1000 resultados para Registro alimentar
OBJETIVO: Verificar o estado nutricional e o consumo alimentar de crianças assistidas em creches públicas e privadas no município de Manaus, Amazonas. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas crianças entre 24 e 72 meses de duas creches públicas (n=217) e duas creches privadas (n=91) de Manaus. O estado nutricional foi classificado pelos índices peso para idade, peso para estatura, estatura para idade e índice de massa corporal (IMC) para idade, em valores de escores Z. O consumo alimentar na creche foi avaliado pelo método da pesagem direta individual dos alimentos e, no domicílio, pelo registro alimentar de um dia aplicado aos responsáveis. Estimou-se a frequência de crianças com ingestão de nutrientes acima ou abaixo dos pontos de corte de Estimated Average Intake (EAR) ou Adequate Intake (AI). RESULTADOS: Verificou-se maior frequência de crianças com excesso de peso nas creches privadas segundo os índices peso para estatura e IMC para idade. As crianças das instituições públicas, quando comparadas àquelas das privadas, consumiram mais gorduras poli-insaturadas, trans, ácido graxo ômega-6, vitamina C e sódio, e menos zinco. Em ambos os tipos de creches observaram-se consumo elevado de energia e proporção elevada de crianças com consumo de vitaminas A e C, zinco e sódio acima do limite superior tolerável de ingestão. A proporção de crianças com inadequação de consumo de cálcio foi maior nas creches públicas do que nas privadas (27,6 versus 7,9%; p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: O consumo de energia e de sódio foi elevado em ambos os tipos de creche e o consumo de cálcio, insuficiente, principalmente nas creches públicas. Recomenda-se melhor monitoramento da dieta infantil para prevenção de doenças futuras.
Objective: To determine the zinc status and reference intervals for serum zinc concentration considering dietary, functional, and biochemical indicators in healthy children in the Brazilian Northeast. Methods: The study included 131 healthy children, 72 girls and 59 boys, between 6-9 years old. Anthropometric assessment was made by BMI/age; dietary assessment by prospective 3-day food register, and evaluation of total proteins was performed. Zinc in serum samples were analyzed in triplicate in the same assay flame using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results: All subjects were eutrophic according to BMI/age classification. With respect to dietary assessment, only the intake of fiber and calcium were below the recommendations by age and gender. Biochemical parameters were all within the normal reference range. Reference intervals for basal serum zinc concentration 0.70-1.14 μg/mL in boys, 0.73-1.17 μg/mL in girls, and 0.72-1.15 μg/mL in total population. Conclusions: This study presents pediatric reference intervals for serum zinc concentration, which are useful to establish the zinc status in the population or in specific groups.
Este vídeo discorre sobre os inquéritos de avaliação do consumo alimentar. No recordatório alimentar de 24 horas, o profissional questiona o paciente sobre o que ele consumiu nas últimas 24 horas; no registro alimentar o próprio paciente registra o que consome; e no questionário de frequência alimentar, é apresentada uma lista de alimentos, suas porções e a frequência de consumo desses alimentos para que o paciente preencha.
Sucede, con alguna frecuencia, que los ejercicios de conversación y diálogo se complican. Y sucede, la mayoría de esas veces, que la complicación surge porque las personas dialogantes han olvidado situar los lugares desde los que hablan, los conceptos de los que parten, los criterios que están utilizando. Pues bien, siguiendo esta convicción, registro los puntos de partida de las ideas sueltas que he recogido en torno a la cuestión pedagógica y los derechos humanos, en este escenario cuyo eje de reflexión es, en realidad, la paz. Creo que una buena forma de entender la Pedagogía es como la reflexión sobre lo educativo como hecho social. Es decir, la cuestión pedagógica es una cuestión de pensamiento y el objeto de ese pensamiento es el hecho educativo visto más allá del hecho mismo del aprendizaje, aunque este sea su centro. El hecho educativo situado en contexto y como hecho social, es decir, que vive en todos los espacios de una sociedad y nos implica, lo queramos o no, a todas las personas que construimos una sociedad.
The competition for resources is one of the costs of group living. The scramble competition is considered an indirect type of competition, mainly associated with factors like group size and distribution of resources. Contest competition occurs when individuals compete directly for resources. In species that exibit this type of competition the establishment of dominance hierarchy can occur, resulting in differences on feeding and reproductive benefits for each member of the group. In these cases, aggressive and submissive behaviors are expected as a way to signal social status. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of social hierarchy over food ingestion in Callithrix jacchus. Data recording was from September/2006 to March/2007, eight days by month, at Floresta Nacional de Açu do Instituto Chico Mendes de Biodiversidade. The observation time started at 05:00 AM and finished after the last animal was on the sleeptree. Analyses of aggressive interactions, behavioral profile and diet, reveals a lot of advantages for dominat animals in the study group. Dominant individuals had higher intake of animal matter that subordinates. The last ones, consumed fruits, exsudate and, eventually, explored itens that were not common to the diet. We suggest that dominance hiearchy enable the reproductive female to assure priority on access to food resources, a important caracteristc to supply tha costs to maintain tha high reproductive taxa of the specie. We also suggest that reproductive male, due to the participation on food transfer, had the forage efficience reduced
Callithrix jacchus are small primates that live in cooperative reproductive family groups. They explore their home range in search of fruits, exudates and animal prey. In this study we investigate the existence of traveling routes and its relation with the feeding habits in a group of Callithrix jacchus. The group was followed for 6 months in an area of Atlantic secondary Forest at the FLONA-ICMBio of Nísia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte. Two observers in alternated days collected data referring to the group s location using a GPS navigation device, plotting data in 5 minute intervals, and with a position accuracy under 9 meters. All behavioral recordings were done through focal time samplings. The recording windows were 15 minutes with 1 minute intervals. The main activity was foraging, which propelled the animals to explore the environment with inconsistent intensity through the months, and correlated with the location of fruits, exudates and sleeping sites. From another standpoint, most activities were focused in the core areas that featured most sleeping sites, exudates trees and fruit trees. Insects, mostly Orthopterans, were hunted in all areas. The greater ratio of movement was registered during the last hours of sunlight, when animals returned to the sleeping sites and ate a greater number of fruits. The spatial and seasonal distribution of fruits forced the animals to travel long routes. The capacity to remember the location and navigate efficiently through feeding sources is important to save energy and time costs. Learning and familiarizing with the environment through the use of landmarks and acquisition of new information is extremely important to increase the chances of survival in a constantly changing environment
O presente estudo teve como objetivo o registro e a apresentação de trabalhos realizados no Brasil nos últimos 40 anos, relacionados com a investigação sobre a deficiência de vitamina A. Esta deficiência tem sido diagnosticada por um ou mais dos seguintes critérios: ingestão deficiente de alimentos fontes de vitamina A, exame clínico, níveis séricos de retinol abaixo dos aceitos como normais, concentração hepática de retinol, teste de adaptação ao escuro e corante de Rosa Bengala. A deficiência foi diagnosticada em grupos populacionais de vários Estados e capitais brasileiras em cidades grandes e pequenas e em zonas rurais. A maioria dos trabalhos foi desenvolvida em grupos populacionais de baixa renda. Quanto às conseqüências clínicas, relataram-se achados de sinais oculares leves, como cegueira noturna, manchas de Bitot e xerose conjuntival, encontrados principalmente na Região Nordeste. Alguns autores observaram, em menor número de casos, lesões graves, como lesões corneanas e ceratomalácia. Trabalhos da última década indicaram associação entre a hipovitaminose A e o aumento da morbidade e mortalidade, principalmente em crianças pré-escolares.
OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetivou apreender algumas características sócio-sanitárias do grupo de beneficiários do Programa de Suplementação Alimentar de unidade básica de saúde de um município de médio porte do interior paulista. Especificamente, buscou-se delinear o perfil deste grupo quanto aos fatores de risco para a desnutrição infantil a que estava exposto e dimensionar a utilização dos critérios de inclusão neste programa. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa é de cunho descritivo e se baseou em documentos oficiais vigentes para a definição dos fatores de risco a serem analisados. Foram avaliadas 290 crianças cujas mães ou responsáveis foram entrevistados, segundo um protocolo previamente estabelecido. RESULTADOS: O grupo de beneficiários caracterizou-se por ser heterogêneo quanto à freqüência e ao grau da exposição a fatores de risco para a desnutrição, denotando que há diferenças nos problemas socioeconômicos e sanitários apresentados, como também na combinação entre eles, em cada família. CONCLUSÃO: Para a otimização do programa, ainda vigente no município, sugere-se a padronização loco-regional de critérios de inclusão, conforme a proposta oficial central, com o registro claro dos mesmos e, também, a aplicação de métodos avaliativos periódicos, adequada capacitação da equipe de saúde e maior envolvimento da população usuária.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Macrobrachium rosenbergii is a freshwater prawn which presents agonistic behavior and heterogeneous growth. It is known that captive conditions can intensify agonism causing injuries and decreased survival, generating a condition of poor welfare. Based on this, we aim to investigate the behavior of M. rosenbergii in the juvenile phase according to different types of shelter and frequencies of feed offer, emphasizing their agonistic behavior. For this, juveniles were observed in the laboratory in three steps. At step I we characterized the behavioral profile; prawns were kept in eight aquariums (27 prawns/m2 ), identified and observed four times along both phases of 24 h light cycle. At step II (2 experiments), we evaluated the use of shelters (brick or polyethylene rolls) and their influence on agonism by the animals. For classification of animals in dominance rank, the method used was David's Score. At step III (3 experiments), we evaluated different frequencies of feed offer on the behavior of individuals, in particular agonism. Results showed that juveniles do not present a pattern activity/inactivity between the phases of the light cycle. We identified a dominance hierarchy among individuals taking advantage of access to food by the dominant, which showed greater weight gain although the frequency of intake did not differ between individuals. The type of shelter influenced the behavior of animals. Brick shelter generated a higher frequency of permanence and a reduction in the frequency of agonistic interactions. The distribution of food more frequently throughout the day, decreased the motivation of animals for food, as well as to fight. Prawns fed four times showed lower frequency of feed intake and agonistic interactions. Thus, we conclude the shelters which reduce animal’s detection by coespecifics and offer the food four times along the day reduce agonistic behavior. This result causes na improvement in life quality of the prawns and also in its quality as final product.
This article analyzes food insecurity and hunger in Brazilian families with children under five years of age. This was a nationally representative cross-sectional study using data from the National Demographic and Health Survey on Women and Children (PNDS-2006), in which the outcome variable was moderate to severe food insecurity, measured by the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA). Prevalence estimates and prevalence ratios were generated with 95% confidence intervals. The results showed a high prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity, concentrated in the North and Northeast regions (30.7%), in economic classes D and E (34%), and in beneficiaries of conditional cash transfer programs (36.5%). Multivariate analysis showed that the socioeconomic relative risks (beneficiaries of conditional cash transfers), regional relative risks (North and Northeast regions), and economic relative risks (classes D and E) were 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4, respectively. Aggregation of the three risks showed 48% of families with moderate to severe food insecurity, meaning that adults and children were going hungry during the three months preceding the survey.
A case of a right frontal astrocytoma with spinal metastatic lesion in the region of the third dorsal vertebra is reported. The metastatic nodule was removed six months after the craniotomy. In the literature concerning to the dissemination of tumors cells is suggested that there is not a causal relationship between CSF seeding and operative intervention. Acess to the ventricular system or basal cisterns is of primary importance in the production of metastases.
A case of brain abscess and meningitis due to pigmented fungi is reported. The patient was a 59-year-old white male, who had enjoyed excellent health until October 1977, when he developed headache, later accompanied by paresthesias and weakness in the left-sided extremities. These symptoms worsened progressively and in November of that year he had to quit his job. From February 1978 on he became inactive and anorexic. Intense continuous headache was associated with frequent episodes of vomiting. He gradually became tor-porous, and according to his relatives, suffered from visual and possibly auditory deficiency. On examination, he was malnourished and dehydrated, with decubitus ulcers. Temperature was 38,5°C. A left-sided spastic hemiplegia and prominent meningorradicular signs were noted. The CSF was examined six times between May 17th and June 1st and showed variable hypercytosis (143 to 4,437 leucocytes/ cu mm) with predominance of neutrophils (up tp 95%), low glucose and high protein concentrations. No microorganisms were identified. Electroencephalographic study disclosed a low background activity especially in left temporal areas. Despite supportive care and antibiotic therapy he lapsed into coma. Carotid angiography was normal on June 1st. He remained in deep coma until his death on June 6th, 1978. Necropsy was limited to the brain, which weighed 1,550 g after fixation and showed diffuse intense edema and hyperemia. On coronal sectioning an encapsulated abscess was found in the right basal ganglia, which also involved the internal capsule, and measured 1.5 cm in diameter. Microscopical examination disclosed large numbers of brownish fungi, appearing both as oval yeasts and as septate hyphae in the thick fibrous capsule and in the necrotic content of the abscess. The same organisms were demonstrated in moderate numbers in the leptomeninges of the medulla oblongata and , less frequently, of the hippo-campal region and cerebellum.
The case of a 15 years old white man, diabetic in cetoacidosis, with a orbit-rhino-cerebral phycomycosis is reported. The illness had an acute onset and the treatment was iniciated early with Amphotericin-B and unilateral osteotomy of maxillary and ethmoidal sinus. With this treatment the patient did well with residuals of ophtalmoplegia and amaurosis on the right. Interesting investigation aspects are the occluded internal carotid on the same side of the affected orbit and the CAT-SCAN finding of moderated ventricular dilatation (two month after hospital admission). Mycology, pathophysiology, histopathology, clinical aspects, diagnosis and therapy are discussed, comparing the findings of this case with available literature. An increased number of survivors can be expected with earlier recognition and more aggressive therapy. Treatment of the underlying debilitating disease, Amphotericin-B and surgical debridement of necrotic tissue, are frequently necessary such as observed in the case reported. The favorable results ootaineü with the proposed managment are stressed.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física