991 resultados para Nature - French romance


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In the mid-nineteenth century, thousands of children in Europe and beyond were organized into battalions of fundraisers for overseas missions. By the end of the century these juvenile missionary organizations had become a global movement, generating millions of pounds in revenue each year. While the transnational nature of the children’s missions and publications has been well-documented by historians, the focus has tended to be on the connections that were established by encounters between the young western donors, missionaries overseas and the non-western ‘other’ constructed by their work. A full exploration of the European political, social and cultural concerns that produced the juvenile missionaries movement and the trans-European networks that sustained it are currently missing from historical accounts of the phenomenon. This article looks at the largest of these organizations, the Catholic mission for children, the French Holy Childhood Association (L’Œuvre de la sainte enfance), to understand how the principles this mission sought to impose abroad were above all an expression of anxieties at home about the role of religion in the family, childhood and in civil society as western polities were modernizing and secularizing in the nineteenth century.


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The evidence for vernacular-to-vernacular translation is hard to demonstrate in medieval Romance languages. This article analyses a hypothesis published a century ago that there is an identifiable Anglo-Norman source for an Occitan prose text. Both texts spring from a Latin exemplum in which the seven capital vices are personified as the Devil's daughters, married off to seven social categories (the clergy, knights, peasants, etc.). Although the hypothesis is disproved, it remains that the dialogue between Anglo-Norman French and Occitan has been overlooked, and deserves further exploration.


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This article explores the relationship between the Crown, the French society and the king's financiers. It starts with a brief review of the discourses on the financiers and a survey of the work done by historians. Further to a description of the various groups of financiers, it analyses the nature of the contracts passed between the king and the traitants to pay for the Nine Years War, as well as the latter’s activities and profits. The article argues that the government supervised effectively the traitants and that, given the constraints of the Old Regime, these financiers provided essential services, but too costly to be sustainable.


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Recent scholarship has emphasised the extent to which historical events are reflected in medieval romance. This paper seeks to draw attention to an instance where that relationship appears to have been inverted and a romance motif was carefully recreated at a particularly important event in the historical world. From the fourteenth century onwards, a mounted knight ceremonially rode into the English coronation banquet and issued a challenge to all assembled. The visual detail of the ritual strikingly echoes that of the romance motif of the “intruder at the feast”. This motif crops up in numerous romances, and is particularly associated with Arthurian narratives where it usually serves as a catalyst for adventure, providing the court and the king with an opportunity to justify their authority and reputation. This paper analyses the precise nature of the historical ritual and explores how the romance resonances of the ceremony at the coronation feast could be used to underpin political authority and courtly identity. In doing so, it seeks to underscore the centrality of Arthurian romance to English monarchical self-imagining and the symbolic power which could be ascribed to the genre's themes and conventions.


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The emergence of Indochina in the French imagination was articulated in both representational and institutional modes. Representation involves the transmission of colonial ideals through more obtuse means; that is, through literary texts, travelogues, exhibitions, film and advertising. However, these textual sites feed from and invest in a material situation, which was the institutional arm of colonialism. Indochina was institutionally articulated in cartographic maps and surveys, in the new social spaces of cities and towns, in architectural and technological forms, through social technologies of discipline and welfare and in cultural and religious organisations. The aim of this thesis is to analyse, across a number of textual sites, the representation and institutionalisation of Otherness through the politics of space in the French colony of Indochina, Indochine in this sense becomes a spatial discourse. The French constructed a mental and physical space for Indochina by blanketing and suffocating the original cultural landscape, which in fact had to be ignored for this process to occur. What actually became manifest as a result of this projection stemmed from the French imagination. Just as the French manipulated space, language also underwent the same process of reduction. The Vietnamese script was latinised to make it more 'useable' and ‘accessible’. Through christening the union of Indochina; initiating a comprehensive writing reform; and renaming the streets in the colonial cities, the French used language us another tool for 'making transparent'. Furthermore, the colonial powers established a communication and transport network throughout the colony in an attempt to materialise their fictive (artificial) vision of a unified French Indochinese space. The accessibility and design of these different modes of transport reflected the gendered, racial and class divisions inherent in the colonial establishment. At the heart of representing and institutionalising Indochina was the desire to control and contain. This characterised French imperial ordering of space in the city and the rural areas. In rural areas land was divided into small parcels and alienated to individuals or worked into precise grids for the rubber plantation. In urban centres the native quarter was clearly demarcated from the European quarter which functioned as its modern, progressive Other. The rationale behind this segregation was premised on European, nineteenth century discourses of race, class, gender and hygiene. Influenced by Darwinian and neo-Lamarkian theories of race, this biological discourse identified the 'working class', 'women' and 'the native' as not only biologically but also culturally inferior. They were perceived as a potential, degenerative threat to the biological, cultural and industrial development of the nation. In the colonial context, space was thus ordered and domesticated to control the native population. Coextensively, the literature which springs from such a structure will be tainted by the same ideas, and thus the spaces it formulates within the readers mind feed on and reinforce this foundation. Examples of gender and indigenous narratives which contest this imaginative, transparent topography are analysed throughout this thesis. They provide instances of struggle and resistance which undermine the ideal/stereotypical level of architectural and planned space and delineate an alternative insight into colonial spatial and social relations. The fictional accounts of European women and indigenous writers both challenge and reaffirm the fixity of some of these idealised colonial boundaries. In various literary, historical, political, architectural and cinematic discourses Indochina has been und continues to be depicted as a modern city and exotic Utopia. Informed by the mood of nostalgia, exotic images of Indochina have resurfaced in contemporary French culture. France's continued desire to create, control and maintain an Indochinese space in the French public imagination reinforces the multi-layered, interconnected and persistent nature of colonial discourse.


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Background/Objective: Our objective was to investigate whether school lunch attendance was associated with overall eating habits and sedentary behaviour in a French sample of children and adolescents.

Subjects/Methods: Data for the study were taken from the second French cross-sectional dietary survey (INCA2-2006-07). In total, 1413 school children aged 3–17 years old were classified according to their school type and their usual school lunch attendance. Eating habits included meal regularity, dietary diversity, purchase in vending machine, snacking habits and frequency of eating in fast-foods. Two composite indices of eating habits were derived from multiple correspondence analyses. Sedentary behaviour was assessed by the average daily screen times for TV and computer. The association between school lunch attendance and each variable was tested. Multivariate association between school lunch attendance and the composite indices of eating habits and sedentary behaviours was studied.

Results: In all, 69.0% (CI95%: 64.2–73.9) of secondary school children and 63.0% (CI95%: 58.5–67.5) of pre- and elementary school children usually attended school lunch at least once a week. Pre- and elementary school children attending school lunches showed a higher dietary diversity score (P=0.02) and ate morning snacks more frequently (P=0.02). In secondary school children, attending school canteen was related to a lower rate of skipping breakfast (P=0.04) and main meals (P=0.01). In all school children, school lunch attendance was simultaneously associated with healthier overall eating habits and less sedentary behaviour.

Conclusion: In France, children attending school canteens seem to have healthier eating habits and display less sedentary behaviour, independently of their socio-economic and demographic background.


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Private equity, ou o ato de fundos ou investidores de investir em empresas não cotadas em bolsa pública, assumiu uma importância crescente no mundo financeiro nos últimos anos. De fato, enquanto o surgimento de um setor de private equity (PE) tem sido um grande fenômeno em mercados emergentes desde meados dos anos 2000, a crise financeira mundial enfraqueceu private equity no mundo desenvolvido. Assim, esta pesquisa vai se concentrar em dois países com dinâmicas supostamente muito diferentes em relação a este sector: França e Brasil. O objetivo será o de discernir padrões gerais de comportamento em ambos os sectores de PE durante todo o período compreendido 2006-2013, e tentar determinar em que medida eles são comparáveis. Utilizando a literatura como fonte conceitual para o quadro comparativo a ser desenvolvido, será analisado se as condições do mercado e do ambiente institucional evoluíram durante o período estudado na França e no Brasil, se comparar, e se eles impactaram o nível de atividade de private equity - oferta e demanda de fundos - em ambos os países. Para identificar esses padrões, a pesquisa contará com uma análise de dados exploratória qualitativa, com base em um quadro dos determinantes do setor de PE identificados e retirados da literatura acadêmica. Esta pesquisa trazera sua contribuição para o trabalho acadêmico existente sobre private equity, graças à sua natureza comparativa e para a sua conclusão sobre a relevância dos determinantes acima mencionados sobre a atividade de private equity na França e no Brasil.


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It is possible to notice that the modern narrative increasingly seeks to invest its characters with a broad and complex nature, away from the well-defined beings of the traditional narrative. Through this work, we aim to make a study of Marcela, a character of the novel A ostra e o vento, by Moacir Costa Lopes, taking into account the way the complexity of the fictitious being is constituted through an analysis of structural, semantic, and thematic elements. We first will bring up a brief theoretical discussion about the character in a novel, and we also will carefully analyze the diagetic universe, presenting the complex path of the character further. Subsequently, we will focus on the structure of the narrative which creates a complex picture of the character, using the technique of crossed points of view as well as the technique of temporal fragmentation. Finally, we will investigate conflicting social relations that portray Marcela s disturbed inner side, as well as the metaphoric symbolic language, which furnishes a number of different representation of this character, impeding the creation of a well-structured coherent character. Studies of scholars such as Antonio Candido, Anatol Rosenfeld, Vitor Manuel de Aguiar e Silva, Fernando Segolin, Gerard Genette, Michel Zéraffa, among others, will guide our analysis


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho parte de pesquisas realizadas no periódico Diário de Notícias, de Belém, Pará, no período que vai de 1881 a 1893, com o objetivo de recuperar textos ficcionais em prosa, em especial, o romance-folhetim, gênero que surge da relação próxima entre literatura e jornal, muito intensa no decorrer do século XIX. Nesse período, o jornal aparece como importante meio de divulgação política e cultural nas várias regiões do país, considerando que seu custo era bem mais acessível que o do livro. O romance-folhetim alcança, nesse veículo, uma grande popularidade entre os leitores. Dentre os romances-folhetins catalogados, optamos por analisar o Negro e cor de rosa: o canto do cysne, do francês Georges Ohnet, publicado no período de julho a agosto de 1887, na coluna Folhetim do já citado periódico. A análise foi baseada nos estudos de Jésus Martín-Barbero sobre os dispositivos de enunciação do gênero folhetim. A partir de nossa pesquisa, procuramos investigar como se caracterizava o circuito editorial da Belém oitocentista, averiguando a relação entre o gosto do público e a presença ostensiva de narrativas francesas, bem como, a relação mercadológica entre editores e livreiros. Assim, ressalta-se a relevância dos estudos da História do Livro e da Leitura no Brasil por permitir-nos a recuperação de informações que contribuirão para o registro da História da Literatura Brasileira.


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Este artigo analisa alguns ensaios de Eisenstein escritos entre 1945 e 1947, que se encontram na antologia francesa intitulada La non-indifférente nature, de 1976. Fio condutor dos escritos é uma indagação sobre a natureza orgânica da obra de arte, encontrada nas mais variadas manifestações artísticas: em cinema, teatro, literatura, pintura, arquitetura, música. A “organicidade” das obras artísticas decorria do fato de elas serem construídas conforme os elementos estruturais do fenômeno representado: a ligação entre realidade e obra não consistiria numa reprodução de conteúdos, mas na recriação, em todos os níveis formais da obra, da lei dialética que rege a realidade. This paper analyses some essays by Eisenstein written between 1945 and 1947, included in a French anthology of 1976 entiled La non-différente in nature. The guideline of such writings is a quest for the “organic nature” of the work of art, found in the most varied artistic manifestations: cinema, drama, literature, painting, architecture, music. The “organicity” of works of art derived from the that they were built according to the structural elements of the phenomenon represented: the connection between reality and work would not consist of a duplication of contents, but in the recreation, in all the formal levels of the work, of the dialectic law which rules reality.


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L'article Uma estréia no romance: A mocidade de Trajano veut revoir l'histoire de la publication de ce roman de 1871, renié,quelques années plus tard, par Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay. On y veut aussi vérifier les marques qui ce remettent à ceux de Macedo, surtout en ce qui concerne sa filiation au mélodrame (le mot pris dans son sens le plus vaste). Le regard de l'auteur sur le paysage, l'importance du rôle attribué par lui à la nature – scène idéaleopposés à la constatation des dégâts dans les rapports seigneur/esclave, surtout dans les grandes propriétés rurales, pendant le XIXe., ont, eux aussi, été objet de réflexions. Finalement, dans cet article on a essayé de remarquer la filiation idéologique du personnage Trajano à des valeurs européennes, notamment françaises.


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The award-winning and controversial movie by Pedro Almodóvar “The skin I live” (2011) is an adaptation of Mygale’s novel (1984), the French writer Thierry Jonquet (1954-2009), translated into Portuguese in 2005 as Tarântula. It is a horror story, full of suspense, in which a renowned surgeon, Robert Ledgard, played by Antonio Banderas, switches, without any scruples, the sex of the young Vincent. What it shown to the viewer since the first images of the movie is, therefore, Vicente/Vera in her new and perfect female body. Flashbacks clarify during the movie the events that culminated in the opening scene that is presented to us, surprising us and, of course, shocking us. References to myths and symbols can be noticed in the movie. They bring with them, to be recognized by the viewer, issues related to the creation or metamorphosis, among others, as the Pygmalion and Galatea myth, which binds to artistic creation. Artistic metamorphosis operated equally by the filmmaker in his modern version of the doctor and the monster, for example, but, especially, in the rereading of the Jonquet’s novel. This study seeks to highlight some of the major myths and symbols inserted in Almódovar’s movie and what interpretations such insertions may ensue.


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We aim with this article to analyze the poetics of love in The Romance of the Rose. We think that Guillaume de Lorris’s conception of love is associated with the flourishing of the French courtly society of the XIII Century, and that Jean de Meun’s conception of love is a result of the decline of this same society. Behind the virtues offered by Guillaume to the medieval lover we find the notion of courtesy, of the art of living in society, the understanding of the poetry as a form of ethics, and the medieval poetic of desire – intimately associated with the religious mysticism appeared from the XI Century and with the troubadours’ poetry. Jean is more influenced by the Ovidian tradition of thinking about the causes and effects of love. In the first part of the poem, Guillaume idealizes the conquest of the Rose; in the second, Jean describes the cueillette of the Rose, which could be read as a rape, in an allegorical way. It is this tension between different conceptions of love in a same poem that makes possible a better comprehension of the ways people used to think and feel in the Middle Ages.