983 resultados para Relational financial intermediation


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How do the liquidity functions of banks affect investment and growth at different stages of economic development? How do financial fragility and the costs of banking crises evolve with the level of wealth of countries? We analyze these issues using an overlapping generations growth model where agents, who experience idiosyncratic liquidity shocks, can invest in a liquid storage technology or in a partially illiquid Cobb Douglas technology. By pooling liquidity risk, banks play a growth enhancing role in reducing inefficient liquidation of long term projects, but they may face liquidity crises associated with severe output losses. We show that middle income economies may find optimal to be exposed to liquidity crises, while poor and rich economies have more incentives to develop a fully covered banking system. Therefore, middle income economies could experience banking crises in the process of their development and, as they get richer, they eventually converge to a financially safe long run steady state. Finally, the model replicates the empirical fact of higher costs of banking crises for middle income economies.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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This article sets forth some reflections on the position of the region's countries and the different segments of their domestic financial structures in the international financial system. In the light of the financial globalization taking place in Latin America, it considers the circumstances of the largest countries in the region, looking beyond the stylized arguments of conventional wisdom to analyse different factors influencing the financial situation: sovereignty risk, financial globalization, the degree of financial integration, the cost of capital and the burden of country risk premiums, the link between sovereign risk and fiscal solvency and the consequences of segmented integration. Consideration is then given to courses of action that could reduce country risk. In addition, the role of the different institutional sectors in generating savings is analysed, and the main trends of financial intermediation in the region are considered: banking concentration, the increased involvement of foreign organizations and the role of the public-sector banking system in the circumstances that now prevail.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Studies on efficiency achieved greater relevance in organisations within an open market framework, which in Brazil began around 1990. The objective of this paper, applying the data envelopment analysis methodology, is to analyse the efficiency of banks operating in the country using the database termed 'the biggest banks', periodically divulged by the Central Bank of Brazil in 2010-2012. The methodology was applied to the 26 largest banking organisations via two approaches, one was financial intermediation and the other was results. In the financial intermediation approach, the efficiency increase was the highest among banks specialised in credit from 2010 to 2012. Retail banks, especially the large ones, felt most intensely the reaction of 2011, a year considered as the sector's low performance year. In the results approach, the efficiency increase was higher among retail banks. Factors such as retractions in the SELIC rate and bank spreads impacted all banks, regardless of the segment.


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Este artigo apresenta um modelo de cadeia de valor da saúde que representa, de maneira esquemática, o sistema de saúde do Brasil. O modelo proposto tem como intuito apresentar uma adequação à realidade brasileira, bem como abrangência e flexibilidade para utilização em atividades acadêmicas e análises do setor de saúde do Brasil. O modelo coloca ênfase em três componentes: principais atividades dessa cadeia, agrupadas em elos verticais e horizontais; missão de cada um desses elos; e principais fluxos da cadeia. A cadeia proposta é formada por seis elos verticais e três horizontais, perfazendo um total de nove: desenvolvimento de conhecimento em saúde; fornecimento de produtos e tecnologias; serviços de saúde; intermediação financeira; financiamento da saúde; consumo de saúde; regulação; distribuição de produtos de saúde; e serviços de apoio e complementares. A análise da cadeia proposta pode ser realizada por meio de quatro fluxos: inovação e conhecimento; produtos e serviços; financeiro; e de informação.


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The improvement of financial intermediation functions is crucial for a robust banking system. When lending, banks have to cope with such problems as information asymmetry and adverse selection. In order to mitigate these problems, banks have to product information and improve their techniques of lending. During the 1998 financial crisis, Indonesia's banking system suffered severe damage and revealed that the country's banking intermediation functions did not work well. This paper examines the financial intermediation functions of banks in Indonesia and analyzes the importance of bank lending to firms. The focus is on medium-sized firms, and "relationship lending", one of the bank lending techniques, is used to examine financial intermediation in Indonesia. The results of logit regressions show that the relationship between a bank and a firm affects the probability of bank lending. The amount of borrowing and collateral are also affected by a firm's relationship with a bank. When viewed from the standpoint of relationship lending to medium-sized firms, Indonesian banks cannot be criticized for any malfunction of financial intermediation.


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As cooperativas de crédito são instituições financeiras que têm como finalidade principal a prestação de serviços bancários e de intermediação financeira voltando-se para a geração de benefícios ao cooperado, através de benefícios econômicos encontrados sob a forma cooperativada. Considerando o objetivo destas organizações, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência das mesmas considerando duas vertentes: 1) a atividade de intermediação financeira; e 2) a atividade de prestação de serviços bancários, a partir de variáveis contábeis. A técnica utilizada para a avaliação da eficiência foi a Análise Envoltória de Dados e foram analisados os determinantes da eficiência por meio de regressões do tipo Tobit. A amostra é composta por 315 cooperativas singulares listadas na base de dados do Banco Central do Brasil e foram utilizados os dados dos balancetes anuais e semestrais (soma dos semestres para as contas de resultado de cada ano) apresentados para período de 2007 a 2014. Os resultados indicaram baixa eficiência das cooperativas na prestação de serviços bancários, com 73% da amostra apresentando ineficiência ao longo de todos os anos do período em análise. Na atividade de intermediação financeira 20 cooperativas foram eficientes ao longo do período completo, com as demais apresentando graus de ineficiência abaixo de 16% em todos os anos. Quanto aos determinantes da eficiência, verificou-se como principais fatores na atividade de intermediação financeira a Imobilização, a Insolvência, o Descasamento Passivo e as Despesas Administrativas, enquanto na atividade de prestação de serviços os principais determinantes foram a Captação por Floating e as Despesas Administrativas. Os resultados da eficiência na intermediação financeira indicaram baixos graus de ineficiência, enquanto os altos graus de ineficiência na prestação de serviços bancários alertaram para a pouca importância dada ao fornecimentos destes serviços e para a importância de se utilizar dois modelos distintos para a avaliação da eficiência em cooperativas de crédito, dado o comportamento desvinculado entre as duas atividades avaliadas.


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This report attempts to demystify the sphere of commodities markets worldwide by providing an in-depth examination of the major commodity groups, focusing on product characteristics, supply chains, pricing, liquidity, financial intermediation, industry players and the interplay between derivatives markets and the underlying physical goods. In so doing, the report contributes to the international debate with important information about the diverse market structures across commodities, including supply and demand elasticities, concentration of ownership, infrastructure organisation and layers of financial participation. While describing the endogenous factors, it also examines the increasing role of exogenous factors now impacting commodities. Finally, it assesses the drivers of the growth of derivatives markets and their impact on price formation. This report is a draft of the final version presented at a meeting at CEPS on 9 July 2013. A final version will be uploaded at the end of the summer when the book will be available in print.


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Crowdfunding is a growing phenomenon that encompasses several different models of financing for business or other ventures. Despite the hype, equity crowdfunding is still the smallest part of the crowdfunding market. Because of its legal framework, Europe has been at the forefront of equity crowdfunding market development. Equity crowdfunding is more complex than other forms of crowdfunding and requires proper checks and balances if it is to provide a viable channel for financial intermediation in the seed and early-stage market in Europe. It is important to explore this new channel of funding for young and innovative firms given the critical role these start-ups can play job creation and economic growth in Europe. We assess the potential role of equity crowdfunding in the overall seed and early-stage financing market and highlight the potential risks of equity crowdfunding. We describe the current state of play in this nascent industry, considering both the innovations introduced by market operators and existing regulation. Currently in Europe there is a patchwork of national legal frameworks related to equity crowdfunding and this should be addressed in a harmonised way.


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While most academic and practitioner researchers agree that a country’s commercial banking sector’s soundness is a very significant indicator of a country’s financial market health, there is considerably less agreement and substantial confusion surrounding what constitutes a healthy bank in the aftermath of 2007+ financial crisis. Global banks’ balance sheets, corporate governance, management compensation and bonuses, toxic assets, and risky behavior are all under scrutiny as academics and regulators alike are trying to quantify what are “healthy, safe and good practices” for these various elements of banking. The current need to quantify, measure, evaluate, and compare is driven by the desire to spot troubled banks, “bad and risky” behavior, and prevent real damage and contagion in the financial markets, investors, and tax payers as it did in the recent crisis. Moreover, future financial crisis has taken on a new urgency as vast amounts of capital flows (over $1 trillion) are being redirected to emerging markets. This study differs from existing methods in the literature as it entail designing, constructing, and validating a critical dimension of financial innovation in respect to the eight developing countries in the South Asia region as well as eight countries in emerging Europe at the country level for the period 2001 – 2008, with regional and systemic differentials taken into account. Preliminary findings reveal that higher stages of payment systems development have generated efficiency gains by reducing the settlement risk and improving financial intermediation; such efficiency gains are viewed as positive financial innovations and positively impact the banking soundness. Potential EU candidate countries: Albania; Montenegro; Serbia


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Capital Markets Union (CMU) is a welcome initiative. It could augment economic risk sharing, set the right conditions for more dynamic development of risk capital for high-growth firms and improve choices and returns for savers. This offers major potential for benefits in terms of jobs, growth and financial resilience. • CMU cannot be a short-term cyclical instrument to replace subdued bank lending, because financial ecosystems change slowly. Shifting financial intermediation towards capital markets and increasing cross-border integration will require action on multiple fronts, including increasing the transparency, reliability and comparability of information and addressing financial stability concerns. Some quick wins might be available but CMU’s real potential can only be achieved with a long-term structural policy agenda. • To sustain the current momentum, the EU should first commit to a limited number of key reforms, including more integrated accounting enforcement and supervision of audit firms. Second, it should set up autonomous taskforces to prepare proposals on the more complex issues: corporate credit information, financial infrastructure, insolvency, financial investment taxation and the retrospective review of recent capital markets regulation. The aim should be substantial legislative implementation by the end of the current EU parliamentary term.