint capsules between the first 2 cervical vertebrae (C1 and C2). The atlanto-occipital joints were stabilized with 2 transarticular diverging positive threaded K-wires. The occipital bone and the caudal end of C2 were embedded in polymethylmethacrylate and loaded in shear to a force of 50 Newtons. The range of motion (ROM) and neutral zone (NZ) of the atlantoaxial joint were determined after 3 loading cycles with atlantoaxial ligaments intact, after ligament transection, and after fixation with each implant. The testing order of implants was randomly assigned. The implants tested last were subjected to failure testing. RESULTS: All stabilization procedures decreased the ROM and NZ of the atlantoaxial joint compared to transected ligament specimens. Only stabilization with transarticular lag screws and ventral plates produced a significant reduction of ROM compare to intact specimens. CONCLUSION: Fixation with transarticular lag screws and a ventral hook plate was biomechanically similar and provided more rigidity compared to dorsal clamp fixation. Further load cycling to failure tests and clinical studies are required before making clinical recommendations.
Alanine-based peptides of defined sequence and length show measurable helix contents, allowing them to be used as a model system both for analyzing the mechanism of helix formation and for investigating the contributions of side-chain interactions to protein stability. Extensive characterization of many peptide sequences with varying amino acid contents indicates that the favorable helicity of alanine-based peptides can be attributed to the large helix-stabilizing propensity of alanine. Based on their analysis of alanine-rich sequences N-terminally linked to a synthetic helix-inducing template, Kemp and coworkers [Kemp, D. S., Boyd, J. G. & Muendel, C. C. (1991) Nature (London) 352, 451–454; Kemp, D. S., Oslick, S. L. & Allen, T. J. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 4249–4255] argue that alanine is helix-indifferent, however, and that the favorable helix contents of alanine-based peptides must have some other explanation. Here, we show that the helix contents of template-nucleated sequences are influenced strongly by properties of the template–helix junction. A model in which the helix propensities of residues at the template–peptide junction are treated separately brings the results from alanine-based peptides and template-nucleated helices into agreement. The resulting model provides a physically plausible resolution of the discrepancies between the two systems and allows the helix contents of both template-nucleated and standard peptide helices to be predicted by using a single set of helix propensities. Helix formation in both standard peptides and template–peptide conjugates can be attributed to the large intrinsic helix-forming tendency of alanine.
A possible function for the alternative (nonphosphorylating) pathway is to stabilize the reduction state of the ubiquinone pool (Qr/Qt), thereby avoiding an increase in free radical production. If the Qr/Qt were stabilized by the alternative pathway, then Qr/Qt should be less stable when the alternative pathway is blocked. Qr/Qt increased when we exposed roots of Poa annua (L.) to increasing concentrations of KCN (an inhibitor of the cytochrome pathway). However, when salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of the alternative pathway, was added at the same time, Qr/Qt increased significantly more. Therefore, we conclude that the alternative pathway stabilizes Qr/Qt. Salicylhydroxamic acid increasingly inhibited respiration with increasing concentrations of KCN. In the experiments described here the alternative oxidase protein was invariably in its reduced (high-activity) state. Therefore, changes in the reduction state of the alternative oxidase cannot account for an increase in activity of the alternative pathway upon titration with KCN. The pyruvate concentration in intact roots increased only after the alternative pathway was blocked or the cytochrome pathway was severely inhibited. The significance of the pyruvate concentration and Qr/Qt on the activity of the alternative pathway in intact roots is discussed.
DNA fragments with stretches of cytosine residues can fold into four-stranded structures in which two parallel duplexes, held together by hemiprotonated cytosine.cytosine+ (C.C+) base pairs, intercalate into each other with opposite polarity. The structural details of this intercalated DNA quadruplex have been assessed by solution NMR and single crystal x-ray diffraction studies of cytosine-rich sequences, including those present in metazoan telomeres. A conserved feature of these structures is the absence of stabilizing stacking interactions between the aromatic ring systems of adjacent C.C+ base pairs from intercalated duplexes. Effective stacking involves only the exocyclic keto groups and amino groups of the cytidine bases. The apparent absence of stability provided by stacking interactions between the bases in this intercalated DNA has prompted us to examine the available structures in detail, in particular with regard to unusual features that could compensate for the lack of base stacking. In addition to base-on-deoxyribose stacking and intra-cytidine C-H...O hydrogen bonds, this analysis reveals the presence of a hitherto unobserved, systematic intermolecular C-H...O hydrogen bonding network between the deoxyribose sugar moieties of antiparallel backbones in the four-stranded molecule.
Nerve cells contain abundant subpopulations of cold-stable microtubules. We have previously isolated a calmodulin-regulated brain protein, STOP (stable tubule-only polypeptide), which reconstitutes microtubule cold stability when added to cold-labile microtubules in vitro. We have now cloned cDNA encoding STOP. We find that STOP is a 100.5-kDa protein with no homology to known proteins. The primary structure of STOP includes two distinct domains of repeated motifs. The central region of STOP contains 5 tandem repeats of 46 amino acids, 4 with 98% homology to the consensus sequence. The STOP C terminus contains 28 imperfect repeats of an 11-amino acid motif. STOP also contains a putative SH3-binding motif close to its N terminus. In vitro translated STOP binds to both microtubules and Ca2+-calmodulin. When STOP cDNA is expressed in cells that lack cold-stable microtubules, STOP associates with microtubules at 37 degrees C, and stabilizes microtubule networks, inducing cold stability, nocodazole resistance, and tubulin detyrosination on microtubules in transfected cells. We conclude that STOP must play an important role in the generation of microtubule cold stability and in the control of microtubule dynamics in brain.