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Changes induced in the crystal structure of PTFE by irradiation at different temperatures have been investigated. In the dose and temperature range examined, the density of PTFE was observed to increase continuously with increasing dose due to the radiation-induced increase in crystallinity, while after post-irradiation annealing at 380-degrees-C, the density was observed to increase for samples irradiated at 20-degrees-C, and to begin to decrease after a certain dose for samples irradiated at 150 and 200-degrees-C. On the basis of the observation of radiation-induced separation of the melting peak of PTFE and its stability relative to the change in the rate of heating, the observed decrease in density was explained as being due to the radiation-induced crosslinking and/or branching inhibiting the process of crystallization and existing in the crystalline region as defects.


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By examining the changes in melting temperature, heat of fusion, tensile strength and ultimate elongation at 150-degrees-C, and weight loss, radiation effects on perfluoroalkoxy resins (PFA) were investigated. The results show that at the temperatures used here the predominant effect caused by radiation on PFA is degradation of the molecular weight. The radiation stability is much better than that of polytetrafluoroethylene, however.


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A novel polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-reinforced multilayer self-humidifying composite membrane is developed. The membrane is composed of Nafion-impregnated porous PTFE composite as the central layer and nanosized SiO2 supported Pt catalyst imbedded into Nafion as the two side layers. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells employing the self-humidifying membrane (20 mu m thick) under dry H-2/O-2 gave a peak power density of 0.95 W/cm(2) and an open-circuit voltage of 1.032 V. The good membrane performance is attributed to hygroscopic Pt-SiO2 catalyst at the two side layers, which results in enhanced anode side self-humidification function and decreased cathode polarization. (c) 2005 The Electrochemical Society.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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The principal objective of this thesis was to investigate the ability of reversible optical O2 sensors to be incorporated into food/beverage packaging systems to continuously monitor O2 levels in a non-destructive manner immediately postpackaging and over time. Residual levels of O2 present in packs can negatively affect product quality and subsequently, product shelf-life, especially for O2-sensitive foods/beverages. Therefore, the ability of O2 sensors to continuously monitor O2 levels present within food/beverage packages was considered commercially relevant in terms of identifying the consequences of residual O2 on product safety and quality over time. Research commenced with the development of a novel range of O2 sensors based on phosphorescent platinum and palladium octaethylporphyrin-ketones (OEPk) in nano-porous high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer supports. Sensors were calibrated over a temperature range of -10°C to +40°C and deemed suitable for food and beverage packaging applications. This sensor technology was used and demonstrated itself effective in determining failures in packaging containment. This was clearly demonstrated in the packaging of cheese string products. The sensor technology was also assessed across a wide range of packaged products; beer, ready-to-eat salad products, bread and convenience-style, muscle-based processed food products. The O2 sensor technology performed extremely well within all packaging systems. The sensor technology adequately detected O2 levels in; beer bottles prior to and following pasteurisation, modified atmosphere (MA) packs of ready-to-eat salad packs as respiration progressed during product storage and MA packs of bread and convenience-style muscle-based products as mycological growth occurred in food packs over time in the presence and absence of ethanol emitters. The use of the technology, in conjunction with standard food quality assessment techniques, showed remarkable usefulness in determining the impact of actual levels of O2 on specific quality attributes. The O2 sensing probe was modified, miniaturised and automated to screen for the determination of total aerobic viable counts (TVC) in several fish species samples. The test showed good correlation with conventional TVC test (ISO:4833:2003), analytical performance and ruggedness with respect to variation of key assay parameters (probe concentration and pipetting volume). Overall, the respirometric fish TVC test was simple to use, possessed a dynamic microbial range (104-107 cfu/g sample), had an accuracy of +/- one log(cfu/g sample) and was rapid. Its ability to assess highly perishable products such as fish for total microbial growth in <12 hr demonstrates commercial potential.


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Late outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) derived from the peripheral blood of patients with significant coronary artery disease were sodded into the lumens of small diameter expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) vascular grafts. Grafts (1mm inner diameter) were denucleated and sodded either with native EPCs or with EPCs transfected with an adenoviral vector containing the gene for human thrombomodulin (EPC+AdTM). EPC+AdTM was shown to increase the in vitro rate of graft activated protein C (APC) production 4-fold over grafts sodded with untransfected EPCs (p<0.05). Unsodded control and EPC-sodded and EPC+AdTM-sodded grafts were implanted bilaterally into the femoral arteries of athymic rats for 7 or 28 days. Unsodded control grafts, both with and without denucleation treatment, each exhibited 7 day patency rates of 25%. Unsodded grafts showed extensive thrombosis and were not tested for patency over 28 days. In contrast, grafts sodded with untransfected EPCs or EPC+AdTM both had 7 day patency rates of 88-89% and 28 day patency rates of 75-88%. Intimal hyperplasia was observed near both the proximal and distal anastomoses in all sodded graft conditions but did not appear to be the primary occlusive failure event. This in vivo study suggests autologous EPCs derived from the peripheral blood of patients with coronary artery disease may improve the performance of synthetic vascular grafts, although no differences were observed between untransfected EPCs and TM transfected EPCs.


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We have developed a simple technique for the fabrication of polymer nanotubes with a monodisperse size distribution and uniform orientation. When either a polymer melt or solution is placed on a substrate with high surface energy, it will spread to form a thin film, known as a precursor film, similar to the behavior of low molar mass liquids. Similar wetting phenomena occur if porous templates are brought into contact with polymer solutions or melts: A thin surface film will cover the pore walls in the initial stages of wetting. This is because the cohesive driving forces for complete filling are much weaker than the adhesive forces. Wall wetting and complete filling of the pores thus take place on different time scales. The latter is prevented by thermal quenching in the case of melts or by solvent evaporation in the case of solutions, thus preserving a nanotube structure. If the template is of monodisperse size distribution, aligned or ordered, so are the nanotubes, and ordered polymer nanotube arrays can be obtained if the template is removed. Any melt-processible polymer, such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), blends, or multicomponent solutions can be formed into nanotubes with a wall thickness of a few tens of nanometers. Owing to its versatility, this approach should be a promising route toward functionalized polymer nanotubes.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is important for the regulation of a number of diverse biological processes, including vascular tone, neurotransmission, inflammatory cell responsiveness, defence against invading pathogens and wound healing. Transition metal exchanged zeolites are nanoporous materials with high-capacity storage properties for gases such as NO. The NO stores are liberated upon contact with aqueous environments, thereby making them ideal candidates for use in biological and clinical settings. Here, we demonstrate the NO release capacity and powerful bactericidal properties of a novel NO-storing Zn2+-exchanged zeolite material at a 50 wt.% composition in a polytetrafluoroethylene polymer. Further to our published data showing the anti-thrombotic effects of a similar NO-loaded zeolite, this study demonstrates the antibacterial properties of NO-releasing zeolites against clinically relevant strains of bacteria, namely Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Gram-positive methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile. Thus our study highlights the potential of NO-loaded zeolites as biocompatible medical device coatings with anti-infective properties. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The acoustic signals generated in solids due to interaction with pulsed laser beam is used to determine the ablation threshold of bulk polymer samples of teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) and nylon under the irradiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1.06µm wavelength. A suitably designed piezoelectric transducer is employed for the detection of photoacoustic (PA) signals generated in this process. It has been observed that an abrupt increase in the amplitude of the PA signal occurs at the ablation threshold. Also there exist distinct values for the threshold corresponding to different mechanisms operative in producing damages like surface morphology, bond breaking and melting processes at different laser energy densities.


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Marco conceptual: La enfermedad renal crónica es un serio problema de salud pública en nuestro país por la gran cantidad de recursos económicos que requiere su atención. La hemodiálisis es el tratamiento más usado en nuestro medio; el acceso vascular y sus complicaciones derivadas son el principal aspecto que incrementa los costos de atención en éstos pacientes. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio económico de los accesos vasculares en pacientes incidentes de hemodiálisis en el año 2012 en la agencia RTS-Fundación Cardio Infantil. Se estableció el costo de creación y mantenimiento del acceso con catéter central, fístula arteriovenosa nativa, fístula arteriovenosa con injerto; y el costo de atención de las complicaciones para cada acceso. Se determinó la probabilidad de ocurrencia de complicaciones. Mediante un árbol de decisiones se trazó el comportamiento de cada acceso en un período de 5 años. Se establecieron los años de vida ajustados por calidad (QALY) en cada acceso y el costo para cada uno de éstos QALY. Resultados: de 36 pacientes incidentes de hemodiálisis en 2012 el 100% inició con catéter central, 16 pacientes cambiaron a fístula arteriovenosa nativa, 1 a fístula arteriovenosa con injerto que posteriormente pasó a CAPD, 15 continuaron su acceso con catéter y 4 pacientes fallecieron. En 5 años se obtuvieron 2,36 QALY para los pacientes con catéter central que costarían $ 24.813.036,39/QALY y 2,535 QALY para los pacientes con fístula nativa que costarían $ 6.634.870,64/QALY. Conclusiones: el presente estudio muestra que el acceso vascular mediante fístula arteriovenosa nativa es el más costo-efectivo que mediante catéter


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We present a new approach that allows the determination and refinement of force field parameters for the description of disordered macromolecular systems from experimental neutron diffraction data obtained over a large Q range. The procedure is based on tight coupling between experimentally derived structure factors and computer modelling. By separating the potential into terms representing respectively bond stretching, angle bending and torsional rotation and by treating each of them separately, the various potential parameters are extracted directly from experiment. The procedure is illustrated on molten polytetrafluoroethylene.


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The development of versatile bioactive surfaces able to emulate in vivo conditions is of enormous importance to the future of cell and tissue therapy. Tuning cell behaviour on two-dimensional surfaces so that the cells perform as if they were in a natural three-dimensional tissue represents a significant challenge, but one that must be met if the early promise of cell and tissue therapy is to be fully realised. Due to the inherent complexities involved in the manufacture of biomimetic three-dimensional substrates, the scaling up of engineered tissue-based therapies may be simpler if based upon proven two-dimensional culture systems. In this work, we developed new coating materials composed of the self-assembling peptide amphiphiles (PAs) C16G3RGD (RGD) and C16G3RGDS (RGDS) shown to control cell adhesion and tissue architecture while avoiding the use of serum. When mixed with the C16ETTES diluent PA at 13 : 87 (mol mol-1) ratio at 1.25 times 10-3 M, the bioactive {PAs} were shown to support optimal adhesion, maximal proliferation, and prolonged viability of human corneal stromal fibroblasts ({hCSFs)}, while improving the cell phenotype. These {PAs} also provided stable adhesive coatings on highly-hydrophobic surfaces composed of striated polytetrafluoroethylene ({PTFE)}, significantly enhancing proliferation of aligned cells and increasing the complexity of the produced tissue. The thickness and structure of this highly-organised tissue were similar to those observed in vivo, comprising aligned newly-deposited extracellular matrix. As such, the developed coatings can constitute a versatile biomaterial for applications in cell biology, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine requiring serum-free conditions.


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Background: The aim of this study is to verify the regenerative potential of particulate anorganic bone matrix synthetic peptide-15 (ABM-P-15) in class III furcation defects associated or not with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membranes. Methods: Class III furcation defects were produced in the mandibular premolars (P2, P3, and P4) of six dogs and filled with impression material. The membranes and the bone grafts were inserted into P3 and P4, which were randomized to form the test and control groups, respectively; P2 was the negative control group. The animals were sacrificed 3 months post-treatment. Results: Histologically, the complete closure of class III furcation defects was not observed in any of the groups. Partial periodontal regeneration with similar morphologic characteristics among the groups was observed, however, through the formation of new cementum, periodontal ligament, and bone above the notch. Histologic analysis showed granules from the bone graft surrounded by immature bone matrix and encircled by newly formed tissue in the test group. The new bone formation area found in the negative control group was 2.28 +/- 2.49 mm(2) and in the test group it was 6.52 +/- 5.69 mm(2), which showed statistically significant differences for these groups considering this parameter (Friedman test P <0.05). There was no statistically significant difference among the negative control, control, and test groups for the other parameters. Conclusions: The regenerative potential of ABM-P-15 was demonstrated through new bone formation circumscribing and above the graft particles. The new bone also was accompanied by the formation of new cementum and periodontal ligament fibers. J Periodontol 2010;81:594-603.


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Background: Preventing ridge collapse with the extraction of maxillary anterior teeth is vital to an esthetic restorative result. Several regenerative techniques are available and are used for socket preservation. The aim of this study is to analyze by clinical parameters the use of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) and anorganic bovine bone matrix (ABM) with synthetic cell-binding peptide P-15 to preserve alveolar bone after tooth extraction. Methods: Eighteen patients in need of extraction of maxillary anterior teeth were selected and randomly assigned to the test group (ADM plus ABM/P-15) or the control group (ADM only). Clinical measurements were recorded initially and at 6 months after ridge-preservation procedures. Results: In the clinical measurements (external vertical palatal measurement [EVPM], external vertical buccal measurement [EVBM], and alveolar horizontal measurement [AHM]) the statistical analysis showed no difference between test and control groups initially and at 6 months. The intragroup analysis, after 6 months, showed a statistically significant reduction in the measurements for both groups. In the comparison between the two groups, the differences in the test group were as follows: EVPM = 0.83 +/- 1.53 mm; EVBM = 1.20 +/- 2.02 mm; and AHM = 2.53 +/- 1.81 mm. The differences in the control group were as follows: EVPM = 0.87 +/- 1.13 mm; EVBM = 1.50 +/- 1.15 mm; and AHM = 3.40 +/- 1.39 mm. The differences in EVPM and EVBM were not statistically significant; however, in horizontal measurement (AHM), there was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study show that ADM used as membrane associated with ABM/P-15 can be used to reduce buccal-palatal dimensions compared to ADM alone for preservation of the alveolar ridge after extraction of anterior maxillary teeth. J Periodontol 2011;82:72-79.


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Endostatin (ES) is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth. Continuous ES delivery of ES improves the efficacy and potency of the antitumoral therapy. The TheraCyte (R) system is a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) semipermeable membrane macroencapsulation system for implantation of genetically engineered cells specially designed for the in vivo delivery of therapeutic proteins, such as ES, which circumvents the problem of limited half-life and variation in circulating levels. In order to enable neovascularization at the tissues adjacent to the devices prior to ES secretion by the cells inside them, we designed a scheme in which empty TheraCyte (R) devices were preimplanted SC into immunodeficient mice. Only after healing (17 days later) were Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing ES injected into the preimplanted devices. In another model for device implantation, the cells expressing ES where loaded into the immunoisolation devices prior to implantation into the animals, and the TheraCyte (R) were then immediately implanted SC into the mice. Throughout the 2-month study, constant high ES levels of up to 3.7 mu g/ml were detected in the plasma of the mice preimplanted with the devices, while lower but also constant levels of ES (up to 2.1 mu g/ml plasma) were detected in the mice that had received devices preloaded with the ES-expressing cells. Immunohistochemistry using anti-ES antibody showed reaction within the device and outside it, demonstrating that ES, secreted by the confined recombinant cells, permeated through the membrane and reached the surrounding tissues.