101 resultados para NoC


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Mediante el desarrollo de este trabajo se pretende dar a conocer la magnitud de un problema como es la Diabetes Mellitus y sus complicaciones, especificando en este caso una de las complicaciones más importante como es el Pie Diabético. Se quiere destacar la importancia de la prevención en el Pie Diabético aportando datos sobre las complicaciones que puedan surgir. Para minimizarlas sería esencial aplicar un protocolo de prevención adecuado, dentro de una unidad multidisciplinar, donde la enfermería adquiere un papel fundamental, garantizando una continuidad de cuidados de la persona afectada. Se plantea un plan de atención de enfermería individualizado de un paciente con pie diabético a través de la taxonomía NANDA-NOC-NIC. El sistema de valoración utilizado es el diseñado por Marjory Gordon en los años 70, ya que cumple todos los requisitos necesarios para la realización de una valoración enfermera eficaz, por lo que constituye una herramienta útil para la valoración con cualquier modelo disciplinar enfermero. Define once patrones de actuación relevantes para la salud. Se trata de comportamientos, más o menos comunes a todas las personas, que contribuyen a su salud, calidad de vida y al logro de su potencial humano.


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La enfermedad de Crohn (EC) es un proceso inflamatorio crónico del aparato digestivo, principalmente de origen desconocido pero con factores genéticos y ambientales que aumentan el riesgo de padecerla. Algunas personas presentan períodos prolongados de remisión, que alternan con fases de actividad (brote), mientras que otros padecen síntomas continuos durante años a pesar de recibir un tratamiento adecuado. Los signos y síntomas comunes incluyen dolor abdominal, diarrea, fiebre y pérdida de peso, pudiendo afectar a personas de cualquier edad, aunque la mayoría de los pacientes son adultos jóvenes entre los 16 y los 40 años. No existe una “cura” para esta enfermedad, sin embargo, la terapia médica permite la remisión clínica de la patología y alivio de síntomas, aumentando la calidad de vida del paciente. Actualmente se recurre a un nuevo grupo de fármacos conocidos como agentes biológicos, ante pacientes que no responden a tratamiento médico convencional, que se utilizan para inducir y/o mantener la remisión. Siendo la EC una patología crónica que afecta a un número significativo de personas, cuya calidad de vida puede verse mermada profundamente, se propone un plan de cuidados individualizado (PCI) para un caso clínico de un paciente con la EC con el objetivo de fomentar la calidad de vida de estas personas. Este plan de cuidados se apoya en el modelo conceptual de Virginia Henderson (modelo de suplencia y ayuda) siguiendo una metodología enfermera (el proceso de atención de enfermería) y un lenguaje universal estandarizado mediante la interrelación de las taxonomías NANDA-I, NIC, NOC.


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Redes embutidas (NoC, Network-on-Chip) vêm sendo adotadas como uma solução interessante para o projeto de infraestruturas de comunicação em sistemas embutidos (SoC, System-on-Chip). Estas redes são em geral parametrizadas, podendo assim ser utilizadas em vários projetos de SoCs, cada qual com diferentes quantidades de núcleos. NoCs permitem uma escalabilidade dos sistemas, ao mesmo tempo que balanceiam a comunicação entre núcleos. Projetos baseados em NoC visam a implementação de uma aplicação específica. Neste contexto, ferramentas de auxílio de projeto são essenciais. Estas ferramentas são projetadas para, a partir de uma descrição simples da aplicação, realizar sucessivos processos de otimização que irão modelar as várias características do sistema. Estes algoritmos de otimização são necessários para que a rede atenda a um conjunto de restrições, como área, consumo de energia e tempo de execução. Dentre estas etapas, pode ser incluído o roteamento estático. As rotas através da rede por onde os núcleos irão se comunicar são otimizadas, de forma a minimizar o tempo de comunicação e os atrasos na transmissão de pacotes ocasionados por congestionamentos nas chaves que compõem a NoC. Nesta dissertação, foi utilizada a otimização por colônia de formigas no cálculo dos percursos. Esta é uma meta-heurística interessante para a solução de problemas de busca em grafos, inspirada no comportamento de formigas reais. Para os algoritmos propostos, múltiplas colônias são utilizadas, cada uma encarregada pela otimização do percurso de uma mensagem. Os diferentes testes realizados mostram o roteamento baseado no Elitist Ant System obtendo resultados superiores a outros algoritmos de roteamento.


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En la actualidad, la prematuridad es una de las principales causas de morbi-mortalidad neonatal e infantil, y una de las principales prioridades sanitarias. La frecuencia de nacimientos pretérmino e ingresos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN) ha ido aumentando a lo largo de los últimos años. Los objetivos de este trabajo han sido: describir los aspectos psicosociales de padres/madres cuyos hijos/as recién nacidos prematuros han sido ingresados en la UCIN y proponer unos cuidados de enfermería. Para realizar este trabajo se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en diversas bases de datos fiables, y a partir de esta se ha diseñado un plan de cuidados basado en la taxonomía de la NANDA NIC NOC. Partiendo del factor de por sí estresante que es el parto prematuro, los otros factores que se ha visto que influyen en la respuesta emocional y psicosocial de los progenitores son: el ambiente de la UCIN, la apariencia y conducta del niño/a, la pérdida de las expectativas generadas durante el embarazo, la separación del bebé, la comunicación con el personal, la situación socio-económica, y el retraso en el establecimiento del vínculo y sentimiento de pérdida del rol parental. Con respecto al plan de cuidados, se ha planificado a partir de los siguientes diagnósticos de enfermería (DdE): Ansiedad, Riesgo de deterioro de la vinculación, y Desempeño ineficaz del rol. Estos tratados de forma global cubrirían las necesidades de los padres/madres. Por tanto se puede decir que la experiencia de la UCIN conlleva una serie de sentimientos y emociones dolorosas, en el que se ven afectados varios sectores de la vida cotidiana. Es importante que los profesionales de la salud lo comprendan, sin olvidar que los cuidados serán individualizados y adaptados a las necesidades de cada progenitor.


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O objetivo geral deste estudo foi: Verificar se a introdução dos princípios da teoria do conforto de Katherine Kolcaba na consulta de enfermagem para pacientes com IC sob cuidados paliativos a partir da sistematização da assistência utilizando as taxonominas NANDA-NOC-NIC promove maior conforto. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico aberto, tipo antes e depois, realizado em hospital federal localizado no Rio de Janeiro com amostra de 20 pacientes. Para avaliação do conforto, utilizou-se o questionário End of life comfort questionnaire patient e o resultado de enfermagem (NOC - Estado de Conforto). As avaliações do questionário ocorreram nas primeira, terceira e sexta consultas de enfermagem e o NOC em todas as consultas. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre os meses de novembro de 2012 e maio de 2013. Utilizou-se o programa SPSS 19.0 para análise dos dados. Foram utilizados os Testes Qui-Quadrado, Exato de Fisher e Mann-Whitney para verificar a associação dos diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem com o conforto aferido pelo questionário nos três tempos aplicados. Foi utilizado o Teste ANOVA (análise de variância) para avaliar a melhora na condição de conforto dos sujeitos através do questionário já descrito e também pela NOC Estado de Conforto verificada nas seis consultas. Como resultado encontrou-se três diagnósticos de enfermagem e duas intervenções de enfermagem relacionadas à maior conforto dos pacientes (p <0,05). Já associados ao menor conforto foram encontrados 08 diagnósticos e 12 intervenções. O conforto verificado pelo questionário e o resultado de enfermagem aumentaram significativamente (p <0,001) durante os 06 meses de acompanhamento. A aceitação da hipótese alternativa (a introdução dos princípios da teoria de Katherine Kolcaba na consulta de enfermagem está associada ao maior conforto dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca sob cuidados paliativos), se confirmou. O estudo contribuiu para reafirmar que quando se utiliza uma teoria de enfermagem para sustentar a prática/pesquisa da profissão, o desenvolvimento da sistematização da assistência se torna mais claro. A implementação da teoria faz com que o desfecho do cuidar em enfermagem se torne visível a outras profissões e à sociedade em geral.


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This paper describes work on radio over fiber distributed antenna systems for improving the quality of radio coverage for in-building applications. The DAS network has also been shown to provide improved detection for Gen 2 UHF RFID tags. Using pre-distortion to reduce the problem of the RFID second harmonic, a simple heterogeneous sensing and communications system is demonstrated. © 2011 NOrthumbria University.


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Magnetic storm is a kind of severe disturbances in the whole solar-earth electromagnetic space. It has significant effects on communication, electric power, oil transport pipe and human activities in space. Therefore, magnetic storms are worth for applications systems, not only being a favorable issue for scientists. In this paper, the spatial and temporal distributions of the magnetic fields produced by the magnetosphere-ionosphere current systems during storms are studied. Four parts are included in this paper decomposion of different disturbances with different origins, topological structure of the ring current, the asymmetric characteristics of the ring current, and the statistic peculiarities of the day-to-day variability (DTD) of Sq. 1 The decomposition of magnetic disturbances at mid-low latitudes and its evolutions during storms Transient variations in the geomagnetic field recorded at mid-low latitudes mainly include the storm-time variation (Dst), solar quiet daily variation (Sq) and disturbance daily variation (SD). With the data of the geomagnetic meridian chain observatories in China, 25 storms during the period of 1997 to 1999 have been analyzed. According to the features of different variations, a method of “three-steps decomposition” is developed by using the method of Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC), Correlation Analysis and Fourier Analysis to separate those three components in turn. The results show that, the first eigenmode by the MNOC clearly describing the special distribution and temporal evolution of storm-time variation, in addition, Correlation Analysis and Fourier Analysis offer a useful method to extract the Sq and SD variations. The latitudinal shift of the Sq current focus seems to be the principal reason of the day-to-day variaitons in the daily range of Sq. The magnitude of SD reaches a maximum during the main phase, and then gradually decreases. 2 The topology structure of the ring current during storms Both the mechanism of the ring current and the geomagnetic data suggest that the central plane of the ring current is declining to the geomagnetic equator plane with a tilt angle δ. Using the H and Z component data at two stations in a meridian chain, we deduce a new parameter describing the invariable peculiarity of different storms. Then the δ angle is calculated by using the data from a meridian chain and tested with the ERC model. Finally the deduced tilt angles are used to modify Dst index. 3 The asymmetric characteristics of the ring current during storms The variations of the geomagnetic field at mid-low latitudes show a significant dawn-dusk asymmetry, resulting from the superposition of the fields from the symmetric ring current and the partial ring current. On the basis of the data from the 20°E, 30°E meridian chains and 30°N latitudinal chain, the dawn-dusk asymmetry is investigated by using three methods, namely, statistic analysis, ring current model calculation and typical event analysis. This characteristic implies the asymmetry of the spatial distribution of the ring current. In addition, during the main phase after the sudden commencement (SC), H field increases and reaches maximum around noontime, implying the effect of the Chapman-Ferraro current. 4 The statistic characteristics of the day-to-day variability and its mechanism The day-to-day variability of the geomagnetic Sq field is studied by using the magnetic data from a meridian chain of magnetometers along 120° E longitude. The method of NOC is applied to separate the Sq variation from complicated disturbances. The first eigenmode with the largest eigenvalue represents fairly well the Sq variation with a conspicuous day-to-day variability in the daily range. For the stations on the same north- or south-side of the Sq current system focus, the day-to-day variations show a positive correlation. In contrast, for the stations on the different sides of the Sq focus, they show a negative correlation, suggesting an important role of latitudinal shift of the Sq current system focus to the day-to-day variability of the Sq daily range. The Sq daily range is correlated with the magnetic indices Ap and Dst in a peculiar way: on some severe disturbed days, noticeably enhancements of the Sq are observed, implying increases of the ionospheric conductivities and/or tidal wind velocities; on other severe disturbed days, however, dramatically reduced Sq variations occur, suggesting dominant effects of the ‘disturbance dynamo’ process.


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The space currents definitely take effects on electromagnetic environment and also are scientific highlight in the space research. Space currents as a momentum and energy provider to Geospace Storm, disturb the varied part of geomagnetic field, distort magnetospheric configuration and furthermore take control of the coupling between magnetosphere and ionosphere. Due to both academic and commercial objectives above, we carry on geomagnetic inverse and theoretical studies about the space currents by using geomagnetic data from INTERMAGNET. At first, we apply a method of Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC) to decomposition the solar daily variation, especially for (solar quiet variation). NOC is just one of eign mode analysis, the most advantage of this method is that the basic functions (BFs) were not previously designated, but naturally came from the original data so that there are several BFs usually corresponding to the process really happened and have more physical meaning than the traditional spectrum analysis with the fixed BFs like Fourier trigonometric functions. The first two eign modes are corresponding to the and daily variation and their amplitudes both have the seasonal and day-to-day trend, that will be useful for evaluating geomagnetic activity indices. Because of the too strict constraints of orthogonality, we try to extend orthogonal contraints to the non-orthogonal ones in order to give more suitable and appropriate decomposition of the real processes when the most components did not satisfy orthogonality. We introduce a mapping matrix which can transform the real physical space to a new mathematical space, after that process, the modified components which associated with the physical processes have satisfied the orthogonality in the new mathematical space, furthermore, we can continue to use the NOC decomposition in the new mathematical space, and then all the components inversely transform back to original physical space, so that we would have finished the non-orthogonal decomposition which more generally in the real world. Secondly, geomagnetic inverse of the ring current’s topology is conducted. Configurational changes of the ring current in the magnetosphere lead to different patterns of disturbed ground field, so that the global configuration of ring current can be inferred from its geomagnetic perturbations. We took advantages of worldwide geomagnetic observatories network to investigate the disturbed geomagnetic field which produced by ring current. It was found that the ring current was not always centered at geomagnetic equator, and significantly deviated off the equator during several intense magnetic storms. The deviation owing to the tilting and latitudinal shifting of the ring current with respect to the earth’s dipole can be estimated from global geomagnetic survey. Furthermore those two configurational factors which gave a quantitative description of the ring current configuration, will be helpful to improve the Dst calibration and understand the dependence of ring current’s configuration on the plasma sheet location relative to the equator when magnetotail field warped. Thirdly, the energization and physical acceleration process of ring current during magnetic storm has been proposed. When IMF Bz component increase, the enhanced convection electric field drive the plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere. During the transport process, a dynamic heating is happened which make the particles more ‘hot’ when the injection is more deeply inward. The energy gradient along the injection path is equivalent to a kind of force, which resist the plasma more earthward injection, as a diamagnetic effect of the magnetosphere anti and repellent action to the exotically injected plasma. The acceleration efficiency has a power law form. We use analytical way to quantitatively describe the dynamical process by introducing a physical parameter: energization index, which will be useful to understand how the particle is heated. At the end, we give a scheme of how to get the from storm time geomagnetic data. During intense magnetic storms, the lognormal trend of geomagnetic Dst decreases depend on the heating dynamic of magnetosphere controlling ring current. The descending pattern of main phase is governed by the magnetospheric configuration, which can be describled by the energization index. The amplitude of Dst correlated with convection electric field or south component of the solar wind. Finally, the Dst index is predicted by upstream solar wind parameter. As we known space weather have posed many chanllenges and impacts on techinal system, the geomagnetic index for evaluating the activity space weather. We review the most popular Dst prediction method and repeat the Dst forecasting model works. A concise and convnient Key Points model of the polar region is also introduced to space weather. In summary, this paper contains some new quantitative and physical description of the space currents with special focus on the ring current. Whatever we do is just to gain a better understanding of the natural world, particularly the space environment around Earth through analytical deduction, algorithm designing and physical analysis, to quantitative interpretation. Applications of theoretical physics in conjunction with data analysis help us to understand the basic physical process govering the universe.


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One of the most pressing challenges today is the need to manage our oceans on a sustainable basis, balancing opportunities for exploitation with the need for conservation and protection. A vital tool for informing sustainable management is access to accurate, up-to-date marine environmental data and information, which is also seen as ‘independent’ by industry, conservationists, policy-makers and other Stakeholders. The Marine Biological Association has specialised in providing independent evidence for over a century and hosts a number of programmes dedicated to independent evidence provision. For example, the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) is the most comprehensive information resource for the marine environment of the British Isles and also the largest review of the effects of human activities and natural events on marine species and habitats ever undertaken. MarLIN, along with the Data Archive for Seabed Species and Habitats (DASSH and other MBA information resources, is currently being used to support a wide range of UK and European legislation as well as providing vital underpinning information for industry (e.g. through informing EIAs). We provide an overview of MarLIN in particular whilst examining the importance of ‘independent’ scientific information in a multi-use environment.


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This paper presents a thorough investigation of the combined allocator design for Networks-on-Chip (NoC). Particularly, we discuss the interlock of the combined NoC allocator, which is caused by the lock mechanism of priority updating between the local and global arbiters. Architectures and implementations of three interlock-free combined allocators are presented in detail. Their cost, critical path, as well as network level performance are demonstrated based on 65-nm standard cell technology.


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A novel Networks-on-Chip (NoC) router architecture specified for FPGA based implementation with configurable Virtual-Channel (VC) is presented. Each pipeline stage of the proposed architecture has been optimized so that low packet propagation latency and reduced hardware overhead can be achieved. The proposed architecture enables high performance and cost effective VC NoC based on-chip system interconnects to be deployed on FPGA.


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With the over-provisioned routing resource on FPGA, the topology choice for NoC implementation on FPGA is more flexible than on ASIC. However, it is well understood that the global wire routing impacts the performance of NoC on FPGA because the topology is routed by using fixed routing fabric. An important question that arises is: will the benefit of diameter reduction by using a highly connective topology outweigh the impact of global routing? To answer this question, we investigate FPGA based packet switched NoC implementations with different sizes and topologies, and quantitatively measure the impact of global routing to each of these networks. The result shows that with sufficient routing resources on modern FPGA, the global routing is not on the critical path of the system, and thus is not a dominating factor for the performance of practical multi-hop NoC system. © 2011 IEEE.