966 resultados para Silver oxide thin films
Lanthanum lutetium oxide (LaLuO3) thin films were investigated considering their perspective application for industrial microelectronics. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques permitted to visualize the surface topography and study the electric properties. This work compared both the material properties (charge behavior for samples of 6 nm and 25 nm width) and the applied SPM modes. Particularly, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize local potential difference with high lateral resolution. Measurements showed the difference in morphology, chargeability and charge dissipation time for both samples. The polarity effect was detected for this material for the first time. Lateral spreading of the charged spots indicate the diffusive mechanism to be predominant in charge dissipation. This allowed to estimate the diffusion coefficient and mobility. Using simple electrostatic model it was found that charge is partly leaking into the interface oxide layer.
Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
SnO2 nanocrystalline thin films were deposited on glass substrates by the spray pyrolysis technique in air atmosphere at 375, 400, 425, 450 and 500 ◦C substrate temperatures. The obtained films were characterized by using XRD. The room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of these films have near band edge (NBE) and deep level emission under the excitation of 325 nm radiation. NBE PL peak intensity decreased consistently with temperatures for samples prepared at 400, 450 and 500 ◦C, while a sudden reduction in intensity is observed for the sample prepared at 425 ◦C. A similar effect was observed for the optical transmittance spectra. These effects can be explained on the basis of the change in population of oxygen vacancies as indicated by the change in a values
The effects of silver insertion on the TiO(2) photocatalytic activity for the degradation of diclofenac potassium were reported here. Techniques such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and UV-Vis spectroscopy were used to comprehend the relation between structure and properties of the silver-modified TiO(2), thin films obtained by the sol-gel method. The lattice parameters and the crystallinity of TiO(2) anatase phase were affected by inserted silver, and the film thickness increased about 4 nm for each 1 wt.% of silver inserted. The degradation of diclofenac potassium and by-products reached an efficiency of 4.6 mg(C) W(-1) when the material was modified with silver. Although the first step of degradation involves only the photochemical process related to the loss of the chlorine and hydrogen atoms. This cyclization reaction leads to the formation of intermediate, which degradation is facilitated by the modified material. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fatigue is an important problem to be considered if a ferroelectric film is used for non-volatile memory devices. In this phenomena, the remanent polarization and coercive field properties degrades in cycles which increase in hysteresis loops. The reasons have been attributed to different mechanisms such as a large voltage applied on ferroelectric film in every reading process in Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FeRAM) or memories for digital storage in computer, grain size effects and others. The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of the crystallization kinetics on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 thin films prepared by an alternative chemical method. Films were crystallized in air on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates at 700 degrees C for 1 hour, in conventional thermal annealing (CTA), and at 700 degrees C for 1 min and 700 degrees C 5 min, using a rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process. Final films were crack free and presented an average of 750 nm in thickness. Dielectric properties were studied in the frequency range of 100 Hz - 1 MHz. All films showed a dielectric dispersion at low frequency. Ferroelectric properties were measured from hysteresis loops at 10 kHz. The obtained remanent polarization (P-r) and coercive field (E-c) were 3.7 mu C/cm(2) and 71.9 kV/cm respectively for film crystallized by CTA while in films crystallized by RTA these parameters were essentially the same. In the fatigue process, the P, value decreased to 14% from the initial value after 1.3 x 10(9) switching cycles, for film by CTA, while for film crystallized by RTA for 5 min, P, decreased to 47% from initial value after 1.7 x 10(9) switching cycles.
Recently, was proposed a chemical method for preparation of ferroelectric thin films based on oxide precursors. In this work, PZT thin films were prepared to attest the viability of this method for cation-substitution. In this study, a small concentration of Nb (5 mol%) was selected as substitute of B-site in ABO 3 structure of PZT. Dielectric and ferroelectric properties of PZT films were studied as a function of cation-substitution. Results for Nb-PZT were compared with PZT films undoped. The values of dielectric constant, at typical 100 kHz frequency, were 358 and 137, for PZT and Nb-PZT films respectively. Remanent polarizations of these films were respectively 7.33 μ C/cm 2 and 13.3 μ C/cm 2 , while the measured coercive fields were 101 kV/cm and 93 kV/cm. As a result, changes on observed dielectric and ferroelectric values confirm the Nb substitution in PZT thin film produced by oxide precursor method. © 2002 Taylor & Francis.
Transparent nanostructure ZnO:CeO2 and ZnO thin films to use as solar protector were prepared by non-alkoxide sol-gel process and deposited on boronsilicate glass substrate by dip-coating technique and then heated at 300-500 degrees C. The films were characterized structurally, morphologically and optically by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), field emission gun-scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and UV-Vis transmittance spectroscopy. The coatings presented high transparency in the visible region and excellent absorption in the UV. The band gap of the deposited films was estimated between 3.10 and 3.18 eV. Absorption of the films in the UV was increased by presence of cerium. The results suggest that the materials are promising candidates to use as coating solar protective. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung von metallischen gemischtvalenten Manganaten und magnetischen Doppelperowskiten. Aufgrund ihres großen negativen Magnetowiderstandes (MW) sind diese halbmetallischen Oxide interessant für mögliche technische Anwendungen, z.B. als Leseköpfe in Festplatten. Es wurden die kristallographischen, elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von epitaktischen Dünnschichten und polykristallinen Pulverproben bestimmt.Epitaktische Dünnschichten der Verbindungen La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 und La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 wurdenmit Kaltkathodenzerstäubung und Laserablation auf einkristallinen Substraten wie SrTiO3abgeschieden. Mit Hall-Effekt Messungen wurde ein Zusammenbruch der Ladungsträgerdichte bei der Curie-Temperatur TC beobachtet.Mit dem Wechsel des Dotierungsatoms A von Ca (TC=232 K) zu Sr (TC=345 K)in La0.67A0.33MnO3 konnte die Feldsensitivität des Widerstandes bei Raumtemperatur gesteigert werden. Um die Sensitivität weiter zu erhöhen wurde die hohe Spinpolarisation von nahezu 100% in Tunnelexperimenten ausgenutzt. Dazu wurden biepitaktische La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 Schichten auf SrTiO3 Bikristallsubstraten hergestellt. Die Abhängigkeit des Tunnelmagnetowiderstandes (TMW) vom magnetischen Feld, Temperatur und Strum war ein Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung. Mittels spinpolarisierten Tunnelns durch die künstliche Korngrenze konnte ein hysteretischer TMW von 70% bei 4 K in kleinen Magnetfeldern von 120 Oe gemessen werden. Eine weitere magnetische Oxidverbindung, der Doppelperowskit Sr2FeMoO6 miteine Curie-Temperatur oberhalb 400 K und einem großen MW wurde mittels Laserablation hergestellt. Die Proben zeigten erstmals das Sättigunsmoment, welches von einer idealen ferrimagnetischen Anordnung der Fe und Mo Ionen erwartet wird. Mit Hilfe von Magnetotransportmessungen und Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte eine Abhängigkeit zwischen Kristallstruktur (Ordnung oder Unordnung im Fe, Mo Untergitter) und elektronischem Transport (metallisch oder halbleitend) aufgedeckt werden.Eine zweiter Doppelperowskit Ca2FeReO6 wurde im Detail als Pulverprobe untersucht. Diese Verbindung besitzt die höchste Curie-Temperatur von 540 K, die bis jetzt in magnetischen Perowskiten gefunden wurde. Mit Neutronenstreuung wurde eine verzerrte monoklinische Struktur und eine Phasenseparation aufgedeckt.
Significant effort is being devoted to the study of photoactive electrode materials for artificial photosynthesis devices. In this context, photocathodes promoting water reduction, based on earth-abundant elements and possessing stability under illumination, should be developed. Here, the photoelectrochemical behavior of CuCrO2 sol–gel thin film electrodes prepared on conducting glass is presented. The material, whose direct band gap is 3.15 eV, apparently presents a remarkable stability in both alkaline and acidic media. In 0.1 M HClO4 the material is significantly photoactive, with IPCE values at 350 nm and 0.36 V vs. RHE of over 6% for proton reduction and 23% for oxygen reduction. This response was obtained in the absence of charge extraction layers or co-catalysts, suggesting substantial room for optimization. The photocurrent onset potential is equal to 1.06 V vs. RHE in both alkaline and acidic media, which guarantees the combination of the material with different photoanodes such as Fe2O3 or WO3, potentially yielding bias-free water splitting devices.
Controlling polymer thin-film morphology and crystallinity is crucial for a wide range of applications, particularly in thin-film organic electronic devices. In this work, the crystallization behavior of a model polymer, poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), during spin-coating is studied. PEO films were spun-cast from solvents possessing different polarities (chloroform, THF, and methanol) and probed via in situ grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering. The crystallization behavior was found to follow the solvent polarity order (where chloroform < THF < methanol) rather than the solubility order (where THF > chloroform > methanol). When spun-cast from nonpolar chloroform, crystallization largely followed Avrami kinetics, resulting in the formation of morphologies comprising large spherulites. PEO solutions cast from more polar solvents (THF and methanol) do not form well-defined highly crystalline morphologies and are largely amorphous with the presence of small crystalline regions. The difference in morphological development of PEO spun-cast from polar solvents is attributed to clustering phenomena that inhibit polymer crystallization. This work highlights the importance of considering individual components of polymer solubility, rather than simple total solubility, when designing processing routes for the generation of morphologies with optimum crystallinities or morphologies.
The solid-state pyrolysis of organometallic derivatives of a cyclotriphosphazene is demonstrated to be a new, simple and versatile solid-state templating method for obtaining single-crystal micro- and nanocrystals of transition and valve metal oxides. The technique, when applied to Mo-containing organometallics N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)5]6 and N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)4 py]6, results in stand-alone and surface-deposited lamellar MoO3 single crystals, as determined by electron and atomic force microscopies and X-ray diffraction. The size and morphology of the resulting crystals can be tuned by the composition of the precursor. X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopies indicate that the deposition of highly lamellar MoO3 directly on an oxidized (400 nm SiO2) surface or (100) single-crystal silicon surfaces yields a layered uniphasic single-crystal film formed by cluster diffusion on the surface during pyrolysis of the metal-carbonyl derivatives. For MoO3 in its layered form, this provides a new route to an important intercalation material for high energy density battery materials.
Colloidal particles have been used to template the electrosynthesis of several materials, such as semiconductors, metals and alloys. The method allows good control over the thickness of the resulting material by choosing the appropriate charge applied to the system, and it is able to produce high density deposited materials without shrinkage. These materials are a true model of the template structure and, due to the high surface areas obtained, are very promising for use in electrochemical applications. In the present work, the assembly of monodisperse polystyrene templates was conduced over gold, platinum and glassy carbon substrates in order to show the electrodeposition of an oxide, a conducting polymer and a hybrid inorganic-organic material with applications in the supercapacitor and sensor fields. The performances of the resulting nanostructured films have been compared with the analogue bulk material and the results achieved are depicted in this paper.
Simple equations are proposed for determining elastic modulus and hardness properties of thin films on substrates from nanoindentation experiments. An empirical formulation relates the modulus E and hardness H of the film/substrate bilayer to corresponding material properties of the constituent materials via a power-law relation. Geometrical dependence of E and H is wholly contained in the power-law exponents, expressed here as sigmoidal functions of indenter penetration relative to film thickness. The formulation may be inverted to enable deconvolution of film properties from data on the film/substrate bilayers. Berkovich nanoindentation data for dense oxide and nitride films on silicon substrates are used to validate the equations and to demonstrate the film property deconvolution. Additional data for less dense nitride films are used to illustrate the extent to which film properties may depend on the method of fabrication.
Laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition (LCVD) has been extensively studied in the last two decades. A vast range of applications encompass various areas such as microelectronics, micromechanics, microelectromechanics and integrated optics, and a variety of metals, semiconductors and insulators have been grown by LCVD. In this article, we review briefly the LCVD process and present two case studies of thin film deposition related to laser thermal excitation (e.g., boron carbide) and non-thermal excitation (e.g., CrO(2)) of the gas phase.