639 resultados para METRO
Para los alumnos en los que se ha empleado el m??todo constructivo, se observa que casi la totalidad de los alumnos (80'3 por ciento) comprenden la diferencia entre el ??rea y el per??metro. En cuanto a relacionar ambos conceptos, a pesar de que fue el objetivo menos logrado, se puede decir que aument?? considerablemente. Estas conclusiones parciales est??n restringidas a las limitaciones que conlleva la realizaci??n de una sola prueba, sin embargo se verifica un avance interesante en cuanto a la desmitificaci??n de la ense??anza de las Matem??ticas.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
El artículo forma parte de un dossier titulado: La cultura matemática
Título del congreso : La literatura en el aula de ELE. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
El artículo forma parte del monográfico de la revista: Educación y comunicación para la cooperación y el desarrollo. Resumen de la propia revista
Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) is one of the main issues that concern, at least initially, the head of the railway; progressively they can be of very high importance as they can propagate inside the material with the risk of damaging the railway. In this work, two different non-destructive techniques, infrared thermography (IRT) and fibre optics microscopy (FOM), were used in the inspection of railways for the tracing of defects and deterioration signs. In the first instance, two different approaches (dynamic and pulsed thermography) were used, whilst in the case of FOM, microscopic characterisation of the railway heads and classification of the deterioration -- damage on the railways according to the UIC (International Union of Railways) code, took place. Results from both techniques are presented and discussed.
Medellín, Colombia continues to attract global recognition for its evolution from a crimesaturated and desegregated city to an award-winning paragon of innovation. Two innovations in particular, the Metro System & the Integral Urban Projects, have fostered and contributed to Medellín’s inclusive growth, as indicated by a corresponding increase in both social and economic capital. Through a mixed methodology analysis of these two experiences, including participant observation, in-depth interviews with different industry leaders, and household surveys, this thesis explores the extent to which inclusive innovation has contributed to inclusive growth in Medellín. The surveys were distributed to three sensitive neighborhoods of Medellín and apply a Synthesized Framework for measuring inclusive growth, one that includes five indicators for social capital and five indicators for economic capital, emphasizing the importance of progression in both dimensions. By drawing on concepts of inclusivity surfacing more frequently in business lexicon and the emergence of a newly branded Medellín, the findings of this thesis indicates that the implementation of innovations in association with a unified city vision practiced by the local government, corporate and non-profit sector has contributed to achieving inclusive growth, and has left civilians hungry for more.
We describe the design and tests of a set-up mounted in a conventional double beam spectrophotometer, which allows the determination of optical density of samples confined in a long liquid core waveguide (LCW) capillary. Very long optical path length can be achieved with capillary cell, allowing measurements of samples with very low optical densities. The device uses a custom optical concentrator optically coupled to LCW (TEFLON® AF). Optical density measurements, carried out using a LCW of ̃ 45 cm, were in accordance with the Beer-Lambert Law. Thus, it was possible to analyze quantitatively samples at concentrations 45 fold lower than that regularly used in Spectrophotometric measurements.
This issue of the Bulletin introduces the reader to the Latin American Metro and Subway Association (ALAMYS), which throughout its 15-year history has supported a variety of initiatives aimed at improving the quality of services provided by urban mass transit railway systems.At its most recent general assembly, held in Madrid, Spain, in December 2000, ALAMYS set up several technical committees to improve its operational efficiency so that it can progress as an organization and achieve its goals.This article was written by Aurelio Rojo Garrido, arojo@mail.metromadrid.es, current secretary general of ALAMYS and operations manager of Metro de Madrid, S.A.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin describes how metro and railway systems contribute to sustainable mobility, looking at some of the current challenges and their technical solutions.
The next-generation SONET metro network is evolving into a service-rich infrastructure. At the edge of such a network, multi-service provisioning platforms (MSPPs) provide efficient data mapping enabled by Generic Framing Procedure (GFP) and Virtual Concatenation (VC). The core of the network tends to be a meshed architecture equipped with Multi-Service Switches (MSSs). In the context of these emerging technologies, we propose a load-balancing spare capacity reallocation approach to improve network utilization in the next-generation SONET metro networks. Using our approach, carriers can postpone network upgrades, resulting in increased revenue with reduced capital expenditures (CAPEX). For the first time, we consider the spare capacity reallocation problem from a capacity upgrade and network planning perspective. Our approach can operate in the context of shared-path protection (with backup multiplexing) because it reallocates spare capacity without disrupting working services. Unlike previous spare capacity reallocation approaches which aim at minimizing total spare capacity, our load-balancing approach minimizes the network load vector (NLV), which is a novel metric that reflects the network load distribution. Because NLV takes into consideration both uniform and non-uniform link capacity distribution, our approach can benefit both uniform and non-uniform networks. We develop a greedy loadbalancing spare capacity reallocation (GLB-SCR) heuristic algorithm to implement this approach. Our experimental results show that GLB-SCR outperforms a previously proposed algorithm (SSR) in terms of established connection capacity and total network capacity in both uniform and non-uniform networks.
La tesi ha natura sperimentale ed è mirata alla valutazione, attraverso l’uso di un programma agli elementi finiti tridimensionale, dell’interazione tra lo scavo del pozzo di introduzione scudi e le Mura Aureliane adiacenti a Porta Asinaria, a Roma. La prima parte della tesi si è concentrata sulla caratterizzazione geotecnica, a partire dai dati ricavati dalle campagne d’indagine eseguite nel tempo. Una volta effettuata la caratterizzazione geotecnica si è passati alla calibrazione del modello costitutivo per il terreno; si è scelto di adottare un legame costitutivo elasto-plastico incrudente, l’Hardening Soil Model with Small Strain Stiffness. Si è quindi passati alla definizione geometrica e dei materiali, utilizzando i rilievi strutturali e topografici, e alla conseguente definizione dei parametri del modello costitutivo adottato per la muratura e per il nucleo interno. In questo caso è stato adottato il modello di Mohr-Coulomb. La geometria globale è stata infine importata dal programma di calcolo PLAXIS 3D a partire da un modello tridimensionale realizzato con il programma Autocad Civil 3D. L'analisi agli elementi finiti ha valutato la realizzazione di diverse configurazioni possibili riguardanti la modellazione del pozzo e di eventuali opere di mitigazione degli effetti, quali lo sbancamento a tergo delle Mura e il successivo rinterro, a scavo ultimato. Si è inoltre analizzata l’influenza provocata da un possibile degrado della muratura. In ultimo sono stati analizzati e commentati i risultati di ciascun’analisi eseguita, in termini di stati deformativi e tensionali, ponendo l’attenzione sulle differenze di comportamento rilevate nelle diverse configurazioni adottate.
Este trabajo propone una metodología basada en Sistemas de Información Geográfica para estimar la demanda de viajes en estaciones de redes de transporte público, tomando como ejemplo la red de metro de Madrid. Primero se emplea una serie de datos descriptivos para caracterizar la red, clasificar las estaciones y obtener una tipología de las mismas. Luego, con el objetivo de explicar y predecir los viajes (entradas a la red) se generan dos modelos: uno sencillo a partir de las tasas de penetración de uso del metro en función de la distancia (distance decay), y otro más complejo basado en un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple (MRLM) que incorpora variables relativas a la estación y su entorno (densidad, mezcla de usos, diseño urbano, presencia de modos competidores). Su aplicación muestra resultados alentadores, y se plantea como una alternativa a los clásicos modelos de cuatro etapas, más complejos y con un mayor coste económico.
How do persons with disabilities (PWDs) earn a living? From the view point of poverty reduction, this question is quite critical in developing countries. This paper presents an investigation of economic activities of PWDs in the Philippines where, among developing countries, disability-related legislation is relatively progressive. In 2008, a field survey was conducted in cooperation with Disability People’s Organizations (DPOs) using a tailor-made questionnaire in four representative cities of Metro Manila. The level and determinants of income of PWDs were examined with Mincer regression. Conclusions are as follows: (1) The incidence and depth of poverty are greater among sample PWDs than that of the total population in Metro Manila. (2) There is remarkable income disparity among PWDs which is associated with education and sex. (3) After controlling individual, parental, and environmental characteristics, it was found that female PWDs are likely to earn less than male PWDs due to fewer opportunities to participate in economic activities. It is suggested that female PWDs are doubly handicapped in earning income.