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The theoretical electron mobility limited by dislocation scattering of a two-dimensional electron gas confined near the interface of an AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure is calculated. The accurate wave functions and electron distributions of the three lowest subbands for a typical structure are obtained by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations self-consistently. Based on the model of treating dislocation as a charged line, a simple scattering potential, a square-well potential, is utilized. The estimated mobility suggests that such a choice can simplify the calculation without introducing significant deviation from experimental data. It is also found that the dislocation scattering dominates both the low- and moderate-temperature mobilities and accounts for the nearly flattening-out behavior with increasing temperature. To clarify the role of dislocation scattering all standard scattering mechanisms are included in the calculation.


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Low-temperature photoluminescence measurement is performed on an undoped AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure. Temperature-dependent Hall mobility confirms the formation of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) near the heterointerface. A weak photoluminescence (PL) peak with the energy of similar to 79meV lower than the free exciton (FE) emission of bulk GaN is related to the radiative recombination between electrons confined in the triangular well and the holes near the flat-band region of GaN. Its identification is supported by the solution of coupled one-dimensional Poisson and Schrodinger equations. When the temperature increases, the red shift of the 2DEG related emission peak is slower than that of the FE peak. The enhanced screening effect coming from the increasing 2DEG concentration and the varying electron distribution at two lowest subbands as a function of temperature account for such behaviour.


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The circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN heterostructures induced by infrared radiation has been investigated under uniaxial strain. The observed photocurrent consists of the superposition of the CPGE and the linear photogalvanic effect currents, both of which are up to 10(-2) nA. The amplitude of the CPGE current increases linearly with additional strain and is enhanced by 18.6% with a strain of 2.2x10(-3). Based on the experimental results, the contribution of bulk-inversion asymmetry (BIA) and structure-inversion asymmetry (SIA) spin splitting of the 2DEG to the CPGE current in the heterostructures is separated, and the ratio of SIA and BIA terms is estimated to be about 13.2, indicating that the SIA is the dominant mechanism to induce the k-linear spin splitting of the subbands in the triangular quantum well at AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterointerfaces. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Al0.3Ga0.7N/AlN/GaN HEMT structures with significantly high mobility have been grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire substrates. At room temperature (RT) a Hall mobility of 2104 cm(2)/Vs and a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density of 1.1x10(13) cm(-2) are achieved, corresponding to a sheet resistance of 277.8 Omega/sq. The elimination of V-shaped defects were observed on Al0.3Ga0.7N/AlN/GaN HEMT structures and correlated with the increase of 2DEG mobility. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Weinheim.


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We have studied the scattering process of AlGaAs/GaAs two-dimensional electron gas with the nearby embedded GaSb/GaAs type-II quantum dots (QDs) at low temperature. Quantum Hall effect and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation were performed to measure the electron density n(2D), the transport lifetime tau(t) and the quantum lifetime tau(q) under various biased gate voltage. By comparing measured results of QDs sample with that of reference sample without embedded QDs, mobilities (transport mobility mu(t) and quantum mobility mu(q)) dominated by GaSb QDs scattering were extracted as functions of n(2D). It was found that the ratios of tau(t) to tau(q) were varying within the range of 1-4, implying the scattering mechanism belonging to the sort of short-range interaction. In the framework of Born approximation, a scattering model considering rectangular-shaped potential with constant barrier height was successfully applied to explain the transport experimental data. In addition, an oscillating ratio of tau(t)/tau(q) with the increasing n(2D) was predicted in the model.


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The transient charge response Q(t) of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures to a small pulse of the gate voltage, applied between the top gate and source electrodes in a Corbino structure, was employed to directly measure the effective diffusion constant of a 2DEG in the quantum Hall regime. The measured diffusion constant D showed a drastic change as the magnetic field was swept through the integer fillings of the Landau levels.


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By photoluminescence measurements we find that at low temperature the linewidth of the excitonic luminescence broadens with increasing electron density in the wider well from a photoexcited type-I-type-II mixed GaAs/AlAs asymmetric double quantum well structure, which even makes the excitonic linewidth at 77 K larger than at 300 K above a certain excitation intensity. We verify that the broadening is due to the scattering of two-dimensional carriers to excitonic states. Based on the theory of the scattering of carriers to excitonic states, we calculate the broadening of the excitonic linewidth. Our experimental results are convincing for verifying the theoretical prediction. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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Indium (In)-doping was applied in GaN layers during growth of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure with unintentionally doped or modulation Si-doped AlGaN layers. It was found that In-doping was effective in improving electron sheet density of two-dimensional-electron-gas (2DEG) in the heterostructures. Furthermore, In-doping also improved mobility in heterostructures with Si modulation-doped in AlGaN layers. The possible reasons were discussed. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and wet chemical etching revealed that crystalline quality of GaN was improved by In-doping. It was proposed that In-doping modified growth kinetics of GaN.


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We have studied the universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) due to quantum interface in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) grown on the substrates with pre-patterned, sub-micron wires. The dependence of UCF on the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the substrate has been investigated. We found, that magnetoresistance traces for different angles are completely uncorrelated. A non-planar character of electron motion is responsible for these angular conductance fluctuations. We compared the experimental results with a simple geometrical model.


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Three-dimensional electron microscopy (3-D EM) provides a framework for the analysis of large protein quaternary structures. The advantage over the generally higher resolving meth- od of X-ray crystallography is the embedding of the proteins in their physiological environ- ment. However, results of the two methods can be combined to obtain superior structural information. In this work, three different protein types – (i) Myriapod hemocyanin, (ii) vesi- cle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1) and (iii) acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) – were structurally analyzed by 2-D and 3-D EM and, where possible, functionally interpreted.rnMyriapod hemocyanins have been previously shown to be 6x6-meric assemblies that, in case of Scutigera coleoptrata hemocyanin (ScoHc), show two 3x6-mer planes whith a stag- gering angle of approximately 60°. Here, previously observed structural differences between oxy- and deoxy-ScoHc could be substantiated. A 4° rotation between hexamers of two dif- ferent 3x6-mer planes was measured, which originates at the most central inter-hexamer in- terface. Further information about allosteric behaviour in myriapod hemocyanin was gained by analyzing Polydesmus angustus hemocyanin (PanHc), which shows a stable 3x6-mer and divergent histidine patterns in the inter-hexamer interfaces when compared to ScoHc. Both findings would conclusively explain the very different oxygen binding properties of chilopod and diplopod hemocyanin.rnVipp1 is a protein found in cyanobacteria and higher plants which is essential for thyla- koid membrane function and forms highly variable ring-shaped structures. In the course of this study, the first 3-D analysis of Vipp1 was conducted and yielded reconstructions of six differently sized Vipp1 rings from negatively stained images at resolutions between 20 to 30 Å. Furthermore, mutational analyses identified specific N-terminal amino acids that are essential for ring formation. On the basis of these analyses and previously published results, a hypothetical model of the Vipp1 tertiary and quaternary structure was generated.rnAChBP is a water-soluble protein in the hemolymph of mollusks. It is a structural and functional homologue of the ligand-binding domain of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. For the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata, we previously described two types of AChBP (BgAChBP1 and BgAChBP2). In this work, a 6 Å 3-D reconstruction of native BgAChBP is presented, which shows a dodecahedral assembly that is unprecedented for an AChBP. Single particle analysis of recombinantely expressed BgAChBP types led to preliminary results show- ing a dodecahedral assembly of BgAChBP1 and a dipentameric assembly of BgAChBP2. This indicates divergent biological functions of the two types.


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The MDAH pencil-beam algorithm developed by Hogstrom et al (1981) has been widely used in clinics for electron beam dose calculations for radiotherapy treatment planning. The primary objective of this research was to address several deficiencies of that algorithm and to develop an enhanced version. Two enhancements have been incorporated into the pencil-beam algorithm; one models fluence rather than planar fluence, and the other models the bremsstrahlung dose using measured beam data. Comparisons of the resulting calculated dose distributions with measured dose distributions for several test phantoms have been made. From these results it is concluded (1) that the fluence-based algorithm is more accurate to use for the dose calculation in an inhomogeneous slab phantom, and (2) the fluence-based calculation provides only a limited improvement to the accuracy the calculated dose in the region just downstream of the lateral edge of an inhomogeneity. The source of the latter inaccuracy is believed primarily due to assumptions made in the pencil beam's modeling of the complex phantom or patient geometry.^ A pencil-beam redefinition model was developed for the calculation of electron beam dose distributions in three dimensions. The primary aim of this redefinition model was to solve the dosimetry problem presented by deep inhomogeneities, which was the major deficiency of the enhanced version of the MDAH pencil-beam algorithm. The pencil-beam redefinition model is based on the theory of electron transport by redefining the pencil beams at each layer of the medium. The unique approach of this model is that all the physical parameters of a given pencil beam are characterized for multiple energy bins. Comparisons of the calculated dose distributions with measured dose distributions for a homogeneous water phantom and for phantoms with deep inhomogeneities have been made. From these results it is concluded that the redefinition algorithm is superior to the conventional, fluence-based, pencil-beam algorithm, especially in predicting the dose distribution downstream of a local inhomogeneity. The accuracy of this algorithm appears sufficient for clinical use, and the algorithm is structured for future expansion of the physical model if required for site specific treatment planning problems. ^


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We show that the energy levels predicted by a frac(1, N)-expansion method for an N-dimensional electron in an anharmonic potential are always lower than the exact energy levels but monotonically converge toward their exact eigenstates for higher ordered corrections. The technique allows a systematic approach for quantum many body problems in a confined potential and explains the remarkable agreement of such approximate theories when compared with numerical results.


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Tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) form dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs), which are persistent groundwater contaminants. DNAPL dissolution can be "bioenhanced" via dissolved contaminant biodegradation at the DNAPL-water interface. This research hypothesized that: (1) competitive interactions between different dehalorespiring strains can significantly impact the bioenhancement effect, and extent of PCE dechlorination; and (2) hydrodynamics will affect the outcome of competition and the potential for bioenhancement and detoxification. A two-dimensional coupled flowtransport model was developed, with a DNAPL pool source and multiple microbial species. In the scenario presented, Dehalococcoides mccartyi 195 competes with Desulfuromonas michiganensis for the electron acceptors PCE and TCE. Simulations under biostimulation and low velocity (vx) conditions suggest that the bioenhancement with Dsm. michiganensis alone was modestly increased by Dhc. mccartyi 195. However, the presence of Dhc. mccartyi 195 enhanced the extent of PCE transformation. Hydrodynamic conditions impacted the results by changing the dominant population under low and high vx conditions.


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The results of extensive transport studies in localized regime of mesoscopic two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) with varying disorder are presented. A quick overview of previously achieved result is given. The main focus is on the observation of density dependent instabilities manifested by strong resistance oscillations induced by high perpendicular magnetic fields B-perpendicular to. While the amplitude of the oscillations is strongly enhanced with increasing B-perpendicular to, their position in electron density remains unaffected. The temperature dependence of resistivity shows a transition from an activated behaviour at high temperature to a saturated behaviour at low T. In the positions of resistance minima, the T dependence can even become metal-like (d rho/dT > 0). The activation energies obtained from the high T behaviour exhibit a formation of plateaux in connection with the resistance oscillations when analyzed as a function of electron density. We suggest the interplay between a strongly interacting electron phase and the background disorder as a possible explanation for our observation.