The possibility of implementing fuel cell technology in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) propulsion systems is considered. Potential advantages of the Proton Exchange Membrane or Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEMFC) and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC), their fuels (hydrogen and methanol), and their storage systems are revised from technical and environmental standpoints. Some operating commercial applications are described. Main constraints for these kinds of fuel cells are analyzed in order to elucidate the viability of future developments. Since the low power density is the main problem of fuel cells, hybridization with electric batteries, necessary in most cases, is also explored.
En este trabajo, en primer lugar, se presenta una nueva técnica desarrollada en nuestro laboratorio para el estudio electroquímico de las capas catalíticas de las pilas de combustible en células de tres electrodos, centrándonos en el proceso de electroxidación de ácido fórmico como reacción de test. Gracias a esta técnica se han estudiado parámetros de construcción como % en peso del metal, relación Nafion / sólidos totales y recubrimiento catalítico comprobando como la adsorción irreversible de adátomos de Bi sobre Pt soportado sobre Vulcan XC-72 favorece este proceso y como puede caracterizarse la capa catalítica de una pila de combustible de ácido fórmico (DFAFC) de forma integral utilizando estudios de sistemas nanoparticulados de Pt-Pd soportados sobre Vulcan XC-72 en el seno de ésta. En segundo lugar se ha introducido el concepto de PEMER (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor). De esta forma, una configuración electródica propia de las pilas de combustible se utiliza en electrosíntesis orgánica. Como reacciones test se han testeado la formación de 1-feniletanol como producto mayoritario por hidrogenación electrocatalítica de la acetofenona sobre nanopartículas de Pd soportadas sobre Vulcan XC-72 como electrocatalizador y, utilizando Pb (catalizador no noble) soportado sobre Vulcan XC-72, se ha estudiado la ruptura del puente disulfuro de L-cistina y N,N-diacetil-L-cistina (NNDAC) para obtener L-cisteína y N-acetil- L-cisteína (NAC). En ambas reacciones, hidrogenación y ruptura del puente disulfuro, se han analizado tanto parámetros constructivos de la capa catalítica como parámetros de proceso tanto a escala laboratorio con el uso de un reactor comercial de 25 cm² como a escala pre-piloto con la construcción de un reactor de 100 cm².
A two-phase three-dimensional computational model of an intermediate temperature (120--190°C) proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is presented. This represents the first attempt to model PEM fuel cells employing intermediate temperature membranes, in this case, phosphoric acid doped polybenzimidazole (PBI). To date, mathematical modeling of PEM fuel cells has been restricted to low temperature operation, especially to those employing Nafion ® membranes; while research on PBI as an intermediate temperature membrane has been solely at the experimental level. This work is an advancement in the state of the art of both these fields of research. With a growing trend toward higher temperature operation of PEM fuel cells, mathematical modeling of such systems is necessary to help hasten the development of the technology and highlight areas where research should be focused.^ This mathematical model accounted for all the major transport and polarization processes occurring inside the fuel cell, including the two phase phenomenon of gas dissolution in the polymer electrolyte. Results were presented for polarization performance, flux distributions, concentration variations in both the gaseous and aqueous phases, and temperature variations for various heat management strategies. The model predictions matched well with published experimental data, and were self-consistent.^ The major finding of this research was that, due to the transport limitations imposed by the use of phosphoric acid as a doping agent, namely low solubility and diffusivity of dissolved gases and anion adsorption onto catalyst sites, the catalyst utilization is very low (∼1--2%). Significant cost savings were predicted with the use of advanced catalyst deposition techniques that would greatly reduce the eventual thickness of the catalyst layer, and subsequently improve catalyst utilization. The model also predicted that an increase in power output in the order of 50% is expected if alternative doping agents to phosphoric acid can be found, which afford better transport properties of dissolved gases, reduced anion adsorption onto catalyst sites, and which maintain stability and conductive properties at elevated temperatures.^
Face à la diminution des ressources énergétiques et à l’augmentation de la pollution des énergies fossiles, de très nombreuses recherches sont actuellement menées pour produire de l’énergie propre et durable et pour réduire l’utilisation des sources d’énergies fossiles caractérisées par leur production intrinsèque des gaz à effet de serre. La pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC) est une technologie qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur pour produire l’énergie qui s’inscrit dans un contexte de développement durable. La PEMFC est un dispositif électrochimique qui fonctionne selon le principe inverse de l’électrolyse de l’eau. Elle convertit l’énergie de la réaction chimique entre l’hydrogène et l’oxygène (ou l’air) en puissance électrique, chaleur et eau; son seul rejet dans l’atmosphère est de la vapeur d’eau. Une pile de type PEMFC est constituée d’un empilement Électrode-Membrane-Électrode (EME) où la membrane consiste en un électrolyte polymère solide séparant les deux électrodes (l’anode et la cathode). Cet ensemble est intégré entre deux plaques bipolaires (BP) qui permettent de collecter le courant électrique et de distribuer les gaz grâce à des chemins de circulation gravés sur chacune de ses deux faces. La plupart des recherches focalisent sur la PEMFC afin d’améliorer ses performances électriques et sa durabilité et aussi de réduire son coût de production. Ces recherches portent sur le développement et la caractérisation des divers éléments de ce type de pile; y compris les éléments les plus coûteux et les plus massifs, tels que les plaques bipolaires. La conception de ces plaques doit tenir compte de plusieurs paramètres : elles doivent posséder une bonne perméabilité aux gaz et doivent combiner les propriétés de résistance mécanique, de stabilité chimique et thermique ainsi qu’une conductivité électrique élevée. Elles doivent aussi permettre d’évacuer adéquatement la chaleur générée dans le cœur de la cellule. Les plaques bipolaires métalliques sont pénalisées par leur faible résistance à la corrosion et celles en graphite sont fragiles et leur coût de fabrication est élevé (dû aux phases d’usinage des canaux de cheminement des gaz). C’est pourquoi de nombreuses recherches sont orientées vers le développement d’un nouveau concept de plaques bipolaires. La voie la plus prometteuse est de remplacer les matériaux métalliques et le graphite par des composites à matrice polymère. Les plaques bipolaires composites apparaissent attrayantes en raison de leur facilité de mise en œuvre et leur faible coût de production mais nécessitent une amélioration de leurs propriétés électriques et mécaniques, d’où l’objectif principal de cette thèse dans laquelle on propose: i) un matériau nanocomposite développé par extrusion bi-vis qui est à base de polymères chargés d’additifs solides conducteurs, incluant des nanotubes de carbone. ii) fabriquer un prototype de plaque bipolaire à partir de ces matériaux en utilisant le procédé de compression à chaud avec un refroidissement contrôlé. Dans ce projet, deux polymères thermoplastiques ont été utilisés, le polyfluorure de vinylidène (PVDF) et le polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET). Les charges électriquement conductrices sélectionnées sont: le noir de carbone, le graphite et les nanotubes de carbones. La combinaison de ces charges conductrices a été aussi étudiée visant à obtenir des formulations optimisées. La conductivité électrique à travers l’épaisseur des échantillons développés ainsi que leurs propriétés mécaniques ont été soigneusement caractérisées. Les résultats ont montré que non seulement la combinaison entre les charges conductrices influence les propriétés électriques et mécaniques des prototypes développés, mais aussi la distribution de ces charges (qui de son côté dépend de leur nature, leur taille et leurs propriétés de surface), avait aidé à améliorer les propriétés visées. Il a été observé que le traitement de surface des nanotubes de carbone avait aidé à l’amélioration de la conductivité électrique et la résistance mécanique des prototypes. Le taux de cristallinité généré durant le procédé de moulage par compression des prototypes de plaques bipolaires ainsi que la cinétique de cristallisation jouent un rôle important pour l’optimisation des propriétés électriques et mécaniques visées.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and complex impedance spectroscopy have been used to study gelatin-based polymer electrolytes plasticized with glycerol and containing lithium perchlorate. The studied samples were prepared with salt concentration of 7.9 wt% and 10.3 wt%. Ionic conductivity of about 10(-5) S/cm was obtained at room temperature for both samples. Lithium (Li-7) and proton (H-1) lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The Li-7 NMR relaxation results indicate that the ionic mobility in this system is comparable to those found in other plasticized polymer electrolytes.
Raman spectra of polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether (PEGdME) with LiClO(4), PEGdME/LiClO(4), and the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, PEGdME/[bmim]PF(6), are compared. Raman spectroscopy suggests stronger interactions in PEGdME/LiClO(4) than PEGdmE/[bmim]PF(6), thus corroborating previous results obtained by molecular dynamics simulations. Quantum Chemistry methods have been used to calculate vibrational frequencies and the equilibrium structure of segments of the polymer chain around the cation. A consistent picture has been obtained from Raman spectroscopy, density functional theory (DFT) calculations, and molecular dynamics simulations for these polymer electrolytes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Proton-conducting gel polymer electrolytes based on gelatin plasticized with glycerol and containing acetic acid were investigated, characterized, and applied to electrochromic window. For glycerol contents varying from 7% to 48%, the conductivity of the uniform and predominantly amorphous gel electrolyte was found to follow a Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher behavior with the temperature. Typically, for the electrolyte chosen to make 7 x 2 cm(2) electrochromic smart window with the configuration: glass/fluor-doped tin oxide (FTO)/WO(3)/gelatin electrolyte/CeO(2)-TiO(2)/FTO/glass and containing 28% of glycerol, the conductivities were found to be of the order of 5 x 10(-5) S/cm at room temperature and 3.6 x 10(-4) S/cm at 80 A degrees C. The device was characterized by spectroelectrochemical techniques and was tested up to 10,000 cycles showing a fast coloring/bleaching behavior, where the coloring process was achieved in 10 s and the bleaching in 2 s. The transmission variation at the wavelength of 550 nm was about 15%. The cyclic voltammograms showed a very good reversibility of the cathodic/anodic processes, and the charge density was about 3.5 mC/cm(2). The memory tests showed that the transmittance in the colored state increased by 8% in 90 min after removing the potential.
New types of polymer electrolytes based on agar have been prepared and characterized by impedance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction measurements, UV-vis spectroscopy and scanning electronic microscopy (SEMI). The best ionic conductivity has been obtained for the samples containing a concentration of 50 wt.% of acetic acid. As a function of the temperature the ionic conductivity exhibits an Arrhenius behavior increasing from 1.1 x 10(-4) S/cm at room temperature to 9.6 x 10(-4) S/cm at 80 degrees C. All the samples showed more than 70% of transparency in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, a very homogeneous surface and a predominantly amorphous structure. All these characteristics imply that these polymer electrolytes can be applied in electrochromic devices. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present paper, the ionic conductivity and the dielectric relaxation properties on the poly(vinyl alcohol)-CF(3)COONH(4) polymer system have been investigated by means of impedance spectroscopy measurements over wide ranges of frequencies and temperatures. The electrolyte samples were prepared by solution casting technique. The temperature dependence of the sample's conductivity was modeled by Arrhenius and Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF) equations. The highest conductivity of the electrolyte of 3.41x10 (-aEuro parts per thousand 3) (Omega cm) (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) was obtained at 423 K. For these polymer system two relaxation processes are revealed in the frequency range and temperature interval of the measurements. One is the glass transition relaxation (alpha-relaxation) of the amorphous region at about 353 K and the other is the relaxation associated with the crystalline region at about 423 K. Dielectric relaxation has been studied using the complex electric modulus formalism. It has been observed that the conductivity relaxation in this polymer system is highly non-exponential. From the electric modulus formalism, it is concluded that the electrical relaxation mechanism is independent of temperature for the two relaxation processes, but is dependent on composition.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Gel Polymer Electrolytes (GPE) based on agar and containing LiClO4 have been prepared, characterized and applied to electrochromic devices. The ionic conductivity revealed the best result of 6.5 x 10(-5) S/cm for the sample with 17 wt.% of LiClO4, which increased to 5.4 x 10(-4) S/cm at 72 degrees C. TheGPE have been used in electrochromic devices (ECD) with K-glass/WO3/GPE/CeO2-TiO2/K-glass configuration. The ECD changed transmittance values up to 30% between the colored and transparent states. The charge density measurements revealed an increase of 5.5 to 7.5 mC/cm(2) from the first to 500th cycles and then a decrease to 4.4 mC/cm(2) during the next 4500 cycles. Coloration efficiency (eta) of 25 cm(2)/C was obtained.
Gellan-based polymer electrolytes (PEs), doped with lithium iodide (LiI), were prepared and their electrical properties were characterized. The samples are thermally stable up to 234 degrees C and exhibit ionic conductivity of 3.8 x 10(-4) S/cm at room temperature for the sample doped with 40 wt% of LiI. Addition of 10 wt% of glycerol promotes an increase of the ionic conductivity to 1.5 x 10(-3) S/cm, which remains stable up to 100 degrees C. The activation energies of 2.4 to 12.4 kJ/mol were derived from the Arrhenius model. The repeated ionic conductivity measurements as a function of temperature show that these membranes can be reversibly used between the room temperature and 100 degrees C.
O trabalho visa o desenvolvimento do sistema para medidas de distribuição de corrente e ampliação de escala (50 cm²) buscando aperfeiçoar as condições de preparação do conjunto eletrodo membrana (MEA) quanto às condições de operação da célula e avaliar a melhor geometria. Foram realizados estudos de síntese de catalisadores de Pt-M e avaliação do desempenho desses materias e das rotas de síntese utilizadas com objetivo de aplicar estes materias em sistemas de maior escala. A insuficiência do desempenho e estabilidade dos catalisadores são fatores que ainda inviabilizam o uso em larga escala das células a combustível de eletrólito polimérico sólido, destacando-se as perdas associadas ao desempenho do cátodo. Os catalisadores preparados foram nanopartículas bimetálicas PtM/C (M = Fe, Co e Ni) suportadas em carbono de elevada área superficial, por duas rotas sintéticas. Foram utilizadas as rotas: ácido fórmico e etilenoglicol modificado (EG). Em ambas as rotas se buscou catalisadores com alto grau de incorporação do segundo metal, tamanho de partícula pequeno e bom desempenho catalítico do cátodo. Observou-se que pela rota do ácido fórmico com modificações no processo de síntese é possível obter a incorporação nominal do segundo metal no catalisador, porém há desvantagem de o tamanho de partícula ser elevado. Pela rota do EG obteve-se catalisadores com pequeno tamanho de partícula, porém a incorporação do segundo metal mostrou-se ineficiente. Os estudos de ampliação de escala foram realizados em células de 50 cm2 variando-se as condições de operação; i) diferentes placas de distribuição de gás, e ii) diferentes valores de fluxo dos gases reagentes. Foi observado que a baixos fluxos de gases a quantidade de reagente é insuficiente para ser difundida por todo eletrodo, o que ocasiona reação apenas na região de entrada de gases no sistema, ocasionando uma rápida limitação em obter-se densidades de corrente alta. Pode-se observar que a diferença de desempenho entre as placas é pequena, porém a placa serpentina 6 apresentou melhor desempenho. O desempenho dos cátodos preparados com catalisadores comerciais e os sintetizados no laboratório nas células de 50 cm² mostrou sofrer bastante influência das condições de operação comparada com as células de 4,6 cm².
Membrane proteins are localised within a lipid bilayer; in order to purify them for functional and structural studies the first step must involve solubilising or extracting the protein from these lipids. To date this has been achieved using detergents which disrupt the bilayer and bind to the protein in the transmembrane region. However finding conditions for optimal extraction, without destabilising protein structure is time consuming and expensive. Here we present a recently-developed method using a styrene maleic acid (SMA) co-polymer instead of detergents. The SMA co-polymer extracts membrane proteins in a small disc of lipid bilayer which can be used for affinity chromatography purification, thus enabling the purification of membrane proteins while maintaining their native lipid bilayer environment.
A new approach to electrochromics, based on the reversible coating-dissolution of an oxide from an inorganic electrochromic electrolyte consisting of a silver-amine complex in a polymer electrolyte (PEO), has proven successful. The reversible electrodeposition of silver onto indium-tin oxide coated glass (ITO) was investigated and the influence of HClO(4) and KI was evaluated. Several characteristics of the electrolyte Ag-PEO make it suitable for use in electrochromic reversible silver electrodeposition devices, such as visible absorption spectrum with an absorbance variation of 60%, an electrochromic efficiency of 5.2 cm(2) C(-1) and an ionic conductivity 4.4 x 10(-4) S cm(-1). The addition of perchloric acid improved the transparency of Ag-PEO, and potassium iodide (KI) was fundamental in setting up the process of reversible silver electrodeposition in the PEO polymeric matrix. A description of the electrochemical processes implied is presented. A number of approaches focusing on the improvement of system performance are tested. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.