941 resultados para Social service -- Catalonia -- Girona


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This study is about the role and operation of ‘third sector’ organisations (TSOs) within the Taiwanese social welfare context. TSOs have increased dramatically and become actively involved in social service provision. This phenomenon has not only had significant impact on the development and operation of TSOs in Taiwan but it is also of increasing interest to public policy academics. The latter are especially interested in the implications for the government-third sector relationship. This research examines the reasons why TSOs have been established, why they actively participate in social service provision, and their role and operation within the social welfare context of Taiwan. The study has both quantitative and qualitative data. It sampled ‘social service’ and ‘charitable’ organisations (SSCOs), which are the main type of TSOs in Taiwan, to examine their role, operation and interaction with government. Questionnaires were mailed to collect quantitative data first. After the quantitative data were collected and analysed, semi-structured interviews were undertaken to collect qualitative data. The study found that TSOs in Taiwan exist in a highly institutionalised environment, which is affected by traditional Confucian ideas and contemporary Western ideas such as social justice and civil rights. The rapid growth of TSOs has a strong connection with the desire to fill social service gaps left by government and family. TSOs mainly play the role of service provider rather than that of advocate. They cooperate with government in social service provision and have developed different types of symbiotic relationships with government. A ‘resonance effect’ between government and TSOs was also found as they implement social policy.


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This dissertation provides a theory of the effects and determinants of an economy's level of social services. The dissertation focuses on how the provision of social services will affect the effort decisions of workers, which will ultimately determine the economy's level of output. A worker decides on how much effort to contribute in relation to the level of social services he/she receives. The higher the level of social services received, the lower the cost—disutility—from providing effort will be. The government provides public infrastructure and social services (i.e. health services) in accordance with the economy's endowment of effort. In doing so, the government takes the aggregate effort endowment as given. Since, with higher individual work effort the higher the economy's total level of effort, failure by workers to coordinate effort levels will result in possible instances of low effort, low social services and low output; and, other instances of high effort, high social services and high output. Therefore, this dissertation predicts that in the context of social services, coordination failures in effort levels can lead to development traps. ^


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As a relatively new phenomenon in 2009, Swedish nonprofit social service providers proposed quality improvement as a way to reduce mistakes, use resources more effectively and meet the needs and expectations of clients in a better way. Although similar experiences have been studied in health care, the transfer of quality improvement to nonprofit social services gives a possibility for more knowledge on what enables, and constrains, systematic quality improvement in this specific context. This thesis is based on five years of supporting quality improvement in the Swedish nonprofit welfare sector. Specifically, it builds knowledge on which active mechanisms and enabling or constraining structures exist for nonprofit social service quality improvement. By studying quality improvement projects that have been conducted in the development program Forum for Values, critical cases and broad overviews are found valuable. These cases have resulted in four papers on quality improvement in nonprofit social services. The papers include: critical cases from a nursing home for elderly and a daycare for disabled children (Paper I); a critical case from a sheltered housing (Paper II); an overview of performance measurements in 127 quality improvement projects (Paper III); and an analytical model of how improvement policy and practice are bridged by intermediaries (Paper IV). In this thesis, enabled or constrained events and activities related to Deming's system of profound knowledge are identified from the papers and elaborated upon. As a basis for transforming practice into continuous improvement, profound knowledge includes the four knowledge domains: appreciation of a system, theory of knowledge, understanding of variation and psychology of change. From a realist perspective, the identified events are seen as enabled or constrained by mechanisms and underlying regularities, or structures, in the context of nonprofit social services. The emerging mechanisms found in this thesis are: describing and reflecting upon project relations; forming and testing a theory of action; collecting and displaying measurable results over time; and engaging and participating in a development program. The structures that enable these mechanisms are: connecting projects to shared values such as client needs; local ownership of what should be measured; and translating quality improvement into a single practice. Constraining structures identified are: a lack of generalizable scientific knowledge and inappropriate or missing infrastructure for measurements. Reflecting upon the emergent structures of nonprofit social services, the role of political macro structures, reflective practice, competence in statistical methods and areas of expertise becomes important. From this discussion and the findings some hypotheses for future work can be formulated. First, the identified mechanisms and structures form a framework that helps explain why intended actions of quality improvement occur or not. This frameworkcan be part of formulating a program theory of quality improvement in nonprofit social services. With this theory, quality improvement can be evaluated, reflected upon and further developed in future interventions. Second,new quality improvement interventions can be reproduced more regularly by active work with known enablers and constraints from this program theory. This means that long-lasting interventions can be performed and studied in a second generation of improvement efforts. Third, if organizations integrate quality improvement as a part of their everyday practice they also develop context-specific knowledge about their services. This context-specific knowledge can be adopted and further developed through dedicated management and understanding of variation. Thus, if enabling structures are invoked and constraining structures handled, systematic quality improvement could be one way to integrate generalizable scientific knowledge as part of an evidence-creating practice.


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Article que té com a objectiu l' elaboració d'un estudi sobre els valors dels joves de les comarques gironines


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Article que té com a objectiu l' elaboració d'un estudi sobre els valors dels joves de les comarques gironines


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Reflexió sobre el paper de l’educador social en una biblioteca. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és mostrar l’àlbum il•lustrat com a una eina apta per a l’Educació social i presentar un disseny de recurs per a una intervenció als usuaris de 6 a 9 anys de la Biblioteca Just M. Casero, partint de les necessitats del barri de Pont Major diagnosticades al Pla de Desenvolupament Comunitari: Construïm Ponts i de les demandes dels usuaris infantils de la biblioteca. S’han prioritzat tres àmbits d’intervenció, marcant uns objectius per a cada un d’ells. Es proposa l’àlbum il•lustrat com a eina pedagògica i l’educador com a mediador que realitza una tasca d’acompanyament en el desenvolupament personal i social de l’infant. La finalitat és aconseguir un bon punt de trobada entre adults, infants, literatura i educació


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The following article is divided into five sections, each one with a specific objective. The first section briefly presents the student mobility experiences obtained basically through the fieldwork practice course in social education studies at the University of Girona. The second section delves more deeply to explore the value of the exchange and the student mobility experience over one semester of intensive fieldwork practice. The third section presents data about the students who have participated in this experience inall ten of the graduating classes. The fourth part offers an assessment of the experience and reports which aspects are considered essential to a good student mobility experience. Finally, various actions to be taken to improve these educational experiences within the social education studies at the University of Girona are specified


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Va ser a mitjans de maig quan vam poder fer tangible el petit projecte que mesos enrere havíem estat elaborant. Uns cinquanta companys i companyes de Bilbo arribaven a Girona per poder participar a les Jornades d'Intercanvi sobre Educació Social


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Estudi sobre els inicis de la industrialització i el naixement de l'obrerisme a Girona


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La proposta general d’ aquest projecte és la presentació de les bases generals d’ un pla d’ acció per la mitigació i l’ adaptació al canvi climàtic a la ciutat de Girona, destinat a l’ administració local que permeti una millora de la situació actual en relació als possibles efectes i conseqüències del canvi climàtic.L’ estudi es basa en: l’ anàlisi dels efectes i conseqüències del canvi climàtic, un estudi de la situació actual de la ciutat de Girona i sobre les diferents percepcions i adaptacions de la població de Girona al canvi climàtic. Tot plegat destinat a l’ obtenció de les eines que ens permetin proposar possibles accions realitzar per part de l’ administració local


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Visió de la societat gironina de finals del segle XIX a través de l’anàlisi de les dispenses matrimonials d’impediment de l’Arxiu Diocesà de Girona. S’indiquen els diferents impediments de consanguinitat i afinitat i els requisits que havien de complir els sol·licitants per tal de poder contraure matrimoni. És compara les dades sobre mobilitat geogràfica i social de les dispenses d’impediment amb les dispenses de proclames del mateix període


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Estudi realitzat pels membres de la Càtedra UNESCO de Polítiques Culturals i Cooperació amb l'objectiu d'analitzar les relacions que s’estableixen entre la UdG i els altres actors culturals del territori. Aquest treball ha de servir per conscienciar, a dins i a fora de la UdG, del paper que té la Universitat i de l’actuació que ha de fer en l’àmbit cultural. Amb l'estudi volem posar a disposició de la comunitat universitària i, en especial dels òrgans, centres, unitats i persones que en són destinataris, tot un seguit de propostes en relació amb la política universitària, en aspectes estructurals, de gestió i comunicació, orientades sempre a l’obertura de les nostres missions de formació, recerca i transferència


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Breu resum dels temes resultants de l'estudi sobre les necessitats de formació universitària a Girona, que inclou els diferents punts: Percepció, valoracions i expectatives sobre la UdG, Percepcions sobre l’entorn: necessitats i demandes de l’economia gironina, La necessitat d’establir aliances, El lideratge de la UdG, L’oferta formativa, La necessitat d’un plantejament global