997 resultados para Oral hygiene.


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OBJECTIVE : To analyze the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) at improving oral health behaviors (oral hygiene habits, sugar consumption, dental services utilization or use of fluoride) and dental clinical outcomes (dental plaque, dental caries and periodontal status). METHODS : A systematic search of PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, PsyINFO, Cochrane and Google Scholar bibliographic databases was conducted looking for intervention studies that investigated MI as the main approach to improving the oral health outcomes investigated. RESULTS : Of the 78 articles found, ten met the inclusion criteria, all based on randomized controlled trials. Most studies (n = 8) assessed multiple outcomes. Five interventions assessed the impact of MI on oral health behaviors and nine on clinical outcomes (three on dental caries, six on dental plaque, four on gingivitis and three on periodontal pockets). Better quality of evidence was provided by studies that investigated dental caries, which also had the largest population samples. The evidence of the effect of MI on improving oral health outcomes is conflicting. Four studies reported positive effects of MI on oral health outcomes whereas another four showed null effect. In two interventions, the actual difference between groups was not reported or able to be recalculated. CONCLUSIONS : We found inconclusive effectiveness for most oral health outcomes. We need more and better designed and reported interventions to fully assess the impact of MI on oral health and understand the appropriate dosage for the counseling interventions.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze oral health behaviors changes over time in Brazilian adolescents concerning maternal educational inequalities.METHODS Data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar(Brazilian National School Health Survey) were analyzed. The sample was composed of 60,973 and 61,145 students from 26 Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District in 2009 and 2012, respectively. The analyzed factors were oral health behaviors (toothbrushing frequency, sweets consumption, soft drink consumption, and cigarette experimentation) and sociodemographics (age, sex, race, type of school and maternal schooling). Oral health behaviors and sociodemographic factors in the two years were compared (Rao-Scott test) and relative and absolute measures of socioeconomic inequalities in health were estimated (slope index of inequality and relative concentration index), using maternal education as a socioeconomic indicator, expressed in number of years of study (> 11; 9-11; ≤ 8).RESULTS Results from 2012, when compared with those from 2009, for all maternal education categories, showed that the proportion of people with low toothbrushing frequency increased, and that consumption of sweets and soft drinks and cigarette experimentation decreased. In private schools, positive slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption in 2012 and higher cigarette experimentation in both years among students who reported greater maternal schooling, with no significant change in inequalities. In public schools, negative slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption among students who reported lower maternal schooling in both years, with no significant change overtime. The positive relative concentration index indicated inequality in 2009 for cigarette experimentation, with a higher prevalence among students who reported greater maternal schooling. There were no inequalities for toothbrushing frequency or sweets consumption.CONCLUSIONS There were changes in the prevalences of oral health behaviors during the analyzed period; however, these changes were not related to maternal education inequalities.


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A tecnologia está em constante evolução e os benefícios, em diversas áreas, que ela nos traz são imensos. Uma das áreas que tem vindo a usufruir desta evolução é a medicina. Os avanços na tecnologia médica têm permitido aos médicos diagnosticar e tratar melhor os seus pacientes. O seu objetivo não é substituir o médico mas sim aconselhá-los e ajudá-los a tomar a melhor decisão face ao caso clínico que possam ter em mãos. Os sistemas de informação estão já tão “entrelaçados” com as práticas médicas que a ideia de uma instituição de prestação de cuidados médicos não os possuir é impensável. Isto porque a informação que estes sistemas processam diariamente é imensa e variadíssima (indo desde relatórios clínicos, a exames efetuados entre outros) para cada utente. As doenças orais fazem parte do grupo de patologias que afetam o maior número de pessoas no mundo. As ações preventivas para estes sintomas devem fazer parte da higiene diária dos indivíduos logo desde os primeiros anos de vida. Assim a aplicação apresentada nesta tese teve como objetivo a sensibilização para uma prática de higiene oral cuidada e constante. Teve também como objetivo a implementação de funcionalidades para gestão de dados dos pacientes da clínica, nomeadamente para o histórico clínico, ficando este armazenado numa anamnese. Para a implementação do presente projeto procedeu-se a um estudo prévio do estado da arte e ao levantamento de requisitos. Estes foram definidos através de reuniões de trabalho onde se analisou as necessidades da clínica com o objetivo de encontrar as soluções que melhor se enquadravam a cada caso. Para garantir que as metas propostas foram alcançadas, foram realizados inquéritos verificando assim o sucesso da aplicação.


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This study examined the association between oral candidiasis in elderly users and nonusers of prosthesis and its predisposing factors. To this end, we performed a cross-sectional study where saliva samples from 48 patients were collected they used prosthesis and 43 patients (control group) who did not use. Among the 91 patients, Candida spp were isolated in 40 (83.3%) who used prosthesis and in 23 (53.5%) in the control group. A statistically significant association was determined between the two groups, the isolation of yeasts and dental prosthesis (p < 0.05, OR = 4.3). The most common etiological agent was Candida albicans (37 isolates), with 23 (62.2%) in the denture group and 14 (37.8%) (control group). Among patients who presented clinical manifestations of oral candidiasis (n = 24), 83.3% (n = 20) belonged to the group that wore dentures, while only 16.7% (n = 4) belonged to the control group. Elderly patients with diabetes had 4.4 times higher estimated risk of developing oral candidiasis when compared with individuals without this condition. There was no statistically significant association between being user prostheses and have diabetes with the onset of candidiasis. No statistically significant association was determined between xerostomia, use of prosthesis and oral candidiasis. The use of prosthetics and poor oral hygiene in elderly patients predisposes to the development of oral candidiasis.


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RESUMO - Introdução: A saúde oral é uma componente essencial na saúde geral e no bem-estar dos indivíduos. Sabe-se que os problemas de saúde oral afectam predominantemente os elementos de níveis socioeconómicos mais baixos, evidenciando a influência dos determinantes sociais da saúde na saúde oral das populações. Os objectivos deste estudo são caracterizar os comportamentos de rotinas diárias de higiene oral, frequências de idas a consultas de saúde oral, auto-avaliação do estado de saúde oral e percepção de dor na cavidade oral em crianças de 12 anos em Portugal e analisar a associação entre estes e os factores sociodemográficos. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional, transversal e analítico, abrangendo 1309 jovens e baseado em informação recolhida no III Estudo Nacional de Prevalência de Doenças Orais (ENPDO). Para além das estatísticas descritivas usuais, as estatísticas inferenciais basearam-se predominantemente em modelos de regressão logística binária. Resultados: Dos participantes, 70.6% (n=924) escova “duas ou mais vezes por dia” com associação com todas as variáveis sociodemográficas. Na análise multivariada, o género masculino (OR=2.088; IC95%: 1.574-2.770, em relação ao género feminino), a área de residência predominantemente rural ou mediamente urbana (OR= 1.800; IC95%: 2.587; OR=1.516; IC95%: 1.093-2.103, em relação a zonas predominantemente urbanas), a escolaridade da mãe ser o ensino básico (OR= 2.112; IC95%: 1.408-3.168, em relação ao ensino superior) e a actividade laboral do pai ser desempregado (OR= 1.938; IC95%: 1.280-2.934, em relação a ser trabalhador) foram as variáveis com mais impacto para a adopção de comportamentos de escovagem potencialmente inadequados (p<0.05). A maioria dos inquiridos (94.2%; n=1247) já tinham ido a uma consulta de saúde oral e 74.5% (n=860) nos últimos 12 meses, 95.5% (n=1250) encontram-se satisfeitos com a saúde oral e 44.5% (n=578) afirma ter tido algum tipo de dor na cavidade oral nos últimos 12 meses. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com a literatura em termos de factores de associação. Desta forma, a saúde oral nos jovens de 12 anos em Portugal, nos diversos contextos aqui analisados, pode ser considerada como satisfatória. A única excepção relevante é a componente da dor, com valores alarmantes embora de natureza mais subjectiva. A influência dos factores sociodemográficos sugere que futuras abordagens para a promoção da saúde oral tenham em conta os determinantes de saúde no delineamento de estratégias quer a nível individual quer a nível comunitário.


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In humans the importance of biofilms in disease processes is now widely recognised together with the difficulties in treating such infections once established. One of the earliest and certainly most studied biofilm in humans is that of dental plaque which is responsible for two of the most prevalent human infections, namely dental caries and periodontal disease. However, comparable studies of dental plaque in animals are relatively limited, despite the fact that similar infections also occur, and in the case of farm animals there is an associated economic impact. In addition, biofilms in the mouths of animals can also be detrimental to human health when transferred by animal bites. As a result, an understanding of both the microbial composition of animal plaque biofilms together with their role in animal diseases is important. Through the use of modern molecular studies, an insight into the oral microflora of animals is now being obtained and, to date, reveals that despite differences in terms of microbial species and relative proportions occurring between humans and animals, similarities do indeed exist. This information can be exploited in our efforts to both manage and treat infections in animals arising from the presence of an oral biofilm. This Chapter describes our current understanding of the microbial composition of animal plaque, its role in disease and how oral hygiene measures can be implemented to reduce subsequent infection.


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BACKGROUND: Dentists are in a unique position to advise smokers to quit by providing effective counseling on the various aspects of tobacco-induced diseases. The present study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of integrating dentists in a medical smoking cessation intervention. METHODS: Smokers willing to quit underwent an 8-week smoking cessation intervention combining individual-based counseling and nicotine replacement therapy and/or bupropion, provided by a general internist. In addition, a dentist performed a dental exam, followed by an oral hygiene treatment and gave information about chronic effects of smoking on oral health. Outcomes were acceptability, global satisfaction of the dentist's intervention, and smoking abstinence at 6-month. RESULTS: 39 adult smokers were included, and 27 (69%) completed the study. Global acceptability of the dental intervention was very high (94% yes, 6% mostly yes). Annoyances at the dental exam were described as acceptable by participants (61% yes, 23% mostly yes, 6%, mostly no, 10% no). Participants provided very positive qualitative comments about the dentist counseling, the oral exam, and the resulting motivational effect, emphasizing the feeling of oral cleanliness and health that encouraged smoking abstinence. At the end of the intervention (week 8), 17 (44%) participants reported smoking abstinence. After 6 months, 6 (15%, 95% CI 3.5 to 27.2) reported a confirmed continuous smoking abstinence. DISCUSSION: We explored a new multi-disciplinary approach to smoking cessation, which included medical and dental interventions. Despite the small sample size and non-controlled study design, the observed rate was similar to that found in standard medical care. In terms of acceptability and feasibility, our results support further investigations in this field. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN67470159.


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The focus of this review is to highlight the need for improved communication between medical and dental professionals in order to deliver more effective care to patients. The need for communication is increasingly required to capitalise on recent advances in the biological sciences and in medicine for the management of patients with chronic diseases. Improvements in longevity have resulted in populations with increasing special oral-care needs, including those who have cancer of the head and neck, those who are immunocompromised due to HIV/AIDS, advanced age, residence in long-term care facilities or the presence of life-long conditions, and those who are receiving long-term prescription medications for chronic conditions (e.g., anti-hypertensives, anticoagulants, immunosuppressants, antidepressants). These medications can cause adverse reactions in the oral cavity, such as xerostomia and ulceration. Patients with xerostomia are at increased risk of tooth decay, periodontal disease and infection. The ideal management of such individuals should involve the collaborative efforts of physicians, nurses, dentists and dental hygienists, thus optimising treatment and minimising secondary complications deriving from the oral cavity.


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Objectives: Assess the main problems referred by the patients and observed by the professionals after the bucodental rehabilitation with an implant-supported hybrid prothesis. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in which there were 43 patients included who were visited in the Department of Oral Surgery and Orofacial Implantology of University of Barcelona Dental School for one year. An oral rehabilitation with an implant-supported hybrid prosthesis was made to those patients. The following variables were registered: age, gender, number of inserted implants, type of implant and principal problems produced by the hybrid prosthesis. Results: The rehabilitation with an implant supported hybrid prosthesis was only performed in 43 of 116 cases treated in one year (January, 2006 to January, 2007). They were 26 men and 17 women of ages between 37 and 74 years, being the rate age of 56,5 years. The main complication recorded was the mucositis, associated frequently with a difficulty to carry a correct oral hygiene and to an overextention of the tail of resin of the prosthesis. Other observed problems were the peri-implantitis, the break of the acrylic teeth and the loss of some of the prosthetic screws. Conclusions: The most frequent complication after the laying of an implant supported hybrid prosthesis was the mucositis, associated mainly with a prosthetic tail too long and to the consequent difficulty of carrying a correct oral hygiene. In spite of the high prevalence of observed complications, most of them were mild and resolved on subsequent visits.


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We present a double-blind study in two groups afflicted with oral lichen planus erythematous of long evolution and resistant to other treatments. We tested on it a treatment with Cyclosporine A (CyA) which had been successfully used before by many dermatologists. In the group A we used mouthwashes with a 5 ml Cyclosporine A solution to a 10% in olive oil of 0.4 degrees of acidity for five minutes, three times a day for eight weeks. In the control group we used acetonide of triamcinolone 01% in aqueous solution. Patients in group A improved considerably in their symptomatology in a 90% against a 60% in group B. In group A we could appreciate a disappearance of the symptomatology after two weeks of treatment in 60% of patients against 30% in group B. CyA can be an alternative to the conventional treatments in the acute period of lichen planus although it can not be considered as a first option drug because of the high cost of the treatment. For long term, results are not so good and we consider that extensive studies are necessary


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Objectives: The objective of the present study is to assess whether a good buccodental status (evaluated by means of dentogingival indices), is associated with a lower incidence and severity of oral mucositis in patients with hematological diseases who receive treatment with chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant. Study design: The study was carried out on 97 patients admitted to the Hematology Service of the Hospital Duran y Reynals in Barcelona during 2002-2003. These patients received treatment with chemotherapy or conditioning prior to bone marrow transplant. A descriptive study was made, analyzing oral hygiene, one dental index, and two gingivales indices, and evaluating their relationship with the appearance of mucositis. Results: The patients with high plaque (PI) and gingival (GI) indices during chemotherapy presented a higher percentage of mucositis (77.4% and 65.7% respectively) against those who had little or no visible plaque. In the case of the PI, the differences were statistically significant (p=0.015). Likewise, patients who brushed their teeth 3 times/day presented mucositis in only 26.7% of cases, against those who did not brush, or brushed only once a day (65.9% and 68.4%), these differences also being statistically significant (p=0.013). The CAO showed similar results in patients with or without mucositis (7.59 and 7.03 respectively). Conclusions: In our study, a good gingival status as well as good oral hygiene during chemoradiotherapy is associated with a lower incidence and severity of mucositis.


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Caries is a plaque-associated multifactorial chronic disease. Oral hygiene habits, sugar, and oral micobiota interactions are important for caries to occur. Xylitol has been shown to reduce caries mainly due to its effects on mutans streptococci (MS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of daily oral health habits and bacterial level on the caries occurrence and to study the effect of xylitol on the composition of oral microflora. A total of 192, 10-12 years old, male school children had been screened for salivary MS. Healthy subjects with high MS counts participated in two parallel double-blinded, randomised, controlled trials. In the first 5-week trial, subjects were assigned into xylitol (n=35) and sorbitol gum (n=38) groups. At baseline, children were examined using International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) criteria and interviewed for oral health habits. In the second 4-week trial, subjects were assigned into xylitol (n=25) and saccharine mouthrinse (n=25) groups. In the end of both interventions, saliva samples were collected. The samples were analysed for changes in MS counts and changes in the composition of the oral microbiota assessed by the Human Oral Microbe Identification Microarray (HOMIM). Relationships between daily habits, bacterial levels and caries were evaluated. Daily use of sweets and soft drinks were the habits significantly associated with caries severity measured by ICDAS Caries Index (CI), while toothbrushing was the only habit associated with the low caries severity. Abiotrophia defectiva and Actinomyces meyeri/ A. odontolyticus were significantly higher in caries-affected children while Shuttleworthia satelles was significantly higher in caries-free children. Xylitol showed significant reduction in salivary levels of MS in both trials. No significant effects on other members of the microbiota were found when evaluated by HOMIM. In conclusion, other members of oral microbiota than MS may be associated with caries occurrence or absence. The use of xylitol had significant effect on MS with no effects on the other members of the salivary microbiota.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between salivary oxidative stress and dental-oral health. Healthy young adults, matched for gender and age, with (N = 21, 10 men, mean age: 20.3 ± 1 years) and without (N = 16, 8 men, mean age: 21.2 ± 1.8 years) caries were included in this study. The World Health Organization (WHO) caries diagnostic criteria were used for determining the decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) index. The oral hygiene and gingival status were assessed using the simplified oral hygiene index and gingival index, respectively. Unstimulated salivary total protein, glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation and total sialic acid levels, carbonic anhydrase activity, and salivary buffering capacity were determined by standard methods. Furthermore, salivary pH was measured with pH paper and salivary flow rate was calculated. Simplified oral hygiene index and gingival index were not significantly different between groups but DMFT scores were significant (P < 0.01). Only, GSH values were significantly different (P < 0.05) between groups (2.2 and 1.6 mg/g protein in young adults without caries and with caries, respectively). There was a significant negative correlation between DMFT and GSH (r = -0.391; P < 0.05; Pearson's correlation coefficient). Our results suggest that there is an association between caries history and salivary GSH levels.


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Aim and design: To evaluate family-based health counseling for young children, and to study the significance of adding parental self-care or the training of professionals to the programs. The effectiveness and acceptability of the programs were evaluated by comparing two new programs with an earlier one. Subjects and methods: The study was carried out in Vantaa, which was divided into three study areas. The subjects consisted of children born in 2008, particularly fi rstborn children, while children born in 2006 formed the historical control. The fi rst of the new programs emphasized oral hygiene and use of fl uoride, and the second program focused on proper diet and use of xylitol. The main outcome measure was mutansstreptococci (MS) in the dental biofi lm of two-year-olds, and the opinions of parents and dental professionals were evaluated using questionnaires. Results: The programs found wide acceptance among dental professionals. There were no group-related differences found in the MS scores of the two-year-olds. However, all groups combined, father’s advanced level of education and child’s proper use of xylitol were associated with negative MS scores. In the opinion of parents, the oral healthcare guidance at least somewhat met their expectations. Conclusions: The present fi ndings suggest that providing training and support for professionals in health education is important. The addition of parental self-care to supplement programs aimed at young children does not improve the program, although it may improve parental readiness to change their own health habits. Counseling for families might be best carried out through a routine patient-centered program.


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Introduction: The chronic immunosuppression promotes the development of changes in the oral cavity of the kidney transplant recipients (KTR), however with the exception of gingival overgrowth, little is known regarding the prevalence of oral lesions in this population. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of clinical and microbiological conditions of the oral cavity of the recipients of kidney transplantation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which examined 96 clinical KTR and experimental where collected saliva stimulated them to identify Candida sp. Data collection consisted of evaluation stomatologic, socio-demographic, clinical aspects of transplantation, condition of oral hygiene and dental caries, yonder to questions about knowledge of oral alteration after transplantation. Results: Of the total, 66.7% of KTR had some type of oral manifestation. The most common was saburral tongue, followed by gingival overgrowth, with both oral manifestations related to gender and concomitant use of cyclosporine and nifedipine (p <0.05). Tacrolimus showed a protective effect for gingival overgrowth (OR = 0.13). The oral hygiene was associated with saburral tongue(p = 0.03) and severity of gingival overgrowth (p = 0.0001). Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 17.7% of patients and Candida albicans was isolated most frequently in the saliva of RTR with a colonization of 58.3%. The average DMF-T increased with age. The method of oral hygiene was most used brush and toothpaste to 61.5%. Changes in the oral cavity was seen in 54.2% of KTR, citing as the main growth and gingival ulcers. Instructions for oral hygiene after transplantation were neglected for 61.5% of RTR. Dry mouth and halitosis were reported in 30.2% and 36.5% respectively. Conclusions: More the half of the KTR had at least one injury of the mouth, the immunosuppressive drugs and oral hygiene are associated with these alterations. Prospective cohort studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between oral manifestations and levels of drug and risk of oral manifestations occur over time. The kidney transplant recipients showed to be aware of oral alterations occurred after transplantation and uninformed about the oral hygiene instructions. With regard to hygiene, the incidence of caries was considered high, conditions of risk were identified and improvements in primary attention should be encouraged and reflected in the monitoring of renal transplant