949 resultados para Piezoelectric buzzer in pulsed operation
A tanulmány a hazai kis- és középvállalati szektorban 2006-ban elvégzett, majd 2010-ben megismételt kérdőíves felmérések eredményei alapján igyekszik bemutatni a racionális vállalati gazdálkodás sajátosságait. Vizsgálatunk fő kérdése, hogy e szektor vállalkozásainak gazdálkodását milyen tényezők teszik ésszerűvé, s hogy a 2006-2010 között eltelt időszakban milyen változások figyelhetők meg a gazdálkodói magatartásuk alakulásában. Eredményeink alapján megállapíthatjuk, hogy a mai napig megtalálhatók a kisvállalkozói - háztartási szemléletű, megélhetésorientált - gazdálkodás nyomai, de a racionális gazdálkodás általunk használt mutatói szerint e vállalkozások körében szakszerűbbé vált a gazdálkodás. Ebben a folyamatban szerepet játszott a gazdasági válság, amely által előidézett helyzethez kénytelenek voltak alkalmazkodni a kis- és közepes vállalkozások: felismerték, hogy célravezetőbb a hatékonyság és a költségek szempontjából a racionális pénzpiaci magatartás követése, s ezzel összhangban a válság miatti zavarok elhárítására kiadáscsökkentő eszközök alkalmazása. A kis- és közepes vállalkozások gazdálkodásával kapcsolatos racionális döntések előmozdításában elsősorban a korszerű pénzügyi ismereteknek és a szakmai tudásnak van szerepe. / === / The study seeks to identify the attributes of rational business operation, using a questionnaire survey of small and medium-sized firms made in 2006 and a repeat of it in 2010. The main questions addressed are what factors contribute to rational operation in the firms in the sector and what changes over the 2006-10 period can be discerned in business behaviour. The findings show that traces of small business-style operation (a household or livelihood orientation) could still be found, but the indicators of rationality employed in the survey show that the operation of the firms became more rational. A role in the process was played by the economic crisis, which forced small and medium-sized businesses to adapt: they recognized that it was better from the point of view of efficiency and costs to follow rational money-market behaviour, and in line with that, use spending-reduction tools to evade the disturbances of the crisis. The main factors behind the shift towards rational decision-making in the running of small and medium-sized firms are up-to-date financial information and professional expertise.
This paper describes the operation of a solid-state series stacked topology used as a serial and parallel switch in pulsed power applications. The proposed circuit, developed from the Marx generator concept, balances the voltage stress on each series stacked semiconductor, distributing the total voltage evenly. Experimental results from a 10 kV laboratory series stacked switch, using 1200 V semiconductors in a ten stages solid-state series stacked circuit, are reported and discussed, considering resistive, capacitive and inductive type loads for high and low duty factor voltage pulse operation.
The integration of growing amounts of distributed generation in power systems, namely at distribution networks level, has been fostered by energy policies in several countries around the world, including in Europe. This intensive integration of distributed, non-dispatchable, and natural sources based generation (including wind power) has caused several changes in the operation and planning of power systems and of electricity markets. Sometimes the available non-dispatchable generation is higher than the demand. This generation must be used; otherwise it is wasted if not stored or used to supply additional demand. New policies and market rules, as well as new players, are needed in order to competitively integrate all the resources. The methodology proposed in this paper aims at the maximization of the social welfare in a distribution network operated by a virtual power player that aggregates and manages the available energy resources. When facing a situation of excessive non-dispatchable generation, including wind power, real time pricing is applied in order to induce the increase of consumption so that wind curtailment is minimized. This method is especially useful when actual and day-ahead resources forecast differ significantly. The distribution network characteristics and concerns are addressed by including the network constraints in the optimization model. The proposed methodology has been implemented in GAMS optimization tool and its application is illustrated in this paper using a real 937-bus distribution network with 20.310 consumers and 548 distributed generators, some of them non-dispatchable and with must take contracts. The implemented scenario corresponds to a real day in Portuguese power system.
We report experimental studies of crystals of Mn12 molecular magnetic clusters in pulsed magnetic fields with sweep rates up to 410^3 T/s . The steps in the magnetization curve are observed at fields that are shifted with respect to the resonant field values. The shift systematically increases as the rate of the field sweep goes up. These data are consistent with the theory of the collective dipolar relaxation in molecular magnets.
This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases - a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcingservices in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company's investment productivity is illustrated.
This thesis concentrates on studying the operational disturbance behavior of machine tools integrated into FMS. Operational disturbances are short term failures of machine tools which are especially disruptive to unattended or unmanned operation of FMS. The main objective was to examine the effect of operational disturbances on reliability and operation time distribution for machine tools. The theoretical part of the thesis covers the fimdamentals of FMS relating to the subject of this study. The concept of FMS, its benefits and operator's role in FMS operation are reviewed. The importance of reliability is presented. The terms describing the operation time of machine tools are formed by adopting standards and references. The concept of failure and indicators describing reliability and operational performance for machine tools in FMSs are presented. The empirical part of the thesis describes the research methodology which is a combination of automated (ADC) and manual data collection. By using this methodology it is possible to have a complete view of the operation time distribution for studied machine tools. Data collection was carried out in four FMSs consisting of a total of 17 machine tools. Each FMS's basic features and the signals of ADC are described. The indicators describing the reliability and operation time distribution of machine tools were calculated according to collected data. The results showed that operational disturbances have a significant influence on machine tool reliability and operational performance. On average, an operational disturbance occurs every 8,6 hours of operation time and has a down time of 0,53 hours. Operational disturbances cause a 9,4% loss in operation time which is twice the amount of losses caused by technical failures (4,3%). Operational disturbances have a decreasing influence on the utilization rate. A poor operational disturbance behavior decreases the utilization rate. It was found that the features of a part family to be machined and the method technology related to it are defining the operational disturbance behavior of the machine tool. Main causes for operational disturbances were related to material quality variations, tool maintenance, NC program errors, ATC and machine tool control. Operator's role was emphasized. It was found that failure recording activity of the operators correlates with the utilization rate. The more precisely the operators record the failure, the higher is the utilization rate. Also the FMS organizations which record failures more precisely have fewer operational disturbances.
This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases – a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcing services in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company’s investment productivity is illustrated.
We report experimental studies of crystals of Mn12 molecular magnetic clusters in pulsed magnetic fields with sweep rates up to 410^3 T/s . The steps in the magnetization curve are observed at fields that are shifted with respect to the resonant field values. The shift systematically increases as the rate of the field sweep goes up. These data are consistent with the theory of the collective dipolar relaxation in molecular magnets.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The sugarcane mechanized planting is becoming increasingly widespread in Brazil due to a higher operability and better working conditions offered to workers compared to other types of planting. Studies related to this topic are insufficient or scarce in Brazil. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the operation quality of sugarcane mechanized planting in two operation shifts, by means of statistical process control. The mechanized planting was held on March 2012 and statistical design was completely randomized with two treatments, totaling 40 replications for the day shift and 40 replications for the night shift. The variables evaluated were: speed, engine rotation, engine oil pressure, water temperature of the engine, effective field capacity and the time consumption hourly and effective fuel. The use of statistical control charts showed that random intrinsic do not cause this process. The tractor alignment error showed outliers in the day and night shifts operations, indicating a possible delay in receiving the signal. The water temperature of the engine and the effective fuel consumption showed lower variability in nighttime operation with average values of 81°C and 22.66 L ha-1, respectively. The hourly fuel consumption had greater variability and consequently lower quality during the night of the operation, with an average consumption of 25.46 L h-1 while the day shift showed 26.86 L h-1.
Experimental investigations were carried out using a Nd:YAG laser operating in pulsed mode for welding a lap joint between thin foil and thick sheet. The pulse energy was varied from 1.5 to 3.0 J at increments of 0.25 J with a 4 ms pulse duration. The base material used for this study was AISI 316L foils with 100 mu m thickness and sheet with 3.0 mm thickness. The welds were analysed by optical and electronic microscopy, tensile shear tests and micro hardness. The results indicate that pulse energy control is of considerable importance to join thin foil and thick sheet with good quality. The ultimate tensile strength of the welded joints increased at first and then decreased as the pulse energy increased. The process appeared to be very sensitive to the gap between couples. Large voids delimited by the molten zone boundary were observed in joints welded with high pulse energy.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Primary stability of stems in cementless total hip replacements is recognized to play a critical role for long-term survival and thus for the success of the overall surgical procedure. In Literature, several studies addressed this important issue. Different approaches have been explored aiming to evaluate the extent of stability achieved during surgery. Some of these are in-vitro protocols while other tools are coinceived for the post-operative assessment of prosthesis migration relative to the host bone. In vitro protocols reported in the literature are not exportable to the operating room. Anyway most of them show a good overall accuracy. The RSA, EBRA and the radiographic analysis are currently used to check the healing process of the implanted femur at different follow-ups, evaluating implant migration, occurance of bone resorption or osteolysis at the interface. These methods are important for follow up and clinical study but do not assist the surgeon during implantation. At the time I started my Ph.D Study in Bioengineering, only one study had been undertaken to measure stability intra-operatively. No follow-up was presented to describe further results obtained with that device. In this scenario, it was believed that an instrument that could measure intra-operatively the stability achieved by an implanted stem would consistently improve the rate of success. This instrument should be accurate and should give to the surgeon during implantation a quick answer concerning the stability of the implanted stem. With this aim, an intra-operative device was designed, developed and validated. The device is meant to help the surgeon to decide how much to press-fit the implant. It is essentially made of a torsional load cell, able to measure the extent of torque applied by the surgeon to test primary stability, an angular sensor that measure the relative angular displacement between stem and femur, a rigid connector that enable connecting the device to the stem, and all the electronics for signals conditioning. The device was successfully validated in-vitro, showing a good overall accuracy in discriminating stable from unstable implants. Repeatability tests showed that the device was reliable. A calibration procedure was then performed in order to convert the angular readout into a linear displacement measurement, which is an information clinically relevant and simple to read in real-time by the surgeon. The second study reported in my thesis, concerns the evaluation of the possibility to have predictive information regarding the primary stability of a cementless stem, by measuring the micromotion of the last rasp used by the surgeon to prepare the femoral canal. This information would be really useful to the surgeon, who could check prior to the implantation process if the planned stem size can achieve a sufficient degree of primary stability, under optimal press fitting conditions. An intra-operative tool was developed to this aim. It was derived from a previously validated device, which was adapted for the specific purpose. The device is able to measure the relative micromotion between the femur and the rasp, when a torsional load is applied. An in-vitro protocol was developed and validated on both composite and cadaveric specimens. High correlation was observed between one of the parameters extracted form the acquisitions made on the rasp and the stability of the corresponding stem, when optimally press-fitted by the surgeon. After tuning in-vitro the protocol as in a closed loop, verification was made on two hip patients, confirming the results obtained in-vitro and highlighting the independence of the rasp indicator from the bone quality, anatomy and preserving conditions of the tested specimens, and from the sharpening of the rasp blades. The third study is related to an approach that have been recently explored in the orthopaedic community, but that was already in use in other scientific fields. It is based on the vibration analysis technique. This method has been successfully used to investigate the mechanical properties of the bone and its application to evaluate the extent of fixation of dental implants has been explored, even if its validity in this field is still under discussion. Several studies have been published recently on the stability assessment of hip implants by vibration analysis. The aim of the reported study was to develop and validate a prototype device based on the vibration analysis technique to measure intra-operatively the extent of implant stability. The expected advantages of a vibration-based device are easier clinical use, smaller dimensions and minor overall cost with respect to other devices based on direct micromotion measurement. The prototype developed consists of a piezoelectric exciter connected to the stem and an accelerometer attached to the femur. Preliminary tests were performed on four composite femurs implanted with a conventional stem. The results showed that the input signal was repeatable and the output could be recorded accurately. The fourth study concerns the application of the device based on the vibration analysis technique to several cases, considering both composite and cadaveric specimens. Different degrees of bone quality were tested, as well as different femur anatomies and several levels of press-fitting were considered. The aim of the study was to verify if it is possible to discriminate between stable and quasi-stable implants, because this is the most challenging detection for the surgeon in the operation room. Moreover, it was possible to validate the measurement protocol by comparing the results of the acquisitions made with the vibration-based tool to two reference measurements made by means of a validated technique, and a validated device. The results highlighted that the most sensitive parameter to stability is the shift in resonance frequency of the stem-bone system, showing high correlation with residual micromotion on all the tested specimens. Thus, it seems possible to discriminate between many levels of stability, from the grossly loosened implant, through the quasi-stable implants, to the definitely stable one. Finally, an additional study was performed on a different type of hip prosthesis, which has recently gained great interest thus becoming fairly popular in some countries in the last few years: the hip resurfacing prosthesis. The study was motivated by the following rationale: although bone-prosthesis micromotion is known to influence the stability of total hip replacement, its effect on the outcome of resurfacing implants has not been investigated in-vitro yet, but only clinically. Thus the work was aimed at verifying if it was possible to apply to the resurfacing prosthesis one of the intraoperative devices just validated for the measurement of the micromotion in the resurfacing implants. To do that, a preliminary study was performed in order to evaluate the extent of migration and the typical elastic movement for an epiphyseal prosthesis. An in-vitro procedure was developed to measure micromotions of resurfacing implants. This included a set of in-vitro loading scenarios that covers the range of directions covered by hip resultant forces in the most typical motor-tasks. The applicability of the protocol was assessed on two different commercial designs and on different head sizes. The repeatability and reproducibility were excellent (comparable to the best previously published protocols for standard cemented hip stems). Results showed that the procedure is accurate enough to detect micromotions of the order of few microns. The protocol proposed was thus completely validated. The results of the study demonstrated that the application of an intra-operative device to the resurfacing implants is not necessary, as the typical micromovement associated to this type of prosthesis could be considered negligible and thus not critical for the stabilization process. Concluding, four intra-operative tools have been developed and fully validated during these three years of research activity. The use in the clinical setting was tested for one of the devices, which could be used right now by the surgeon to evaluate the degree of stability achieved through the press-fitting procedure. The tool adapted to be used on the rasp was a good predictor of the stability of the stem. Thus it could be useful for the surgeon while checking if the pre-operative planning was correct. The device based on the vibration technique showed great accuracy, small dimensions, and thus has a great potential to become an instrument appreciated by the surgeon. It still need a clinical evaluation, and must be industrialized as well. The in-vitro tool worked very well, and can be applied for assessing resurfacing implants pre-clinically.
The growth of ordered arrays of InGaN/GaN nanocolumnar light emitting diodes by molecular beam epitaxy, emitting in the blue (441 nm), green (502 nm), and yellow (568 nm) spectral range is reported. The device active region, consisting of a nanocolumnar InGaN section of nominally constant composition and 250 to 500 nm length, is free of extended defects, which is in strong contrast to InGaN layers (planar) of similar composition and thickness. The devices are driven under pulsed operation up to 1300 A/cm2 without traces of efficiency droop. Electroluminescence spectra show a very small blue shift with increasing current, (almost negligible in the yellow device) and line widths slightly broader than those of state-of-the-art InGaN quantum wells.
Self-seeded, gain-switched operation of an InGaN multi-quantum-well laser diode has been demonstrated for the first time. An external cavity comprising Littrow geometry was implemented for spectral control of pulsed operation. The feedback was optimized by adjusting the external cavity length and the driving frequency of the laser. The generated pulses had a peak power in excess of 400mW, a pulse duration of 60ps, a spectral linewidth of 0.14nm and maximum side band suppression ratio of 20dB. It was tunable within the range of 3.6nm centered at a wavelength of 403nm.