998 resultados para San Marino


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Con legge 20 giugno 2008, n. 97 «Prevenzione e repressione della violenza contro le donne e di genere» la Repubblica di San Marino si è dotata di un impianto normativo teso al contenimento del fenomeno della violenza domestica, sessuale e di genere, il cui tratto saliente è dato dal coinvolgimento della compagine sociale nel contrasto delle condotte delittuose (Santolini & Venturini, 2013/2014. La progressiva sensibilizzazione della collettività (Authority Pari Opportunità, 2010)rispetto a fenomeni tollerati in ragione di stereotipi culturali radicati nel contesto sociale tende a favorire l’emersione di episodi altrimenti destinati a rimanere ignoti agli organi giudiziari. Essa appare, pertanto, espressiva della «(…) acquisita consapevolezza del legislatore del fallimento, in materia di violenza di genere, delle modalità tradizionali di formazione e trasmissione della notitia criminis», conseguenti alle «difficoltà oggettive della vittima (…) di reagire alla violenza subita con i tradizionali strumenti della querela o della denuncia» (Santolini&Venturini, 2013/2014, 27), posta l’esistenza di fattori di vulnerabilità specifica del soggetto passivo (ragioni di carattere culturale, sociale o religioso, dipendenza economica e/o psicologica) che lo relegano in posizione subalterna rispetto al perpetrator.


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El interés de este trabajo de investigación es evaluar el impacto de la Cooperación Internacional del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial a Colombia, en la protección de la Biodiversidad en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina de 2010 a 2014. Se analiza y explica la relación establecida entre los tres actores y cómo esta apoya el logro de los objetivos del país a nivel ambiental por medio de la transferencia de recursos técnicos y financieros para el apoyo de iniciativas concretas en la región. Bajo la modalidad de estudio de caso, la investigación pretende comprender las dinámicas expuestas en el contexto específico de la gestión ambiental.


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El ambiente marino del área costera evaluada sigue presentado las características de un año frío, fortalecido por la intensificación del afloramiento costero y la presencia de las Aguas Templadas Subantárticas (ATS). El Frente Ecuatorial exhibió fluctuaciones muy comunes en estas latitudes por la convergencia de las Aguas Costeras Frías (ACF) y las Aguas Ecuatoriales Superficiales (AES). Se detectaron AES ubicadas al norte de Paita; ACF localizadas a lo largo de la costa, principalmente entre Huacho - Pimentel y Paita - Punta Falsa; ASS al sur de Punta Falsa y mezcladas con las ACF hasta el sur de Salaverry. Se identificaron tres áreas (Callao-Pisco. Pisco-Atico y Atico-Ilo), con características térmicas y de oxígeno muy diferenciadas, mientras los valores de salinidad fueron relativamente muy homogéneos.


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La infección asociada a inserción de catéter vascular, es un problema cotidiano en las UCI a nivel mundial, a pesar del manejo de protocolos que se han implementado de manera independiente en las distintas instituciones para frenar este fenómeno. El estudio, de tipo observacional, analítico y cohorte concurrente, con 151 pacientes, a los cuales se insertó catéter en la UCI de la Clínica San Pedro Claver.Para el análisis se realizó estadística descriptiva, análisis de sobrevida, pruebas de asociación y regresión de Cox.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Los vertidos de aguas residuales son una de las principales fuentes de contaminación del medio marino. El objetivo principal de este estudio es determinar el grado de afección del vertido sobre el poblamiento de poliquetos asociado a fondos blandos. Las estaciones fueron distribuidas en dos transectos, uno de los cuales incluye la zona de influencia del vertido, y otro control a 4 km al sur. Se detectó una segregación del poblamiento de poliquetos en dos grandes grupos. Uno, caracterizado por una mayor proporción de fangos y materia orgánica; dominado por las familias Paraonidae, Lumbrineridae y Cirratulidae. El otro grupo, dominado por la familia Syllidae, se caracteriza por una gran heterogeneidad de los sedimentos Se observa una alta correlación entre los factores ambientales y la estructura del poblamiento de poliquetos.


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[ES] Obras de construcción en San Cristóbal (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) han proporcionado una nueva sección de los depósitos marinos pleistocenos que se extienden bajo la ciudad a lo largo de una decena de km. El contenido fosilífero en especies senegalesas permite relacionarlos con el máximo de temperaturas alcanzado durante el último interglacial (MIS 5.5). Con la misma fauna el yacimiento de La Guirra en Fuerteventura, de singular interés por conservar intacto el máximo transgresivo, permite contrastar las alturas máximas (+12 m y +8 m así respectivamente) en ambas islas. Cifras notablemente diferentes a lo publicado. Un centenar de especies han sido catalogadas y más de una veintena son citas nuevas. Los fósiles de carácter ecuatorial contenidos en los depósitos marinos de La Guirra, sobre un paleosuelo y bajo una costra calcárea, permiten la reconstrucción paleoclimática del último interglacial que se inicia con un periodo húmedo y cálido al que le sigue el máximo térmico y finaliza con un periodo árido y cálido.


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Este protocolo tiene por objeto establecer los requisitos y medidas sanitarias de prevención y control de la dispersión de enfermedades de alto impacto y para el uso adecuado y racional de fármacos de uso específico en la acuicultura, específicamente para la producción camaronera y de los laboratorios de producción de nauplios y post larvas del país. Este documento es resultado del proyecto de investigación denominado Muestreo y diagnóstico de la calidad microbiológica del agua durante un ciclo de cultivo de camarón marino en estanques de cooperativas de San Hilario, Bahía de Jiquilisco, Usulután, ejecutado por la Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA-FEPADE, Centro Regional La Unión. En este proyecto se determinó cualitativa y cuantitativamente la presencia de coliformes totales, coliformes fecales (Es-cherichia coli) y bacterias Heterótrofas que constituyen los bioindicadores estándar de contaminación orgánica del agua. Se determinó además la presencia de Vibrio sp., Pseudomonas sp., y Aeromonas sp. en el área de estudio identificados como los principales agentes causantes de enfermedades infecciosas en el camarón marino. El muestreo ayudó a conocer la influencia de parámetros físico-químicos en la presencia de los microorganismos estudiados y servirá de marco para elaborar una propuesta para un programa de monitoreo de la acuicultura en todas sus etapas del encadenamiento productivo. Se realizó un taller con la Cooperativa Senderos de Paz sobre los resultados de TCBS de la calidad del agua en el canal reservorio y el estanque número 3 de dicha cooperativa.


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The state of the practice in safety has advanced rapidly in recent years with the emergence of new tools and processes for improving selection of the most cost-effective safety countermeasures. However, many challenges prevent fair and objective comparisons of countermeasures applied across safety disciplines (e.g. engineering, emergency services, and behavioral measures). These countermeasures operate at different spatial scales, are funded often by different financial sources and agencies, and have associated costs and benefits that are difficult to estimate. This research proposes a methodology by which both behavioral and engineering safety investments are considered and compared in a specific local context. The methodology involves a multi-stage process that enables the analyst to select countermeasures that yield high benefits to costs, are targeted for a particular project, and that may involve costs and benefits that accrue over varying spatial and temporal scales. The methodology is illustrated using a case study from the Geary Boulevard Corridor in San Francisco, California. The case study illustrates that: 1) The methodology enables the identification and assessment of a wide range of safety investment types at the project level; 2) The nature of crash histories lend themselves to the selection of both behavioral and engineering investments, requiring cooperation across agencies; and 3) The results of the cost-benefit analysis are highly sensitive to cost and benefit assumptions, and thus listing and justification of all assumptions is required. It is recommended that a sensitivity analyses be conducted when there is large uncertainty surrounding cost and benefit assumptions.


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The Valley Mountain 15’ quadrangle straddles the Pinto Mountain Fault, which bounds the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south against the Mojave Desert province in the north. The Pinto Mountains, part of the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south part of the quadrangle expose a series of Paleoproterozoic gneisses and granite and the Proterozoic quartzite of Pinto Mountain. Early Triassic quartz monzonite intruded the gneisses and was ductiley deformed prior to voluminous Jurassic intrusion of diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, and granite plutons. The Jurassic rocks include part of the Bullion Mountains Intrusive Suite, which crops out prominently at Valley Mountain and in the Bullion Mountains, as well as in the Pinto Mountains. Jurassic plutons in the southwest part of the quadrangle are deeply denuded from midcrustal emplacement levels in contrast to supracrustal Jurassic limestone and volcanic rocks exposed in the northeast. Dikes inferred to be part of the Jurassic Independence Dike Swarm intrude the Jurassic plutons and Proterozoic rocks. Late Cretaceous intrusion of the Cadiz Valley Batholith in the northeast caused contact metamorphism of adjacent Jurassic plutonic rocks...


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Although many immigrants enter the United States with a healthy body weight, this health advantage disappears the longer they reside in the United States. To better understand the complexities of obesity change within a cultural framework, a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach, PhotoVoice, was used, focusing on physical activity among Muslim Somali women. The CBPR partnership was formed to identify barriers and resources to engaging in physical activity with goals of advocacy and program development. Muslim Somali women (n = 8) were recruited to participate, trained and provided cameras, and engaged in group discussions about the scenes they photographed. Participants identified several barriers, including safety concerns, minimal culturally appropriate resources, and financial constraints. Strengths included public resources and a community support system. The CBPR process identified opportunities and challenges to collaboration and dissemination processes. The findings laid the framework for subsequent program development and community engagement.


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This work examines the urban modernization of San José, Costa Rica, between 1880 and 1930, using a cultural approach to trace the emergence of the bourgeois city in a small Central American capital, within the context of order and progress. As proposed by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and Edward Soja, space is given its rightful place as protagonist. The city, subject of this study, is explored as a seat of social power and as the embodiment of a cultural transformation that took shape in that space, a transformation spearheaded by the dominant social group, the Liberal elite. An analysis of the product built environment allows us to understand why the city grew in a determined manner: how the urban space became organized and how its infrastructure and services distributed. Although the emphasis is on the Liberal heyday from 1880-1930, this study also examines the history of the city since its origins in the late colonial period through its consolidation as a capital during the independent era, in order to characterize the nineteenth century colonial city that prevailed up to 1890 s. A diverse array of primary sources including official acts, memoirs, newspaper sources, maps and plans, photographs, and travelogues are used to study the initial phase of San Jose s urban growth. The investigation places the first period of modern urban growth at the turn of the nineteenth century within the prevailing ideological and political context of Positivism and Liberalism. The ideas of the city s elite regarding progress were translated into and reflected in the physical transformation of the city and in the social construction of space. Not only the transformations but also the limits and contradictions of the process of urban change are examined. At the same time, the reorganization of the city s physical space and the beginnings of the ensanche are studied. Hygiene as an engine of urban renovation is explored by studying the period s new public infrastructure (including pipelines, sewer systems, and the use of asphalt pavement) as part of the Saneamiento of San José. The modernization of public space is analyzed through a study of the first parks, boulevards and monuments and the emergence of a new urban culture prominently displayed in these green spaces. Parks and boulevards were new public and secular places of power within the modern city, used by the elite to display and educate the urban population into the new civic and secular traditions. The study goes on to explore the idealized image of the modern city through an analysis of European and North American travelogues and photography. The new esthetic of theatrical-spectacular representation of the modern city constructed a visual guide of how to understand and come to know the city. A partial and selective image of generalized urban change presented only the bourgeois facade and excluded everything that challenged the idea of progress. The enduring patterns of spatial and symbolic exclusion built into Costa Rica s capital city at the dawn of the twentieth century shed important light on the long-term political social and cultural processes that have created the troubled urban landscapes of contemporary Latin America.