968 resultados para Point-set surface
Introduction: In this report, we propose the application of the p-iodophenol-enhanced luminol chemiluminescent technique to the determination of peroxidase (myeloperoxidase and/or platelet peroxidase) activity in blasts of minimally differentiated acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML-M0) and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AML-M7).Methods: the frozen blast cells from 29 patients were thawed and submitted to the optimized protocol.Results: All cases of AML-M7 and AML-M0 exhibited integrated light emission greater than 73 (10(2) mV x s), which was the arbitrary cutoff point set for the discrimination between AML and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (mean + 3 x s.d. of ALL samples, n = 10). In addition, five out of seven cases of AML-M0 showed results above the Cutoff point.Conclusion: This highly sensitive enhanced chemiluminescent technique may be applied to discriminate between ALL and AML-M7 or AML-M1 cases, and most AML-M0 cases. It is very simple, cheap and easy to perform compared to other procedures used to measure MPO activity in AML-leukemias including AML-M7 and AML-M0.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Let f: M --> N and g: K --> N be generic differentiable maps of compact manifolds without boundary into a manifold such that their intersection satisfies a certain transversality condition. We show, under a certain cohomological condition, that if the images f(M) and g(K) intersect, then the (upsilon + 1)th Betti number of their union is strictly greater than the sum of their (upsilon + 1)th Betti numbers, where upsilon = dim M + dim K - dim N. This result is applied to the study of coincidence sets and fixed point sets. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Der ungarische Mathematiker Friedrich Riesz studierte und forschte in den mathematischen Milieus von Budapest, Göttingen und Paris. Die vorliegende Arbeit möchte zeigen, daß die Beiträge von Riesz zur Herausbildung eines abstrakten Raumbegriffs durch eine Verknüpfung von Entwicklungen aus allen drei mathematischen Kulturen ermöglicht wurden, in denen er sich bewegt hat. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich dabei auf den von Riesz 1906 veröffentlichten Text „Die Genesis des Raumbegriffs". Sowohl für seine Fragestellungen als auch für seinen methodischen Zugang fand Riesz vor allem in Frankreich und Göttingen Anregungen: Henri Poincarés Beiträge zur Raumdiskussion, Maurice Fréchets Ansätze einer abstrakten Punktmengenlehre, David Hilberts Charakterisierung der Stetigkeit des geometrischen Raumes. Diese Impulse aufgreifend suchte Riesz ein Konzept zu schaffen, das die Forderungen von Poincaré, Hilbert und Fréchet gleichermaßen erfüllte. So schlug Riesz einen allgemeinen Begriff des mathematischen Kontinuums vor, dem sich Fréchets Konzept der L-Klasse, Hilberts Mannigfaltigkeitsbegriff und Poincarés erfahrungsgemäße Vorstellung der Stetigkeit des ‚wirklichen' Raumes unterordnen ließen. Für die Durchführung seines Projekts wandte Riesz mengentheoretische und axiomatische Methoden an, die er der Analysis in Frankreich und der Geometrie bei Hilbert entnommen hatte. Riesz' aufnahmebereite Haltung spielte dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Diese Haltung kann wiederum als ein Element der ungarischen mathematischen Kultur gedeutet werden, welche sich damals ihrerseits stark an den Entwicklungen in Frankreich und Deutschland orientierte. Darüber hinaus enthält Riesz’ Arbeit Ansätze einer konstruktiven Mengenlehre, die auf René Baire zurückzuführen sind. Aus diesen unerwarteten Ergebnissen ergibt sich die Aufgabe, den Bezug von Riesz’ und Baires Ideen zur späteren intuitionistischen Mengenlehre von L.E.J. Brouwer und Hermann Weyl weiter zu erforschen.
We study a problem about shortest paths in Delaunay triangulations. Given two nodes s; t in the Delaunay triangulation of a point set P, we look for a new point p that can be added, such that the shortest path from s to t in the Delaunay triangulation of P u{p} improves as much as possible. We study properties of the problem and give efficient algorithms to find such a point when the graph-distance used is Euclidean and for the link-distance. Several other variations of the problem are also discussed.
In this dissertation a new numerical method for solving Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems in a Lagrangian framework is developed, where solids of different constitutive laws can suffer very large deformations and fluids are considered to be newtonian and incompressible. For that, we first introduce a meshless discretization based on local maximum-entropy interpolants. This allows to discretize a spatial domain with no need of tessellation, avoiding the mesh limitations. Later, the Stokes flow problem is studied. The Galerkin meshless method based on a max-ent scheme for this problem suffers from instabilities, and therefore stabilization techniques are discussed and analyzed. An unconditionally stable method is finally formulated based on a Douglas-Wang stabilization. Then, a Langrangian expression for fluid mechanics is derived. This allows us to establish a common framework for fluid and solid domains, such that interaction can be naturally accounted. The resulting equations are also in the need of stabilization, what is corrected with an analogous technique as for the Stokes problem. The fully Lagrangian framework for fluid/solid interaction is completed with simple point-to-point and point-to-surface contact algorithms. The method is finally validated, and some numerical examples show the potential scope of applications.
* A preliminary version of this paper was presented at XI Encuentros de Geometr´ia Computacional, Santander, Spain, June 2005.
Multivariate orthogonal polynomials in D real dimensions are considered from the perspective of the Cholesky factorization of a moment matrix. The approach allows for the construction of corresponding multivariate orthogonal polynomials, associated second kind functions, Jacobi type matrices and associated three term relations and also Christoffel-Darboux formulae. The multivariate orthogonal polynomials, their second kind functions and the corresponding Christoffel-Darboux kernels are shown to be quasi-determinants as well as Schur complements of bordered truncations of the moment matrix; quasi-tau functions are introduced. It is proven that the second kind functions are multivariate Cauchy transforms of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. Discrete and continuous deformations of the measure lead to Toda type integrable hierarchy, being the corresponding flows described through Lax and Zakharov-Shabat equations; bilinear equations are found. Varying size matrix nonlinear partial difference and differential equations of the 2D Toda lattice type are shown to be solved by matrix coefficients of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. The discrete flows, which are shown to be connected with a Gauss-Borel factorization of the Jacobi type matrices and its quasi-determinants, lead to expressions for the multivariate orthogonal polynomials and their second kind functions in terms of shifted quasi-tau matrices, which generalize to the multidimensional realm, those that relate the Baker and adjoint Baker functions to ratios of Miwa shifted tau-functions in the 1D scenario. In this context, the multivariate extension of the elementary Darboux transformation is given in terms of quasi-determinants of matrices built up by the evaluation, at a poised set of nodes lying in an appropriate hyperplane in R^D, of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. The multivariate Christoffel formula for the iteration of m elementary Darboux transformations is given as a quasi-determinant. It is shown, using congruences in the space of semi-infinite matrices, that the discrete and continuous flows are intimately connected and determine nonlinear partial difference-differential equations that involve only one site in the integrable lattice behaving as a Kadomstev-Petviashvili type system. Finally, a brief discussion of measures with a particular linear isometry invariance and some of its consequences for the corresponding multivariate polynomials is given. In particular, it is shown that the Toda times that preserve the invariance condition lay in a secant variety of the Veronese variety of the fixed point set of the linear isometry.
We present a variable time step, fully adaptive in space, hybrid method for the accurate simulation of incompressible two-phase flows in the presence of surface tension in two dimensions. The method is based on the hybrid level set/front-tracking approach proposed in [H. D. Ceniceros and A. M. Roma, J. Comput. Phys., 205, 391400, 2005]. Geometric, interfacial quantities are computed from front-tracking via the immersed-boundary setting while the signed distance (level set) function, which is evaluated fast and to machine precision, is used as a fluid indicator. The surface tension force is obtained by employing the mixed Eulerian/Lagrangian representation introduced in [S. Shin, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, V. Daru and D. Juric, J. Comput. Phys., 203, 493-516, 2005] whose success for greatly reducing parasitic currents has been demonstrated. The use of our accurate fluid indicator together with effective Lagrangian marker control enhance this parasitic current reduction by several orders of magnitude. To resolve accurately and efficiently sharp gradients and salient flow features we employ dynamic, adaptive mesh refinements. This spatial adaption is used in concert with a dynamic control of the distribution of the Lagrangian nodes along the fluid interface and a variable time step, linearly implicit time integration scheme. We present numerical examples designed to test the capabilities and performance of the proposed approach as well as three applications: the long-time evolution of a fluid interface undergoing Rayleigh-Taylor instability, an example of bubble ascending dynamics, and a drop impacting on a free interface whose dynamics we compare with both existing numerical and experimental data.
Reconstruction of patient-specific 3D bone surface from 2D calibrated fluoroscopic images and a point distribution model is discussed. We present a 2D/3D reconstruction scheme combining statistical extrapolation and regularized shape deformation with an iterative image-to-model correspondence establishing algorithm, and show its application to reconstruct the surface of proximal femur. The image-to-model correspondence is established using a non-rigid 2D point matching process, which iteratively uses a symmetric injective nearest-neighbor mapping operator and 2D thin-plate splines based deformation to find a fraction of best matched 2D point pairs between features detected from the fluoroscopic images and those extracted from the 3D model. The obtained 2D point pairs are then used to set up a set of 3D point pairs such that we turn a 2D/3D reconstruction problem to a 3D/3D one. We designed and conducted experiments on 11 cadaveric femurs to validate the present reconstruction scheme. An average mean reconstruction error of 1.2 mm was found when two fluoroscopic images were used for each bone. It decreased to 1.0 mm when three fluoroscopic images were used.
Several fringing coral reefs in Moreton Bay, Southeast Queensland, some 300 km south of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), are set in a relatively high latitude, estuarine environment that is considered marginal for coral growth. Previous work indicated that these marginal reefs, as with many fringing reefs of the inner GBR, ceased accreting in the mid-Holocene. This research presents for the first time data from the subsurface profile of the mid-Holocene fossil reef at Wellington Point comprising U/Th dates of in situ and framework corals, and trace element analysis from the age constrained carbonate fragments. Based on trace element proxies the palaeo-water quality during reef accretion was reconstructed. Results demonstrate that the reef initiated more than 7,000 yr BP during the post glacial transgression, and the initiation progressed to the west as sea level rose. In situ micro-atolls indicate that sea level was at least 1 m above present mean sea level by 6,680 years ago. The reef remained in "catch-up" mode, with a seaward sloping upper surface, until it stopped aggrading abruptly at ca 6,000 yr BP; no lateral progradation occurred. Changes in sediment composition encountered in the cores suggest that after the laterite substrate was covered by the reef, most of the sediment was produced by the carbonate factory with minimal terrigenous influence. Rare earth element, Y and Ba proxies indicate that water quality during reef accretion was similar to oceanic waters, considered suitable for coral growth. A slight decline in water quality on the basis of increased Ba in the later stages of growth may be related to increased riverine input and partial closing up of the bay due to either tidal delta progradation, climatic change and/or slight sea level fall. The age data suggest that termination of reef growth coincided with a slight lowering of sea level, activation of ENSO and consequent increase in seasonality, lowering of temperatures and the constrictions to oceanic flushing. At the cessation of reef accretion the environmental conditions in the western Moreton Bay were changing from open marine to estuarine. The living coral community appears to be similar to the fossil community, but without the branching Acropora spp. that were more common in the fossil reef. In this marginal setting coral growth periods do not always correspond to periods of reef accretion due to insufficient coral abundance. Due to several environmental constraints modern coral growth is insufficient for reef growth. Based on these findings Moreton Bay may be unsuitable as a long term coral refuge for most species currently living in the GBR.
This paper reports on the investigations of laminar free convection heat transfer from vertical cylinders and wires whose surface temperature varies along the height according to the relation TW - T∞ = Nxn. The set of boundary layer partial differential equations and the boundary conditions are transformed to a more amenable form and solved by the process of successive substitution. Numerical solutions of the first approximated equations (two-point nonlinear boundary value type of ordinary differential equations) bring about the major contribution to the problem (about 95%), as seen from the solutions of higher approximations. The results reduce to those for the isothermal case when n=0. Criteria for classifying the cylinders into three broad categories, viz., short cylinders, long cylinders and wires, have been developed. For all values of n the same criteria hold. Heat transfer correlations obtained for short cylinders (which coincide with those of flat plates) are checked with those available in the literature. Heat transfer and fluid flow correlations are developed for all the regimes.
Semi-similar solutions of the unsteady compressible laminar boundary layer flow over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies at the stagnation point with mass transfer are studied for all the second-order boundary layer effects when the free stream velocity varies arbitrarily with time. The set of partial differential equations governing the unsteady compressible second-order boundary layers representing all the effects are derived for the first time. These partial differential equations are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The results are obtained for two particular unsteady free stream velocity distributions: (a) an accelerating stream and (b) a fluctuating stream. It is observed that the total skin friction and heat transfer are strongly affected by the surface mass transfer and wall temperature. However, their variation with time is significant only for large times. The second-order boundary layer effects are found to be more pronounced in the case of no mass transfer or injection as compared to that for suction. Résumé Des solutions semi-similaires d'écoulement variable compressible de couche limite sur des corps bi-dimensionnels thermique, sont étudiées pour tous les effets de couche limite du second ordre, lorsque la vitesse de l'écoulement libre varie arbitrairement avec le temps. Le systéme d'équations aux dérivées partielles représentant tous les effets est écrit pour la premiére fois. On le résout numériquement á l'aide d'un schéma implicite aux différences finies. Les résultats sont obtenus pour deux cas de vitesse variable d'écoulement libre: (a) un écoulement accéléré et (b) un écoulement fluctuant. On observe que le frottement pariétal total et le transfert de chaleur sont fortement affectés par le transfert de masse et la température pariétaux. Néanmoins, leur variation avec le temps est sensible seulement pour des grandes durées. Les effets sont trouvés plus prononcés dans le cas de l'absence du transfert de masse ou de l'injection par rapport au cas de l'aspiration.
Commercially available 3Y-TZP and Mg-PSZ flats mere abraded by a 150 degrees diamond cone at -196 degrees, 25 degrees, 200 degrees, and 400 degrees C. The coefficient of friction, the track width, and the morphological features of the track were recorded. Raman spectroscopy mas used to record the tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation (t --> m) as a function of distance away from the track. The study was undertaken to establish the influence of tangential traction on phase transformation and surface damage.
We report the effect of surface treatments on the dynamic conductance curves (G=dI/dV‐V) of Au‐Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (single crystal) point contact junctions of variable junction conductances (100 mS≳G≳100 μS). We find that if the crystal surface is cleaved freshly just prior to making contacts, all irreproducible sharp multiple features often observed in tunneling data of Bi(2212) oxide superconductors disappear. If the cleaved crystal surfaces are left under ambient conditions for a few days and the tunneling experiments are repeated, these multiple features reappear. We also find that if the current in the junction is made to pass predominantly through the bulk (and not along the surface), gap features are sharper. The observed conductance curves are fitted to a modified model [G. E. Blonder et al., Phys. Rev. B 25, 4515 (1982)] and estimated gap values are Δ≂28 to 30 meV corresponding to the ratio 2Δ/kBTc ≂ 7.5 with lifetime broadening Γ/Δ≂0.2. We conclude that the sharp multiple features observed in Bi(2212) tunneling curves has no intrinsic origin in the bulk and they arise from the surface only.