371 resultados para Metalurgia odontologica


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The Nb-Cu pseudoalloys present themselves as potential substitutes for the alloys from a well known system and already commercially applied, as the W-Cu alloys, used in applications such as heat sinks, electrical contacts and coils for the generation of high magnetic fields. Because it is an immiscible system, where there is mutual insolubility and low wettability of the liquid Cu on the Nb surface, the processing route used in this work was the Powder Metallurgy. Two Nb alloys were used, with additions of 10% and 20% in weight of Cu, and times of 20, 30 and 40 hours for the high energy milling of the starting powders. The milling evolution of the powders is presented through the characterization techniques, such as the LASER diffraction for particle size, XRD, SEM, EDS, DSC, dilatometry, TEM and chemical analysis. After the milling, portions of the loads were submitted to the annealing heat treatment. The process used for the samples consolidation was the hot pressing, which has been applied both on some milled powders samples, as on the annealed powders. Subsequent heat treatments were performed in the samples at temperatures of 1000ºC (solid phase) and 1100ºC (in the Cu liquid phase). All sets of consolidated samples, and also the two sets of the heat treated, were analyzed by XRD, SEM, EDS, density and Vickers microhardness. Moreover, other Nb powder samples with 10% and 20% in weight of Cu obtained by simple mechanical mixing, were consolidated, thermally treated and characterized with the same techniques applied to the others, and the results were compared among themselves. Despite the difficulty of consolidation and densification of the two pseudoalloys of the Nb-Cu system of this study, on the route that passes through the HEM, samples were obtained with densities around 90% of the theoretical density. And, on the processing route of which were only mixed, the values reached up to 97%. Therefore, in this work are also emphasized the processes that made possible these results.


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Ceramic materials alumina basis have been widely used in structural components, mainly because owning properties such as high hardness, chemical inertness and good wear resistance, however, the low toughness is a factor that compromises its use in many other applications, featuring the addition of nickel as a possible solution to this problem, in this context, this work aims to study the addition of nickel alumina using the route of powder metallurgy processing of the material. The percentage of nickel were added 2, 4 and 6 wt%; and each composition to high energy milling in a planetary mill was performed for 2, 4, 9 and 16h. Subsequently, the samples were compacted at 300 MPa and sintered in a vacuum oven at 1400⁰C for 2h. The samples were characterized as the physical and mechanical properties, observing, in general, an improvement in sinterability of the material with increasing grinding time and nickel content, and mixing with a decrease of porosity and increase of hardness, density values above 80% of theoretical were obtained. The milling time of 4 hours and addition of 2% nickel, particularly if achieved higher hardness (HV 1068.7 +/- 32.6) and density of about 99% theoretical density.


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Ceramic materials alumina basis have been widely used in structural components, mainly because owning properties such as high hardness, chemical inertness and good wear resistance, however, the low toughness is a factor that compromises its use in many other applications, featuring the addition of nickel as a possible solution to this problem, in this context, this work aims to study the addition of nickel alumina using the route of powder metallurgy processing of the material. The percentage of nickel were added 2, 4 and 6 wt%; and each composition to high energy milling in a planetary mill was performed for 2, 4, 9 and 16h. Subsequently, the samples were compacted at 300 MPa and sintered in a vacuum oven at 1400⁰C for 2h. The samples were characterized as the physical and mechanical properties, observing, in general, an improvement in sinterability of the material with increasing grinding time and nickel content, and mixing with a decrease of porosity and increase of hardness, density values above 80% of theoretical were obtained. The milling time of 4 hours and addition of 2% nickel, particularly if achieved higher hardness (HV 1068.7 +/- 32.6) and density of about 99% theoretical density.


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Carbide reinforced metallic alloys potentially improve some important mechanical properties required for the overall use of important engineering materials such as steel and nickel. Nevertheless, improved performance is achieved not only by composition enhancement but also by adequate processing techniques, such as novel sintering methods in the case of powder metallurgy. The method minimizes energy losses in addition to providing uniform heating during sintering. Thus, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the density, hardness, flexural strength, dilatometric behavior and to analyze the microstructure of metal matrix composites based nickel with addition of carbides of tantalum and / or niobium when sintered in a conventional furnace and Plasma assisted debinding and sintering (PADS). Initially, were defineds best parameters of granulation, screening and mixing procedure. After, mixtures of carbonyl Ni and 5%, 10% and 15 wt.% NbC and TaC were prepared in a Y-type mixer under wet conditions during 60 minutes. The mixtures were then dried and granulated using 1.5 wt. % paraffin diluted in hexane. Granulates were cold pressed under 600 MPa. Paraffin was then removed from the pressed pellets during a pre-sintering process carried out in a tubular furnace at 500 °C during 30 min. The heating rate was 3 ºC/min. The pellets were then sintered using either a plasma assisted reactor or a conventional resistive tubular furnace. For both methods, the heating rate was set to 8 ºC/min up to 1150 °C. The holding time was 60 minutes. The microstructure of the sintered samples was evaluated by SEM. Brinell hardness tests were also carried out. The results revealed that higher density and higher hardness values were observed in the plasma-assisted sintered samples. Hardness increased with the concentration of carbides in the Ni-matrix. The flexural strength also increased by adding the carbides. The decline was larger for the sample with addition of 5% 5% TaC and NbC. In general, compositions containing added carbide 10% showed less porous and more uniform distribution of carbides in the nickel matrix microstructural appearance. Thus, both added carbide and plasma sintering improved density, hardness, flexural strength and microstructural appearance of the composites


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Abstract: YHWH’s theophany and mode of action are frequently evoked in the Bible as a volcanic event. It is shown here that this representation, of central importance in the story of the Sinai Covenant, is probably not anchored in any specific volcanic eruption experienced by the Israelites in the past. In Antiquity, volcanic activity was specifically associated with the gods who patronized metallurgy, given the homology between lava flowing from a volcano and slag released from a furnace at smelting. Evidence towards such a link is also identified in the Bible. Accordingly, rather than being simply a literary artifice imaging the outstanding powers of YHWH, volcanism may reflect the existence of metallurgical roots in Israelite theology. This contention is supported by Biblical evidences associating YHWH with metal production: (i) his primeval dominion in mining areas, (ii) his special worship by metalworkers, (iii) the representation of his celestial universe as a giant furnace. It is concluded that the volcanic representation of YHWH’s theophany and mode of action reveal a surprising level of preservation of the metallurgic religious traditions in the ancient Israelite theology.


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O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi analisar o comportamento superficial do titânio comercialmente puro (grau 2 ASTM) usinado e obtido pelo processamento de metalurgia do pó sob a ação de diferentes soluções fluoretadas, através da análise do grau de corrosão em microscopia óptica (MO) e da rugosidade superficial. Além disso, o estudo se propôs a comparar essas análises com os resultados obtidos com o titânio fundido da dissertação de mestrado de Barros (2004). Todas as amostras receberam procedimento metalográfico padrão e foram divididas em grupos: Gr.1- saliva artificial com pH 7.0 (controle), Gr.2- gel de flúor fosfato acidulado a 1,23% com pH 3.5, Gr.3- gel de NaF a 2% com pH 6.5, Gr.4- solução de NaF a 0,05% com pH 4.0 e Gr.5- solução de NaF a 0,05% com pH 7.5. As amostras foram expostas a estas soluções por 1, 4, 8 e 16 min, intercaladas com imersão em saliva artificial por 24 h, e depois foram observadas em MO e MEV, a cada intervalo de tempo. As imagens em MO, 100x, foram classificadas através de escores de 0 a 4, conforme o grau de corrosão. A rugosidade foi analisada utilizando o parâmetro Ra. Os resultados da análise de MO foram tratados estatisticamente pelo teste qui-quadrado e da rugosidade pelo teste F de Snedecor e de Bonferroni (p<0,05). Nos três tipos de amostras, o Gr2 apresentou a corrosão mais severa, e os Gr.4 e 5 apresentaram os menores graus de corrosão. Entretanto, nas amostras usinadas o Gr5 apresentou uma corrosão menos acentuada em relação ao Gr4. No Gr3 houve um aumento da corrosão em função do tempo, sendo que as amostras fundidas mostraram este aumento mais rapidamente. Houve um aumento significativo na rugosidade superficial no Gr.2 nos três tipos de amostras. Nos diversos grupos, os valores de rugosidade superficial das amostras fundidas foram significantemente maiores que os das usinadas e as de metalurgia do pó. Os autores concluíram que as soluções fluoretadas de uso odontológico são danosas às superfícies do titânio fundido, usinado e metalurgia do pó, principalmente as soluções com alta concentração de fluoreto.


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Este trabajo trata de explicar la situacion preindustrial entre los siglos XVI-XVII, ofreciendo información acerca de diferentes organizaciones de la época como son los gremios y las cofradías. También se habla de la importancia de la industria armamentística y de las unidades productivas que hubo en la zona del cantábrico. Por último, se analiza el caso de Inglaterra, donde se dieron las condiciones para el cambio hacia la revolución industrial.


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El refuerzo de matrices férricascon una fina dispersión de partículas nanométricas permite mejorar la dureza, resistencia mecánica e incluso permitiría mejorar la tenacidad del material al afinar el tamaño de grano.


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202 p. El contenido de los capítulos 3,4,5 y 6 está sujeto a confidencialidad


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Quando as wetlands alcançam a máxima capacidade de tratamento para remover metais pesados, a remoção ainda pode ocorrer por precipitação na forma de sulfetos devido a redução biológica de sulfato. Para alcançar este objetivo, devem ser promovidas condições anaeróbias, uma fonte de sulfato deve existir e uma fonte adequada de carbono/energia deve estar presente. No presente trabalho, a macroalga Sargassum filipendula e bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (materiais lígneo-celulósicos) foram selecionados como fontes de carbono, devido ao seu acentuado conteúdo de compostos orgânicos de degradação lenta e serem resíduos de alta disponibilidade. Experimentos foram simultaneamente conduzidos em operação contínua em duas colunas (0,5 L cada), uma contendo a macroalga e/ou bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e a outra contendo os materiais inoculados com um lodo anaeróbio. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a remoção de cádmio e zinco, devido à presença deles em efluentes de operações de mineração/metalurgia. Os ensaios foram realizados sob três diferentes condições experimentais no que se refere à quantidade de lodo anaeróbio inoculado no reator e o material empregado como fonte de carbono/energia. Os resultados indicaram que o reator inoculado foi capaz de tratar o efluente mais eficientemente que o reator não inoculado, considerando o período dos testes