1000 resultados para Paracoccidioidomicose supra-renal
Veia cava inferior dupla é uma variação anatômica rara cuja prevalência é de 0,2-3%. O implante de filtro de veia cava, quando indicado em casos com duplicidade da veia cava inferior, pode ser realizado de diferentes formas: em ambas as veias cavas; em uma delas, embolizando a anastomose entre ambas; em somente uma delas; ou por implante supra-renal. Relatamos um caso de trombose venosa profunda no pós-operatório de implante de prótese de quadril com contra-indicação para tratamento anticoagulante e cuja cavografia evidenciou duplicidade de veia cava inferior. O implante de filtro de veia cava inferior realizado em posição supra-renal mostrou-se opção adequada e segura.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Stress is an environmental factor that may predispose individuals to depression. Benzodiazepines have been prescribed as effective drugs in these situations. The purpose of this study was histological evaluate of the effect of chronic stress and benzodiazepine drugs on bone healing. Bone cavities were created in both tibias of 40 male rats were divided into two groups: Control and Treaty. In this, the stressor stimulus was applied 40 days pre-operative and all post-operative days until sacrifice in the morning for 2 hours, by immobilizing restraint. These animals also received diazepam benzodiazepine group, daily, at a concentration of 5mg/Kg/peso body within 15 days of preoperative. In groups of five animals were sacrificed at 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery. At 7 days postoperatively, while the control group exhibited tissue rich in fibroblasts, the treated group showed newly formed tissue with few fibroblasts and capillaries along with lymphocytes and macrophages. At 14 days postsurgery, the control group showed newly formed trabecular bone while the treated group progressed to thin trabecular bone with numerous osteoblasts on their borders. At 30 days post-operative bone healing is complete in both groups. At 60 days post-operative characteristics observed in the treated and control groups are similar to the previous period, but with more advanced osteogenesis.
Physiological functions undergo a gradual retardation that begins around 25-30 years and extends to the death. Moreover, this change affects most severely the activities more complex and more intricate responses to tensions or stress. The purpose of this study was to evaluate histologically in aged rats the effect of chronic stress on the reaction of subcutaneous connective tissue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate histologically in aged rats the effect of chronic stress on the reaction of subcutaneous connective tissue. For this purpose, 60 rats were divided into four groups (GI (control), GII (stressed), GIII (elderly) and GIV (aged / stressed) received dorsal subcutaneous implants of polyethylene tubes containing saline solution. In groups of four animals were sacrificed at 7,14 and 28 days postoperatively. The results allowed to observe more intense inflammatory reaction and tissue organization later in the aged animals subjected to stress.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by defects in one of several steroidogenic enzymes involved in the synthesis of cortisol from cholesterol in the adrenal glands. More than 90% of cases are caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency, and the severity of the resulting clinical symptoms varies according to the level of 21-hydroxylase activity. 21-Hydroxylase deficiency is usually caused by mutations in the CYP21A2 gene, which is located on the RCCX module, a chromosomal region highly prone to genetic recombination events that can result in a wide variety of complex rearrangements, such as gene duplications, gross deletions and gene conversions of variable extensions. Molecular genotyping of CYP21A2 and the RCCX module has proved useful for a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, and prenatal diagnosis. This article summarises the clinical features of 21-hydroxylase deficiency, explains current understanding of the disease at the molecular level, and highlights recent developments, particularly in diagnosis.
A late survey of the renal function was performed in eighteen patients with paracoccidioidomycosis treated with amphotericin B, according to the glomerular filtration rate (RFG). The method was compartment analysis by single injection using EDTA Cr51, determined by its 'half biological life' and dosages of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. The patients were seventeen males and one female. They were from 22 to 76 years old. Ten of these patients received 2 g of amphotericin B and eight of them received 4 g. There were no expressive difference between the two groups, taking into account age, dose in mg/kg of weight/day, time of conclusion of the treatment, urea, creatinine, glomerular filtration was smaller than the normal, and average of the half biological life of the EDTA Cr51 was large than the normal. The achieved results permitted us to consider that the amphotericin B determines deficit of renal function. However, by the present study, it hasn't been possible to affirm if the modifications are definitive.
Provas funcionais respiratórias foram realizadas em 58 pacientes com Paracoccidioidomicose (Pbmicose) pulmonar uni e multifocal em 52; tumoral em 5 e genital feminino interno em 01. A idade oscilou de 20 a 74 anos e a duração da doença variou de 3 a 25 anos. Manifestações respiratórias, tegumentares e linfáticas foram predominantes. Catorze deles desenvolveram Cor pulmonale, função renal alterada em 19, modificações eletrocardiográficas em 8 e atividade hiporeatora adrenal em 13 dos 20 casos estudados. A análise radiológica revelou lesões designadas: leve em 16; moderada em 24 e grave em 18 que à evolução evidenciaram: manutenção e piora, respectivamente, em 35 e em 23 deles. As provas funcionais respiratórias mostraram: espirografia normal em 17; obstrutivo em 32 e misto em 9 doentes. O espaço morto foi superior a 35% em 25 e a ventilação alveolar minuto estava elevada em 54. A diferença alvéolo-arterial de Oxigênio estava aumentada em todos. A análise estatística revelou associação significativa entre radiologia: evolução radiológica e a função pulmonar. A Pbmicose em doentes tabagistas inveterados conduziu ao enfisema, enquanto que as modificações alvéolo-arteriais anoxêmicas propiciaram a disseminação da Doença de Lutz.
Hemodialysis patients present an increase in plasma homocysteine (Hcy) due to methylation impairment caused by uremia and the deficiency of the co-factors needed (vitamin B, folic acid). This correlates with a more common development of premature vascular disease. There is no consensus on the therapy, with a poor response to oral administration of conventional doses of folic acid. In this work, we assessed the response of hyperhomocysteinemia in 73 regular hemodialysis patients after the administration of 50 mg of parenteral folinic acid for 18 months. Plasma homocysteine of the patients at the time of the study beginning presented mean values of 22.67 (micromol/L). During the first year of supplementation the mean value was kept at 20 micromol/L. From the first year to the end of the 18-months observation period the mean homocysteine levels were 19.58 micromol/L. Although we found a clear trend towards a decrease in plasma homocysteine levels during the treatment period, there were no significant differences. Homocysteine levels did not come back to normal in none of the patients treated.
Spirometric and haemogasimetric tests were performed in 52 patients with unifocal and multifocal progressive Paracoccidioidomycosis pulmonary diseases, in 5 patients with juvenile and 1 female internal genital forms. The age ranged from 20 to 74 years old and the duration of disease from 3 to 25 years. Dyspnea, cough, tegumentary and lymphatic manifestations were the most predominant signs observed. Fourteen of them was developed Cor pulmonale. Impaired renal function was recorded in 19 patients, cardiac symptoms were described in 7 and hyporeactor adrenal activity was showed in 13 patients. Radiological studies demonstrated mild in 16, moderate in 24 and severe pulmonary lesions types in 18 patients. The pulmonary function revealed: normal spyrographic findings in 17, pure obstructive type in 32 and mixed form in 9 of them. Hyperventilation was described in 54 individuals and all of them showed an increasing of the alveolo-arterial difference. PaO2 less than 80 mm/Hg observed in 36 of them. Statistical analysis demonstrated significative association between clinical evolution and radiological interpretation. Similar data were obtained in radiology evaluations, clinical evolutive studies and pulmonary functions described in these patients. The granulomatous reaction due to Paracoccidioidomycosis, in heavy smokers patients, gave origin to the alterations in small airways predisposing the interalveolar dissemination an impaired alveolo-arterial diffusion.
Background and Objectives - Successful cadaver kidney transplantation relies on a fast procedure. Patients with chronic renal failure may present with a delayed gastric emptying making it critical a fast tracheal intubation and airway maintenance. Rocuronium a recently introduced nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker with a fast onset. The aim of this study was to evaluate onset time and duration of rocuronium effects in patients undergoing renal transplantation. Methods - Sixty patients were allocated into two groups of 30: Group R (GR) = patients undergoing renal transplantation and Group N (GN) = patients with normal renal function. All patients were premedicated with oral midazolam (15 mg) and anesthesia was induced with 30 μg.kg-1 alfentanil, 0.3 mg.kg-1 etomidate and 0.6 mg.kg-1 rocuronium injected through a central venous catheter. neuromuscular block was monitored by acceleromyography in the ulnar nerve pathway. The following parameters were evaluated: time between administration of rocuronium and first twitch reduction to 5% after supra-maximal stimulation (T1) (onset time = OT); time for first twitch to return to 25% (clinical duration = R25); time elapsed between 25% and 75% recovery of first twitch (relaxation recovery time = R25-75). Heart rate (HR) and mean blood pressure (MBP) were recorded in 6 moments. Results - Median OT was 31 sec. in GR and 47 sec. in GN. Median R25 was 51.5 min in GR and 33.5 min in GN. Median R25-75 was 28 min in GR and 20 min in GN. MBP and HR were higher in GR. Tracheal intubation conditions were excellent for most patients in both groups. Conclusions - These results open the possibility of 0.6 mg.kg-1 rocuronium being injected through a central venous catheter when a faster onset is needed. Due to wide differences in individual responses, monitoring of neuromuscular block is recommended.