679 resultados para Psychological ownership


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Työntekijöiden kokema psykologinen omistajuus ja muutokseen suhtautuminen kietoutuvat yhteen tämän tutkimuksen tarkastelussa. Organisaatiot kohtaavat nykypäivänä jatkuvaa muutostarvetta ja työntekijöiden muutokseen suhtautumisella on merkittävä vaikutus muutoshankkeiden onnistuneessa läpiviennissä. Toisaalta työtä kohtaan koetut psykologisen omistajuuden tunteet nähdään merkittävänä työhön ja työn kokemiseen liittyvänä tunteena. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena onkin ymmärtää miten työntekijöiden kokema psykologinen omistajuus ilmenee työntekijöiden muutokseen suhtautumisessa. Tutkimuksen tarkastelu tapahtuu organisatorisessa kontekstissa, merkityksen luomisen viitekehyksessä. Tutkimus suoritettiin fenomenografisena tapaustutkimuksena liiketoiminnan tukipalveluita tarjoavassa asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksen muodostavat neljä erilaista kuvauskategoriaa, jotka kuvaavat kohdeorganisaation työntekijöiden työtään kohtaan kokemia psykologisen omistajuuden tunteita ja sitä kuinka nämä tunteet näyttäytyvät heidän muutokseen suhtautumisessa. Psykologinen omistajuus ja muutokseen suhtautuminen ovat monitahoisia ilmiöitä, joissa yksilön kokemukseen vaikuttavat useat eri tekijät. Psykologista omistajuutta tunteva yksilö on lähtökohtaisesti valmiimpi kohtaamaan muutoksia psykologisen omistajuuden tunteiden ja muutosvalmiuden pohjautuessa monelta osin samoihin tekijöihin. Toisaalta voimakkaat psykologisen omistajuuden tunteet voivat olla yksilöä uuvuttavia, mikä saa muutokset näyttäytymään taakkana myönteisistä aikomuksista huolimatta.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli laadullisia menetelmiä käyttäen lisätä ymmärrystä yrittäjän poistumisen ilmiöstä. Yrittäjän näkökulmasta tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan poistumiseen suhtautumista ja sen suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen vaikuttavia yrittäjän sisäisiä ja ulkoisia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin Lahden lähialueen yrittäjiltä käyttäen teemahaastattelun menetelmää. Aineiston analyysin menetelmänä oli teemoittelu. Psykologista omistajuutta sovellettiin tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin yrittäjien suunnittelevan poistumistaan kahdessa vaiheessa, poistuen ensin yrittäjän roolista ja vasta määräämättömän ajan jälkeen kokonaan yrityksen toiminnasta ja sen tukijan roolista. Toimintatapa helpottaa yrittäjän psykologisesta omistajuudesta ja identiteetin muutoksesta johtuvaa luopumisen vaikeutta. Ulkoisista poistumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä tutkimuksessa nostetaan esille perheyritysten perintöveroon liitetyt ennakkokäsitykset, jotka voivat vaikuttaa poistumisen lykkäämiseen. Psykologisen omistajuuden käsite ja tutkimuksessa havaittu poistumiseen liitetty tabu selittävät osittain yrityksen ostajan löytämisen vaikeutta ja lopettavien yrittäjien määrää Suomessa. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat merkittäviä yrittäjyyttä ja omistajanvaihdoksia edistävien toimijoiden kannalta.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena ja tavoitteena on ymmärtää osuuskunnan ja erityisesti osuuskaupan edustajiston tehtäviä ja roolia. Tutkimuksessa halutaan tunnistaa osuuskunnan edustajiston tehtävät ja rooli siten, että ne parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla lisäisivät edustajiston jäsenten vaikuttavuutta ja vaikuttavuuden tunnetta. Tarkoituksena on kehittää toimintaa sellaiseksi, että edustajiston jäsenet kokevat osuuskunnan omakseen ja roolinsa siellä tärkeäksi, ja tätä kautta sitoutuvat tehtäviinsä ja ottavat vastuuta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, kuinka edustajisto voi tulevaisuudessa toteuttaa edustuksellista rooliaan parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla huomioiden jäsenten osuuskuntatoimintaa koskevat arvot, tavoitteet sekä odotukset. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena, johon kuului kuusi puolistrukturoitua haastattelua huhtikuussa 2016. Esimerkkiorganisaationa tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin Helsingin Osuuskauppa Elannon edustajistoa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että edustajiston jäsenet tuntevat roolinsa ja tehtävänsä vaikuttavaksi, mutta ongelma näyttäisi olevan, että tätä mielikuvaa ei ole pystytty siirtämään eteenpäin jäsenistölle. Jotta mielikuva ja tieto välittyisi ulospäin pitäisi tutkimusta tehdä vielä lisää sekä lisätä mainontaa, koulutusta ja valistusta edustajiston tehtävien ja roolin tiimoilta. Edustajat kokevat tulosten mukaan roolinsa tärkeäksi, mutta parannettavaa löytyi osuuskunnan omaksi tuntemisessa sekä sitä kautta sitoutumisessa. Omistuksen tunteen kehittyminen auttaisi sitoutumisessa työhön. Kollektiivisena tällainen omistamisen tunne palvelisi myös osuuskunnan etuja edustajien paremman työpanoksen ja yhteisten päämäärien kautta. Tällainen vahvemman siteen syntyminen edesauttaisi myös mielikuvien ja ennakkoluulojen muuttamista, joita osuuskunnan jäsenillä näyttäisi olevan edustajistosta ei kollektiivisena yhteisönä.


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Long-term success of family firms is of utmost social and economic importance. Three of its determinants are in the center of this Dissertation: firmlevel entrepreneurial orientation (EO), managers' entrepreneurial behavior, and value-creating attitudes of non-family employees. Each determinant and respective research gaps are addressed by one paper of this cumulative dissertation. Referring to firm-level EO, scholars claim that EO is a main antecedent to firms' both short- and long-term success. However, family firms seem to be successful across generations despite rather low levels of EO. The first paper addresses this paradox by investigating EO patterns of long-lived family firms in three Swiss case studies. The main finding is that the key to success is not to be as entrepreneurially as possible all the time, but to continuously adapt the EO profile depending on internal and external factors. Moreover, the paper suggest new subcategories to different EO dimensions. With regard to entrepreneurial behavior of managers, there is a lack of knowledge how individual-level and organizational level factors affect its evolvement. The second paper addresses this gap by investigating a sample of 403 middle-level managers from both family and non-family firms. It introduces psychological ownership of managers as individual-level antecedent and investigates the interaction with organizational factors. As a central insight, management support is found to strengthen the psychological ownership-entrepreneurial behavior relationship. The third paper is based on the fact that employees' justice perceptions are established antecedents of value-creating employee attitudes such as affective commitment and job satisfaction. Even though family firms are susceptible to nonfamily employees´ perceptions of injustice, corresponding research is scarce. Moreover, the mechanism connecting justice perceptions and positive outcomes is still unclear. Addressing these gaps, the analysis of a sample of 310 non-family employees reveals that psychological ownership is a mediator in the relationships between distributive justice perceptions and both affective commitment and job satisfaction. Altogether, the three papers offer valuable contributions to family business literature with respect to EO, entrepreneurial behavior, and value-creating employee attitudes. Thus, they increase current understanding about important determinants of family firms' long-term success, while opening up numerous ways of future research.


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The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of the meaning of ownership in the context of small and medium sized businesses. The research on ownership has increased and widened during the last few years. Ownership is treated increasingly as a psychological phenomenon and it has been noticed that it is common for SME ownermanagers to be mentally linked to their firms. Previous research is suggesting that the central role of an owner-manager in an SME is specifying the concept of SMEs, and that ownership is creating a great heterogeneity within SMEs. This study suggests that there is a variation whitin ownership behaviour of small business owners, and the variation is not totally random or irrational, but following the general patterns of business ownership and of doing business on an SME level. This study is a concept analytical in nature and it builds on the theoretical clarification of the concept of ownership. The theoretical consideration concludes with proposing a definition of ownership: Ownership means a subject’s relatively sustaining position of control in regard to an object. The empirical part of this study consists of five articles, out of which one is conceptual and four are empirical in nature. The notion of contextuality of ownership and the notions of SME characteristics form the basic premise of this study and the theoretical basis for the publications. From the owner-managers point of view, ownership relates the owner also to his or her environment and therefore also to the valuations of the owner-managers. This means that all the dimensions are not equally valued, but certain dimensions in his or her ownership are more important. The presented empirical research is supporting the claim that there is a variation whitin ownership behaviour of small business owners. When bringing the definition of ownership onto a personal and psychological level and into the SME context, it was noticed that ownership is not only a closed system phenomenon occurring between the owner and object owned, but it is also elementarily connected to the environment. Ownership - along with the psychological side of it - is a contextual phenomenon where the fundamental factor is the relatively sustaining position of control with regard to an object. As a contribution of the study, this definition is bringing a new point of view to the discussion on SMEs, SME strategic behaviour and family businesses. The study concludes with pointing out directions for future research.


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In order to evaluate the psychological variables that affect sexual dysfunction (SD) in epilepsy, where compared 60 epileptics (Group 1) with 60 healthy individuals (Group 2), through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger et al., 1970), Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, 1974) and Sexual Behavior Interview (Souza, 1995). Sexual dysfunction (SD), anxiety and depression were found more frequently in Group 1 than in Group 2 and were not related to sex. Variables such as the onset duration and frequency of seizures as well as the use to medication were not associated with SD. Temporal lobe epilepsy was related to SD (p = 0.035) but not to anxiety or depression. Anxiety and depression were related to SD in both groups. Perception in controlling the seizures was closely related to anxiety (p = 0) and depression (p = 0.009). We conclude that psychological factors play an important role in the alteration of sexual behavior in epileptics and that suitable attention must be given to the control of these variables.


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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common type of ulcerative disease of the oral mucosa. Despite its worldwide occurrence and the extensive amount of research that has been devoted to the subject, the etiology of RAS remains unclear. Nevertheless, several hereditary, nutritional, infectious and psychological factors have been associated with RAS. The aim of this case-control study was to assess the influence of psychological stress on the manifestation of RAS. METHOD: Fifty patients were enrolled in the trial. Twenty-five RAS patients constituted the study group and another 25 non-RAS patients who were similarly matched for sex, age and socioeconomic status constituted the control group. Each patient was evaluated in terms of the four domains of stress (emotional, physical, social and cognitive) using an internationally validated questionnaire, which was comprised of 59 items and measured the frequency and intensity of stress symptoms. The RAS group was interviewed during an active RAS episode. Completed questionnaires were submitted to proper analytical software and interpreted by an expert psychologist. RESULTS: There was a higher level of psychological stress among RAS group patients when compared to the control group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Psychological stress may play a role in the manifestation of RAS; it may serve as a trigger or a modifying factor rather than being a cause of the disease.


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Santhiago, V, da Silva, ASR, Papoti, M, and Gobatto, CA. Effects of 14-week swimming training program on the psychological, hormonal, and physiological parameters of elite women athletes. J Strength Cond Res 25(3): 825-832, 2011-The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of a 14-week swimming training program on psychological, hormonal, and performance parameters of elite women swimmers. Ten Olympic and international-level elite women swimmers were evaluated 4 times along the experiment (i.e., in T1, T2, T3, and T4). On the first day at 8: 00 AM, before the blood collecting at rest for the determination of hormonal parameters, the athletes had their psychological parameters assessed by the profile of mood-state questionnaire. At 3: 00 AM, the swimmers had their anaerobic threshold assessed. On the second day at 3: 00 AM, the athletes had their alactic anaerobic performance measured. Vigor score and testosterone levels were lower (p <= 0.05) in T4 compared with T3. In addition, the rate between the peak blood lactate concentration and the median velocity obtained in the alactic anaerobic performance test increased in T4 compared with T3 (p < 0.05). For practical applications, the swimming coaches should not use a tapering with the present characteristics to avoid unexpected results.


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This paper is a brief account of the Australian Strategic Review of the Psychology Discipline and its Research. Issues discussed include Australia's contribution to world research in psychological science, research funding, the age and qualifications of researchers, the social and economic benefits arising from the applications of research outcomes, multidisciplinary issues, the role of psychology in industry, links between the discipline and the profession of psychology, professional training, cross-cultural issues, and educational issues. Priorities for development of research and postgraduate training are identified, and include human factors and other areas related to technological change, clinical psychology with particular attention to health psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, and neuroscience and physiological psychology.


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The prevalence and correlates of psychological distress were examined in a sample of 171 female sex workers in Queensland. It was found that 28 per cent were above the GHQ-28 threshold for mild psychiatric morbidity, a rate that is not appreciably different from that of women in the general community. The sample included only eight street sex workers, all of whom reported significant distress. Logistic regression analyses showed that a history of injecting drug use, an early age at leaving home and wanting to leave the sex industry were independent predictors of poor mental health. Distressed sex workers reported fewer sexual health examinations and less consistent condom use with their clients than those who were not distressed.


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An exploratory study was conducted to examine whether the relationships between psychological stress and disordered eating, reported in many studies using American samples, would be found in a sample of young Australian women. A total of 212 women aged 18-22 years completed a questionnaire assessing a number of women's health issues, including life events stress, perceived stress levels, psychological distress, disordered eating behaviours, and concerns about weight and eating. While results showed few strong relationships between stress and eating variables for the sample overall, those women with high psychological stress levels appeared to be more likely to engage in disordered eating behaviours than women with low levels of stress. Results suggest that further investigation, targeting subgroups of women scoring highly on measures of psychological stress or disordered eating, may help clarify our understanding of the relationships between these factors in young Australian women.