964 resultados para Literary Criticism -- Semiotics


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Like many other cataclysmic events September 11, a day now popularly believed to have 'changed the world', has become a topic taken up by children's writers. This thesis, titled The Whole World Shook: Ethnic, National and Heroic Identities in Children's Fiction About 9/11, examines how cultural identities are constructed within fictional texts for young people written about the attacks on the Twin Towers. It identifies three significant identity categories encoded in 9/11 books for children: ethnic identities, national identities, and heroic identities. The thesis argues that the identities formed within the selected children's texts are in flux, privileging performances of identities that are contingent on post-9/11 politics. This study is located within the field of children's literature criticism, which supports the understanding that children's books, like all texts, play a role in the production of identities. Children's literature is highly significant both in its pedagogical intent (to instruct and induct children into cultural practices and beliefs) and in its obscurity (in making the complex simple enough for children, and from sometimes intentionally shying away from difficult things). This literary criticism informed the study that the texts, if they were to be written at all, would be complex, varied and most likely as ambiguous and contradictory as the responses to the attacks on New York themselves. The theoretical framework for this thesis draws on a range of critical theories including literary theory, cultural studies, studies of performativity and postmodernism. This critical framework informs the approach by providing ways for: (i) understanding how political and ideological work is performed in children's literature; (ii) interrogating the constructed nature of cultural identities; (iii) developing a nuanced methodology for carrying out a close textual analysis. The textual analysis examines a representative sample of children's texts about 9/11, including picture books, young adult fiction, and a selection of DC Comics. Each chapter focuses on a different though related identity category. Chapter Four examines the performance of ethnic identities and race politics within a sample of picture books and young adult fiction; Chapter Five analyses the construction of collective, national identities in another set of texts; and Chapter Six does analytic work on a third set of texts, demonstrating the strategic performance of particular kinds of heroic identities. I argue that performances of cultural identities constructed in these texts draw on familiar versions of identities as well as contribute to new ones. These textual constructions can be seen as offering some certainties in increasingly uncertain times. The study finds, in its sample of books a co-mingling of xenophobia and tolerance; a binaried competition between good and evil and global harmony and national insularity; and a lauding of both the commonplace hero and the super-human. Being a recent corpus of texts about 9/11, these texts provide information on the kinds of 'selves' that appear to be privileged in the West since 2001. The thesis concludes that the shifting identities evident in texts that are being produced for children about 9/11 offer implicit and explicit accounts of what constitute good citizenship, loyalty to nation and community, and desirable attributes in a Western post-9/11 context. This thesis makes an original contribution to the field of children's literature by providing a focussed and sustained analysis of how texts for children about 9/11 contribute to formations of identity in these complex times of cultural unease and global unrest.


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The present study provides a usage-based account of how three grammatical structures, declarative content clauses, interrogative content clause and as-predicative constructions, are used in academic research articles. These structures may be used in both knowledge claims and citations, and they often express evaluative meanings. Using the methodology of quantitative corpus linguistics, I investigate how the culture of the academic discipline influences the way in which these constructions are used in research articles. The study compares the rates of occurrence of these grammatical structures and investigates their co-occurrence patterns in articles representing four different disciplines (medicine, physics, law, and literary criticism). The analysis is based on a purpose-built 2-million-word corpus, which has been part-of-speech tagged. The analysis demonstrates that the use of these grammatical structures varies between disciplines, and further shows that the differences observed in the corpus data are linked with differences in the nature of knowledge and the patterns of enquiry. The constructions in focus tend to be more frequently used in the soft disciplines, law and literary criticism, where their co-occurrence patterns are also more varied. This reflects both the greater variety of topics discussed in these disciplines, and the higher frequency of references to statements made by other researchers. Knowledge-building in the soft fields normally requires a careful contextualisation of the arguments, giving rise to statements reporting earlier research employing the constructions in focus. In contrast, knowledgebuilding in the hard fields is typically a cumulative process, based on agreed-upon methods of analysis. This characteristic is reflected in the structure and contents of research reports, which offer fewer opportunities for using these constructions.


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This study concentrates on the contested concept of pastiche in literary studies. It offers the first detailed examination of the history of the concept from its origins in the seventeenth century to the present, showing how pastiche emerged as a critical concept in interaction with the emerging conception of authorial originality and the copyright laws protecting it. One of the key results of this investigation is the contextualisation of the postmodern debate on pastiche. Even though postmodern critics often emphasise the radical novelty of pastiche, they in fact resuscitate older positions and arguments without necessarily reflecting on their historical conditions. This historical background is then used to analyse the distinction between the primarily French conception of pastiche as the imitation of style and the postmodern notion of it as the compilation of different elements. The latter s vagueness and inclusiveness detracts from its value as a critical concept. The study thus concentrates on the notion of stylistic pastiche, challenging the widespread prejudice that it is merely an indication of lack of talent. Because it is multiply based on repetition, pastiche is in fact a highly ambiguous or double-edged practice that calls into question the distinction between repetition and original, thereby undermining the received notion of individual unique authorship as a fundamental aesthetic value. Pastiche does not, however, constitute a radical upheaval of the basic assumptions on which the present institution of literature relies, since, in order to mark its difference, pastiche always refers to a source outside itself against which its difference is measured. Finally, the theoretical analysis of pastiche is applied to literary works. The pastiches written by Marcel Proust demonstrate how it can become an integral part of a writer s poetics: imitation of style is shown to provide Proust with a way of exploring the role of style as a connecting point between inner vision and reality. The pastiches of the Sherlock Holmes stories by Michael Dibdin, Nicholas Meyer and the duo Adrian Conan Doyle and John Dickson Carr illustrate the functions of pastiche within a genre detective fiction that is itself fundamentally repetitive. A.S. Byatt s Possession and D.M. Thomas s Charlotte use Victorian pastiches to investigate the conditions of literary creation in the age of postmodern suspicion of creativity and individuality. The study thus argues that the concept of pastiche has valuable insights to offer to literary criticism and theory, and that literary pastiches, though often dismissed in reviews and criticism, are a particularly interesting object of study precisely because of their characteristic ambiguity.


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This dissertation is a study of some aspects of theoretical philosophy of the early modern thinker Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). The focal point of the work is Hobbes s conception of imagination, which is discussed from both a systematic and a historical point of view, as well as in the light of contemporary scholarship. I argue that though there are significant similarities between the view of Hobbes and that of his predecessors, he gives a novel theory of imagination, which clarifies not only early modern discussions on human nature, knowledge, science, and literary criticism, but above all his own versatile philosophy. The prologue of the dissertation introduces methodological principles and gives critical remarks on the standard view of Hobbes. In Chapter II, I discuss the prominent theories of imagination before Hobbes and link them to his account. I argue that though Hobbes adopted the Aristotelian framework, his view is not reduced to it, as he borrows from various sources, for instance, from the Stoics and from Renaissance thought. Chapters III and IV form the psychological part of the work. In the Chapter III I argue that imagination, not sense, is central in the basic cognitive operations of the mind and that imagination has a decisive role in Hobbes s theory of motivation. The Chapter IV concentrates on various questions of Hobbes s philosophy of language. The chapter ends with a defence of a less naturalistic reading of Hobbes s theory of human nature. Chapters V and VI form the epistemological part of the work. I suggest, contrary to what has been recently claimed, that though Hobbes s ideas of good literary style do have a point of contact with his philosophy (e.g. the psychology of creative process), his ideas in the field are independent of his project of demonstrative political science. Instead I argue that the novelty of his major political work, Leviathan (1651), is based on a new theory of knowledge which he continued to develop in the post-Leviathan works. Chapter VII seeks to connect the more theoretical conclusions of Chapters V and VI to Hobbes's idea(l) of science as well as to his philosophical practice. On the basis of Hobbes s own writings as well as some historical examinations, I argue that method is not an apt way to conceptualise Hobbes s philosophical practice. Contemporary readings of Hobbes s theory of science are critically discussed and the chapter ends with an analysis of Hobbes s actual argumentation. In addition to the concluding remarks, the epilogue suggest three things: first, imagination is central when trying to understand Hobbes s versatile philosophy; second, that it is misleading to depict Hobbes as a simple materialist, mechanist, and empiricist; and, third, that in terms of imagination his influence on early modern thought has not been fully appreciated.


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The goal of this dissertation was to study whether it is possible and meaningful to apply Ludwig Wittgenstein s distinction between saying (Sagen) and showing (Zeigen) to ethically oriented literary criticism. The following questions were used as the primary guidelines: 1. Is it possible, in the context of literary criticism, to put in practice Wittgenstein s ethical conceptions, which are quite theoretical and metaphysical by nature? 2. If so, what practical literary devices do authors use if they want to demonstrate their ethical values within the frame of a fictional work? 3. Does philosophy offer useful ethical consepts that open us new and interesting readings in fiction? The philosophical background of Wittgenstein s distinction is clarified in chapter I. This clarification is based on his main works, Tractatus logico-philosophicus and Philosophishe Untersuchungen, the published correspondence between Wittgenstein and Paul Engelmann, and selected Wittgenstein research and papers. Analyzing ethics and it s expression in Georg Trakl s poetry further elucidates Wittgenstein s concept of showing. The concept that a literary work is an act of an author was used as a starting point. The presumption was that analyzing this act of an author will reveal how ethical values can be demonstrated in literature. Categorizing an author s act at different levels of literary expression provides the structure of this study. In chapters IV - XIII literary devices useful for demonstrating ethics are examined and explained using examples from the works of Joseph Conrad, Charles Dickens, Nikolay Leskov, Ludwig Uhland, Eino Leino, Pentti Haanp and Maria Jotuni. The concepts and views of researchers and writers such as Mihail Bahtin, Peter Juhl, E. D. Hirsch, Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen are used. The concepts outlined in previous chapters are then applied in three case studies: Aeschylus s Oresteia trilogy, J-L. Runeberg s poem Sven Dufva and Sofi Oksanen s novel Puhdistus (Purge). On the whole, Wittgenstein s idea that ethical values can be demonstrated (shown) by means of literature is revealed as a fruitful point of departure for a more exact ethical reading, offering a new perspective on literary works.


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Nmero monogrfico: El viaje y sus discursos


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Este trabalho investiga o que chamamos crimes da literatura, no livro de Carlos Heitor Cony, Pilatos (1974), em perspectiva comparada com o livro de contos Secrees, excrees e desatinos (2001), de Rubem Fonseca. Cony, famoso autor e jornalista, com histrico de prises polticas na poca da ditadura, publicou Pilatos obra de linguagem considerada pornogrfica ainda na vigncia da censura. Rubem Fonseca, perseguido pelos censores desde Feliz ano novo (1975), devido s suas narrativas tambm consideradas contrrias moral e aos bons costumes, publicou Secrees, excrees e desatinos livre de censura. Este estudo, a partir das anlises dos textos referidos, questiona o que o crime da literatura? E, se no h mais a conjuno de censura poltica e represso moral, se est esgotado o embate entre argumentos moralistas e liberais, como podem ser lidos os novos cdigos de controle desse imaginrio? O objetivo desta tese , sobretudo, discutir a possibilidade da permanncia ou no destes livros como transgressores em relao ao tratamento dado ao corpo no panorama contemporneo. Para tanto, sero analisadas as diferentes formas de representao do corpo nesses livros, a partir de conceitos, como castrao, pornografia e obscenidade, investigados em campos de estudo sobre as representaes do corpo nas reas de psicologia, sociologia e da crtica literria


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O objetivo desta dissertao propor uma viso afirmativa dos narradores-protagonistas dos romances do escritor Joo Gilberto Noll, oferecendo um contraponto crtica que, ao inserir esses narradores-protagonistas na tendncia niilista contempornea de apagamento diante do outro e do mundo, os classifica como fracos. A partir da anlise dos romances Hotel Atlntico (1986), Harmada (1993), A cu aberto (1996), Berkeley em Bellagio (2002), Lorde (2004) e Acenos e afagos (2008), caracterizaremos o sujeito nolliano como um sujeito forte, que chamaremos aqui de sujeito dionisaco. Este sujeito prescinde de uma identidade fixa e bem delimitada e, portanto, dispensa quaisquer tipos de espelhos da conscincia, da identificao, da idealizao. Em vez de atribuir-se a si mesmo uma subjetividade ou um rosto, este sujeito se reconhece na sua existncia mais primordial: o seu corpo indomvel, que, diferente do corpo/imagem da lgica do esteticismo generalizado, refora o carter mltiplo e instvel do sujeito, lembrando que ele regido no pela sua vontade prpria, mas sim pela dinmica da vontade de potncia. Apesar de remeter sempre ao corpo, a literatura de Noll se revela um convite, tanto aos seus narradores-personagens quanto ao leitor, para uma experincia metafsica


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Esta tese visa a analisar trs perspectivas nacionalistas oferecidas pela obra crtica de Machado de Assis. Buscamos, inicialmente, a feio intelectual do jovem Machado no interior do projeto romntico-nacionalista, com o qual estava alinhado e do qual se afastaria paulatinamente. Para tanto, foi cotejado, inicialmente, com dois militantes daquele nacionalismo defensivo: Santiago Nunes Ribeiro e Joaquim Norberto de Sousa Silva. Esse lugar de onde falava Machado ganha em definio num segundo momento, quando empreendemos a anlise comparativa de seus textos com os de Macedo Soares e Jos de Alencar. Sobretudo entre 1859 e 1872, Machado de Assis construiria sua crtica teatral, tornando-se um paladino da comdia realista francesa. A primeira face nacionalista de sua crtica afirma-se nesse profundo envolvimento de Machado com o projeto de um teatro brasileiro pautado no potencial pedaggico da alta comdia. A segunda perspectiva nacionalista define-se medida que se define o classicismo moderno de Machado, uma articulao muito pessoal de sua viso universalista com a j instaurada modernidade literria. Para a anlise desse vis, usamos o corpus de sua crtica literria construda como gnero autnomo, oferecida convencionalmente ao pblico, por via da qual escritores e leitores se habilitariam a intervir na sociedade, cumprindo, patrioticamente, a misso para a qual a literatura os preparara. A partir de 1883, depois de quase cinco anos afastado da crnica, Machado a retoma, usando-a para exercitar, mais franca e assiduamente, uma particular teoria da cultura brasileira e, paralelamente, uma espcie de busca de nosso carter nacional. Dessa forma, seu nacionalismo, numa terceira angulao, orienta-se para a experincia humana, que, entre incorporar o fundamento externo e resistir a ele, acaba por formar algo irremediavelmente brasileiro; essa crnica, portanto, carrega uma crtica de feio cultural, no sentido de Machado ter-se comprometido com significaes e valores de nossa vida social. Ao examin-lo como escritor que, inicialmente, se postou contra o colonialismo cultural; que, a seguir, se engajou num projeto civilizatrio conduzido pelo teatro e pela literatura e que, por fim, investigou a sensibilidade coletiva brasileira a partir de suas representaes culturais, esta tese faculta uma apreenso mais criteriosa das intersees entre os temas nacionalismo e Machado de Assis


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A problemtica da autoria tem ganhado uma nova roupagem na contemporaneidade. No se pode mais reconhecer o poder e a influncia que o autor outrora exercia sobre suas produes artsticas, pois a sua identidade como tal se confunde com a da "pessoa real". Essa questo da identidade autoral ser discutida e problematizada atravs da figura do duplo. O tema do duplo, to caro histria da literatura ser ento empregado como elemento desconstrutor da figura do autor. Esse deixar de ser aquele que carrega consigo uma srie de expectativas e juzos de valor com relao ao conjunto de suas produes, dando lugar ao um outro - o duplo -, estranho ao leitor. Assim, cabe a questo do que restar quando a marca do autor for esvaziada, quantas sero as vozes que abriro caminho ao discurso narrativo e o que ir caracterizar a figura do autor contemporneo. So estas as questes que impulsionaram a redao da presente dissertao. Neste trabalho ser analisada a questo da autoria e da identidade a partir da figura do duplo em dois romances contemporneos, a saber: Budapeste de Chico Buarque de Hollanda e Vom Dorf de Antje Rvic Strubel. A escolha de um romance brasileiro e de outro alemo visa explicitar que a problemtica da autoria uma questo atual e que encontra expresso em diferentes contextos literrios, como o alemo e o brasileiro. A questo complexa e encontra desdobramentos nas novas formas de comunicao e tem relao direta com o processo de globalizao. Iremos fazer um recorte transversal abordando a histria do desenvolvimento do duplo na literatura, suas origens, os romances nos quais se manifestam suas diferentes expresses. Em seguida adentraremos o terreno movedio da problemtica da identidade sempre tendo como foco a viso diacrnica da questo e em por fim apresentaremos a constituio histrica da figura do autor e suas implicaes para a crtica literria. Num outro momento verificaremos como esses elementos so expressos nos romances em questo


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Esta tese tem por objetivo avaliar a contribuio, a nosso ver pioneira, de Othon Moacyr Garcia para os estudos lingusticos, textuais e literrios no Brasil. A primeira parte de nosso estudo se concentrar nas principais contribuies dadas pelo livro Comunicao em prosa moderna, cuja primeira edio data de 1967; a segunda parte estudar sua contribuio crtica literria brasileira, por meio de seus ensaios estilsticos; a terceira parte consistir num resumo de sua obra dispersa, e a quarta parte tambm ser um resumo das cartas que recebeu e enviou em sua correspondncia com escritores e estudiosos da lngua e da literatura


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Este ensaio de pensamento social brasileiro tem por objeto de anlise as crticas literrias sobre a obra de Machado de Assis, publicadas em jornais e revistas imediatamente aps o lanamento de cada um de seus livros. Portanto, so publicaes de critica literrias escritas por contemporneos do prprio Machado de Assis, e que, ao resenharem suas obras evidenciam o cenrio e os modelos de interao vivenciados pelos artistas e intelectuais do perodo. Assim como expem ainda as compreenses de literatura e de artista que fazem parte de seus repertrios analticos. Este ensaio busca identificar, atravs das categorias mobilizadas para retratar Machado de Assis, as transformaes ocorridas nestes modelos de interao social do perodo, e como a sociabilidade intelectual e artstica, inicialmente vinculada ao padro de gosto corteso estabelecido no Rio de Janeiro, foi cedendo espao para outros modelos de interao, e assim permitiu o desenvolvimento de diferentes compreenses de literatura e do papel da crtica literria, contribuindo diretamente para a alterao nos discursos retricos das resenhas literrias. Portanto, este ensaio tenta identificar e entender os modelos retricos inscritos na crtica, e como estes discursos esto correlacionados transformaes de ordem mais profunda, principalmente com o processo de modernizao social e a construo da autonomia do universo intelectual e artstico no fim do sculo XIX e na primeira dcada do sculo XX


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Diversos crticos enfatizaram a vertente de Noite na taverna, de lvares de Azevedo, obra que se consagrou, portanto, como uma narrativa pertencente ao gnero fantstico, apesar de no corresponder plenamente concepo do gnero desenvolvida por Tzvetan Todorov, em Introduo literatura fantstica subsdio fundamental para os estudos da fico inslita. "Fantstica"!, "sobrenatural", "de horror", "ttrica", "sombria", "macabra", "monstruosa", "dantesca", "simbolista avant la lettre", "gtica", "satanista", "byroniana" so alguns dos termos empregados pela crtica nos principais estudos publicados acerca da obra. Trata-se de uma multiplicidade de classificaes que, no entanto, no a caracterizam adequadamente e s demonstram a dificuldade de definir-lhe o gnero. Refletindo sobre tais aspectos e partindo dos principais estudos crticos produzidos sobre a obra desde sua primeira edio, consideramos a pertinncia de a classificarmos como integrante do gnero fantstico. Procura-se ainda, aps minuciosa leitura destes estudos, identificar os momentos da histria e da crtica literria brasileira em que Noite na taverna foi classificada com termos que a associaram a uma forma de literatura incomum no Brasil nacionalista do sculo XIX.


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[ES] Se trata de dar una interpretacin a la posible relacin entre la eleccin del prlogo como elemento representativo del arte trgico y ciertos aspectos bajo los que ste es criticado en Ranas (la "orthoepeia"). La autora sugiere que estamos ante un modo de llamar la atencin sobre el carcter ficcional y analtico de la creacin trgica, puesto de manifiesto a travs de un elemento enmarcador de primer orden como era el prlogo para Aristfanes.


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Esta dissertao percorre as linhas bsicas da narrativa de Joo Antnio, confrontando perspectivas crticas e ao mesmo tempo propondo a valorizao do ponto de vista do narrador malandro como elemento fundamental da esttica do autor. Busca analisar, tambm, no pano de fundo dos anos 60 e 70, noes ligadas a um novo realismo a partir do confronto com a questo da identidade nacional, muito presente no perodo em que produz o autor