969 resultados para Nutritional intake


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Background It is unclear how dysphagic patients should be fed and treated after acute stroke. Objectives The objective of this review was to assess the effect of different management strategies for dysphagic stroke patients, in particular how and when to feed, whether to supplement nutritional intake, and how and whether to treat dysphagia. Search strategy We searched the Cochrane Stroke Group trials register, Medline, Embase, ISI, and existing review articles.We contacted researchers in the field and equipment manufacturers. Date of the most recent searches: March 1999. Selection criteria Unconfounded truly or quasi randomised controlled trials in dysphagic patients with acute/subacute (within 3 months) stroke. Data collection and analysis Three reviewers independently applied the trial inclusion criteria. Two reviewers assessed trial quality and extracted the data. Main results Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) versus nasogastric tube (NGT) feeding: two trials (49 patients) suggest that PEG reduces end-of-trial case fatality (Peto Odds Ratio, OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.89) and treatment failures (OR 0.10, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.52), and improves nutritional status, assessed as weight (Weighted Men Difference, WMD +4.1 kg, 95% CI -4.3 to +12.5), mid-arm circumference (WMD +2.2 cm, 95% CI -0.5 to +4.9) or serum albumin (WMD + 7.0 g/l, 95% CI +4.9 to +9.1) as compared with NGT feeding; two larger studies are ongoing. Timing of feeding: no completed trials; one large study is ongoing. Swallowing therapy for dysphagia: two trials (85 patients) suggest that formal swallowing therapy does not significantly reduce end-of-trial dysphagia rates (OR 0.55, 95%CI 0.18 to 1.66). Drug therapy for dysphagia: one trial (17 patients); nifedipine did not alter end-of-trial case fatality or the frequency of dysphagia. Nutritional supplementation: one trial (42 patients) found a non-significant trend to a lower case fatality, and significantly increased energy and protein intake; one large trial is ongoing and data is awaited from two other studies. Fluid supplementation: one trial (20 patients) found that supplementation did not alter the time to resolution of dysphagia. Authors’ conclusions Too few studies have been performed, and these have involved too few patients. PEG feeding may improve outcome and nutrition as compared with NGT feeding. Further research is required to assess how and when patients are fed, and the effect of swallowing or drug therapy on dysphagia.


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Adequacy of nutritional intake during the postoperative period, as measured by a change in weight-for-age z-scores from surgery to the time of discharge, was evaluated in infants (n = 58) diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and admitted for surgical intervention at Miami Children’s Hospital using a prospective observational study design. Parental consent was obtained for all infants who participated in the study. ^ Forty patients had a weight available at hospital discharge. The mean preoperative weight-for-age z-score was -1.3 ±1.43 and the mean weight-for-age z-score at hospital discharge was -1.89 ±1.35 with a mean difference of 0.58 ±0.5 (P = 0.2).^ Nutritional intake during the postoperative period was inadequate based on a decrease in weight-for-age z-scores from the time of surgery until discharged home. Our findings suggested that limited fluid volume for nutrition likely contributes to suboptimal nutritional delivery during the postoperative period; however, inadequate nutrition prescription may also be an important contributing factor. Development of a nutrition protocol for initiation and advancement of nutrition support may reduce the delay in achieving patient’s nutritional goals and may attenuate the observed decrease in z-scores during the postoperative period.^


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O envelhecimento da população, bem como a alteração da dinâmica da família, têm contribuído diretamente para o aumento do número de idosos institucionalizados. A incidência da desnutrição alcança níveis elevados nestes idosos, sendo essencial o seu diagnóstico precoce para a melhoria da sua qualidade de vida. Constitui objetivo primordial do estudo a avaliação do estado nutricional de idosos institucionalizados no concelho de Viseu, Portugal. A amostra (n=120) é constituída por idosos de ambos os sexos, institucionalizados, com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, com capacidade para se colocar de pé, sem demência e que não sejam portadores de patologia passível de afetar a digestão, absorção ou utilização dos nutrientes. A avaliação do estado nutricional é determinada tendo em conta parâmetros antropométricos, a aplicação do e Mini Nutricional Assessment (MNA) e dietéticos, através da avaliação da ingestão alimentar (registo de 3 dias). Os questionários aplicados estão validados para a população portuguesa idosa e foram aplicados após consentimento informado. Foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais às diferentes variáveis, de acordo com o género e estratos etários. Considerou-se um nível de confiança de 95%. Dos 120 indivíduos estudados 30% eram do sexo masculino e 70% eram do sexo feminino. As médias das idades eram de 82,36 ± 6,34 anos. A determinação do IMC mostrou que 12,5% dos idosos avaliados exibem baixo peso (IMC 19,6±2,1); 46,7% são eutróficos (IMC 25,7±1,3); 11,7% apresentam excesso de peso (IMC 29,0±0,6), sendo 29,2% classificados como obesos (IMC 33,8±2,9).A avaliação da população pelo MNA evidenciou uma percentagem de desnutrição de 1,7% com uma prevalência de risco de desnutrição (33,3%) mas identifica 65% da amostra como bem nutrida. Os 2 instrumentos utilizados para avaliação do estado nutricional, antropometria (IMC) e MNA mostraram uma correlação estatística entre si positiva. Independentemente do género e do grupo etário verificou-se que o Valor Calórico Total (VCT) ingerido diariamente apresentava valores abaixo do recomendado. Já a ingestão diária de hidratos de carbono e de proteínas apresentou valores médios superiores às recomendações nutricionais enquanto os teores de lípidos ingeridos se situava dentro dos limites recomendados estando porém os valores da ingesta média de fibra total (18g/dia) abaixo dos indicados para a população idosa (25g/dia). Quanto aos micronutrientes encontraram-se deficits de ingestão média diária de minerais e oligoelementos como o cálcio, ferro, magnésio selénio, zinco e iodo e também de algumas vitaminas (D, E, ácido fólico). Conclui-se então que no geral a população estudada apresenta um estado de nutrição normal avaliado através de IMC e do MNA dois instrumentos que estão correlacionados entre si e se complementam. Que a ingestão alimentar apresentada pelos idosos desta amostra é apenas ligeiramente inferior ao recomendado, não colocando em risco o aparecimento de desnutrição. Porém é importante a intervenção dietética no sentido de corrigir determinadas carências (vitaminas, minerais) e prevenir o risco de desnutrição detetado assim como a obesidade.


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This study aimed to investigate the effects of physical training, and different levels of protein intake in the diet, on the growth and nutritional status of growing rats. Newly-weaned Wistar rats (n=48) were distributed into six experimental groups: three of them were subjected to physical swim training (1 h per day. 5 d per week, for 4 wk, after 2 wk of familiarization) and the other three were considered as controls (non-trained). Each pair of groups, trained and non-trained, received diets with a different level of protein in their composition: 14%. 21% or 28%. The animals were euthanized at the end of the training period and the following analyses were performed: proteoglycan synthesis as a biomarker of bone and cartilage growth, IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I) assay as a biomarker of growth and nutritional status. total RNA and protein concentration and protein synthesis measured in vivo using a large-dose phenylalanine method. As a main finding, increased dietary protein, combined with physical training, was able to improve neither tissue protein synthesis nor muscle growth. In addition, cartilage and bone growth seem to be deteriorated by the lower and the higher levels of protein intake. Our data allow us to conclude that protein enhancement in the diet, combined with physical exercise, does not stimulate tissue protein synthesis or muscle mass growth. Furthermore, physical training, combined with low protein intake, was not favorable to bone development in growing animals


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This study aimed to investigate the effects of physical training, and different levels of protein intake in the diet, on the growth and nutritional status of growing rats. Newly-weaned Wistar rats (n=48) were distributed into six experimental groups: three of them were subjected to physical swim training (1 h per day. 5 d per week, for 4 wk, after 2 wk of familiarization) and the other three were considered as controls (non-trained). Each pair of groups, trained and non-trained, received diets with a different level of protein in their composition: 14%. 21% or 28%. The animals were euthanized at the end of the training period and the following analyses were performed: proteoglycan synthesis as a biomarker of bone and cartilage growth, IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I) assay as a biomarker of growth and nutritional status. total RNA and protein concentration and protein synthesis measured in vivo using a large-dose phenylalanine method. As a main finding, increased dietary protein, combined with physical training, was able to improve neither tissue protein synthesis nor muscle growth. In addition, cartilage and bone growth seem to be deteriorated by the lower and the higher levels of protein intake. Our data allow us to conclude that protein enhancement in the diet, combined with physical exercise, does not stimulate tissue protein synthesis or muscle mass growth. Furthermore, physical training, combined with low protein intake, was not favorable to bone development in growing animals.


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Background: Parenteral nutrition (PN) is used to control the nutritional state after severe intestinal resections. Whenever possible, enteral nutrition (EN) is used to promote intestinal rehabilitation and reduce PN dependency. Our aim is to verify whether EN + oral intake (01) in severe short bowel syndrome (SBS) surgical adult patients can maintain adequate nutritional status in the long term. Methods: This longitudinal retrospective study included 10 patients followed for 7 post-operative years. Body mass index (BMI), percentage of involuntary loss of usual body weight (UWL), free fat mass (FFM), and fat mass (FM) composition assessed by bioelectric impedance, and laboratory tests were evaluated at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 84 months after surgery. Energy and protein offered in HPN and at long term by HEN+ oral intake (01), was evaluated at the same periods. The statistical model of generalized estimating equations with p <0,05 was used. Results: With long term EN + 01 there was a progressive increase in the UWL, a decrease in BMI, FFM, and FM (p < 0,05). PN weaning was possible in eight patients. Infection due to central venous catheter (CVC) contamination was the most common complication (1.2 episodes CVC/patient/year). There was an increase in energy and protein intake supply provided by HEN+OI (p <0.05). All patients survived for at least 2 years, seven for 5 years and six for 7 years of follow-up. Conclusions: In the long term SBS surgical adult patients fed with HEN+OI couldn`t maintain adequate nutritional status with loss of FM and FFM. (Nutr Hosp. 2011;26:834-842) DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.4.5153


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This study aimed to verify the correlation among the nutritional composition of the food consumed in the work environment, the energy expenditure and the nutritional status of workers from different sectors (administration and production) in different industries. The anthropometric data, in addition to the energy expenditure and food intake at lunch were evaluated for 292 workers, all of them included in the Brazilian Worker Food Program (also called PAT). The food consumption was assessed from the direct observation of the meal, for five consecutive days. The obtained data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test and by a Principal Components Analysis. Prevalence of overweight was detected in the studied population, according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). A statistically significant difference was found in terms of the energy expenditure of physical activity and daily energy expenditure in relation to gender and the working sector. The obtained results indicate that there is significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) between the following variables: body weight and BMI (r = 0.84), weight and daily energy expenditure (DEE) (r = 0.52), BMI and DEE (r = 0.27), DEE and energy (r = 0.38), and energy and lipid intake (r = 0.50). These findings seems to indicate the importance of ensuring an adequate balance of nutrients at meals, due to the heterogeneity of workers, in particular in the case of those workers who perform tasks or functions requiring less energy expenditure.


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The role of the induction of oxidative stress as the mechanism of action of many antitumor drugs is acquiring an increasing interest. In such cases, the antitumor therapy success may be conditioned by the antioxidants present in our own body, which can be synthesized de novo (endogenous) or incorporated through the diet and nutritional supplements (exogenous). In this paper, we have reviewed different aspects of antioxidants, including their classification, natural sources, importance in diet, consumption of nutritional supplements, and the impact of antioxidants on health. Moreover, we have focused especially on the study of the interaction between antioxidants and antitumor therapy, considering both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In this regard, we found that the convenience of administration of antioxidants during cancer treatment still remains a very controversial issue. In general terms, antioxidants could promote or suppress the effectiveness of antitumor treatment and even protect healthy tissues against damage induced by oxidative stress. The effects may depend on many factors discussed in the paper. These factors should be taken into consideration in order to achieve precise nutritional recommendations for patients. The evidence at the moment suggests that the supplementation or restriction of exogenous antioxidants during cancer treatment, as appropriate, could contribute to improving its efficiency.


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The present prospective study was carried out to determine dietary fiber and energy intake and nutritional status of children during the treatment of chronic constipation. Twenty-five patients aged 2 to 12 years with chronic constipation were submitted to clinical evaluation, assessment of dietary patterns, and anthropometry before and after 45 and 90 days of treatment. The treatment of chronic constipation included rectal disimpaction, ingestion of mineral oil and diet therapy. The standardized diet prescribed consisted of regular food without a fiber supplement and met the nutrient requirements according to the recommended daily allowance. The fiber content was 9.0 to 11.9 g for patients aged less than 6 years and 12.0 to 18.0 g for patients older than 6 years. Sixteen patients completed the 90-day follow-up and all presented clinical improvement. The anthropometric variables did not change, except midarm circumference and triceps skinfold thickness which were significantly increased. Statistically significant increases were also found in percent calorie intake adequacy in terms of recommended daily allowance (55.5 to 76.5% on day 45 and to 68.5% on day 90; P = 0.047). Percent adequacy of minimum recommended daily intake of dietary fiber (age + 5 g) increased during treatment (from 46.8 to 52.8% on day 45 and to 56.3% on day 90; P = 0.009). Food and dietary fiber intake and triceps skinfold thickness increased during follow-up. We conclude that the therapeutic program provided a good clinical outcome.


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Purpose Meat and fish consumption are associated with changes in the risk of chronic diseases. Intake is mainly assessed using self-reporting, as no true quantitative nutritional biomarker is available. The measurement of plasma fatty acids, often used as an alternative, is expensive and time-consuming. As meat and fish differ in their stable isotope ratios, δ13C and δ15N have been proposed as biomarkers. However, they have never been investigated in controlled human dietary intervention studies. Objective In a short-term feeding study, we investigated the suitability of δ13C and δ15N in blood, urine and faeces as biomarkers of meat and fish intake. Methods The dietary intervention study (n = 14) followed a randomised cross-over design with three eight-day dietary periods (meat, fish and half-meat–half-fish). In addition, 4 participants completed a vegetarian control period. At the end of each period, 24-h urine, fasting venous blood and faeces were collected and their δ13C and δ15N analysed. Results There was a significant difference between diets in isotope ratios in faeces and urine samples, but not in blood samples (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.0001). In pairwise comparisons, δ13C and δ15N were significantly higher in urine and faecal samples following a fish diet when compared with all other diets, and significantly lower following a vegetarian diet. There was no significant difference in isotope ratio between meat and half-meat–half-fish diets for blood, urine or faecal samples. Conclusions The results of this study show that urinary and faecal δ13C and δ15N are suitable candidate biomarkers for short-term meat and fish intake.


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Objectives: Investigate the impact of the provision of ONS on protein and energy intake from food and ability to meet protein and calorie requirements in people with dementia. Design: After consent by proxy was obtained, participants took part in a cross over study comparing oral intake on an intervention day to an adjacent control day. Setting: The study occurred in Nursing homes and hspitalised settings. Participants: Older adults with dementia over the age of 65 were recruited. 26 participants (aged 83.9+/-8.4 years, MMSE 13.08+/-8.13) took part. Intervention (if any): On the intervention day nutritional supplement drinks were provided three times. Each drink provided 283.3+/-41.8 Kcal of energy and 13.8+/-4.7g of protein. Supplements were removed approximately 1 hour before meals were served and weighed waste (g) was obtained. Measurements: Intake of food consumed was determined on intervention and control days using the quartile method (none, quarter, half, three quarters, all) for each meal component. Results: More people achieved their energy and protein requirements with the supplement drink intervention with no sufficient impact on habitual food consumption. Conclusion: Findings from these 26 participants with dementia indicate that supplement drinks may be beneficial in reducing the prevalence of malnutrition within teh group as more people meet their nutritional requirements. As the provision of supplement drinks is also demonstrated to have an additive effect to consumption of habitual foods, these can be used alongside other measures to also improve oral intake.


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Background and aims. Disease is influenced by the nutritional status of the individual. We have assessed the relationship between nutritional status and food intake among recently hospitalised older people. Methods. A cross-sectional study was undertaken with 240 older people in a hospital that provides care for the public and private healthcare systems. Nutritional status was classified by the MNA (Mini Nutritional Assessment) into: malnourished, risk of malnutrition and without malnutrition. Food intake was estimated by the reported food intake during a typical day. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the medians and the correlation coefficient of Spearman to verify the relationship between the consumption of energy, protein and vitamin C and MNA scores. Results. 33.8% were classified as adequate regarding nutritional status; 37.1% were classified as being at risk of malnutrition and 29.1% were classified as malnourished. The malnourished individuals reported significantly less energy and nutrient intake than those at risk of malnutrition or those without malnutrition (P=0.001). Not all nutrient intake, just some (iron, cholesterol and fibre), were lower in malnourished people. Conclusions and implications for practice. Deterioration of the nutritional status of older people is accompanied by a reduction in energy and some nutrient intake. The investigation of food intake in older people could provide important information about nutritional risk. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Miami-Dade County has approximately 27,000 people living with HIV (PLWH), and the highest HIV incidence in the nation. PLWH have reported several types of sleep disturbances. Caffeine is an anorexic and lipolytic stimulant that may adversely affect sleep patterns, dietary intakes and body composition. High caffeine consumption (>250 mg. per day or the equivalent of >4 cups of brewed coffee) may also affect general functionality, adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) and HIV care. This study assess the relationship of high caffeine intake with markers of disease progression, sleep quality, insomnia, anxiety, nutritional intakes and body composition. A convenience sample of 130 PLWH on stable ART were recruited from the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) cohort, and followed for three months. After consenting, questionnaires on Modified Caffeine Consumption (MCCQ), Pittsburg Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS), Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), socio-demographics, drug and medication use were completed. CD4 count, HIV viral load, anthropometries, and body composition measures were obtained. Mean age was 47.89±6.37 years, 60.8% were male and 75.4% were African-Americans. Mean caffeine intake at baseline was 337.63 ± 304.97 mg/day (Range: 0-1498 mg/day) and did not change significantly at 3 months. In linear regression, high caffeine consumption was associated with higher CD4 cell count (β=1.532, P=0.049), lower HIV viral load (β=-1.067, P=0.048), higher global PIRS (β=1.776, P=0.046), global PSQI (β=2.587, P=0.038), and GAD-7 scores (β=1.674, P=0.027), and with lower fat mass (β=-0.994, P=0.042), energy intakes (β=-1.643, P=0.042) and fat consumption (β=-1.902, P=0.044), adjusting for relevant socioeconomic and disease progression variables. Over three months, these associations remained significant. The association of high caffeine with lower BMI weakened when excluding users of other anorexic and stimulant drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine, suggesting that caffeine in combination, but not alone, may worsen their action. In summary, high caffeine consumption was associated with better measures of disease progression; but was also detrimental on sleep quality, nutritional intakes, BMI and body composition and associated with insomnia and anxiety. Large scale studies for longer time are needed to elucidate the contribution of caffeine to the well-being of PLWH.