971 resultados para Literatura menor


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En anexos figuran parte de las actividades realizadas.- El CD contiene la memoria y un album fotográfico


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Resumen en ingl??s. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n. Cap??tulo incluido en el monogr??fico n??mero 8 de la revista 'Tejuelo. Did??ctica de la lengua y la literatura. Educaci??n', titulado 'Comunicaci??n social y educaci??n'


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O estudo investiga as contribuições da literatura para a inclusão social na escola, explorando o potencial inclusivo do texto literário. Sua relevância consiste em fornecer ao professor subsídios para ampliar suas competências no ensino de literatura a partir do (re)conhecimento da função inclusiva do texto literário e da construção de uma comunidade de leitores que atenda à diversidade de interesses, necessidades e sentimentos dos aprendizes. Entende-se que a literatura é inclusiva em sua natureza pois, inclui o leitor no texto e permite práticas socializadoras de leitura. O estudo alinha-se à vertente qualitativa caracterizando-se como pesquisa-ação participante. Adotaram-se como procedimentos metodológicos a observação participante e a intervenção pedagógica. O estudo realizou-se em uma turma de 4º ano do ensino fundamental com 43 alunos, de faixa etária entre 8 e 13 anos, matriculados na Casa do Menor Trabalhador CMT, escola pública do município de Natal-RN (Brasil). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: gravação em áudio; diário de campo; entrevistas. Na intervenção pedagógica, realizaram-se 20 aulas de leitura de literatura de contos, fábulas, poemas e adivinhas com diferentes estratégias didáticas. As sessões de leitura foram desenvolvidas conforme os moldes da andaimagem (scaffolding) descritos por Graves e Graves (1995). Tomou-se como referencial teórico os estudos de Aiscow, Porter e Wang (1997), Amarilha (1997; 2006), Aquino (1998), Eco (2003), Caldin (2004; 2003), Cazden (1991), Chartier (1994), Culler (1999), Iser (1996), Manguel (1997), Paulino (2001), Perrenoud (2001), Petit (2008), Sartre (2006), Stainback e Stainback (1999), Stierle (1979) e Zilberman (2005). A análise aponta a relevância do diálogo entre literatura e inclusão social para democratizar a leitura literária e tornar o ambiente escolar mais inclusivo. Confirma a natureza inclusiva do texto literário, no modo como promove a entrada cooperativa do leitor no texto literário em prática socializadora de aprendizado, de compartilhamento de sentimentos, sensações, subjetividades e de acolhimento das diferenças. O estudo revela e consolida a leitura de literatura como uma atividade intelectual significativa, prazerosa e democrática, na qual o leitor, ao colaborar com a construção de sentidos e ao estabelecer relações interativas, passa por transformações que favorecem a inclusão. Ressalta-se a importância do mediador de leitura na seleção de estratégias que viabilizem a democratização da literatura e pela literatura, no pequeno universo da sala de aula, que atendam às necessidades dos educandos, desenvolvendo habilidades leitoras, incentivando o gosto pelo texto literário que educa e convida à inclusão


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The contemporary implant dentistry is in constant technological development, improving the oral rehabilitation process of partial or totally edentulous patients. On the other hand, anatomical limitations, such as the maxillary sinus and the mandibular canal in the posterior region of the jaws can limit the implant placement. Furthermore, due to the absence of dental elements, alveolar ridge atrophy is frequently observed. This aspect represents a loss either in quantity or quality of the bone tissue available for the dental implant rehabilitation. To make possible the dental implant rehabilitation even in adverse conditions, some solutions have been considered, such as the use of short implants (≤ 10 mm length) and/or small diameter implants (2,8; 3,3 and 3,5 mm width). The aim of this study is to present a literature review considering the use of short implants in oral rehabilitation, presenting the currently view of the matter. Based on the literature review, the use of short implants produced similar clinical success to conventional implants (greater than 10 mm in length). Therefore, its use can be considered a viable alternative, where anatomical limitations are present.


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O cobre (Cu) é um microelemento essencial aos mamíferos, entretanto, quando ingerido em altas quantidades, num período curto ou prolongado, pode provocar uma intoxicação severa. A habilidade de acumular Cu nos tecidos varia de acordo com as espécies e com as raças dentro da própria espécie, dentre as espécies acometidas, destacam-se a ovina, e em menor escala, canina, suína e bovina. A intoxicação aguda em ovinos é pouco frequente e pode ser decorrente da ingestão oral ou da administração parenteral de cobre. A intoxicação crônica é a principal forma de ocorrência desta enfermidade nesta espécie. A maioria dos ovinos acometidos é proveniente de manejo intensivo, os quais recebem dietas ricas em concentrados energéticos, e a ocorrência mais comum se dá quando estes animais ingerem misturas minerais destinadas a bovinos. A forma crônica caracteriza-se por três fases distintas: pré-hemolítica, hemolítica e pós-hemolítica. O resultado, tanto da forma crônica, como da aguda será a hemólise intravascular. O diagnóstico é realizado por meio do histórico, exame clínico e laboratorial e achados de necropsia. Entre os sinais clínicos destacam-se a icterícia e a hemoglobinúria. A terapia pode ser eficiente se for iniciada precocemente no decorrer do 1º ao 2º dia após o início da hemoglobinúria, sendo utilizado antídoto específico à base de tetratiomolibdato (TTM). O controle em rebanhos ovinos deve ser feito com rígidas medidas dietéticas, evitando-se oferecer rações concentradas em concomitância com sais minerais que contenham altos teores de cobre.


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The oral anticoagulants (AOC) and platelet antiagregants are drugs used for the prevention of thromboembolic phenomena, such as pulmonary embolism in patients with atrial fribrilation heart valves, thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. For patients who are undergoing surgical procedures-dentistry were asked to discontinue the use of anticoagulants until the value of the INR remained = 2.0, that in order to avoid trans and hemorrhages in the postoperative period. However, the AOC can cause the formation of a clot, leading to obstruction of blood pathways. Thus, it became doubtful the medicine for surgery, in which local hemostatic measures would be sufficient to promote hemostasis. Thus, the objective of the review was to evaluate the risk of bleeding in patients AOC users that are subjected to surgical procedures, through a bibliographical survey carried out in relevant clinical studies published between 1990 and 2012, by the MedlinePubMed data. In this review of literature was concluded that the benefit of thromboembolism prevention overcomes the risk hemorrhage, therefore, it is recommended to keep the dose of anticoagulant therapy unchanged for patients undergoing oral surgery and implant dentistry, using appropriate INR levels with the assistance of local hemostatic. In addition, a refined surgical technique should be performed in these patients. With respect to the most invasive oral surgery, with a risk of bleeding, treatment may be necessary in conjunction with the medical staff.


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The concept of switching platform is the use of an implant by platform wider than the abutment. Recently, researches have shown that this type of dental implant design tends to offer a higher preservation of crestal bone when compared to the traditional pattern of bone loss. The present study aims to perform a critical review on the switching platform concept establishing possible advantages of the technique. A search was performed on Medline/Pubmed about the topic “dental implant” and “platform switching”, and after applying inclusion criteria 40 studies were selected. The literature on longevity present prospective studies that show less bone loss, studies in biomechanics exhibit better or similar stress distribution around the bone crest, however, is not yet defined the role of the biological width. Thus, studies of longevity, and randomized prospective studies are of a great relevance to be performed in order to confirm the benefits of this technique and to establish a protocol indication. It is possible, based on this literature review, to conclude that longitudinal and randomized studies show that the platform switching implants have longevity and less bone loss. Biomechanically, the technique is possible.


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Titanium dental implants have been common practice in the dental office, which can increases the number of allergic reactions to this material. Objectives: to alert dental surgeons and specialists of this possible phenomenon through a literature review. Material and methods: an electronic search at PubMed was performed with the keywords “dental implants”, “titanium”, and “allergy” from January 1990 to May 2013. Only articles published in the English language were included. Letters to editor were excluded. Results: from the 22 initially retrieved articles, only 7 were included, being 4 clinical case reports and 3 experimental studies. For clinical cases, the reactions included edema, erythema, exfoliative cheilitis, and eczema. Regarding experimental studies, skin rash and dermatitis were reported. A patch test was not used in two clinical reports. Only one study used histological analysis to attest the lack of allergic reactions. Conclusion: within the limits of the available literature, allergic reactions to titanium dental implants are extremely rare and seem to be related to the female gender. More controlled clinical studies are necessary to elucidate this question.


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Class III malocclusion is less common occlusal relationship, covering less than 5% of the population. There are various forms of treatment in Class III malocclusion. Depending on how the form is expressed Class III and age of the patient, the therapy may be orthopedic and orthodontic surgical orthodontics. The objective was to review the literature of the last 10 years about ways to compensatory treatment of Class III malocclusion. Several articles were published between 04/2003 and 04/2013 in the Pubmed database from the keyword "Class III malocclusion". However, only 19 articles that addressed the compensatory treatment of Class III were selected. Based on the selected items it was concluded that the treatment of Class III malocclusions in children before the peak of pubertal growth has better prognosis with greater effects orthopedic and orthodontic minor effects. The ideal treatment option for this condition is the Rapid maxillary expansion associated with maxillary protraction of the same. The treatment of Class III malocclusion in young people after the peak of pubertal growth is doubtful prognosis. You can opt to treat rapid maxillary expansion and maxillary protraction of the same or fixed appliance, however, orthopedic effects can be the same or smaller than the orthodontic effects, depending on the age of the patient. Depending on the degree of Class III malocclusion in adults, the treatment will consist of dental compensations or orthognathic surgery.


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During clinical routine, the orthodontist uses several materials, which include metallic alloys in the form of metallic wires. However, it is necessary that the professional has some knowledge of the properties of those wires. Different types of wires are commercially available: stainless steel wires, chrome-cobalt wires, nickel-titanium wires and beta-titanium wires. Among the nickel-titanium wires, there are three subdivisions: a conventional alloy and two superelastic alloys. The superelasticity, associated to the effect of form memory, is a property used in orthodontics to initiate the dental movement in the first phase of the orthodontic treatment. This property is considered to be biologically compatible with the effective dental movement. These wires are available at the market in different transformation temperatures, and they offer the best adaptation in the groove of the bracket, simplicity and a faster treatment. However, they present little formability, and they don’t accept solder. They are also more onerous than other wires. Moreover, the low rigidity of these wires doesn’t allow them to be used for the retraction of the anterior teeth or closing of spaces. Therefore, the coherent use of superelastic orthodontic wires is recommended, accompanied by a detailed diagnosis and planning, so the result will be an efficient orthodontic correction, accomplished in a shorter period of time.


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Fil: Guevara de Álvarez, María Estela.


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El universo mítico de las amazonas ocupó la mente de viajeros y conquistadores durante la Edad Media y el Renacimiento; la historia sobre la existencia de estas mujeres pobló las páginas de los relatos sobre el Nuevo Mundo que imaginariamente y en el comienzo, iba construyéndose sobre el Viejo. Un pueblo de hembras cuyo origen se remontaba a Asia Menor, que combatía masculinamente y privilegiaba la descendencia femenina aparecía en las mirabilia que se propusieron hallar los europeos en América. La literatura caballeresca también sucumbió a los encantos de este mito, en primer lugar, con Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo en las Sergas de Esplandián, quien posiblemente en el momento de la escritura habría oído los relatos de Colón sobre las mujeres guerreras. Si bien el refundidor de Amadís de Gaula y autor de las hazañas de su hijo fue el primero, no fue el único. ¿Qué función tuvieron las amazonas en esta literatura? ¿Cómo conjugaron su espíritu guerrero con la esencia bélica de los caballeros andantes? Interrogantes que tendrán en este trabajo una respuesta aproximada, pero que también pretenden abrir un camino hacia la investigación sobre los mitos que, de alguna manera, unieron culturalmente a Europa y América.