950 resultados para School leaders


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Este estudo sobre o processo de construção de políticas de inclusão social no projeto Escola Cabana e os consensos e tensionamentos entre os segmentos sociais e o poder público municipal procurou investigar e refletir se esse projeto possibilitou (ou não) a inclusão e participação dos segmentos sociais (Movimento das Mulheres, Homossexuais, Negros e dos PNEEs), bem como da contemplação de suas reivindicações e interesses no processo de formulação e elaboração de políticas públicas, a partir das análises de documentos oficiais e das falas de integrantes dos movimentos sociais e de dirigentes da educação municipal, no período de 1997 a 2000 e 2001 a 2004. Ele abrange uma discussão sobre as perspectivas de compreensão sobre exclusão e inclusão social, espaços públicos democratizados, participação popular e processos identitários, tendo como pano de fundo a abordagem do período de redemocratização do Brasil. Este trabalho contemplou ainda a relação entre os documentos produzidos pelo governo municipal sobre o projeto da Escola Cabana e os depoimentos dos entrevistados, estabelecendo uma série de variáveis que discriminam as motivações dos sujeitos da sociedade para o envolvimento com os segmentos sociais, bem como dos gestores do poder público com as entidades da sociedade civil, durante a construção do referido projeto. Verifica-se, a partir da pesquisa, que as políticas públicas materializadas em conseqüência das interações entre a administração municipal e os movimentos, mostraram articulações dos mais diferentes vieses, com evidências de bases consensuais, mas com intensos conflitos, tensionamentos e impasses. A discussão, aqui apresentada, enfatiza a relevância dessa experiência tanto para Belém quanto para outros municípios como oportunidade de viabilização, participação e utilização de espaços públicos por setores populares. Revela, ainda, que, apesar da possibilidade de ter criado alternativas, de caráter inovador, às propostas existentes que visam à eliminação de contextos de exclusão social e à configuração de processos de identidade, o projeto ficou comprometido pela inexperiência gestionária de alguns dirigentes, pela sua apropriação parcial por determinados setores sociais e pela sua informalidade legal.


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Using survey and interview data gathered from educators and educational administrators, we investigate school and community impacts of unconventional gas extraction within Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale region. Respondents in areas with high levels of drilling are significantly more likely to perceive the effects of local economic gains, but also report increased inequality, heightened vulnerability of disadvantaged community members, and pronounced strains on local infrastructure. As community stakeholders in positions of local leadership, school leaders in areas experiencing Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction often face multiple decision-making dilemmas. These dilemmas occur in the context of incomplete information and rapid, unpredictable community change involving the emergence of both new opportunities and new insecurities.


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Background: As scholars who prepare future school leaders to be innovative instructional leaders for their learning communities, we are on the verge of a curriculum design revolution. The application of brain research findings promotes educational reform efforts to systemically change the way in which children experience school. However, most educators, school leaders, board members, and policy makers are ill prepared to reconsider the implications for assessment, pedagogy, school climate, daily schedules, and use of technology. This qualitative study asked future school leaders to reconsider how school leadership preparedness programs prepared them to become instructional leaders for the 21st century. The findings from this study will enhance the field of school leadership, challenging the current emphasis placed on standardized testing, traditional school calendars, assessments, monocultural instructional methods, and meeting the needs of diverse learning communities. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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La trascendencia de la educación sobre la construcción del capital humano y social, ha sido vastamente discutido, considerando entre otros elementos, la correlación entre las inversiones en educación, las políticas educativas, los actores involucrados, y los efectos que tienen sobre la calidad de la educación. Esto se refleja en los esfuerzos, de los diferentes estamentos, por mejorar los resultados del proceso educativo, intentando construir una sociedad más equitativa en la cual todo individuo pueda tener acceso a una educación de calidad, que permita tener las mismas oportunidades para el desarrollo personal, profesional y social. La educación entonces, pasa a ser un pilar fundamental en los modelos de desarrollo - y un tema de debate constante- en especial en aspectos tales como: resultados de aprendizaje, gestión y efectividad escolar, como ejes para mejorar la construcción del capital humano en la sociedad. En Chile, a partir de un proceso de descentralización de la educación iniciado en los 80, el modelo de planificación y gestión de la educación pública fue transformado, pasando de un modelo centralizado a un enfoque en el cual el establecimiento educacional – el proyecto educativo – adquiere autonomía de gestión que se vuelve determinante en la calidad de la educación. Es al interior de los establecimientos escolares donde los diferentes agentes educativos llevan a cabo los procesos pedagógicos y administrativos, y se generan las condiciones para poder desarrollar una educación de calidad. Durante los últimos 30 años, los esfuerzos se han centrado en las capacidades docentes y en alcanzar la cobertura universal. Sin embargo, en los últimos 10 años la investigación aplicada ha evidenciado que los directores y equipos directivos tienen efectos directos e indirectos sobre la gestión escolar, pedagógica y de convivencia dentro de la escuela a través de su desempeño y liderazgo escolar. Es en este contexto, que se propone esta investigación con el fin de contribuir en el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de estos actores y promover un desempeño que impacte positivamente en la calidad de los aprendizajes en las escuelas Esta tesis se estructura en cinco capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se define y analiza el marco conceptual de la investigación centrado en los dos ejes de este trabajo: por un lado, conceptos de competencia, competencias profesionales; y por otro lado, liderazgo y dirección escolar, definiendo el concepto de competencias profesionales para la dirección escolar. A continuación, en el segundo capítulo, se presenta un análisis del contexto enfocado en el proceso de descentralización de la educación pública en Chile y sus efectos sobre el rol de los directivos escolares en Chile, el cual a través de su proceso de evolución ha transformado las responsabilidades de este estamento, en cuanto la gestión y la administración de los proyectos educativos definiendo un perfil del directivo escolar. Complementariamente, y en función de la gestión directiva, se realiza una conceptualización de buenas prácticas directivas como los instrumentos a través de las cuales se movilizan los elementos de competencia. En el tercer capítulo, se presenta la propuesta de modelo de competencias profesionales para la dirección escolar, como la principal aportación de esta investigación, que se sustenta sobre cuatro componentes como base científica: el enfoque holístico de competencia, el enfoque de dirección de proyectos de la International Project Management Association (IPMA), el paradigma de gestión escolar y el modelo Working with People (WWP). La propuesta considera una metodología de implementación para el desarrollo de procesos de intervención para la mejora de la gestión escolar, articulando las competencias profesionales directivas y las prácticas de gestión, como los principales componentes del modelo. En el cuarto capítulo se presenta la aplicación del modelo propuesto en un estudio de caso desarrollado en el Colegio público Kings´ School de San Bernardo (Chile), un establecimiento particular subvencionado, del área urbana de Santiago con condiciones socioeconómicas media, con un alto porcentaje de vulnerabilidad y cuyos resultados en las pruebas de evaluación nacionales evidencian una caída. La aplicación del modelo se realiza a lo largo del curso 2012-13, trabajando de forma directa con el equipo de dirección, a través de un proyecto de innovación educativa, diseñando e implementando una propuesta de intervención de la cual se sistematizan los resultados y los aprendizajes obtenidos. A partir de la investigación y los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que el modelo propuesto puede ser considerada una herramienta estratégica de planificación e intervención para la gestión de proyectos educativos, promoviendo que a los equipos directivos contrastar su realidad con los estándares propuestos, y de esta forma poder articular las capacidades – en términos de competencias - de los recursos humanos con las prácticas directivas que buscan lograr los objetivos y resultados esperados, incidiendo positivamente en los resultados de aprendizaje y la calidad educativa. ABSTRACT The importance of education on the construction of human and social capital, has been vastly discussed, considering among other things, the correlation between investments in education, educational policies, stakeholders, and the effects they have on education quality. This is reflected on the efforts of different stakeholders, to improve educational outcomes, trying to build a more equitable society in which every individual can have access to quality education, allowing the same opportunities for personal, professional and social development. Education then becomes a cornerstone at development models - and a topic of constant discussion, especially in areas such as learning outcomes, management and school effectiveness, as core concepts to improve the construction of human capital in the society. In Chile, after a process of decentralization of education that started in the 80s, planning and management model of public education was transformed from a centralized approach to a decentralized perspective in which schools - the educational project - acquires management autonomy and becomes determinant in the quality of education outcomes. It is within the school context where teachers, principals and administrative assistants held teaching and administrative processes, and generates the conditions to develop quality education. During the past 30 years, efforts have been focused on teaching skills and achieve universal coverage. However, in the last 10 years applied research has shown that the principals and management teams have direct and indirect effects on school management, teaching and school environment through their performance and school leadership. This research is proposed within this context in order to contribute to strengthen the capacities of these actors, and promote a professional performance that will positively impact schools´ quality of learning. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter defines and analyzes the conceptual framework focused on the two main ideas of this work: first, concepts of competence, professional competence; and secondly, leadership and school management, defining the concept of professional competences for school leadership. Then, in the second chapter is developed a context analysis focused on the process of decentralization of public education in Chile, and its effects on the role of school leaders which through this process has been transformed the responsibilities on management and administration of educational projects, allowing to define a school leader’s profile. In addition, and related to principals´ management, it is proposed a conceptualization of school leadership best practices, as the instruments through which competence elements are mobilized and placed in action. Within chapter three, is presented the proposed model of professional competences for school principals, as the main contribution of this research which is based on four components as scientific basis: holistic competence approach, project management approach from the International Project management Association (IPMA), effective school management paradigm; and Working with People model (WWP). The proposal considers an implementation methodology for the development of intervention processes to improve school management, articulating professional competences and school leadership practices, as main elements of the model. Chapter four presents the implementation of the proposed model, using a case study at the Kings´ School of San Bernardo (Chile), subsidized school located at the urban area of Santiago with average socioeconomic conditions, with a high percentage of vulnerability and whose national educational assessment results show a fall. Model implementation was developed through 2012- 2013, working directly with the management team, through an innovative educational management project, designing and implementing an intervention which processes, results and lessons learned are systematized. Research and obtained results through its implementation indicates that the proposed model can be considered a strategic tool for planning and operational management for educational projects, encouraging the principals to compare their reality with the proposed standards, and thus articulate capacity - in terms of competences – in human resources with principals´ practices to achieve the objectives and expected results, impacting positively on learning outcomes and educational quality.


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There is little doubt that devolution of responsibility to schools and the growth of school-based management have impacted upon the role and workload of school leaders. Not only Principals have been affected by these changes as Welch (1996) argues that Principals of public secondary schools have passed responsibility down to Deputy-principals and to Heads of Department. As such, the Head of Department role, like other school administration positions, has undergone significant change. Of interest to this paper is the changing role of Heads of Department in secondary schools. This study reports on the findings of semi-structured interviews with eight Heads of Department from four public secondary schools and Principals from each of these schools in South East Queensland. Four years after the first set of interviews, two heads of department were reinterviewed. Both sets of interviews focused upon the role, change, and the importance of leadership. The research generated eight specific themes each of which was considered consistent with the nature of the role in a period of significant cultural change. These were the difference in perceptions regarding the Head of Department role, held by Principals and Heads of Department; Head of Department leadership in terms of a curriculum framed department or whole school leadership; how individuals perceived leadership, and how they learned of leadership; the impact of the changing culture upon the individual Head of Department; the growing influence of situational factors upon the role; the impact of managerialism; the changing nature of a secondary school department; and a growing and more complex workload, and the need for different skills. Furthermore, the findings pointed towards the need for effective change processes and a reconceptualized head of department role. The paper concludes with some implications for the ongoing professional development needs of Heads of Department.


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Societies which suffer from ethnic and political divisions are often characterised by patterns of social and institutional separation, and sometimes these divisions remain even after political conflict has ended. This has occurred in Northern Ireland where there is, and remains, a long-standing pattern of parallel institutions and services for the different communities. A socially significant example lies in the education system where a parallel system of Catholic and Protestant schools has been in place since the establishment of a national school system in the 1830s. During the years of political violence in Northern Ireland a variety of educational interventions were implemented to promote reconciliation, but most of them failed to create any systemic change. This paper describes a post-conflict educational initiative known as Shared Education which aims to promote social cohesion and school improvement by encouraging sustained and regular shared learning between students and broader collaboration between teachers and school leaders from different schools. The paper examines the background to work on Shared Education, describes a ‘sharing continuum’ which emerged as an evaluation and policy tool from this work and considers evidence from a case study of a Shared Education school partnership in a divided city in Northern Ireland. The paper will conclude by highlighting some of the significant social and policy impact of the Shared Education work.


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Policymakers make many demands of our schools to produce academic success. At the same time, community organizations, government agencies, faith-based institutions, and other groups often are providing support to students and their families, especially those from high-poverty backgrounds, that are meant to impact education but are often insufficient, uncoordinated, or redundant. In many cases, these institutions lack access to schools and school leaders. What’s missing from the dominant education reform discourse is a coordinated education-focused approach that mobilizes community assets to effectively improve academic and developmental outcomes for students. This study explores how education-focused comprehensive community change initiatives (CCIs) that utilize a partnership approach are organized and sustained. In this study, I examine three research questions: 1. Why and how do school system-level community change initiative (CCI) partnerships form? 2. What are the organizational, financial, and political structures that support sustainable CCIs? What, in particular, are their connections to the school systems they seek to impact? 3. What are the leadership functions and structures found within CCIs? How are leadership functions distributed across schools and agencies within communities? To answer these questions, I used a cross-case study approach that employed a secondary data analysis of data that were collected as part of a larger research study sponsored by a national organization. The original study design included site visits and extended interviews with educators, community leaders and practitioners about community school initiatives, one type of CCI. This study demonstrates that characteristics of sustained education-focused CCIs include leaders that are critical to starting the CCIs and are willing to collaborate across institutions, a focus on community problems, building on previous efforts, strategies to improve service delivery, a focus on education and schools in particular, organizational arrangements that create shared leadership and ownership for the CCI, an intermediary to support the initial vision and collaborative leadership groups, diversified funding approaches, and political support. These findings add to the literature about the growing number of education-focused CCIs. The study’s primary recommendation—that institutions need to work across boundaries in order to sustain CCIs organizationally, financially, and politically—can help policymakers as they develop new collaborative approaches to achieving educational goals.


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School districts need to “build the bench” to ensure that their schools will have effective principals when vacancies arise (Johnson-Taylor & Martin, 2007). Assistant principals represent a potential pool of new school leaders who are prepared to move confidently into the principalship (Oliver, 2005). Although a critical leader in schools, the assistant principal position is underutilized and under-researched (Oleszewski, Shoho, & Barnett, 2012). This lack of focus on assistant principals is concerning because they are part of the school leadership team and often advance to the position of school principal. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of Bay City Public Schools’ (a pseudonym) Aspiring Principals Preparation Program (AP3; also a pseudonym) on assistant principals’ learning-centered leadership behaviors, as assessed by the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (Val-Ed) survey. The study compared the Val-Ed scores of assistant principals who had participated in one of three cohorts of AP3 training to the scores of assistant principals who did not participate. The results indicated that participation in the AP3 had no significant impact on respondents’ learning-centered leadership behaviors, as assessed on the VAL-ED instrument. This study may be useful as the district seeks to validate the effectiveness of AP3 and identify potential refinements and program modifications.


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Research demonstrates that parental involvement positively impacts student achievement and enhances targeted instruction. Notably, however, little research currently exists on how schools involve parents in Response to Intervention (RTI), a framework for implementing targeted, tiered, research-based instruction. The purpose of this study was to interview selected parents, teachers, RTI specialists, and principals in three Title I elementary schools in one school district, plus one district-level administrator, in order to examine how elementary schools currently involve parents in RTI prereferral interventions, and to understand the factors that might facilitate or challenge such parent involvement. I employed a comparative case study qualitative design with each elementary school as the main unit of analysis. I conducted individual, in-depth interviews that lasted approximately 45-60 minutes with a total of 33 participants across the three school sites, including 11 parents, 12 teachers, and six RTI specialists, three principals, and one district-level administrator. I also analyzed documents related to RTI processes that are available through websites and participants. I used Strauss and Corbin’s (1998) three-step scheme for thematic/grounded theory analysis, and Atlas.ti as the electronic tool for management and analysis. Analyses of the data revealed that personnel across the sites largely agreed on how they explain RTI to parents and notify parents of student progress. Parents mostly disagreed with these accounts, stating instead that they learn about RTI and their child’s progress by approaching teachers or their own children with questions, or by examining report cards and student work that comes home. Personnel and parents cited various challenges for involving parents in RTI. However, they all also agreed that teachers are accessible and willing to reach out to parents, and that teachers already face considerable workloads. It appears that no district- or school-wide plan guides parent involvement practices in RTI at any of the three schools. Finally, I present a discussion of findings; implications for teachers, RTI implementation leaders, and Title school leaders; study limitations; and possibilities for future research.


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Tomar decisões em qualquer contexto da vida pessoal ou profissional implica todo um processo mental e emocional assaz complexo, que se inicia com a deteção de um problema que necessita de ser solucionado. Em todas as organizações empresariais ou escolares, essa tarefa requer o domínio de mecanismos concretos e conhecimentos específicos em várias áreas que é preciso gerir. Por esse motivo, o líder deve ser capaz de ativar, procurar, requerer, convocar e trabalhar esses saberes para poder influenciar os seus colaboradores na concretização dos objetivos da organização, encaminhando-os para o cumprimento da missão, à qual subjaz uma visão, que projeta para o sucesso, com a máxima eficácia. Em educação, o diretor, líder de topo da organização educativa, também deve dominar os procedimentos que permitem a preparação, a decisão e a execução do processo de tomada de decisão a fim de liderar com eficácia a escola. Todavia, o líder escolar tem de lidar com as vicissitudes implícitas ao exercício das suas funções, desde logo esforçando-se por encontrar um equilíbrio entre o reforço de poderes e de autoridade, decretado pelo atual regime de autonomia, administração e gestão das escolas (DL n.º 75/2008, de 22 de abril, alterado pelo DL n.º 139/2012, de 2 de julho) e a centralização da administração do Ministério da Educação, ainda entranhada por uma visão demasiadamente neoliberalista da escola. Foi sob esta premissa que foi desenvolvido este trabalho. Com o objetivo de analisar as decisões tomadas pelos líderes escolares, levando-os a interrogar-se sobre o processo da tomada de decisão, a partir do modelo de Tichy e Bennis, seis líderes pertencentes ao CFAE- Bragança Norte responderam a um inquérito. Da análise dos dados, foi possível depreender que a falta de experiência e de formação em determinadas áreas específicas da administração da escola pode dificultar-lhes, de certa forma, a tomada de decisão criteriosa, isto é, eficaz.


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This study focused on the leadership perceptions of 6 department heads, the conditions for their leadership role and their strategies, and supports for navigating their role. Research participants engaged in 2 sets of semistructured interviews; this resulted in a wealth of richly detailed data. It is clear that department heads do act as teacher leaders, even if they do not use this language to discuss their roles. Five elements of the role of the department head as teacher leader unfolded. The research participants perceived their leadership role to be rooted in teaching. They noted their management and leadership roles. They recognized the importance of support for their work and the support that they provide to others. In addition, they provided an overview of key strategies that they implement to lead in their individualized contexts. Department heads also noted the difficulties associated with their position and the effects that these challenges have on them as individuals. This research has resulted in a number of key recommendations for stakeholders. Department heads themselves need to openly discus's their leadership role with their colleagues and their administrators. In turn, administrators need to develop a deeper understanding of the role along with the potential for balkanization in schools. In addition, unions, school districts, and professional bodies need to develop a system of support for department heads and other teacher leaders. With ongoing meaningful communication and professional development, department heads will be more fully recognized as teacher leaders.


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Inclusion promotes equality, provides opportunities, breaks down barriers, and ensures accessibility for all members of a community. Consequently, elementary-school administrators should become inclusion leaders who introduce and maintain inclusive learning environments. This qualitative study profiled and discussed practices and beliefs of 4 elementary school principals in southern Ontario who are recognized leaders of inclusion for students with exceptionalities. The researcher used multiple instruments for triangulation, thematic qualitative data analysis (constant comparative method) of interview responses and reflective field notes, and data from the Principal and Inclusion Survey to interpret qualitative findings. Findings revealed distinct leadership profiles reflective of empathy and compassion among participants who all regard accommodation of students with exceptionalities as a moral obligation and view inclusion as a socially just pedagogical framework. The researcher recommends that senior school board administrators screen and secure principals who value inclusion to create and maintain school cultures that ensure students’ access to inclusive education.


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School reform is a major concern in many countries that seek to improve their educational systems and enhance their performances. In consequence, many global schemes, theories, studies, attempts, and programmes have been introduced to promote education in recent years. Saudi Arabia is one of these countries that implemented educational change by introducing many initiatives. The Tatweer Programme is one of these initiatives and is considered as a major recent reform. The main purpose of this study is to investigate this reform in depth by examining the perceptions and experiences of the Tatweer leaders and teachers to find out which extent they have been enabled to be innovative, and to examine the types of leadership and decision-making that have been undertaken by such schools. This study adopted a qualitative case study that employed interviews, focus groups and documentary analysis. The design of the study has been divided into two phases; the first phase was the feasibility study and the second phase was the main study. The research sample of the feasibility study was head teachers, educational experts and Tatweer Unit’s members. The sample of the main study was three Tatweer schools, Tatweer Unit members and one official of Tatweer Project in Riyadh. The findings of this study identified the level of autonomy in managing the school; the Tatweer schools’ system is semi-autonomous when it comes to the internal management, but it lacks autonomy when it comes to staff appointment, student assessment, and curriculum development. In addition, the managerial work has been distributed through teams and members; the Excellence Team plays a critical role in school effectiveness leading an efficient change. Moreover, Professional Learning Communities have been used to enhance the work within Tatweer schools. Finally the findings show that there have been major shifts in the Tatweer schools’ system; the shifting from centralisation to semi-decentralisation; from the culture of the individual to the culture of community; from the traditional school to one focused on self-evaluation and planning; from management to leadership; and from an isolated school being open to society. These shifts have impacted positively on the attitudes of students, parents and staff.