983 resultados para Metal-insulator (MI) phase transition


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The semiconductor-metal transition of vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films epitaxially grown on C-plane sapphire is studied by depositing Au nanoparticles onto the thermochromic films forming a metal-semiconductor contact, namely, a nano-Au-VO2 junction. It reveals that Au nanoparticles have a marked effect on the reduction in the phase transition temperature of VO2. A process of electron injection in which electrons flow from Au to VO2 due to the lower work function of the metal is believed to be the mechanism. The result may support the Mott-Hubbard phase transition model for VO2.


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The physical properties of the La(0.6)Y(0.1)Ca(0.3)MnO(3) compound have been investigated, focusing on the magnetoresistance phenomenon studied by both dc and ac electrical transport measurements. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analysis of ceramic samples prepared by the sol-gel method revealed that specimens are single phase and have average grain size of similar to 0.5 mu m. Magnetization and 4-probe dc electrical resistivity rho(T,H) experiments showed that a ferromagnetic transition at T(C) similar to 170 K is closely related to a metal-insulator (MI) transition occurring at essentially the same temperature T(MI). The magnetoresistance effect was found to be more pronounced at low applied fields (H <= 2.5 T) and temperatures close to the MI transition. The ac electrical transport was investigated by impedance spectroscopy Z(f,T,H) under applied magnetic field H up to 1 T. The Z(f,T,H) data exhibited two well-defined relaxation processes that exhibit different behaviors depending on the temperature and applied magnetic field. Pronounced effects were observed close to T (C) and were associated with the coexistence of clusters with different electronic and magnetic properties. In addition, the appreciable decrease of the electrical permittivity epsilon`(T,H) is consistent with changes in the concentration of e(g) mobile holes, a feature much more pronounced close to T (C).


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From Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) data in pressed pellets of BF4 - doped Poly(3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) we obtained simultaneously the paramagnetic susceptibility and. the microwave conductivity. We observed a transition from a high-temperature insulator state to a room-temperature metallic state. Around 240K. evidence of a Peierls transition is observed, but if the sample is slowly cooled, this transition is partially suppressed. DC conductivity data taken with the sample quenched to 79 K show a non-linear I-V response for very small electric fields, suggesting depinning of Charge-Density Wave (CDW). The data for heating and cooling the system above room temperature, indicate the formation of bipolarons.


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High quality KMo4O6 single crystals with tetragonal structure (space group P4/mbm) have been prepared by fused salt electrolysis. The crystals were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffractometry, electrical resistivity, and magnetization measurements. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and SEM have given some information on the growth of single crystals. Electrical resistivity as a function of temperature shows that the KMo4O6 compound is a bad metal with resistivity change of approximately 30% in the temperature range from 2 to 300K. A metal-insulator transition (MIT), observed at approximately 110K, has been also confirmed for this material. Magnetization as a function of temperature agrees with previous report, however a magnetic ordering has been observed in M(H) curves in the whole temperature range.


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The filamentary model of the metal-insulator transition in randomly doped semiconductor impurity bands is geometrically equivalent to similar models for continuous transitions in dilute antiferromagnets and even to the λ transition in liquid He, but the critical behaviors are different. The origin of these differences lies in two factors: quantum statistics and the presence of long range Coulomb forces on both sides of the transition in the electrical case. In the latter case, in addition to the main transition, there are two satellite transitions associated with disappearance of the filamentary structure in both insulating and metallic phases. These two satellite transitions were first identified by Fritzsche in 1958, and their physical origin is explained here in geometrical and topological terms that facilitate calculation of critical exponents.


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The composition-controlled metal-insulator transition in the perovskite systems LaNi1-xMxO3 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, and Co) has been investigated by transport measurements over the temperature range 12-300 K. These systems, which have critical electron densities (nc) in the range (1-2) -1020 electrons cm-3, exhibit sharp metal-insulator transitions at the base temperature. The corresponding minimum metallic conductivity (Ï-min), separating the localized and itinerant electronic regimes, is of the order of 102 ohm-1 cm-1. Particular attention is paid to the idea of Ï-min scaling with nc, and our present results are compared with earlier studies of the metal-insulator transition in low (e.g., Ge:Sb) and high (e.g., metal-ammonia, supercritical Hg) electron-density systems. A link is established between the transport and magnetic properties of the title systems at the metal-insulator transition.


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An investigation of the phase transitions at high pressures in the alums mentioned in the title has been carried out using EPR of the Cr3+ ion (at the trivalent metal ion site). It is observed that at ambient as well as at high pressures there is a change of slope in the linear variations of the zero field splitting with temperature and that the low temperature phase is characterised by a large number of lines in the EPR spectra. The transition temperature shows a large positive shift with pressure, for both the alums. All these facts are explained in terms of our model of the origin of the trigonal field at the trivalent metal ion site as well as the details of the motion of NH4+ ion.


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LaMnO3+? samples with Mn4+ content up to 50% have been prepared by different methods. The structure of LaMnO3+? changes from orthorhombic to cubic (via rhombohedral) with increase in the Mn4+ content. LaMnO3+? samples containing greater than 20% Mn4+ are ferromagnetic and show resistivity maxima at a temperature Tt which is close to the ferromagnetic Curie temperature. The resistivity maximum is due to the occurrence of a metal-insulator transition. In samples heated to the same temperature, the value of Tt increases with % Mn4+. For a given sample, Tt increases with the temperature of heat treatment due to the increase in particle size. The onset of ferromagnetism in LaMnO3+? accompanied by an insulator-metal transition is similar to that found in La1-xCaxMnO3 and La1-xSrxCoO3.


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Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy (BIS) along with ultraviolet and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS and XPS) has been employed to investigate the electron states of Pd and Ag deposited on amorphous graphite at different coverages. The metal core level binding energies increase with decreasing cluster size while the UPS valence bands show a decrease in the 4d states at E(F) accompanied by a shift in the intensity maximum to higher binding energies. BIS measurements show the emergence of new states closer to E(F) with increase in the cluster size. It is pointed out that the observed spectral shifts cannot be accounted for by final-state effects alone and that initial-state effects have a significant role. It therefore appears that a decrease in cluster size is accompanied by a metal-insulator transition.


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Nanopowders of TiO(2) has been prepared using a microwave irradiation-assisted route, starting from a metalorganic precursor, bis(ethyl-3-oxo-butanoato)oxotitanium (IV), [TiO(etob)(2)](2). Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was used as a capping agent. The as-prepared amorphous powders crystallize into anatase phase, when calcined. At higher calcination temperature, the rutile phase is observed to form in increasing quantities as the calcination temperature is raised. The structural and physicochemical properties were measured using XRD, FT-IR, SEM, TEM and thermal analyses. The mechanisms of formation of nano-TiO(2) from the metal-organic precursor and the irreversible phase transformation of nano TiO(2) from anatase to rutile structure at higher temperatures have been discussed. It is suggested that a unique step of initiation of transformation takes place in Ti(1/2)O layers in anatase which propagates. This mechanism rationalizes several key observations associated with the anatase rutile transformation.


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Nano-vanadium dioxide thin films were prepared through thermal annealing vanadium oxide thin films deposited by dual ion beam sputtering. The nano-vanadium dioxide thin films changed its state from semiconductor phase to metal phase through heating by homemade system. Four point probe method and Fourier transform infrared spectrum technology were employed to measure and anaylze the electrical and optical semiconductor-to-metal phase transition properties of nano-vanadium dioxide thin films, respectively. The results show that there is an obvious discrepancy between the semiconductor-to-metal phase transition properties of electrical and optical phase transition. The nano-vanadium dioxide thin films' phase transiton temperature defined by electrical phase transiton property is 63 degrees C, higher than that defined by optical phase transiton property at 5 mu m, 60 degrees C; and the temperature width of electrical phase transition duration is also wider than that of optical phase transiton duration. The semiconductor-to-metal phase transiton temperature defined by optical properties increases with increasing wavelength in the region of infrared wave band, and the occuring temperature of phase transiton from semiconductor to metal also increases with wavelength increasing, but the duration temperature width of transition decreases with wavelength increasing. The phase transition properties of nano-vanadium dioxide thin film has obvious relationship with wavelength in infrared wave band. The phase transition properties can be tuned through wavelength in infrared wave band, and the semiconductor-to-metal phase transition properties of nano vanadiium dioxide thin films can be better characterized by electrical property.


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Deconfinement phase transition and neutrino trapping in (proto)neutron star matter are investigated in a chiral hadronic model (also referred to as the FST model) for the hadronic phase (HP) and in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) quark model for the deconfined quark phase. We include a perturbative QCD correction parameter alpha(s) in the CFL quark matter equation of states. It is shown that the CFL quark core with K-0 condensation forms in neutron star matter with the large value of alpha(s). If the small value of alpha(s) is taken, hyperons suppress the CFL quark phase and the HP is dominant in the high-density region of (proto)neutron star matter. Neutrino trapping makes the fraction of the CFL quark matter decrease compared with those without neutrino trapping. Moreover, increasing the QCD correction parameter alpha(s) or decreasing the bag constant B and the strange quark mass m(s) can make the fraction of the CFL quark matter increase, simultaneously, the fraction of neutrino in protoneutron star matter increases, too. The maximum masses and the corresponding radii of (proto)neutron stars are not sensitive to the QCD correction parameter alpha(s).


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We investigated electrical properties of vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) devices by the measurement of capacitance and conductance, which were fabricated on ordered para-sexiphenyl (p-6P) layer by weak epitaxy growth method. The VOPc/p-6P MIS diodes showed a negligible hysteresis effect at a gate voltage of +/- 20 V and small hysteresis effect at a gate voltage of +/- 40 V due to the low interface trap state density of about 1x10(10) eV(-1) cm(-2). Furthermore, a high transition frequency of about 10 kHz was also observed under their accumulation mode. The results indicated that VOPc was a promising material and was suitable to be applied in active matrix liquid crystal displays and organic logic circuits.


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The effects of metal ions and lanthanide complexes on the gel-to-liquid crystal phase transition temperature T-m of dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine liposomes have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method. The results show that the addition of metal ions to the dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) liposomes dispersions increases the main phase transition temperature T-m in the order of monovalent< divalent< trivalent cations. The enhancement of T-m is not large as increasing the lanthanide ions concentration. The enhancement of Pr3+ is larger than that of La3+. Remarkable differences were observed between La-citrate and La-lactate complexes at different pH solutions. At pH 7.0, La-citrate complex has no effect on the T-m, La-lactate complex, however, increases the T-m value, and the increase is larger than that of free lanthanide ions at the same concentration. The decrease of pH of complexes solutions lowers the phase transition temperature. We have preliminarily discussed the mechanism of the enhancements of lanthanide ions and the synergism of lanthanide ion and lactate ligand follow the ion induced dehydration of lipid and the potential effects of ion-lipid interaction.


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We predict the loss of superfluidity in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped in a combined optical and axially-symmetric harmonic potentials during a resonant collective excitation initiated by a periodic modulation of the atomic scattering length a, when the modulation frequency equals twice the radial trapping frequency or multiples thereof. This classical dynamical transition is marked by a loss of superfluidity in the BEC and a subsequent destruction of the interference pattern upon free expansion. Suggestion for future experiment is made. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.