979 resultados para Literatura e tecnologia


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Os investimentos em projetos de tecnologia da informação são responsáveis por porções cada vez maiores do orçamento das empresas. Os empresários, conscientes da necessidade de projetos nesta área, defrontam-se com dificuldades no momento de avaliar a plenitude de benefícios oferecidos por tais projetos. Parece existir relação de causalidade entre o sucesso do projeto de tecnologia da informação e a escolha da tecnologia mas, ao mesmo tempo, não se dispõe de ferramentas adequadas para a avaliação de benefícios intangíveis. Diante disso, estabeleceu-se como objetivo geral do presente estudo analisar o impacto dos investimentos em tecnologia da informação, sob a ótica de executivos gaúchos. Para atingir o objetivo proposto foi revista a literatura e realizadas entrevistas com empresários responsáveis pela decisão de investimentos em empresas clientes de um sistema de controle de manutenção de máquinas e equipamentos. Os empresários foram entrevistados com base em um instrumento desenvolvido por Gunasekaran (2001) no Reino Unido e adaptado para seu uso na realidade brasileira. A adaptação do questionário foi baseada em tradução, tradução reversa e em três entrevistas prévias, sendo então aplicado em 12 entrevistas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados e comparados com o encontrado pelo autor do modelo original no Reino Unido. Os resultados encontrados validam a bibliografia. Em primeiro lugar, os entrevistados concordam que os métodos puramente financeiros são insuficientes por não considerarem todos os aspectos envolvidos. Em segundo lugar, as entrevistas mostraram a importância dos ganhos em termos de intangíveis. Finalmente, os dados também apontaram para a importância das organizações detalharem os efeitos do projeto devido à importância destas informações para futuras decisões de investimento.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi de identificar, por meio de um estudo de caso realizado em uma instituição financeira pública, como os coordenadores de projetos da área de tecnologia percebem a atuação do escritório de projetos de tecnologia da informação. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura existente em relação ao tema abordado na pesquisa bem como documentos internos da instituição e a realização de um estudo de caso. Os resultados mostram que na visão dos coordenadores de projetos de tecnologia o escritório de projetos de tecnologia tem um papel muito importante para a instituição e principalmente para a área de tecnologia da informação, porém sua atuação é muito limitada e anseiam que o escritório atue apoiando-os efetivamente no desenvolvimento de seus projetos.


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O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar o processo evolutivo da subsidiária brasileira do setor de tecnologia de petróleo e gás, ao compreender quais são as suas características e de que forma que elas se modificaram ao longo do tempo. Para atender ao objetivo deste trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema na área de negócios internacionais, para entender quais são os fatores que influenciam os papéis desempenhados pelas subsidiárias em relação as matrizes e os mercados onde elas atuam. A partir do referencial teórico, foram selecionadas algumas tipologias tomadas como critério de análise e investigação do modo pelo qual ocorre a gestão da subsidiária. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso, com a participação de gestores da companhia que detivessem tempo de experiência suficiente para analisar o processo evolutivo da companhia desde o momento em que a FMC Technologies se instalou oficialmente no Brasil. Por fim, é feita uma análise dos resultados encontrados na pesquisa, e são confrontados com o referencial teórico apresentado. Por meio da análise, conclui-se que a subsidiária brasileira possui autonomia perante a matriz no que concerne ao seu processo decisório estratégico, fato este que está ligado a aspectos como o contexto interno da companhia, iniciativas tomadas pela própria subsidiária, e também por questões regulatórias no Brasil.


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O papel da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) no dia-a-dia das organizações torna-se cada vez mais importante e, consequentemente, o papel de seus profissionais. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal investigar a percepção dos profissionais de TI brasileiros acerca das competências essenciais que o principal executivo de TI (Chief Information Officer - CIO, em Inglês) atuante no mercado brasileiro deve ter para desempenhar adequadamente suas funções. O levantamento dessa percepção foi feito tendo por base a Teoria das Representações Sociais, por meio do método de evocação de palavras. Por intermédio da análise das percepções, foi possível identificar as competências e compará-las àquelas identificadas na literatura científica.


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O trabalho tem por objetivo verificar de que forma os avanços científicos e tecnológicos da humanidade influenciaram a obra de Edgar Allan Poe e de Machado de Assis. A análise propõe revelar o olhar desses escritores acerca das novas possibilidades que eram oferecidas à sociedade com o intuito maior de evidenciar o papel da literatura nesse processo, uma vez que o homem é capaz de enxergar todo o comportamento de uma época e, conseqüentemente, a si mesmo, através da obra literária. Essa atitude de “olhar para trás” e para “dentro de si mesmo”, acredita-se, permite que o homem avance ainda mais. Para realizar a análise proposta, a pesquisa utiliza-se de conceitos como o de intertextualidade e interdisciplinaridade, muito caros à Literatura Comparada, com o fim de promover relações entre as diferentes áreas do saber – Literatura e Ciência –, entre os diferentes escritores e, por fim, entre os diversos gêneros literários que constituem o corpus do presente estudo. Após um breve panorama da história do desenvolvimento dos avanços científicos e tecnológicos da humanidade, procede-se às análises dos textos selecionados, procurando apontar e relacionar o pensamento dos escritores, provando que idéias sobre os avanços científicos e tecnológicos estão presentes na produção literária de cada um. Por fim, após o confronto estabelecido durante todo o trabalho entre o pensamento e o posicionamento dos escritores, discutese o papel da literatura no desenvolvimento e avanço da humanidade.


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PEDRO, Edilson da Silva Pedro. Gestão tecnológica: um estudo de caso no setor sucroalcooleiro. 2004. 145f. Dissertaçao (Mestrado em Engenharia de Producao) - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, 2004.


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The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN


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The information technology - IT- benefits have been more perceived during the last decades. Both IT and business managers are dealing with subjects like governance, IT-Business alignment, information security and others on their top priorities. Talking about governance, specifically, managers are facing it with a technical approach, that gives emphasis on protection against invasions, antivirus systems, access controls and others technical issues. The IT risk management, commonly, is faced under this approach, that means, has its importance reduced and delegated to IT Departments. On the last two decades, a new IT risk management perspective raised, bringing an holistic view of IT risk to the organization. According to this new perspective, the strategies formulation process should take into account the IT risks. With the growing of IT dependence on most of organizations, the necessity of a better comprehension about the subject becomes more clear. This work shows a study in three public organizations of the Pernambuco State that investigates how those organizations manage their IT risks. Structured interviews were made with IT managers, and later, analyzed and compared with conceptual categories found in the literature. The results shows that the IT risks culture and IT governance are weakly understood and implemented on those organizations, where there are not such an IT risk methodology formally defined, neither executed. In addition, most of practices suggested in the literature were found, even without an alignment with an IT risks management process


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On analyse une expérience de l enseignement de philosophie dans l enseignement secondaire par la littérature. La scène d intervention a été l Institut Fédéral d Éducation, Science et Technologie du Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), dans l année 2008. L étude à caractère qualitatif a adopté un modèle de recherche participant, dans laquelle le chercheur a intervenu dans son propre contexte de classe. On a utilisé l investigation d un ouvrage existentialiste de Jean-Paul Sartre, le roman La Nausée, comme contribution méthodologique pour l enseignement de philosophie. On a adopté le recours de la littérature avec contenu philosophique à partir de la proposition apportée para les Paramètres Curriculaires Nationaux pour l Enseignement Secondaire (PCNEM) : celle qu on ne doit ni avoir la prétention de former de philosophes professionnels ni banaliser la philosophie auprès des élèves. En partant du principe que l existentialisme a été un courant philosophique qui a utilisé la littérature entant qu expression d idées philosophiques, on a envisagé le potentiel pédagogique du voisinage communicant entre la philosophie et la littérature que lie l expérience littéraire avec les textes qui montrent aussi la discussion philosophique. L idée force a été celle de traiter concepts philosophiques a partir de la littérature comme invitation à la réflexion, en analysant l élément ludique dans la littérature comme jeu de la pensée. La pensée considérée comme action ludique arriverait parmi l idéal d en chercher de meilleures manières à comprendre la réalité en étant cet idéal esthétique assumé dans l effort d imprimer sens au chaos des expériences. Les situations pédagogiques en classe comptent fréquemment avec moment de dialogue a propos des problèmes existentiels affrontés par le protagoniste du roman, Antoine Roquentin, considérés comme questions philosophiques et débattues par l investigation dialogique tout suite après la lecture des parties du livre. Dans ce sens, on a cherché à suivre les marches de la méthode socratique dans lequel questionner e questionner à soi même soient les moles propulseurs de la réflexion philosophique. L investigation dialogique a été étendue pendant cinq rencontres de quatre-vingt-dix minutes interprétés par une analyse discursive qui a essayé d établir des rapports entre le discours de l enseignant et des élèves avec le discours de la tradition philosophique. Cette recherche a aussi envisagé à produire une réflexion sur la pratique de l auteur lui-même de l étude. Celui-ci peut-être soit l objectif le plus largement atteint : prendre conscience de l importance de la formation d un enseignant réflexif qui associe dans sa praxis le savoir faire avec la critique honnête de sa propre capacité professionnel


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This thesis aims to build a panoramic analysis with the intention of providing the theoretical initial a thought articulated educational of podcast, a technology orality distributed demand. This joint search considering the various spheres that educational technology in Brazilian use, both in school and non-school contexts, including scenarios and distance. This study unites questions addressed piecemeal in the area to new perspectives about the podcast, in order to characterize its nature, examining such technology from a perspective of educational technology itself, as well as unveiling its main potentials and implications. The survey was conducted from the combined use of quantitative and qualitative categories, with emphasis on the last one. The method of participant observation was followed by immersion of the researcher in the audience groups of Brazilians podcasts. Data collection with sources held in non-school contexts, from a look at targeted interactions given the blogs of Brazilian productions, as well as from open-ended interviews with producers - made online - besides giving themselves from the hearing itself about five hundred podcasts of Brazil. In the school context, the research focused on a literature review of the literature of the study area. Were added to the corpus described statistics derived mainly from "Podpesquisa 2009," Numerical major survey on the use of podcasts in Brazil. The articulation and analysis of the collected data, we used the concept of Education Paulo Freire (1971, 1987), so that, understanding it as synonymous to communication - understood this concept in Freire - were able to reveal the various ramifications educational podcast Brazilian atmosphere permeated by a dialogic between its participants. Moreover, the ideas of Célestin Freinet (1998) about the cooperation, while education practice, conducted the analyzes productive technology addressed in this work. The philosophical thought of Andrew Feenberg (2003) on the notion of "technologies" buoyed technological design elaborate. Such consideration provided the foundation for the reflections and proposals offered in this study, which, in the characterization of the oral nature of the podcast - especially their version for the deaf - appropriated the placements Luis Antonio Marcuschi (2001) about the relationship between orality and writing. In addition to these references, several other authors were considered, dealing with issues that pervade the theme here delimited, contemplating discussions on topics such as educational interest, online production, inclusive education, among other aspects. At the end, there was the podcast as a technology, while still reproducing social asymmetries Brazilian fairly directed at promoting mitigations hierarchical and open production in digital orality promotes. In view of its technical and educational implications in national use, the technology study has revealed potential relevant to the sophistication of teaching practices with orality, in various contexts, and proved adequate to serve as a motto to the revision of school practices, to even the very role of the school. This, by the prospects unveiled here, can, through the podcast, mitigate their questions reproductivist to constitute themselves as under privileged communication, boosted by critical rescue and sophistication of management through the most basic education component: speech


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The spread of the Web boosted the dissemination of Information Systems (IS) based on the Web. In order to support the implementation of these systems, several technologies came up or evolved with this purpose, namely the programming languages. The Technology Acceptance Model TAM (Davis, 1986) was conceived aiming to evaluate the acceptance/use of information technologies by their users. A lot of studies and many applications have used the TAM, however, in the literature it was not found a mention of the use of such model related to the use of programming languages. This study aims to investigate which factors influence the use of programming languages on the development of Web systems by their developers, applying an extension of the TAM, proposed in this work. To do so, a research was done with Web developers in two Yahoo groups: java-br and python-brasil, where 26 Java questionnaires and 39 Python questionnaires were fully answered. The questionnaire had general questions and questions which measured intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the programming languages, the perceived usefulness, the perceived ease of use, the attitude toward the using and the programming language use. Most of the respondents were men, graduate, between 20 and 30 years old, working in the southeast and south regions. The research was descriptive in the sense of its objectives. Statistical tools, descriptive statistics, main components and linear regression analysis were used for the data analysis. The foremost research results were: Java and Python have machine independence, extensibility, generality and reliability; Java and Python are more used by corporations and international organizations than supported by the government or educational institutions; there are more Java programmers than Python programmers; the perceived usefulness is influenced by the perceived ease of use; the generality and the extensibility are intrinsic factors of programming languages which influence the perceived ease of use; the perceived ease of use influences the attitude toward the using of the programming language


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The discussion about the need of improving the reading and the writing practices of professionals from the most different knowledge areas has caused, in Brazilian and foreign institutions of higher education, a movement of insertion of curricula components whose focus is the reading and the writing in academic formation. To contributing with the reflection about that discussion, this master s degree dissertation has as object of study the situated linguistic formation. Our general objective is to analyze a linguistic formation proposal to graduating students from the Bachelor s degree in Science and Technology (BCT) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). To constructing that analysis, we have established four specific objectives: a) verifying if the ten brazilian Institutions of Higher Education which offer the BCT have curricula components of reading and writing directed to that formation; b) describing how these Bachelor s degree reading and writing curricula components are presented; c) examining differences and similarities which, in general, exist among curricula components related to reading and writing in each one of the researched institutions; d) revealing which categories delineate the linguistic formation developed in the BCT of the UFRN. In order to reaching our goals, this work has been based on the dialogical conception of the language (BAKHTIN [1952-1953] 2010), on the literacy studies (KLEIMAN [1995] 2008; TINOCO, 2008) and on the critical pedagogy (FREIRE, 1980; 2007). Methodologically, this qualitative research of ethnographic direction (ANDRÉ, 1995) is grounded in Applied Linguistics (PEREIRA; ROCA, 2009; PASCHOAL; CELANI (Orgs.), 1992). This research has the contribution of professors, scholars and monitors of the field of Reading and Writing Practices (PLE) and also graduating students from the UFRN BCT which had already studied PLE-I and/or PLE-II. The tools used for data collection/generation were: curricula components programs related to reading and writing in the BCT in the researched higher education institutions (IES), questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and profiles. The generated data allowed us to establish the following analysis categories: situationality (real situation, thematic contemporaneity and thematic focalization) and literacy projects (learning community and protagonism). The results achieved show that most IES which offer BCT worry about improving the reading and writing competences of their graduating students; however, there is still a lot to be done (increase of the number of class hours, contents and methodological aspects review, theoretical referential sophistication) so that the curricula components can be configured as a situated and significant linguistic formation. Finally, we make some suggestions for improving the work which has been made in the BCT of the UFRN, making then the mother tongue teaching in courses of the area of exact and technological sciences stronger


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Currently with the increase in complexity in doing business, organizations are seeking information systems that help to quickly respond to new demands in the processes of production of products and services. An information system is no longer just a support tool and has become an integral part of doing business. However, in spite of significant technological evolution in recent years, information systems that support business do not respond efficiently to the constant alterations that occur in many organizations. One of the main problems faced by information systems currently is the lack of strategic alignment between business strategy and information technology. The concept of strategic alignment can be defined as a way between business strategies and objectives and the strategies, objectives and functions of information technology in such as way as to contribute to the increase in competitivity of the organization over time. Strategic alignment together with strategic planning are important management instruments. Approaches for operationalizing this alignment are being developed currently but are still in their initial stages due to the fact that it is a relatively new concept in the literature. Another point that needs to be taken into consideration during the strategic alignment is the question of trackability between the business elements and IT. Trackability (Tracking) is necessary for example when one wishes to know exactly which goal defined in the business strategy was left out or not accepted due to a modification made in the IT strategy. Very few proposals present concrete ways supported by software systems in order to obtain strategic alignement while taking into consideration this trackability. Therefore the objective of this work is to propose the creation of a strategic alignment process supported by a software system which is capable of permitting trackability between the organizational objectives and the business processes based on formalization standards defined through a model oriented approach


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Este trabalho analisa a correlação entre a gestão da tecnologia de produtos e processos e a gestão ambiental em empresas de manufatura. Partindo de um modelo conceitual simplificado e desdobramentos das dimensões gestão da tecnologia e gestão ambiental, foi possível analisar em pesquisa de campo vários conceitos disponíveis na literatura para esses dois campos, envolvendo 78 empresas do setor de manufaturados, através de projeto de pesquisa survey e projeto de pesquisa qualitativa. Visando avaliar a capabilidade tecnológica das organizações, foram usados os conceitos de microtecnologia e macrotecnologia relatados em Silva (2003). Concluiu-se que, dentro do campo pesquisado de empresas, existe correlação positiva entre os níveis de capabilidade tecnológica e os níveis de capabilidade ambiental.