181 resultados para RER


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The development of Electric Energy Storage (EES) integrated with Renewable Energy Resources (RER) has increased use of optimum scheduling strategy in distribution systems. Optimum scheduling of EES can reduce cost of purchased energy by retailers while improve the reliability of customers in distribution system. This paper proposes an optimum scheduling strategy for EES and the evaluation of its impact on reliability of distribution system. Case study shows the impact of the proposed strategy on reliability indices of a distribution system.


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There is a well-founded ethical concern in the present regarding the question Ήow can we include everybody's voice equally in the framing of reviews?' This paper is a response to the complexities that inhere in that question. It is not about Review of Educational Research (RER) as a specific site but about the systems of reasoning that construct the opening question about reviews and that suggest possible answers, including the response: 'What is voice?'


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This paper has been presented at the XIII Encuentros de Economía Aplicada, Sevilla, Spain, 2010.


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本文就杉木大小孢子、雌雄配子体发育、受精作用、新细胞质形成以及细胞质遗传进行较为详细的研究,主要结果如下: 1.2月底小孢子母细胞进入减数分裂,其核相的变化与通常所描述的一致,细胞器集中排列在赤道板附近,其中质体有一重建的过程。当分裂完成时,在四个核之间产生胼胝质壁,细胞器随机分配在四分体中,每个四分孢子含有线粒体、质体、核糖体、高尔基体、脂体、RER和一些液泡。 2.花粉外壁的形成开始于四分体。颗粒状外壁外层和纤维状的原外壁几乎同时产生,具有三层结构的片层状外壁内层的形成晚于外壁外层。初期外壁外层的物质由小孢子和绒毡层共同提供,后期则主要由绒毡层形成的乌氏体所叠加;外壁内层则由小孢子本身分泌的物质形成,在液泡化之前厚度及数目达到最大,片层之间存在广泛的交叉和融合。3月底花粉成熟,花粉壁由颗粒状外层、片层结构的外壁内层和厚的纤维状内壁所组成,在喙处只有一层外壁内层和内壁。各种细胞器的活动在四分体及游离小孢子时期最为活跃。 3.绒毡层的变化与小孢子的发育密切相关,前者具有发生、发展和解体的过程。期间绒毡层分泌的圆球体在结构上有所不同,减数分裂时为中间电子密度深、外围浅的圆球体结构;四分体及游离小孢子时为中间电子密度浅、外围沉积有孢粉素的乌氏体;成熟花粉时为星芒状的乌氏体,它们共同形成花粉的我壁。绒毡层细胞中的细胞器也经历一个变化过程,造粉体的含量在四分体时达到高潮,在小孢子液泡期时基本消耗殆尽并解体;大量的粗糙内质网成零分布在质膜处,并与质膜走向平行。绒毡层解体时出现特殊的现象,具多个由多层膜组成的吞噬泡,并成堆分布,RER和线粒体为最后解体的细胞器。绒毡层外切向面的周绒毡层膜由两层膜组成,其上分布有大量的孢粉素和乌氏体。 4.萌发的花粉管4月底穿过珠心顶端,内含两个不育核和一精原细胞,不育核分布在具有淀粉、脂滴、线粒体和RER的原花粉细胞质中,位于精原细胞之前,这种关系保持到受精前。6月初精原细胞体积迅速增加到最大,相应的细胞质也发生变化,以线粒体为主的细胞质中出现少量质体,线粒体再资分化,细胞质中含有大量的可溶性多糖。 5.受精前,精原细胞分裂产生两个大小和形状相同的精细胞,彼此之间由胞间连丝的横壁联系在一起,并被原花粉细胞质所包被。精细胞中质体和淀粉粒的数量大幅度增加。精核们于细胞的中央,细胞质呈现区域分布的特点,据所含细胞器的差别,人核膜向外,细胞质分为五层,中间两层最为突出,即线粒体层和淀粉层,其间有大量核糖体的存在,线粒体层位于淀粉层的里面。这两层占据精细胞的大部分体积。 6.雌配子体游离核时期持续时间较长,近两个月,而从细胞化到卵细胞成熟则非常迅速,大约只需两周左右的时间。进一步发育,颈卵器中的液泡减少,细胞质变浓。初期少量的质体和淀粉粒被膨大的内质网片段和小泡的融合而与细胞质相隔,并最终退化。小内含物增加,亲锇颗粒出现。 7.成熟的卵细胞中具有大量各种形式的小内含物,细胞质被平行和环形的内质网所分隔。核膜外围有一圈疏松排列的亲锇颗粒,核仁变为多个基本为圆形的小核仁。没有质体的存在,大量脱分化的线粒体和核糖体集中分布在卵核的下部。 8.受精作用主要发生在6.9-6.16日期间,雄性细胞质始终伴随着精核向卵核移动,当两核接近时,朝向精核-面的卵核形成凹陷内,性细胞质覆盖在精核之上并最终包围两性核,而把雌性细胞质排除在外。因此,受精卵周围的胞质主要为由质体、线粒体和核糖体组成的新细胞质,且线粒体和质体的分布形式与精细胞的相同,即线粒体在里层,质体在外层。 9.融合后的合子核随即进行有丝分裂,形成两个原胚游离核,两个游离核同步分裂,并向基部移动,游离核始终分布在新细胞质中。八游离核时形成细胞壁,原胚属标准型。胚细胞中基本不含淀粉粒,具有大量的线粒体、高尔基体、RER和原质体。原胚之上的卵细胞质退化解体。杉木的质体和线粒体均为父本遗传。 10.幼胚的胚性细胞和胚柄细胞具有明显的差别,主要表现在质体的存在形式和高尔基体的数量上。胚性细胞中,原质体分布在核周围,大量的RER、高尔基体和线粒体平行于胚的走向;位于其上的胚柄细胞则含有淀粉粒和特别多的高尔基体。具简单多胚和裂生多胚,胚柄系统发达,7月底出现根原始细胞,8月中旬胚分化完成,具有两个子叶。


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Microcystin-LR, a specific and potent hepatotoxin, was tested for its effects oil loach embryo-larval and juvenile development, The results of this study showed that loach embryos were more sensitive when exposed to microcystin-LR at a later than at an earlier stage of development, Juveniles were far less sensitive to MC-LR than were embryos and larvae. Mortality and developmental abnormality were proven to be dose-dependent and to be stage-specific sensitive. Among the abnormal changes noted were: pericardial edema and tubular heart, bradycardia, homeostasis, poor yolk resumption. small head, curved body and tail, and abnormal hatching, Liver and heart were the main targets of microcystin-LR toxicity. Ultrastructural analysis documented a complex set of sublethal effects of microcystin-LR on loach hepatocytes, chiefly including morphological alteration in nuclear and RER of loach liver cells. fit addition, microcystin-LR was lethal to loach juvenile in the subacute (7 days) exposure (LC50) = 593.3 mug/l). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cytological and biochemical alterations of crucial carp (Carassius auratus) hepatocytes were characterized after exposure to sediments from a lake contaminated with dioxins and other industrial chemicals. Carp were exposed in 20 L water containing 25, 50, or 100 g of contaminated sediment for 2 and 4 weeks. Ultrastructural changes in the liver were characterized by severe enlargement of hepatocytes. Alterations in the cell. included formation of condensed and irregular cell nucleus, polynuclei, dispersed heterochromatin, enlargement of the nucleolus, and degeneration of the nucleus. Mitochondrial numbers were reduced and cristae were deformed. Myelin figures and lysosomes were increased, and sometimes cell organelles and cell matrix were totally lost after 4 weeks of exposure. The ultrastructural alterations were correlated with exposure time and sediment concentrations. Hepatosometic index was significantly increased in experimental groups at 2 and 4 weeks as compared with the control group. EROD enzyme activities were strongly induced in liver. A trend from rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) to SER was observed. Our results suggest that the dioxin-like compounds bound by sediment were bioavailable to C. auratus and cause sublethal effects.


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Colorectal cancer is the most common cause of death due to malignancy in nonsmokers in the western world. In 1995 there were 1,757 cases of colon cancer in Ireland. Most colon cancer is sporadic, however ten percent of cases occur where there is a previous family history of the disease. In an attempt to understand the tumorigenic pathway in Irish colon cancer patients, a number of genes associated with colorectal cancer development were analysed in Irish sporadic and HNPCC colon cancer patients. The hereditary forms of colon cancer include Familial adenomatous polyposis coli (FAP) and Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC). Genetic analysis of the gene responsible for FAP, (the APC gene) has been previously performed on Irish families, however the genetic analysis of HNPCC families is limited. In an attempt to determine the mutation spectrum in Irish HNPCC pedigrees, the hMSH2 and hMLHl mismatch repair genes were screened in 18 Irish HNPCC families. Using SSCP analysis followed by DNA sequencing, five mutations were identified, four novel and a previously reported mutation. In families where a mutation was detected, younger asyptomatic members were screened for the presence of the predisposing mutation (where possible). Detection of mutations is particularly important for the identification of at risk individuals as the early diagnosis of cancer can vastly improve the prognosis. The sensitive and efficient detection of multiple different mutations and polymorphisms in DNA is of prime importance for genetic diagnosis and the identification of disease genes. A novel mutation detection technique has recently been developed in our laboratory. In order to assess the efficacy and application of the methodology in the analysis of cancer associated genes, a protocol for the analysis of the K-ras gene was developed and optimised. Matched normal and tumour DNA from twenty sporadic colon cancer patients was analysed for K-ras mutations using the Glycosylase Mediated Polymorphism Detection technique. Five mutations of the K-ras gene were detected using this technology. Sequencing analysis verified the presence of the mutations and SSCP analysis of the same samples did not identify any additional mutations. The GMPD technology proved to be highly sensitive, accurate and efficient in the identification of K-ras gene mutations. In order to investigate the role of the replication error phenomenon in Irish colon cancer, 3 polyA tract repeat loci were analysed. The repeat loci included a 10 bp intragenic repeat of the TGF-β-RII gene. TGF-β-RII is involved in the TGF-β epithelial cell growth pathway and mutation of the gene is thought to play a role in cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Due to the presence of a repeat sequence within the gene, TGFB-RII defects are associated with tumours that display the replication error phenomenon. Analysis of the TGF-β-RII 10 bp repeat failed to identify mutations in any colon cancer patients. Analysis of the Bat26 and Bat 40 polyA repeat sequences in the sporadic and HNPCC families revealed that instability is associated with HNPCC tumours harbouring mismatch repair defects and with 20 % of sporadic colon cancer tumours. No correlation between K-ras gene mutations and the RER+ phenotype was detected in sporadic colon cancer tumours.


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In young adults, improvements in the rate of force development as a result of resistance training are accompanied by increases in neural drive in the very initial phase of muscle activation. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if older adults also exhibit similar adaptations in response to rate of force development (RFD) training. Eight young (21-35 years) and eight older (60-79 years) adults were assessed during the production of maximum rapid contractions, before and after four weeks of progressive resistance training for the elbow flexors. Young and older adults exhibited significant increases (P<0.01) in peak RFD, of 25.6% and 28.6% respectively. For both groups the increase in RFD was accompanied by an increase in the root mean square (RMS) amplitude and in the rate of rise (RER) in the electromyogram (EMG) throughout the initial 100 ms of activation. For older adults, however, this training response was only apparent in the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. This response was not observed in surface EMG recorded from the biceps brachii muscle during either RFD testing or throughout training, nor was it observed in the pronator teres muscle. The minimal adaptations observed for older adults in the bifunctional muscles biceps brachii and pronator teres are considered to indicate a compromise of the neural adaptations older adults might experience in response to resistance training.


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This investigation aimed to explore the effects of inert sugar-free drinks described as either ‘performance enhancing’ (placebo) or ‘fatigue inducing’ (nocebo) on peak minute power (PMP;W) during incremental arm crank ergometry (ACE). Twelve healthy, non-specifically trained individuals volunteered to take part. A single-blind randomised controlled trial with repeated measures was used to assess for differences in PMP;W, oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and subjective reports of local ratings of perceived exertion (LRPE) and central ratings of perceived exertion (CRPE), between three separate, but identical ACE tests. Participants were required to drink either 500 ml of a ‘sports performance’ drink (placebo), a ‘fatigue-inducing’ drink (nocebo) or water prior to exercise. The placebo caused a significant increase in PMP;W, and a significant decrease in LRPE compared to the nocebo (p=0.01; p=0.001) and water trials (p=0.01). No significant differences in PMP;W between the nocebo and water were found. However, the nocebo drink did cause a significant increase in LRPE (p=0.01). These results suggest that the time has come to broaden our understanding of the placebo and nocebo effects and their potential to impact sports performance.


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This investigation aimed to explore the effects of inert sugar-free drinks described as either ‘performance enhancing’ (placebo) or ‘fatigue inducing’ (nocebo) on peak minute power (PMP;W) during incremental arm crank ergometry (ACE). Twelve healthy, non-specifically trained individuals volunteered to take part. A single-blind randomised controlled trial with repeated measures was used to assess for differences in PMP;W, oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and subjective reports of local ratings of perceived exertion (LRPE) and central ratings of perceived exertion (CRPE), between three separate, but identical ACE tests. Participants were required to drink either 500 ml of a ‘sports performance’ drink (placebo), a ‘fatigue-inducing’ drink (nocebo) or water prior to exercise. The placebo caused a significant increase in PMP;W, and a significant decrease in LRPE compared to the nocebo (p=0.01; p=0.001) and water trials (p=0.01). No significant differences in PMP;W between the nocebo and water were found. However, the nocebo drink did cause a significant increase in LRPE (p=0.01). These results suggest that the time has come to broaden our understanding of the placebo and nocebo effects and their potential to impact sports performance.


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Introdução: As canadianas são utilizadas em múltiplos quadros clínicos em que existe compromisso da marcha. No entanto, é fulcral considerar as diferentes exigências metabólicas associadas a cada auxiliar e tipo de marcha. Objetivo: Avaliar o dispêndio energético (DE) na marcha normal (MN), com uma canadiana e com duas canadianas a 3 pontos e a 3 pontos modificada em jovens e idosos. Metodologia: Estudo analítico transversal, composto por 21 indivíduos. As variáveis analisadas foram o volume de oxigénio inspirado (VO2), volume de dióxido de carbono expirado (VCO2) e quociente respiratório (QR), obtidas através do sistema portátil (Cosmed K4b2, Cosmed, Roma, Itália). Resultados: Os participantes tinham idades entre 18 e 75 anos (11 jovens e 10 idosos). Os idosos apresentaram valores significativamente mais elevados que os jovens no DE na marcha com uma canadiana a 3 pontos (p=0,009) e com duas canadianas a 3 pontos (p=0,008), enquanto nas restantes marchas não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05). A MN e a marcha com duas canadianas a 3 pontos foram os tipos de marcha com maior DE nos jovens, e nos idosos. Nos jovens, a MN apresentou 19% a 45% maior DE do que as restantes marchas, enquanto nos idosos verificou-se que todas as marchas (à exceção de uma canadiana a 3 pontos modificada) apresentaram um maior DE (entre 7 e 16%) comparativamente à MN. Conclusão: Os idosos apresentaram valores significativamente mais elevados de DE que os jovens nas marchas uma e duas canadianas a 3 pontos. Na MN e na marcha uma canadiana a 3 pontos modificada existe uma tendência para os jovens apresentarem valores de DE superior aos idosos. A medição do DE fornece uma indicação precisa da eficiência da marcha, sendo útil como suporte para a decisão clínica e para uma adequada reabilitação.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematical model (sine model, SIN) to describe fat oxidation kinetics as a function of the relative exercise intensity [% of maximal oxygen uptake (%VO2max)] during graded exercise and to determine the exercise intensity (Fatmax) that elicits maximal fat oxidation (MFO) and the intensity at which the fat oxidation becomes negligible (Fatmin). This model included three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, and translation) that incorporated primary expected modulations of the curve because of training level or body composition. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy volunteers (17 women and 15 men) performed a graded exercise test on a cycle ergometer, with 3-min stages and 20-W increments. Substrate oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry. SIN was compared with measured values (MV) and with other methods currently used [i.e., the RER method (MRER) and third polynomial curves (P3)]. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the fitting accuracy between SIN and P3 (P = 0.157), whereas MRER was less precise than SIN (P < 0.001). Fatmax (44 +/- 10% VO2max) and MFO (0.37 +/- 0.16 g x min(-1)) determined using SIN were significantly correlated with MV, P3, and MRER (P < 0.001). The variable of dilatation was correlated with Fatmax, Fatmin, and MFO (r = 0.79, r = 0.67, and r = 0.60, respectively, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The SIN model presents the same precision as other methods currently used in the determination of Fatmax and MFO but in addition allows calculation of Fatmin. Moreover, the three independent variables are directly related to the main expected modulations of the fat oxidation curve. SIN, therefore, seems to be an appropriate tool in analyzing fat oxidation kinetics obtained during graded exercise.


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F. 3-98 Sanctoral (incompl.) : — s. Martial (15) ; — s. Yrieix (83). F. 1-3 et 99-151 Commun des saints. F. 151v Vig. des morts ; — s. Nicolas (office noté, incompl. de la fin). Vies de s. Afre (63), s. Yrieix (83), s. Julien (86) (M. G., SS. rer. merov., III, 45, 55-56. 583-584 ; I, 879-881).


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John B. Davis explores the question of what the economic individual is. He bases his considerations of orthodox economics on the assumption that these theories implicitly rely on a conception of the individual that has its origin in Locke’s idea of the self as subjective inwardness. Economic history then is the attempt to deal with Locke’s inherent problems that this view involved. If neoclassical economics still has aspects of human psychology, mainstream economics dropped the subjective concept of the individual out of their considerations. However, Davis demonstrates that even the neoclassical concept of the individual fails to pass the existence test of individual identity. The latter is an idea developed in analogy to philosophers’ concern about personal identity and examines if the individual can be distinguished among different individuals and if he or she can be reidentified as the selfsame individual through time. The failure of the theory of the individual in orthodox economics led Davis to develop a concept of a socially embedded individual in accordance with heterodox accounts of economics. He submits this conception to the same test of individual identity. It appears that the socially embedded individual can be said to hold an identity in specific circumstances.


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In recent years, ‘agency’ has appeared in academic writings as a new way of referring to active involvement from below in development interventions. The concept of ‘agency’ starts from the assumption that people are actually agents themselves, continuously acting in and reacting to circumstances. In child labour activism, this concept has been applied to working children in the understanding that, in order to improve their working conditions, children should be organised in organizations that are exclusively for and (ideally) run by working children. This paper aims to evaluate the extent to which child labourers can become agents of change through their own organizations. The paper will draw on two studies carried out by the IREWOC foundation. In 2002 a study was undertaken in Bolivia to give practical meaning to the concept of child agency. Secondly, in 2004/2005 an investigation was carried out on the functioning and impact of children’s organizations in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. The applied research methods were mainly anthropological and used participant observation, (semi-) informal interviews and group interviewing with working children, their parents and adult representatives of the working children’s organizations. Both investigations show that in focussing on children as active participants, the structural constraints under which children have to live also need to be highlighted. One needs to understand how material poverty, mental deprivation and disempowerment help to shape resilience and defiance, but also anger, distrust and marginalisation.