964 resultados para Mobile app


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With increasing concerns about the impact of global warming on human life, policy makers around the world and researchers have sought for technological solutions that have the potential to attenuate this process. This thesis describes the design and evaluation of an information appliance that aims to increase the use of public transportation. We developed a mobile glanceable display that, being aware of the user’s transportation routines, provides awareness cues about bus arrival time, grounded upon the vision of Ambient Intelligence. We present the design process we followed, from ideation to building a prototype and conducting a field study, and conclude with a set of guidelines for the design of relevant personal information systems. More specifically we seek to test the following hypotheses: 1) That the tangible prototype that provides ambient cues will be used more frequently than a similar purpose mobile app, 2) That the tangible prototype will reduce the waiting time at the bus stop, 3) That the tangible prototype will result to reduced anxiety on passengers, 4) That the tangible prototype will result to an increase in the perceived reliability of the transit service, 5) That the tangible prototype will enhance users’ efficiency in reading the bus schedules and 6) That the tangible prototype will make individuals more likely to use public transit. In a field study, we compare the tangible prototype against the mobile app and a control condition where participants were given no external support in obtaining bus arrival information, other than their existing routines. Using qualitative and quantitative data, we test the aforementioned hypotheses and explore users’ reactions to the prototype we developed.


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La gran cantidad de personas interesadas actualmente en cuidar de su salud por medio de la Bicicleta, es una tendencia que cada vez toma más fuerza y por esto, se tomara como ventaja que la ciudad de Bogotá con sus últimos alcaldes han decidió apoyar el uso de esta. Aplicación para realizar grupos de ciclistas y poder salir cualquier día de la semana acompañado de más personas por un tema de transporte pero también de ocio. El objetivo es que las personas que no utilizan la bicicleta por miedo a salir solos, puedan unirse a diferentes grupos y hacer bici paseos por la ciudad, también contemplamos el hecho de que existen personas que quieren montar bicicleta como aficionados, es decir que salen por la carreteras aledañas a la capital pero muchas veces no tienen grupo con quien rodar. Queremos para el año 2020, lograr ser una de las aplicaciones de Bicicletas más exitosa de la ciudadanía de Bogotá, siendo una de las aplicaciones que mas apoya el uso diario y deportivo de la bicicleta. Nuestra aplicación ofrece el servicio principalmente de reunir gente y hacer paseos con diferentes personas haciendo uso de las bicicletas, dentro de la ciudad como ocio y transporte se realizarían en la mañana y noches, pero así mismo realizar grupos para hacer uso de la bicicleta por carreteras, es decir más como modo profesional o aficionado. Nuestra aplicación cuenta con una interface para seleccionar el tipo de bici usuario y segundo por donde o a donde quiere dirigirse para así mismo mostrarle las rutas cercanas a él. Nuestra característica principal es la unión de diferentes grupos, personas y entidades para hacer uso de la Bicicleta, tenemos una plataforma interactiva y fácil de usar, tan fácil que cualquier persona que no esté inmersa en el mundo de los Smartphone o aplicaciones pueda aprender a usarla. Unas de las ventajas con las que cuento es que desde muy joven me ha gustado montar en bicicletas y es así como decido crear una aplicación ya que compañeros, familiares y conocidos no salían a montar bicicleta solo conmigo, preferían que fuese un grupo más grande. Así mismo cuento con 3 compañeros de la universidad Javeriana que son programadores y ellos me van a brindar apoyo con la programación de la aplicación, y una compañera cercana a mí que estudio diseño industrial y me brindara apoyo con el diseño e imagen corporativa de la aplicación. Cuento con planta física para ubicar la oficina de nuestra empresa. Esta aplicación va dirigida principalmente a los habitantes de la ciudad de Bogotá, interesados en el cuidado de su salud combinado con medio de transporte, y personas correspondientes al estrato 2 en adelante, ya que son las personas que normalmente hacen uso de la bicicleta o que son personas potenciales para empezar hacer uso de la bicicleta. . La ciudad de Bogotá cuenta con 8’037.732 habitantes y este proyecto va ser desarrollado en toda la ciudad, toca tener en cuenta que la ciudad esta mesclada entre la diferente estratificación, no dirigimos a los estratos 2 y 3 que tenga la posibilidad de tener su Bicicleta y un celular tipo Smartphone, para los estratos 4, 5 y 6 sabemos que tiene la facilidad de obtener una bicicleta y ellos son nuestro usuario potencial el cual generaríamos un cambio y tomarían su bicicleta para hacer ejercicio como ocio y como medio de transporte. En cuanto a la proyección financiera para la aplicación, como se mencionó anteriormente, contamos con una gran ventaja, ya que la inversión requerida será menor debido a la propiedad con la que cuento para llevar a cabo el proyecto. Una propiedad de 60 metros cuadrados para empezar, la cual cuenta con salas de reunión y auditorio, un parqueaderos exteriores. Al hacer la calculación se va tener en cuenta el pago de un arriendo sin importan que sea de nuestra propiedad y así poder evidenciar realmente como es el estado financiero y no subsidiarla. Por otro lado, la inversión en efectivo que se necesitara será aproximadamente de $100.000.000 que serán $50.000.000 de mis padres y el restante saldrán de mis ahorros, Javier Amortegui Babativa, los cuales serán distribuidos para adecuación de planta, equipos y sistemas $17.616.880, para publicidad y mercadeo: $30.000.000, creación de la aplicación $34.000.000, sistemas IOS + Android $421.600, Gastos de composición empresarial y bancarios $11.000.000 y por último se va tener un provisión para imprevistos por el restante $6.961.520. Nuestras proyecciones de ventas han sido basadas en aplicaciones similares con un mismo formato de lucro con el tema de bicicletas pero no con la misma idea de negocio, nuestras proyecciones de ventas estimadas serán de $20.000.000 a $25.000.000 los primeros 3 meses, mientras tomamos fuerza en el mercado.


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Travelling by public transport is usually regarded as boring and uninteresting. Refraining from talking to the stranger next to you may be due to limitations that are self-imposed and further corroborated by social expectations and cultural norms that govern behaviour in public space. Our design research into passenger interactions on board of urban commuter trains has informed the development of the TrainRoulette prototype – a mobile app for situated, real-time chats between train passengers. We study the impact of our design intervention on shaping perceptions of the train journey experience. Moreover, we are interested in the implications of such ICT-mediated interactions within train journeys for stimulating social offline interactions and new forms of passenger engagement.


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Research Background: The proliferation of technologically-based interventions and mHealth in particular have led to a need for innovative, relevant and engaging ways of presenting health messages to young people using technology. ‘Ray’s Night Out’ is a mobile health application co-designed with young people by an interdisciplinary team of researchers at Queensland University of Technology. Research Questions: The design, research, development and evaluation of ‘Ray’s Night Out’ addressed a number of research questions from across the fields of Psychology and Interactive and Visual Design. The specific design research questions addressed were: How can a mobile intervention be best designed to promote young people’s safety and wellbeing and minimise harm when consuming alcohol on a typical night out? Specifically, how can principles of interactive and visual design be effectively applied to develop innovative digital health communication solutions that empower young people as active participants in improving their health and wellbeing? Research Contribution: Innovation The mobile app, as a digital artifact, represents a new way of engaging young people in the issue of alcohol consumption and the pacing and self-care behaviours through unique interaction, visual and interface designs which resulted from the participant-led and iterative design research process. The design of the specific interactive and visual features of the app informed by participatory design data and by health research present a novel approach to preventing young people in crossing the ‘stupid line’ on a typical night out. Research Significance: The significance of the design research component within the larger interdisciplinary practices that have informed ‘Ray’s Night Out’ (e.g. field of psychology, reported through journal articles and other related outcomes), is the unique visual and interactive presentation of participant data and health concepts within the app interface and interaction design which improves and increases young people’s engagement with the health messages it contains. The global quality standard is further demonstrated by the launch on Apple iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rays-night-out/id978589497?mt=8 This demonstrates the application meets the high professional requirements for global release and international standards set by Apple AppStore.


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Research Background Young people’s avid use of mobile technologies in daily life has led to an increase in the design and research on mHealth (mobile health) interventions targeting young people. ‘Music eScape’ is a mobile based mood regulation app that uses an innovative approach to promoting young people’s wellbeing using music. Research Question The design, research, development and evaluation of ‘Music eScape’ addressed a number of research questions from across the fields of Psychology and Interactive and Visual Design. The specific design research question addressed was: How can interaction and visual design be utilized to promote and enable young people to effectively regulate their mood using music and how can the new design further promote their experience of empowerment, control and agency over actively directing their mood journey? Research Contribution Innovation and New Knowledge Through its unique visual interface design and interactivity, the application presents a novel approach to promoting young people’s wellbeing using music and a specific function that allows users to ‘draw’ their mood journey in order to generate a playlist. The mobile app is the first to contain a function that enables users to plan their mood journey and exercise a sense of agency, intentional choice and control over the mood shift and by extension, their wellbeing. The feature ‘drawing’ interface was designed by Oksana Zelenko using participatory design research and Russell’s circumplex model of affect (1980) to inform the key visual design concept and underpinning interaction design. Research Significance The significance of the design research component within the larger interdisciplinary practices that have informed ‘Music eScape’ (e.g. field of psychology, reported through journal articles and other related outcomes), is the unique visual and interactive presentation of participant data and music therapy research within the app interface and interaction design which improves and increases young people’s engagement with the health messages it contains. The industry quality standard is further demonstrated by the launch on Apple iTunes. This demonstrates the application meets the high professional requirements for national release and meets international standards. The app also creates a new benchmark for the quality of health apps on the market as it marks the industry release of a trialled evidence-based mHealth intervention co-designed with young people.


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STAC is a mobile application (app) designed to promote the benefits of climate-aware urban development in Subtropical environments. Although, STAC is primarily tool for understanding climate efficient buildings in Brisbane, Australia, it also demonstrates how other exemplary buildings operate in other subtropical cities of the world. The STAC research and development team applied research undertaken by the Centre for Subtropical Design (Brisbane) to profile buildings past and present that have contributed to the creation of a vibrant society, a viable economy, a healthy environment, and an authentic sense of place. In collaboration with researchers from the field of Interaction Design, this knowledge and data was collated, processed and curated for presentation via a custom mobile application designed to distribute this important research for review and consideration on-location in local settings and for comparison across all other global subtropical regions and projects identified by this research. This collaboration adopted a Design-based Research (DBR) Methodology guided by the main tenets of research and design iteration and cross-discipline collaboration in real-world settings, resulting in the formulation of contextually-sensitive design principles, theories, and tools for design intervention. Combined with significant context review of available technology and data and subsequent case study analysis of exemplar design applications.


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This paper evaluates the performance of different text recognition techniques for a mobile robot in an indoor (university campus) environment. We compared four different methods: our own approach using existing text detection methods (Minimally Stable Extremal Regions detector and Stroke Width Transform) combined with a convolutional neural network, two modes of the open source program Tesseract, and the experimental mobile app Google Goggles. The results show that a convolutional neural network combined with the Stroke Width Transform gives the best performance in correctly matched text on images with single characters whereas Google Goggles gives the best performance on images with multiple words. The dataset used for this work is released as well.


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CultureMap is the mobile app for the Cultural Atlas of Australia, a digital atlas that maps the locations of more than 200 films, novels, and plays that feature Australian spaces and places. You can use the CultureMap app to find narrative and filming locations near you, you can search for your favourite Australian stories to find out where they are set, or you can search by location to discover what stories have been set there. The app also features our Mapping Ecological Themes showcase, which focuses on films and novels that foreground ecological themes or are set in environmentally sensitive areas. CultureMap is co-funded through an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant and an Inspiring Australia: Unlocking Australia’s Potential grant.


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The significant physical, emotional, educational and social developmental challenges faced by adolescents and young adults are associated with high levels of emotional vulnerability. Thus, the development and use of effective emotion-regulation strategies during this period is critical. Music listening is commonly used by young people to identify, express, enhance and regulate their emotions. Modern mobile technology provides an engaging, easily accessible means of assisting young people with identifying and managing emotions through music. A systematic contextual review of iPhone applications addressing emotions through music was conducted. Their quality was evaluated by two independent raters using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS). Three participatory design workshops (PDW; N=13, 6 males, 7 females; age 15-25) were conducted, exploring young people’s use of music to enhance wellbeing. Young people were also asked to trial existing mood and music apps and to conceptualise their ultimate mood-targeting music application. Of the identified 117 music apps, 20 met inclusion criteria (to play songs, not sounds; priced below $5.00). Characteristics and overall quality of the music apps are described and key features of the five highest- rating apps are presented. Thematic analysis of the PDW content identified the following music affect- regulation strategies: relationship building, modifying cognitions, modifying emotions, and immersing in emotions (i.e. habituation or mood enhancement). The application of key learnings from the mobile app review and PDW to the design and development of the new music eScape app will be presented. Implications for future research and for applying the new app in clinical practice are discussed.


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The rise of the mobile internet enables the creation of applications that provide new and easier ways for people to organise themselves, raise issues, take action and interact with their city. At the same time, society faces new problems that can only be solved when citizens work together. Nevertheless, a lack of motivation or knowledge often prevents many citizens from regularly contributing to the common good. In this position paper, we present DoGood – a mobile app – as a socio-technological system that aims at supporting the collective intelligence of citizens in their pursuit of civic engagement and civic collaboratories. Our study asks to what extent gamification can motivate users to “do good” deeds. The DoGood app uses gamified elements to encourage citizens to submit and promote their civic activities as well as to join the activities of others. Gamification is sometimes criticised for simply adding a limited number of game elements, such as leaderboards, on top of an existing experience with the hope of increasing motivation. However, in the case of the DoGood app, the process of game design was an integral part of the development, and the gamified elements target the user’s intrinsic motivations instead of providing them with an external reward. In this paper, we present design elements of the app and discuss their potential to support collective intelligence for the common good.


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This report describes the Year Two/Campaign Two processes, and articulates findings from the major project components designed to address the challenges noted above (see Figure 1). Three major components comprise the Safe and Well Online project: 1) A participatory design (PD) process involving young people and sector partners (UWS) for; 2) campaign development (Zuni & Digital Arts Network); and 3) a cohort study (University of South Australia) to evaluate campaign effectiveness and attitude and behaviour change. Each sub-study comprehensively considered the ethical requirements of conducting online research with minors. The theoretical and methodological framework for measuring campaign engagement and efficacy (Sub-studies 3, 4 and 5) drew on the Model of Goal Directed Behaviour (MGB) (Perugini & Bagozzi 2001) and Nudge Theory (Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). This report extends the findings and conclusions of the Year One Pilot Study ‘‘Keep it Tame’’ (Spears et.al, 2015), and details the development and evaluation of the second of four Safe and Well Online Campaigns—‘‘Appreciate A Mate’: Helping others feel good about themselves’.


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We studied the ways that urban commuter train passengers experience their journeys. We present the design process and in-situ evaluation of TrainYarn, a mobile app prototype designed to facilitate social interaction between co-located urban train passengers. Through the deployment of the prototype, we sought to probe perceptions of social space with a view to positively impact the assessment of public transport. Our results support that our target users saw value in the use of TrainYarn, perceiving it as emancipatory, in alignment with their communicative needs, and having the ability to transform their perceptions of social space. To further inform future research and practice, we put forward a series of design recommendations.


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Mobile App technology in social work education remains in the embryonic stages of development with a few notable exceptions. The use of Apps in College and University settings has been reported in other sectors of higher education, although there is a paucity of research in relation to its relevance to social work education and practice. The following article describes the creation of four social work education and practice Apps by a team of social work educators. The primary focus is on the design process and the partnership approach to the creation of the tools. It also outlines the rationale for the App development, the working process and the theoretical framework underpinning mobile learning. Furthermore, it provides information on the level of usage of the Apps according to geographical location, download information and time spent on each section of the App. The article also incorporates a pragmatic summary of developmental guidelines which may aid social work educators in the development and implementation of specialist information-based Apps for education and practice.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Starting from Novabase’s challenge to launch in the UK Millennials a personal financial advisor mobile application, this work project aims to build a planning model to frame a business side of a launch strategy for mobile application in similar market and category. This study culminates on the design of SPOSTAC planning model. The created framework is intended to effectively and efficiently plan a launch strategy, being structured based on seven sequential elements: Situation, Product, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action, and Control.