996 resultados para SOLID SAMPLES
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine neue Methode für einen empfindlichen und isotopenselektiven Elementnachweis entwickelt. Unter Einsatz von Laserablation geschieht der Probenaufschluß direkt und mit einer Ortsauflösung von unter 30 m. Hierzu wurde ein hochauflösendes MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometer, welches üblicherweise für biochemische Fragestellungen eingesetzt wird, mit einem spektroskopischen Aufbau zur resonanten Ionisation von Elementgehalten modifiziert. Die Methode ist somit insbesondere für die Untersuchung von Elementspuren in Festkörperproben mit mikroskopischer Struktur konzipiert. Methodische Entwicklungsarbeiten wurden anhand des Elements Gadolinium durchgeführt. Durch die Verwendung gepulster Farbstofflaser stehen ausreichend hohe Laserfelder zur Verfügung, um unabhängig von Hyperfeinstruktur und Isotopieverschiebung Übergänge aller Isotope im Rahmen des Resonanzionisations-Verfahrens zu sättigen. Darauf konnte eine Isotopenverhältnisanalyse mit einer Genauigkeit im Prozentbereich verwirklicht werden. Verschiedene Anregungsleitern wurden untersucht, und mit elementspezifischen Resonanzüberhöhungen bis zu zwei Größenordnungen über dem nicht-resonant gebildeten Untergrund konnte eine Nachweiseffizienz von über 10-4 (entsprechend sub-fg/g-Niveau) erzielt werden. Dazu wurden Simulationsrechnungen zum atomaren Sättigungsverhalten in starken resonanten Laserfeldern durchgeführt. Erste Anwendungen des Laserablationsverfahrens waren Proben kosmologischer Herkunft. Der physikalische Prozeß der Laserablation bei Metallen wurde unter Hochvakuum-Bedingung systematisch in Abhängigkeit der Laserfluenz untersucht. In der ablatierten Plasmaphase erwies sich der Neutralanteil als besonders geeignet für geschwindigkeitsselektive Laserionisations-Messungen. Eine bimodale Struktur wurde beobachtet, bestehend aus einer thermischen und einer schockwellen-induzierten Komponente. Der ionische Anteil der ablatierten Dampfphase konnte über variable elektrische Feldpulse untersucht werden. Laserablation unter Atmosphärenbedingung wurde an einem beschichteten Messingtarget untersucht. Dabei wurde die Entstehung von permanenten Oberflächenstrukturen beobachtet, welche sich durch Nichtgleichgewichts-Prozesse in der Dampfphase erklären lassen.
We report dramatic sensitivity enhancements in multidimensional MAS NMR spectra by the use of nonuniform sampling (NUS) and introduce maximum entropy interpolation (MINT) processing that assures the linearity between the time and frequency domains of the NUS acquired data sets. A systematic analysis of sensitivity and resolution in 2D and 3D NUS spectra reveals that with NUS, at least 1.5- to 2-fold sensitivity enhancement can be attained in each indirect dimension without compromising the spectral resolution. These enhancements are similar to or higher than those attained by the newest-generation commercial cryogenic probes. We explore the benefits of this NUS/MaxEnt approach in proteins and protein assemblies using 1-73-(U-C-13,N-15)/74-108-(U-N-15) Escherichia coil thioredoxin reassembly. We demonstrate that in thioredoxin reassembly, NUS permits acquisition of high-quality 3D-NCACX spectra, which are inaccessible with conventional sampling due to prohibitively long experiment times. Of critical importance, issues that hinder NUS-based SNR enhancement in 3D-NMR of liquids are mitigated in the study of solid samples in which theoretical enhancements on the order of 3-4 fold are accessible by compounding the NUS-based SNR enhancement of each indirect dimension. NUS/MINT is anticipated to be widely applicable and advantageous for multidimensional heteronuclear MAS NMR spectroscopy of proteins, protein assemblies, and other biological systems.
The objective of modern transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in life science is to observe biological structures in a state as close as possible to the living organism. TEM samples have to be thin and to be examined in vacuum; therefore only solid samples can be investigated. The most common and popular way to prepare samples for TEM is to subject them to chemical fixation, staining, dehydration, and embedding in a resin (all of these steps introduce considerable artifacts) before investigation. An alternative is to immobilize samples by cooling. High pressure freezing is so far the only approach to vitrify (water solidification without ice crystal formation) bulk biological samples of about 200 micrometer thick. This method leads to an improved ultrastructural preservation. After high pressure freezing, samples have to be subjected to follow-up procedure, such as freeze-substitution and embedding. The samples can also be sectioned into frozen hydrated sections and analyzed in a cryo-TEM. Also for immunocytochemistry, high pressure freezing is a good and practicable way.
For more than 4 years, gaseous samples of 1-50 mu g carbon have been routinely measured with the gas ion source of the small AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometer) facility MICADAS (Mini CArbon DAting System) at ETH Zurich. The applied measurement technique offers a simple and fast way of C-14 measurements without the need of sample graphitization. A major drawback of gaseous C-14 measurements, however, is the relatively low negative ion current, which results in longer measurement times and lower precision compared to graphitized samples. In December 2009, a new, improved Cs sputter ion source was installed at MICADAS and we began to optimize conditions for the measurement of gaseous samples. C-12(-) currents from the new ion source were improved from initially 3 to 12-15 mu A for routine measurements and the negative ion yield was increased by a factor of 2, reaching 8 on average during routine operation. Moreover, the new measurement settings enable a doubled CO2 flow, thus substantially reducing measurement times. The achieved performance allows closing the sample size gap between gaseous and solid samples and makes the gas ion source a promising tool for dating with a measurement precision of 5 parts per thousand on samples as small as 50 mu g carbon. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In 2010 more than 600 radiocarbon samples were measured with the gas ion source at the MIni CArbon DAting System (MICADAS) at ETH Zurich and the number of measurements is rising quickly. While most samples contain less than 50 mu g C at present, the gas ion source is attractive as well for larger samples because the time-consuming graphitization is omitted. Additionally, modern samples are now measured down to 5 per-mill counting statistics in less than 30 min with the recently improved gas ion source. In the versatile gas handling system, a stepping-motor-driven syringe presses a mixture of helium and sample CO2 into the gas ion source, allowing continuous and stable measurements of different kinds of samples. CO2 can be provided in four different ways to the versatile gas interface. As a primary method. CO2 is delivered in glass or quartz ampoules. In this case, the CO2 is released in an automated ampoule cracker with 8 positions for individual samples. Secondly, OX-1 and blank gas in helium can be provided to the syringe by directly connecting gas bottles to the gas interface at the stage of the cracker. Thirdly, solid samples can be combusted in an elemental analyzer or in a thermo-optical OC/EC aerosol analyzer where the produced CO2 is transferred to the syringe via a zeolite trap for gas concentration. As a fourth method, CO2 is released from carbonates with phosphoric acid in septum-sealed vials and loaded onto the same trap used for the elemental analyzer. All four methods allow complete automation of the measurement, even though minor user input is presently still required. Details on the setup, versatility and applications of the gas handling system are given. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A typical liquid state NMR spectrum is composed of a number of discrete absorptions which can be readily interpreted to yield detailed information about the chemical environment of the nuclei found within the sample. The same cannot be said about the spectra of solid samples. For these the absorptions are typically broad, featureless and yield little information directly. This situation may be further exacerbated by the characteristically long T1 values of nuclei bound within a solid lattice which, consequently, require long inter-sequence delays that necessitate lengthy experiments. This work attempts to address both of these inherent problems. Classically, the resolution of the broad-line spectra of solids into discrete resonances has been achieved by imparting to the sample coherent rotation about specific axes in relation to the polarising magnetic field, as implemented in the magic-angle spinning (MAS) [1], dynamic angle spinning (DAS) [2] and double rotation (DOR) [3] NMR experiments. Recently, an alternative method, sonically induced narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids (SINNMR) [4], has been reported which yields the same well resolved solid-state spectra as the classic solid-state NMR experiments, but which achieves the resolution of the broad-line spectra through the promotion of incoherent motion in a suspension of solid particles. The first part of this work examines SINNMR and, in particular, concentrates on ultrasonically induced evaluation, a phenomenon which is thought to be essential to the incoherent averaging mechanism. The second part of this work extends the principle of incoherent motion, implicit in SINNMR, to a new genre of particulate systems, air fluidized beds, and examines the feasibility of such systems to provide well resolved solid state NMR spectra. Samples of trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate and of aluminium granules are examined using the new method with partially resolved spectra being reported in the case of the latter.
This dissertation presents the development of voltammetric methods to zinc determination in multivitamin commercial samples, talc, and art materials for painting (soft pastel) combining an alkaline extraction with 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH aqueous solution and bismuth modified electrodes. Two electrodes were used to zinc quantification in the samples, bismuth film electrode (BiFE) plated in situ onto glassy carbon and carbon paste electrode chemically modified with strongly acidic ion exchange resin Amberlite® IR 120 and bismuth nanostructures (EPCAmbBi). It was verified that the best concentration of Bi3+ for Bi film deposition onto glassy carbon was 4.0 μmol L-1 using an 0.1 mol L-1 acetate buffer aqueous solution (pH = 4.5) as supporting electrolyte. The best condition to formation of Bi nanostructures in the EPC modified with 10 % Amberlite® IR 120 was the use of 30 s to pre-concentration (open circuit) in 0.5 mmol L-1 Bi3+ aqueous solution (pH 5.5) prepared with supporting electrolyte solution. The obtained analytical curve for Zn2+ using BiFE presented linear range from 0.5 to 5.0 μmol L-1, the limit of detection (LD) was 41 nmol L-1. For EPCAmbBi only one linear range was observed for the analytical curve varying the Zn2+ concentration from 0.05 to 8.2 μmol L-1, LD obtained in this curve it was equal to 10 nmol L-1. The EPCAmbBi presented the most intense and sharp anodic stripping peaks for Zn2+ presenting, therefore, a better voltammetric profile, with sensitivity higher than obtained with the BiFE. Moreover, the EPCAmbBi presented a LD lower than that obtained with the BiFE. Alkaline extraction was an efficient sample pretreatment to extract Zn2+ from solid samples, besides that, this procedure was less susceptible to interferences from Cu2+, since it remains at extracting vessel as insoluble Cu(OH)2. The combination of alkaline extraction with the EPCAmbBi is a simple, fast, efficient and low cost for the zinc determination in pharmaceutical formulations and art materials for painting (soft pastel) samples, which can be employed as a low-cost alternative method to the atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Presence and concentrations of radionuclides could be as a result of natural and human activities. This study examined the associations and differences among soil, sediment and water specific activities of long-lived radioactive element (LLRE). Gamma spectroscopy was used to measure the concentration of the LLRE along the Mini Okoro/Oginigba Creek, Port Harcourt. Specific activities of three selected LLRE were derived. Correlation analysis was carried out to examine associations among the specific activities across different substrates. A strong and a significant negative correlation exists between the specific activities of Water 40K and Soil 232Th (r =-0.721, p<0.05); Water 238U and Soil 238U (r = -0.717, p<0.05) and Water 40K and Sediment 238U (r=-0.69, p<0.05). Comparison using Mann-Whitney U test shows that, soil and sediment are similar in their specific activities with Z values of -0.408, -1.209 and -1.021 (p > 0.05) for 40K, 232Th and 238U respectively. The concentration of solid samples (soil and sediment) is different from the liquid (water) samples. These associations can be attributed to some specific underlying factors. And in other to understand them there is need for more studies.
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel, renewable, biodegradable and nontoxic. The transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fat with alcohol is most common form of production of this fuel. The procedure for production of biodiesel occurs most commonly through the transesterification reaction in which catalysts are used to accelerate and increase their income and may be basic, acid or enzyme. The use of homogeneous catalysis requires specific conditions and purification steps of the reaction products (alkyl ester and glycerol) and removal of the catalyst at the end of the reaction. As an alternative to improve the yield of the transesterification reaction, minimize the cost of production is that many studies are being conducted with the application of heterogeneous catalysis. The use of nano-structured materials as catalysts in the production of biodiesel is a biofuel alternative for a similar to mineral diesel. Although slower, can esterify transesterified triglycerides and free fatty acids and suffer little influence of water, which may be present in the raw material. This study aimed at the synthesis, characterization and application of nano-structured materials as catalysts in the transesterification reaction of soybean oil to produce biodiesel by ethylic route. The type material containing SBA-15 mesoporous lanthanum embedded within rightly Si / La = 50 was used catalyst. Solid samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, nitrogen adsorption and desorption. For the transesterification process, we used a molar ratio of 20:1 alcohol and oil with 0.250 g of catalyst at 60°C and times of 6 hours of reaction. It was determined the content of ethyl esters by H-NMR analysis and gas chromatography. It was found that the variable of conversion obtained was 80%, showing a good catalytic activity LaSBA-15 in the transesterification of vegetable oils via ethylic route
A number of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) have recently been detected in meconium samples. Several of these FAEEs have been evaluated as possible biomarkers for in utero ethanol exposure. In the present study, a method was optimized and validated for the simultaneous determination of eight FAEEs (ethyl laurate, ethyl myristate, ethyl palmitate, ethyl palmitoleate, ethyl stearate, ethyl oleate, ethyl linoleate and ethyl arachidonate) in meconium samples. FAEEs were extracted by headspace solid-phase microextraction. Analyte detection and quantification were carried out using GC-MS operated in chemical ionization mode. The corresponding D5-ethyl esters were synthesized and used as internal standards. The LOQ and LOD for each analyte were <150 and <100 ng/g, respectively. The method showed good linearity (r(2)>0.98) in the concentration range studied (LOQ -2000 ng/g). The intra- and interday imprecision, given by the RSD of the method, was lower than 15% for all FAEEs studied. The validated method was applied to 63 authentic specimens. FAEEs could be detected in alcohol-exposed newborns ( >600 ng/g cumulative concentration). Interestingly, FAEEs could also be detected in some non-exposed newborns, although the concentrations were much lower than those measured in exposed cases.
Poly(pyrrole) (PPY) coating was prepared on a stainless-steel (SS) wire for solid-phase microextraction (SPME) by electrochemical deposition (cyclic voltammetric). The PPY was evaluated by analyzing new-generation antidepressants (mirtazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline) in plasma sample by SPME and liquid chromatography with UV detection (LC-UV). The effect of electrolyte Solution (lithium perchlorate or tetrabutylammonium perchlorate) and the number of cycles (50, 100 or 200) applied during the polymerization process on the SPME performance was evaluated. Important factors in the optimization of SPME efficiency such as extraction time, temperature, pH, influence of plasma proteins on sorption mechanisms, and desorption conditions are discussed. The SPME-PPY/LC method showed to be linear in concentrations ranging from the limit of quantification (LOQ) to 1200 ng mL(-1). The LOQ values range from 16 to 25 ng mL-1. The inter-day precision of the SPME-PPY/LC method presented coefficient of variation (CV) lower than 15%. Based on analytical validation results, the SPME-PPY/LC methodology showed to be adequate for antidepressant analysis, from therapeutic to toxic levels. In order to evaluate the proposed method for clinical use, the SPME-PPY/LC method was applied to the analysis of plasma samples from elderly depressed patients. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,
A sensitive and automated method is described for determination of rifampicin in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring by in-tube solid-phase microextraction coupled with liquid chromatography (in-tube SPME/LC). Important factors in the optimization of in-tube SPME are discussed, such as coating type, sample pH, sample draw/eject volume, number of draw/eject cycles, and draw/eject flow rate. Analyte pre-concentrated in the polyethylene glycol phase was directly transferred to the liquid chromatographic column by percolation of the mobile phase, without carryover. The method was linear over the 0.1-100 mu g/mL range, with a linear coefficient value (r(2)) of 0.998. The inter-assay precision presented coefficient of variation <= 1.7%. The effectiveness and practicability of the proposed method are proven by analysis of plasma samples from ageing patients undergoing therapy with rifampicin. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We developed a method of sample preparation using epoxy compound, which was validated in two steps. First, we studied the homogeneity within samples by scanning tubes filled with radioactive epoxy. We found within-sample homogeneity better than 2%. Then, we studied the homogeneity between samples during a 4.5 h dispensing time. The homogeneity between samples was found to be better than 2%. This study demonstrates that we have a validated method, which assures the traceability of epoxy samples.