189 resultados para OFFENSES


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In an increasingly globalized society, the crime appears as a reality that crosses borders. Globalization has potentiated the emergence of new forms of crime, which have been the subject of more interventional, particularly in terms of political, judicial and police authorities as well as civil society approaches. The media allow rapid expansion of criminal methodologies, which aggregate to the ease of movement of itinerant criminal groups, increases the opportunities for the continuation of the practice of criminal offenses, threatening, increasingly, the tranquility and safety of populations. Criminal organizations are characterized by their complexity, thus contributing to the difficulty in combat, by police and judicial authorities, forcing rapid adaptation to new political and criminal reality, particularly at the level of institutional cooperation, national and international, as exemplified by the creation of the "European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice" and new agencies in the field of police cooperation. It was intended with this paper to answer the central question: Is it possible to define a concept of Itinerant Crime in the European regulatory framework (Police and Judiciary)? To fulfill this aim, we performed the characterization of the concept of itinerant crime including itinerant criminal group, we analyzed the work that is being done by the authorities, police and judiciary, in order to contain the phenomenon. Finally, we studied type of existing cooperation at European level between the Member States and the authorities with responsibilities in this area. At the end, we conclude that efforts are being made towards the enhancement of operational, police and judicial cooperation, between the competent authorities of the European Union by combating this phenomenon. Define, and also proposed, a unique concept of Itinerant Crime, in order to be included in the legal standards, in order to facilitate research, in particular to better fit the itinerant crime and assist the prosecution of offenders.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Tributário e Fiscal


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Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Direito Judiciário


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of mental disorders in convicted sex offenders admitted to the Psychiatric Custody and Treatment Hospital (Forensic Psychiatric Facility). METHOD: 89 patient records of males admitted from March 2005 to August 2006 were analyzed. The analysis included evaluation of two study groups: Group I comprised subjects who had committed sex offenses (sexual offenders) while Group II contained subjects convicted for other crimes (non-sexual offenders). Variables studied were: age bracket, years of schooling, marital status, skin color, place of birth, previous psychiatric admissions and psychiatric diagnosis. RESULTS: Mental retardation and personality disorders were the mainly diagnoses in Group I (sexual offenders) (61,76% and 29,41% respectively). In the other hand, schizophrenic subjects predominated in Group II (non-sexual offenders) (82,93%). CONCLUSION: Different from international data, we have found low prevalence of personality disorders among Brazilian forensic population and we believe that it's due to a distinguishing characteristic of the Brazilian legal system, which does not consider personality disorder a mental disease, thus, not prompting these patients to civil commitment.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito das Crianças, Família e Sucessões


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The paper models the practice of charging bribes for faster delivery of essential services in third world countries. It then examines the possibility of curbing corruption by supervision, and secondly, by introducing competition among delivery agents. It is argued that a supervisory solution eludes the problem because no hard evidence of the reduction of corruption can be established for this type of offenses. It is also shown that using more than one supplier cannot eliminate the practice, and the bribe paying part of the market attains a determinate proportion as the number of suppliers increases. However the bribe rate and average waiting time come down at a diminishing rate with increase in the number of suppliers, and this property can be used to determine an optimal number of suppliers.


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Dating violence prevention programs, which originated in the United States, are beginning to be implemented elsewhere. This article presents the first adaptation of a violence prevention program for a European culture, Francophone Switzerland. A U.S. dating violence prevention program, Safe Dates (Foshee & Langwick, 1994), was reviewed in 19 youth and 4 professional focus groups. The most fundamental program concepts--"dating" and "violence"--are not the same in Switzerland and the United States. Swiss youth were not very focused on establishing monogamous romantic relationships, and there is no ready translation for "dating." Violence has not become the focus of a social movement in Switzerland to the same extent that it has in the United States, and distinctions among terms such as "dating violence" and "domestic violence" are not well known. Psychoeducational approaches are also less common in the Swiss context. As the movement to prevent violence extends worldwide, these issues need greater consideration.


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Els programes formatius de seguretat viària són una mesura que s’aplica des de l’execució penal a la comunitat en delictes de trànsit i tenen com a finalitat reduir la reincidència dels conductors de major risc. L’objectiu principal del treball és identificar les característiques comunes dels infractors de trànsit que fan aquest tipus d’intervenció, conèixer els factors de risc associats a aquests infractors i en quina mesura l’estat psicològic és un factor de risc en l’estil de conducció. També es volia determinar si hi havia diferències entre les entitats que impartien la formació i avaluar l’efectivitat d’aquests programes en l’estil de conducció dels participants en finalitzar el curs. En l’estudi, hi van participar 278 voluntaris del total de 354 infractors de trànsit que van fer el programa formatiu entre l’1 d’abril de 2009 i el 13 de febrer de 2010. How do we drive after a driving educational program? The study analyzes the results of educational programs that are applied as a community sanction for those convicted for driving offenses, in majority drunk driving, in Catalonia. Between April 1, 2009 and February 13, 2010 a total of 278 offenders participated in these mandatory educational programs. ¿Cómo conducimos después de un programa formativo de educación vial? El estudio analiza los resultados de los programas formativos que se aplican como medida penal alternativa a la prisión a los condenados por delitos de tráfico en Cataluña. En total han participado 278 infractores que realizaron el programa formativo entre el 1 de abril de 2009 y el 13 de febrero de 2010.


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This doctoral thesis proposes an International Criminal Court Specialized in Economic Crime (ICC/EC) as a solution to the main obstacles to the effectiveness of international anti-corruption conventions studied. In fact, the dispute settlement systems of the international anti-corruption Conventions do not provide sufficient guarantees of effectiveness, and offenses and crimes of corruption are not under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) derived from the Rome Statute of 2000. In a first part, this work analyzes seven international anti-corruption Conventions adopted between 1996 and 2003, respectively, by the Organization of American States (OAS), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Union (EU), the Council of Europe (CoE), the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN). In a second part, this study highlights a deficit of rationalization and optimization of offenses included in the conventions: an incomplete criminalization of legal persons for corruption, an equally insufficient criminalization for corruption of political leaders benefiting both from criminal and civil immunities, as well as the limited outcome of international asset recovery de-rived from corruption. Finally, given the previous analysis made, this thesis concludes with a pro-posal for an independent ICC/EC specific to economic crimes in order to overcome the major obstacles highlighted and which strongly affect the effectiveness of the international anti-corruption conventions. - Cet ouvrage de thèse doctorale propose, comme solution principale aux obstacles à l'effectivité des Conventions anti-corruption internationales étudiées, une Cour Pénale Internationale Spécialisée en Criminalité Economique (CPI/CE). En effet, les systèmes de règlement des différends des Conven¬tions anti-corruption internationales n'offrent pas suffisamment de gage d'effectivité et les délits et crimes de corruption transnationale ne sont pas de la compétence de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) issue du statut de Rome de 2000. Dans un premier temps, le présent ouvrage analyse sept Conventions anti-corruption internationales adoptées entre 1996 et 2003, respectivement, par l'Organisation des Etats Américains (OEA), l'Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OCDE), l'Union européenne (UE), le Conseil de l'Europe (CoE), l'Union Africaine (UA) et l'Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU). Dans un deuxième temps, l'ouvrage met en lumière un déficit de rationalisation et d'optimisation des incriminations que contiennent les Conventions, dont notamment : une incrimination lacunaire des personnes morales pour corruption, une incrimination tout aussi insuffisante pour corruption des dirigeants politiques au bénéfice d'immunités pénale et civile et une restitu¬tion internationale des avoirs issus de la corruption à portée limitée. Finalement, c'est au vu de l'analyse effectuée que le présent ouvrage conclut avec la proposition d'une CPI/CE indépendante et spécifique aux crimes économiques afin de pallier au mieux les obstacles majeurs mis en exergue et qui nuisent fortement à l'effectivité des Conventions anti-corruption internationales.


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Today's approach to anti-doping is mostly centered on the judicial process, despite pursuing a further goal in the detection, reduction, solving and/or prevention of doping. Similarly to decision-making in the area of law enforcement feeding on Forensic Intelligence, anti-doping might significantly benefit from a more extensive gathering of knowledge. Forensic Intelligence might bring a broader logical dimension to the interpretation of data on doping activities for a more future-oriented and comprehensive approach instead of the traditional case-based and reactive process. Information coming from a variety of sources related to doping, whether directly or potentially, would feed an organized memory to provide real time intelligence on the size, seriousness and evolution of the phenomenon. Due to the complexity of doping, integrating analytical chemical results and longitudinal monitoring of biomarkers with physiological, epidemiological, sociological or circumstantial information might provide a logical framework enabling fit for purpose decision-making. Therefore, Anti-Doping Intelligence might prove efficient at providing a more proactive response to any potential or emerging doping phenomenon or to address existing problems with innovative actions or/and policies. This approach might prove useful to detect, neutralize, disrupt and/or prevent organized doping or the trafficking of doping agents, as well as helping to refine the targeting of athletes or teams. In addition, such an intelligence-led methodology would serve to address doping offenses in the absence of adverse analytical chemical evidence.


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Epidemiological studies show a prevalence of sexual abuse experience among girls from 14-33%. Although indicators of abuse are unspecific, the combination of several findings may be indicative: Somatic signs may be sexually transmitted diseases, vulvovaginal complaints. Psychosocial nonsexual indicators are abrupt behavioural changes, running away from home, eating disorders. Psychosexual signs are hypersexualisation of the language and behaviour, disturbed body image and gender identity. Indirect evidence of abuse is given not only in cases of old vaginal and anal lesions but also in situations, where deep tears of the hymen in the typical localization at the posterior part can be found. The workup and care for children in whom there is suspicion of abuse but no clear evidence asks for highly competent professionals in a multidisciplinary cooperation including pediatric gynecologists, child psychiatrists, children-protection groups and other specialists to avoid on one hand unjustified destabilisation or even destruction of familial structures but to assure on the other hand, that the child victims are treated and followed after in a short and long term comprehensive medical and psychosocial care.


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La finalitat de la recerca és aportar una informació estructurada sobre les persones que es troben ingressades a presó per delictes relacionats amb la seguretat viària, tant pel que fa a les característiques dels infractors com dels programes i intervencions específiques que se’ls apliquen, per tal que aquesta informació pugui contribuir a millorar l‘aplicació de les intervencions que porten a terme els serveis penitenciaris. Els objectius generals de la investigació són tres: 1- Descriure el tractament penitenciari dels infractors de trànsit i comparar-lo amb les actuacions que es duen a terme a la resta de l’Estat i a d’altres quatre països europeus (Holanda, Alemanya, Suècia i Regne Unit). 2- Identificar les principals característiques sociodemogràfiques, personals i penitenciàries d’una mostra d’interns que hagin comès algun delicte relacionat amb la seguretat viària. 3- Identificar les possibles diferències entre les característiques psicològiques, sociodemogràfiques i personals, i l’estil de conducció d’una mostra d’interns amb algun delicte relacionat amb la seguretat viària i una mostra d’infractors condemnats a una mesura penal alternativa pel mateix tipus de delicte. Podem concloure que pel que fa a les variables psicològiques i l’estil de conducció hi ha algunes diferències significatives entre els grups analitzats però en general són petites. Això fa pensar que una part dels casos condemnats a pena de presó podrien ser abordats des de l’àmbit de les mesures penals alternatives. Una altra conclusió important és que l’abordatge d’aquests infractors no s’hauria de centrar tant en el delicte comès com en les seves necessitats criminògenes individuals.


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La finalidad de la investigación es aportar información estructurada sobre las personas que se encuentran ingresadas en prisión por delitos relacionados con la seguridad vial, respecto a las características de los infractores, como los programas e intervenciones específicas que se les aplican, para que esta información pueda contribuir a mejorar la aplicación de las intervenciones que llevan a cabo los servicios penitenciarios. Los objetivos generales de la investigación son tres: 1 - Describir el tratamiento penitenciario de los infractores de tráfico y compararlo con las actuaciones a nivel español y en otros cuatro países europeos (Holanda, Alemania, Suecia y Reino Unido). 2 - Identificar las principales características sociodemográficas, personales y penitenciarias de una muestra de internos que hayan cometido algún delito relacionado con la seguridad vial. 3 - Identificar las posibles diferencias entre las características psicológicas, sociodemográficas y personales y el estilo de conducción de una muestra de internos con algún delito relacionado con la seguridad vial y una muestra de infractores condenados a una medida penal alternativa por el mismo tipo de delito. Podemos concluir que respecto a las variables psicológicas y el estilo de conducción hay algunas diferencias significativas entre los grupos analizados pero en general son pequeñas. Esto hace pensar que gran parte de estos casos podrían ser abordados desde el ámbito de las medidas penales alternativas. Otra conclusión importante es que el abordaje de estos infractores no se tendría que centrar tanto en el delito cometido como en las necesidades criminógenas individuales.


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The Spanish judicial system is independent and headed by the Supreme Court. Spain has a civil law system. The criminal procedure is governed by the legality principle--by opposition to the opportunity or expediency principle--which implies that prosecution must take place in all cases in which sufficient evidence exists of guilt. Traditionally, the role of the PPS in Spain has been very limited during the investigative stage of the process. That stage is under the responsibility of the Examining Magistrate (EM). Since the end of the 1980s, a series of modifications has been introduced in order to extend the functions of the PPS. In 1988, the PPS received extended competences which allow them to receive reports of offenses. Upon knowing of an offense (reported or known to have been committed), the PPS can initiate the criminal proceeding. The PPS is also allowed to lead a sort of plea bargain under a series of restrictive conditions and only for some offenses. At the same time, the PPS received extended competences in the juvenile justice criminal proceeding in 2000. With all this said, the role of the PPS has not changed radically and, during the investigative stage of the process, their main role remains the presentation of the accusation, playing a more active role during the trial stage of the proceeding. In this article the national criminal justice system of Spain is described. Special attention is paid to the function of the PPS within this framework and its relationship to police and courts. The article refers to legal provisions and the factual handling of criminal cases.