934 resultados para Location-dependent control-flow patterns


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The two-phase flow of a hydrophobic ionic liquid and water was studied in capillaries made of three different materials (two types of Teflon, FEP and Tefzel, and glass) with sizes between 200µm and 270µm. The ionic liquid was 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}amide, with density and viscosity of 1420kgm and 0.041kgms, respectively. Flow patterns and pressure drop were measured for two inlet configurations (T- and Y-junction), for total flow rates of 0.065-214.9cmh and ionic liquid volume fractions from 0.05 to 0.8. The continuous phase in the glass capillary depended on the fluid that initially filled the channel. When water was introduced first, it became the continuous phase with the ionic liquid forming plugs or a mixture of plugs and drops within it. In the Teflon microchannels, the order that fluids were introduced did not affect the results and the ionic liquid was always the continuous phase. The main patterns observed were annular, plug, and drop flow. Pressure drop in the Teflon microchannels at a constant ionic liquid flow rate, was found to increase as the ionic liquid volume fraction decreased, and was always higher than the single phase ionic liquid value at the same flow rate as in the two-phase mixture. However, in the glass microchannel during plug flow with water as the continuous phase, pressure drop for a constant ionic liquid flow rate was always lower than the single phase ionic liquid value. A modified plug flow pressure drop model using a correlation for film thickness derived for the current fluids pair showed very good agreement with the experimental data. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a Delta-proteobacterium that oscillates between free-living growth and predation on Gram-negative bacteria including important pathogens of man, animals and plants. After entering the prey periplasm, killing the prey and replicating inside the prey bdelloplast, several motile B. bacteriovorus progeny cells emerge. The B. bacteriovorus HD100 genome encodes numerous proteins predicted to be involved in signalling via the secondary messenger cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP), which is known to affect bacterial lifestyle choices. We investigated the role of c-di-GMP signalling in B. bacteriovorus, focussing on the five GGDEF domain proteins that are predicted to function as diguanylyl cyclases initiating c-di-GMP signalling cascades. Inactivation of individual GGDEF domain genes resulted in remarkably distinct phenotypes. Deletion of dgcB (Bd0742) resulted in a predation impaired, obligately axenic mutant, while deletion of dgcC (Bd1434) resulted in the opposite, obligately predatory mutant. Deletion of dgcA (Bd0367) abolished gliding motility, producing bacteria capable of predatory invasion but unable to leave the exhausted prey. Complementation was achieved with wild type dgc genes, but not with GGAAF versions. Deletion of cdgA (Bd3125) substantially slowed predation; this was restored by wild type complementation. Deletion of dgcD (Bd3766) had no observable phenotype. In vitro assays showed that DgcA, DgcB, and DgcC were diguanylyl cyclases. CdgA lacks enzymatic activity but functions as a c-di-GMP receptor apparently in the DgcB pathway. Activity of DgcD was not detected. Deletion of DgcA strongly decreased the extractable c-di-GMP content of axenic Bdellovibrio cells. We show that c-di-GMP signalling pathways are essential for both the free-living and predatory lifestyles of B. bacteriovorus and that obligately predatory dgcC- can be made lacking a propensity to survive without predation of bacterial pathogens and thus possibly useful in anti-pathogen applications. In contrast to many studies in other bacteria, Bdellovibrio shows specificity and lack of overlap in c-di-GMP signalling pathways.


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Information systems are widespread and used by anyone with computing devices as well as corporations and governments. It is often the case that security leaks are introduced during the development of an application. Reasons for these security bugs are multiple but among them one can easily identify that it is very hard to define and enforce relevant security policies in modern software. This is because modern applications often rely on container sharing and multi-tenancy where, for instance, data can be stored in the same physical space but is logically mapped into different security compartments or data structures. In turn, these security compartments, to which data is classified into in security policies, can also be dynamic and depend on runtime data. In this thesis we introduce and develop the novel notion of dependent information flow types, and focus on the problem of ensuring data confidentiality in data-centric software. Dependent information flow types fit within the standard framework of dependent type theory, but, unlike usual dependent types, crucially allow the security level of a type, rather than just the structural data type itself, to depend on runtime values. Our dependent function and dependent sum information flow types provide a direct, natural and elegant way to express and enforce fine grained security policies on programs. Namely programs that manipulate structured data types in which the security level of a structure field may depend on values dynamically stored in other fields The main contribution of this work is an efficient analysis that allows programmers to verify, during the development phase, whether programs have information leaks, that is, it verifies whether programs protect the confidentiality of the information they manipulate. As such, we also implemented a prototype typechecker that can be found at http://ctp.di.fct.unl.pt/DIFTprototype/.


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This work qualified how stream hydraulics affect leaf accumulation habitats used by stream-dwelling insects and the speed at which leaves decompose as a consequence of the species and numbers of insects that live within leaf packs. Leaf accumulations decompose faster in slower moving water because they attract more insects.


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Static detection of polymorphic malware variants plays an important role to improve system security. Control flow has shown to be an effective characteristic that represents polymorphic malware instances. In our research, we propose a similarity search of malware using novel distance metrics of malware signatures. We describe a malware signature by the set of control flow graphs the malware contains. We propose two approaches and use the first to perform pre-filtering. Firstly, we use a distance metric based on the distance between feature vectors. The feature vector is a decomposition of the set of graphs into either fixed size k-sub graphs, or q-gram strings of the high-level source after decompilation. We also propose a more effective but less computationally efficient distance metric based on the minimum matching distance. The minimum matching distance uses the string edit distances between programs' decompiled flow graphs, and the linear sum assignment problem to construct a minimum sum weight matching between two sets of graphs. We implement the distance metrics in a complete malware variant detection system. The evaluation shows that our approach is highly effective in terms of a limited false positive rate and our system detects more malware variants when compared to the detection rates of other algorithms.


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Identification of unnatural control chart patterns (CCPs) from manufacturing process measurements is a critical task in quality control as these patterns indicate that the manufacturing process is out-of-control. Recently, there have been numerous efforts in developing pattern recognition and classification methods based on artificial neural network to automatically recognize unnatural patterns. Most of them assume that a single type of unnatural pattern exists in process data. Due to this restrictive assumption, severe performance degradations are observed in these methods when unnatural concurrent CCPs present in process data. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel approach based on singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and learning vector quantization network to identify concurrent CCPs. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be applied to the identification of concurrent CCPs in univariate manufacturing processes. Moreover, there are no permutation and scaling ambiguities in the CCPs recovered by the SSA. These desirable features make the proposed algorithm an attractive alternative for the identification of concurrent CCPs. Computer simulations and a real application for aluminium smelting processes confirm the superior performance of proposed algorithm for sets of typical concurrent CCPs.


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Static detection of malware variants plays an important role in system security and control flow has been shown as an effective characteristic that represents polymorphic malware. In our research, we propose a similarity search of malware to detect these variants using novel distance metrics. We describe a malware signature by the set of control flowgraphs the malware contains. We use a distance metric based on the distance between feature vectors of string-based signatures. The feature vector is a decomposition of the set of graphs into either fixed size k-subgraphs, or q-gram strings of the high-level source after decompilation. We use this distance metric to perform pre-filtering. We also propose a more effective but less computationally efficient distance metric based on the minimum matching distance. The minimum matching distance uses the string edit distances between programs' decompiled flowgraphs, and the linear sum assignment problem to construct a minimum sum weight matching between two sets of graphs. We implement the distance metrics in a complete malware variant detection system. The evaluation shows that our approach is highly effective in terms of a limited false positive rate and our system detects more malware variants when compared to the detection rates of other algorithms. © 2013 IEEE.


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Various factors affect spatial genetic structure in plant populations, including adult density and primary and secondary seed dispersal mechanisms. We evaluated pollen and seed dispersal distances and spatial genetic structure of Carapa guianensis Aublet. (Meliaceae) in occasionally inundated and terra firme forest environments that differed in tree densities and secondary seed dispersal agents. We used parentage analysis to obtain contemporary gene flow estimates and assessed the spatial genetic structure of adults and juveniles. Despite the higher density of adults (diameter at breast height >= 25 cm) and spatial aggregation in occasionally inundated forest, the average pollen dispersal distance was similar in both types of forest (195 +/- 106 m in terra firme and 175 +/- 87 m in occasionally inundated plots). Higher seed flow rates (36.7% of juveniles were from outside the plot) and distances (155 +/- 84 m) were found in terra firme compared to the occasionally inundated plot (25.4% and 114 +/- 69 m). There was a weak spatial genetic structure in juveniles and in terra firme adults. These results indicate that inundation may not have had a significant role in seed dispersal in the occasionally inundated plot, probably because of the higher levels of seedling mortality.


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This paper presents an experimental study on two-phase flow patterns and pressure drop of R134a inside a 15.9 mm ID tube containing twisted-tape inserts. Experimental results were obtained in a horizontal test section for twisted-tape ratios of 3, 4, 9 and 14, mass velocities ranging from 75 to 250 kg/m(2) s and saturation temperatures of 5 and 15 degrees C. An unprecedented discussion on two-phase flow patterns inside tubes containing twisted-tape inserts is presented and the flow pattern effects on the frictional pressure drop are carefully discussed. Additionally, a new method to predict the frictional pressure drop during two-phase flow inside tubes containing twisted-tape inserts is proposed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi ha come punto focale la descrizione, la verifica e la dimostrazione della realizzabilità dei Workflow Patterns di Gestione del Flusso(Control-Flow) e Risorse (Resource) definiti da parte della Workflow Pattern Initiative (WPI)in JOLIE, un innovativo linguaggio di programmazione orientato ai servizi nato nell'ambito del Service Oriented Computing. Il Service Oriented Computing (SOC) è un nuovo modo di pensare la programmazione di applicazioni distribuite, i cui concetti fondamentali sono i servizi e la composizione. L’approccio SOC definisce la possibilità di costruire un’applicazione in funzione dei servizi che ne realizzano il comportamento tramite una loro composizione, definita secondo un particolare flusso di lavoro. Allo scopo di fornire la necessaria conoscenza per capire la teoria, le meccaniche e i costrutti di JOLIE utilizzati per la realizzazione dei pattern, il seguente lavoro di tesi è stato diviso in quattro parti, corrispondenti ad altrettanti capitoli. Nel primo capitolo viene riportata una descrizione generale del SOC e della Business Process Automation (BPA), che costituisce l’ambiente in cui il SOC è inserito. Per questo viene fatta una disamina della storia informatica sui sistemi distribuiti, fino ad arrivare ai sistemi odierni, presentando in seguito il contesto del BPA e delle innovazioni derivanti dalle sue macro-componenti, di cui il SOC fa parte. Continuando la descrizione dell’approccio Service Oriented, ne vengono presentati i requisiti (pre-condizioni) e si cerca di dare una definizione precisa del termine “servizio”, fino all'enunciazione dei principi SOC declinati nell’ottica delle Service Oriented Architectures, presentando in ultimo i metodi di composizione dei servizi, tramite orchestrazione e coreografia. L’ultima sezione del capitolo prende in considerazione il SOC in un’ottica prettamente industriale e ne evidenzia i punti strategici. Il secondo capitolo è incentrato sulla descrizione di JOLIE, gli aspetti fondamentali dell’approccio orientato ai servizi, che ne caratterizzano profondamente la definizione concettuale (SOCK), e la teoria della composizione dei servizi. Il capitolo non si pone come una descrizione esaustiva di tutte le funzionalità del linguaggio, ma considera soprattutto i concetti teorici, le strutture di dati, gli operatori e i costrutti di JOLIE utilizzati per la dimostrazione della realizzabilità dei Workflow Pattern del capitolo successivo. Il terzo capitolo, più lungo e centrale rispetto agli altri, riguarda la realizzazione dei workflow pattern in JOLIE. All'inizio del capitolo viene fornita una descrizione delle caratteristiche del WPI e dei Workflow Pattern in generale. In seguito, nelle due macro-sezioni relative ai Control-Flow e Resource pattern vengono esposte alcune nozioni riguardanti le metodologie di definizione dei pattern (e.g. la teoria sulla definizione delle Colored Petri Nets) e le convezioni adottate dal WPI, per passare in seguito al vero e proprio lavoro (sperimentale) di tesi riguardo la descrizione dei pattern, l’analisi sulla loro realizzabilità in JOLIE, insieme ad un codice di esempio che esemplifica quanto affermato dall'analisi. Come sommario delle conclusioni raggiunte sui pattern, alla fine di ognuna delle due sezioni definite in precedenza, è presente una scheda di valutazione che, con lo stesso metodo utilizzato e definito dalla WPI, permette di avere una rappresentazione generale della realizzabilità dei pattern in JOLIE. Il quarto capitolo riguarda gli esiti tratti dal lavoro di tesi, riportando un confronto tra le realizzazioni dei pattern in JOLIE e le valutazioni del WPI rispetto agli altri linguaggi da loro considerati e valutati. Sulla base di quanto ottenuto nel terzo capitolo vengono definite le conclusioni del lavoro portato avanti sui pattern e viene delineato un’eventuale scenario riguardante il proseguimento dell’opera concernente la validazione ed il completamento della studio. In ultimo vengono tratte alcune conclusioni sia riguardo JOLIE, nel contesto evolutivo del linguaggio e soprattutto del progetto open-source che è alla sua base, sia sul SOC, considerato nell’ambito del BPA e del suo attuale ambito di sviluppo dinamico.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) results not only in paralysis; but it is also associated with a range of autonomic dysregulation that can interfere with cardiovascular, bladder, bowel, temperature, and sexual function. The entity of the autonomic dysfunction is related to the level and severity of injury to descending autonomic (sympathetic) pathways. For many years there was limited awareness of these issues and the attention given to them by the scientific and medical community was scarce. Yet, even if a new system to document the impact of SCI on autonomic function has recently been proposed, the current standard of assessment of SCI (American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) examination) evaluates motor and sensory pathways, but not severity of injury to autonomic pathways. Beside the severe impact on quality of life, autonomic dysfunction in persons with SCI is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Therefore, obtaining information regarding autonomic function in persons with SCI is pivotal and clinical examinations and laboratory evaluations to detect the presence of autonomic dysfunction and quantitate its severity are mandatory. Furthermore, previous studies demonstrated that there is an intimate relationship between the autonomic nervous system and sleep from anatomical, physiological, and neurochemical points of view. Although, even if previous epidemiological studies demonstrated that sleep problems are common in spinal cord injury (SCI), so far only limited polysomnographic (PSG) data are available. Finally, until now, circadian and state dependent autonomic regulation of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and body core temperature (BcT) were never assessed in SCI patients. Aim of the current study was to establish the association between the autonomic control of the cardiovascular function and thermoregulation, sleep parameters and increased cardiovascular risk in SCI patients.