997 resultados para Linear algebraic


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A first order analytical model for optimal small amplitude attitude maneuvers of spacecraft with cylindrical symmetry in an elliptical orbits is presented. The optimization problem is formulated as a Mayer problem with the control torques provided by a power limited propulsion system. The state is defined by Seffet-Andoyer's variables and the control by the components of the propulsive torques. The Pontryagin Maximum Principle is applied to the problem and the optimal torques are given explicitly in Serret-Andoyer's variables and their adjoints. For small amplitude attitude maneuvers, the optimal Hamiltonian function is linearized around a reference attitude. A complete first order analytical solution is obtained by simple quadrature and is expressed through a linear algebraic system involving the initial values of the adjoint variables. A numerical solution is obtained by taking the Euler angles formulation of the problem, solving the two-point boundary problem through the shooting method, and, then, determining the Serret-Andoyer variables through Serret-Andoyer transformation. Numerical results show that the first order solution provides a good approximation to the optimal control law and also that is possible to establish an optimal control law for the artificial satellite's attitude. (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The negative-dimensional integration method (NDIM) seems to be a very promising technique for evaluating massless and/or massive Feynman diagrams. It is unique in the sense that the method gives solutions in different regions of external momenta simultaneously. Moreover, it is a technique whereby the difficulties associated with performing parametric integrals in the standard approach are transferred to a simpler solving of a system of linear algebraic equations, thanks to the polynomial character of the relevant integrands. We employ this method to evaluate a scalar integral for a massless two-loop three-point vertex with all the external legs off-shell, and consider several special cases for it, yielding results, even for distinct simpler diagrams. We also consider the possibility of NDIM in non-covariant gauges such as the light-cone gauge and do some illustrative calculations, showing that for one-degree violation of covariance (i.e. one external, gauge-breaking, light-like vector n μ) the ensuing results are concordant with the ones obtained via either the usual dimensional regularization technique, or the use of the principal value prescription for the gauge-dependent pole, while for two-degree violation of covariance - i.e. two external, light-like vectors n μ, the gauge-breaking one, and (its dual) n * μ - the ensuing results are concordant with the ones obtained via causal constraints or the use of the so-called generalized Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The standard way of evaluating residues and some real integrals through the residue theorem (Cauchy's theorem) is well-known and widely applied in many branches of Physics. Herein we present an alternative technique based on the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) originally developed to handle Feynman integrals. The advantage of this new technique is that we need only to apply Gaussian integration and solve systems of linear algebraic equations, with no need to determine the poles themselves or their residues, as well as obtaining a whole class of results for differing orders of poles simultaneously.


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Quality control of medical radiological systems is of fundamental importance, and requires efficient methods for accurately determine the X-ray source spectrum. Straightforward measurements of X-ray spectra in standard operating require the limitation of the high photon flux, and therefore the measure has to be performed in a laboratory. However, the optimal quality control requires frequent in situ measurements which can be only performed using a portable system. To reduce the photon flux by 3 magnitude orders an indirect technique based on the scattering of the X-ray source beam by a solid target is used. The measured spectrum presents a lack of information because of transport and detection effects. The solution is then unfolded by solving the matrix equation that represents formally the scattering problem. However, the algebraic system is ill-conditioned and, therefore, it is not possible to obtain a satisfactory solution. Special strategies are necessary to circumvent the ill-conditioning. Numerous attempts have been done to solve this problem by using purely mathematical methods. In this thesis, a more physical point of view is adopted. The proposed method uses both the forward and the adjoint solutions of the Boltzmann transport equation to generate a better conditioned linear algebraic system. The procedure has been tested first on numerical experiments, giving excellent results. Then, the method has been verified with experimental measurements performed at the Operational Unit of Health Physics of the University of Bologna. The reconstructed spectra have been compared with the ones obtained with straightforward measurements, showing very good agreement.


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This paper addresses the problem of optimal constant continuous low-thrust transfer in the context of the restricted two-body problem (R2BP). Using the Pontryagin’s principle, the problem is formulated as a two point boundary value problem (TPBVP) for a Hamiltonian system. Lie transforms obtained through the Deprit method allow us to obtain the canonical mapping of the phase flow as a series in terms of the order of magnitude of the thrust applied. The reachable set of states starting from a given initial condition using optimal control policy is obtained analytically. In addition, a particular optimal transfer can be computed as the solution of a non-linear algebraic equation. Se investiga el uso de series y transformadas de Lie en problemas de optimización de trayectorias de satélites impulsados por motores de bajo empuje


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Una amarra electrodinámica (electrodynamic tether) opera sobre principios electromagnéticos intercambiando momento con la magnetosfera planetaria e interactuando con su ionosfera. Es un subsistema pasivo fiable para desorbitar etapas de cohetes agotadas y satélites al final de su misión, mitigando el crecimiento de la basura espacial. Una amarra sin aislamiento captura electrones del plasma ambiente a lo largo de su segmento polarizado positivamente, el cual puede alcanzar varios kilómetros de longitud, mientras que emite electrones de vuelta al plasma mediante un contactor de plasma activo de baja impedancia en su extremo catódico, tal como un cátodo hueco (hollow cathode). En ausencia de un contactor catódico activo, la corriente que circula por una amarra desnuda en órbita es nula en ambos extremos de la amarra y se dice que ésta está flotando eléctricamente. Para emisión termoiónica despreciable y captura de corriente en condiciones limitadas por movimiento orbital (orbital-motion-limited, OML), el cociente entre las longitudes de los segmentos anódico y catódico es muy pequeño debido a la disparidad de masas entre iones y electrones. Tal modo de operación resulta en una corriente media y fuerza de Lorentz bajas en la amarra, la cual es poco eficiente como dispositivo para desorbitar. El electride C12A7 : e−, que podría presentar una función de trabajo (work function) tan baja como W = 0.6 eV y un comportamiento estable a temperaturas relativamente altas, ha sido propuesto como recubrimiento para amarras desnudas. La emisión termoiónica a lo largo de un segmento así recubierto y bajo el calentamiento de la operación espacial, puede ser más eficiente que la captura iónica. En el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, podría eliminar la necesidad de un contactor catódico activo y su correspondientes requisitos de alimentación de gas y subsistema de potencia, lo que resultaría en un sistema real de amarra “sin combustible”. Con este recubrimiento de bajo W, cada segmento elemental del segmento catódico de una amarra desnuda de kilómetros de longitud emitiría corriente como si fuese parte de una sonda cilíndrica, caliente y uniformemente polarizada al potencial local de la amarra. La operación es similar a la de una sonda de Langmuir 2D tanto en los segmentos catódico como anódico. Sin embargo, en presencia de emisión, los electrones emitidos resultan en carga espacial (space charge) negativa, la cual reduce el campo eléctrico que los acelera hacia fuera, o incluso puede desacelerarlos y hacerlos volver a la sonda. Se forma una doble vainas (double sheath) estable con electrones emitidos desde la sonda e iones provenientes del plasma ambiente. La densidad de corriente termoiónica, variando a lo largo del segmento catódico, podría seguir dos leyes distintas bajo diferentes condiciones: (i) la ley de corriente limitada por la carga espacial (space-charge-limited, SCL) o (ii) la ley de Richardson-Dushman (RDS). Se presenta un estudio preliminar sobre la corriente SCL frente a una sonda emisora usando la teoría de vainas (sheath) formada por la captura iónica en condiciones OML, y la corriente electrónica SCL entre los electrodos cilíndricos según Langmuir. El modelo, que incluye efectos óhmicos y el efecto de transición de emisión SCL a emisión RDS, proporciona los perfiles de corriente y potencial a lo largo de la longitud completa de la amarra. El análisis muestra que en el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, bajo condiciones orbitales y de amarras típicas, la emisión termoiónica proporciona un contacto catódico eficiente y resulta en una sección catódica pequeña. En el análisis anterior, tanto la transición de emisión SCL a RD como la propia ley de emisión SCL consiste en un modelo muy simplificado. Por ello, a continuación se ha estudiado con detalle la solución de vaina estacionaria de una sonda con emisión termoiónica polarizada negativamente respecto a un plasma isotrópico, no colisional y sin campo magnético. La existencia de posibles partículas atrapadas ha sido ignorada y el estudio incluye tanto un estudio semi-analítico mediante técnica asintóticas como soluciones numéricas completas del problema. Bajo las tres condiciones (i) alto potencial, (ii) R = Rmax para la validez de la captura iónica OML, y (iii) potencial monotónico, se desarrolla un análisis asintótico auto-consistente para la estructura de plasma compleja que contiene las tres especies de cargas (electrones e iones del plasma, electrones emitidos), y cuatro regiones espaciales distintas, utilizando teorías de movimiento orbital y modelos cinéticos de las especies. Aunque los electrones emitidos presentan carga espacial despreciable muy lejos de la sonda, su efecto no se puede despreciar en el análisis global de la estructura de la vaina y de dos capas finas entre la vaina y la región cuasi-neutra. El análisis proporciona las condiciones paramétricas para que la corriente sea SCL. También muestra que la emisión termoiónica aumenta el radio máximo de la sonda para operar dentro del régimen OML y que la emisión de electrones es mucho más eficiente que la captura iónica para el segmento catódico de la amarra. En el código numérico, los movimientos orbitales de las tres especies son modelados para potenciales tanto monotónico como no-monotónico, y sonda de radio R arbitrario (dentro o más allá del régimen de OML para la captura iónica). Aprovechando la existencia de dos invariante, el sistema de ecuaciones Poisson-Vlasov se escribe como una ecuación integro-diferencial, la cual se discretiza mediante un método de diferencias finitas. El sistema de ecuaciones algebraicas no lineal resultante se ha resuelto de con un método Newton-Raphson paralelizado. Los resultados, comparados satisfactoriamente con el análisis analítico, proporcionan la emisión de corriente y la estructura del plasma y del potencial electrostático. ABSTRACT An electrodynamic tether operates on electromagnetic principles and exchanges momentum through the planetary magnetosphere, by continuously interacting with the ionosphere. It is a reliable passive subsystem to deorbit spent rocket stages and satellites at its end of mission, mitigating the growth of orbital debris. A tether left bare of insulation collects electrons by its own uninsulated and positively biased segment with kilometer range, while electrons are emitted by a low-impedance active device at the cathodic end, such as a hollow cathode, to emit the full electron current. In the absence of an active cathodic device, the current flowing along an orbiting bare tether vanishes at both ends and the tether is said to be electrically floating. For negligible thermionic emission and orbital-motion-limited (OML) collection throughout the entire tether (electron/ion collection at anodic/cathodic segment, respectively), the anodic-to-cathodic length ratio is very small due to ions being much heavier, which results in low average current and Lorentz drag. The electride C12A7 : e−, which might present a possible work function as low as W = 0.6 eV and moderately high temperature stability, has been proposed as coating for floating bare tethers. Thermionic emission along a thus coated cathodic segment, under heating in space operation, can be more efficient than ion collection and, in the simplest drag mode, may eliminate the need for an active cathodic device and its corresponding gas-feed requirements and power subsystem, which would result in a truly “propellant-less” tether system. With this low-W coating, each elemental segment on the cathodic segment of a kilometers-long floating bare-tether would emit current as if it were part of a hot cylindrical probe uniformly polarized at the local tether bias, under 2D probe conditions that are also applied to the anodic-segment analysis. In the presence of emission, emitted electrons result in negative space charge, which decreases the electric field that accelerates them outwards, or even reverses it, decelerating electrons near the emitting probe. A double sheath would be established with electrons being emitted from the probe and ions coming from the ambient plasma. The thermionic current density, varying along the cathodic segment, might follow two distinct laws under different con ditions: i) space-charge-limited (SCL) emission or ii) full Richardson-Dushman (RDS) emission. A preliminary study on the SCL current in front of an emissive probe is presented using the orbital-motion-limited (OML) ion-collection sheath and Langmuir’s SCL electron current between cylindrical electrodes. A detailed calculation of current and bias profiles along the entire tether length is carried out with ohmic effects considered and the transition from SCL to full RDS emission is included. Analysis shows that in the simplest drag mode, under typical orbital and tether conditions, thermionic emission provides efficient cathodic contact and leads to a short cathodic section. In the previous analysis, both the transition between SCL and RDS emission and the current law for SCL condition have used a very simple model. To continue, considering an isotropic, unmagnetized, colissionless plasma and a stationary sheath, the probe-plasma contact is studied in detail for a negatively biased probe with thermionic emission. The possible trapped particles are ignored and this study includes both semianalytical solutions using asymptotic analysis and complete numerical solutions. Under conditions of i) high bias, ii) R = Rmax for ion OML collection validity, and iii) monotonic potential, a self-consistent asymptotic analysis is carried out for the complex plasma structure involving all three charge species (plasma electrons and ions, and emitted electrons) and four distinct spatial regions using orbital motion theories and kinetic modeling of the species. Although emitted electrons present negligible space charge far away from the probe, their effect cannot be neglected in the global analysis for the sheath structure and two thin layers in between the sheath and the quasineutral region. The parametric conditions for the current to be space-chargelimited are obtained. It is found that thermionic emission increases the range of probe radius for OML validity and is greatly more effective than ion collection for cathodic contact of tethers. In the numerical code, the orbital motions of all three species are modeled for both monotonic and non-monotonic potential, and for any probe radius R (within or beyond OML regime for ion collection). Taking advantage of two constants of motion (energy and angular momentum), the Poisson-Vlasov equation is described by an integro differential equation, which is discretized using finite difference method. The non-linear algebraic equations are solved using a parallel implementation of the Newton-Raphson method. The results, which show good agreement with the analytical results, provide the results for thermionic current, the sheath structure, and the electrostatic potential.


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A lo largo del presente trabajo se investiga la viabilidad de la descomposición automática de espectros de radiación gamma por medio de algoritmos de resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones algebraicas lineales basados en técnicas de pseudoinversión. La determinación de dichos algoritmos ha sido realizada teniendo en cuenta su posible implementación sobre procesadores de propósito específico de baja complejidad. En el primer capítulo se resumen las técnicas para la detección y medida de la radiación gamma que han servido de base para la confección de los espectros tratados en el trabajo. Se reexaminan los conceptos asociados con la naturaleza de la radiación electromagnética, así como los procesos físicos y el tratamiento electrónico que se hallan involucrados en su detección, poniendo de relieve la naturaleza intrínsecamente estadística del proceso de formación del espectro asociado como una clasificación del número de detecciones realizadas en función de la energía supuestamente continua asociada a las mismas. Para ello se aporta una breve descripción de los principales fenómenos de interacción de la radiación con la materia, que condicionan el proceso de detección y formación del espectro. El detector de radiación es considerado el elemento crítico del sistema de medida, puesto que condiciona fuertemente el proceso de detección. Por ello se examinan los principales tipos de detectores, con especial hincapié en los detectores de tipo semiconductor, ya que son los más utilizados en la actualidad. Finalmente, se describen los subsistemas electrónicos fundamentales para el acondicionamiento y pretratamiento de la señal procedente del detector, a la que se le denomina con el término tradicionalmente utilizado de Electrónica Nuclear. En lo que concierne a la espectroscopia, el principal subsistema de interés para el presente trabajo es el analizador multicanal, el cual lleva a cabo el tratamiento cualitativo de la señal, y construye un histograma de intensidad de radiación en el margen de energías al que el detector es sensible. Este vector N-dimensional es lo que generalmente se conoce con el nombre de espectro de radiación. Los distintos radionúclidos que participan en una fuente de radiación no pura dejan su impronta en dicho espectro. En el capítulo segundo se realiza una revisión exhaustiva de los métodos matemáticos en uso hasta el momento ideados para la identificación de los radionúclidos presentes en un espectro compuesto, así como para determinar sus actividades relativas. Uno de ellos es el denominado de regresión lineal múltiple, que se propone como la aproximación más apropiada a los condicionamientos y restricciones del problema: capacidad para tratar con espectros de baja resolución, ausencia del concurso de un operador humano (no supervisión), y posibilidad de ser soportado por algoritmos de baja complejidad capaces de ser instrumentados sobre procesadores dedicados de alta escala de integración. El problema del análisis se plantea formalmente en el tercer capítulo siguiendo las pautas arriba mencionadas y se demuestra que el citado problema admite una solución en la teoría de memorias asociativas lineales. Un operador basado en este tipo de estructuras puede proporcionar la solución al problema de la descomposición espectral deseada. En el mismo contexto, se proponen un par de algoritmos adaptativos complementarios para la construcción del operador, que gozan de unas características aritméticas especialmente apropiadas para su instrumentación sobre procesadores de alta escala de integración. La característica de adaptatividad dota a la memoria asociativa de una gran flexibilidad en lo que se refiere a la incorporación de nueva información en forma progresiva.En el capítulo cuarto se trata con un nuevo problema añadido, de índole altamente compleja. Es el del tratamiento de las deformaciones que introducen en el espectro las derivas instrumentales presentes en el dispositivo detector y en la electrónica de preacondicionamiento. Estas deformaciones invalidan el modelo de regresión lineal utilizado para describir el espectro problema. Se deriva entonces un modelo que incluya las citadas deformaciones como una ampliación de contribuciones en el espectro compuesto, el cual conlleva una ampliación sencilla de la memoria asociativa capaz de tolerar las derivas en la mezcla problema y de llevar a cabo un análisis robusto de contribuciones. El método de ampliación utilizado se basa en la suposición de pequeñas perturbaciones. La práctica en el laboratorio demuestra que, en ocasiones, las derivas instrumentales pueden provocar distorsiones severas en el espectro que no pueden ser tratadas por el modelo anterior. Por ello, en el capítulo quinto se plantea el problema de medidas afectadas por fuertes derivas desde el punto de vista de la teoría de optimización no lineal. Esta reformulación lleva a la introducción de un algoritmo de tipo recursivo inspirado en el de Gauss-Newton que permite introducir el concepto de memoria lineal realimentada. Este operador ofrece una capacidad sensiblemente mejorada para la descomposición de mezclas con fuerte deriva sin la excesiva carga computacional que presentan los algoritmos clásicos de optimización no lineal. El trabajo finaliza con una discusión de los resultados obtenidos en los tres principales niveles de estudio abordados, que se ofrecen en los capítulos tercero, cuarto y quinto, así como con la elevación a definitivas de las principales conclusiones derivadas del estudio y con el desglose de las posibles líneas de continuación del presente trabajo.---ABSTRACT---Through the present research, the feasibility of Automatic Gamma-Radiation Spectral Decomposition by Linear Algebraic Equation-Solving Algorithms using Pseudo-Inverse Techniques is explored. The design of the before mentioned algorithms has been done having into account their possible implementation on Specific-Purpose Processors of Low Complexity. In the first chapter, the techniques for the detection and measurement of gamma radiation employed to construct the spectra being used throughout the research are reviewed. Similarly, the basic concepts related with the nature and properties of the hard electromagnetic radiation are also re-examined, together with the physic and electronic processes involved in the detection of such kind of radiation, with special emphasis in the intrinsic statistical nature of the spectrum build-up process, which is considered as a classification of the number of individual photon-detections as a function of the energy associated to each individual photon. Fbr such, a brief description of the most important matter-energy interaction phenomena conditioning the detection and spectrum formation processes is given. The radiation detector is considered as the most critical element in the measurement system, as this device strongly conditions the detection process. Fbr this reason, the characteristics of the most frequent detectors are re-examined, with special emphasis on those of semiconductor nature, as these are the most frequently employed ones nowadays. Finally, the fundamental electronic subsystems for preaconditioning and treating of the signal delivered by the detector, classically addresed as Nuclear Electronics, is described. As far as Spectroscopy is concerned, the subsystem most interesting for the scope covered by the present research is the so-called Multichannel Analyzer, which is devoted to the cualitative treatment of the signal, building-up a hystogram of radiation intensity in the range of energies in which the detector is sensitive. The resulting N-dimensional vector is generally known with the ñame of Radiation Spectrum. The different radio-nuclides contributing to the spectrum of a composite source will leave their fingerprint in the resulting spectrum. Through the second chapter, an exhaustive review of the mathematical methods devised to the present moment to identify the radio-nuclides present in the composite spectrum and to quantify their relative contributions, is reviewed. One of the more popular ones is the so-known Múltiple Linear Regression, which is proposed as the best suited approach according to the constraints and restrictions present in the formulation of the problem, i.e., the need to treat low-resolution spectra, the absence of control by a human operator (un-supervision), and the possibility of being implemented as low-complexity algorithms amenable of being supported by VLSI Specific Processors. The analysis problem is formally stated through the third chapter, following the hints established in this context, and it is shown that the addressed problem may be satisfactorily solved under the point of view of Linear Associative Memories. An operator based on this kind of structures may provide the solution to the spectral decomposition problem posed. In the same context, a pair of complementary adaptive algorithms useful for the construction of the solving operator are proposed, which share certain special arithmetic characteristics that render them specially suitable for their implementation on VLSI Processors. The adaptive nature of the associative memory provides a high flexibility to this operator, in what refers to the progressive inclusión of new information to the knowledge base. Through the fourth chapter, this fact is treated together with a new problem to be considered, of a high interest but quite complex nature, as is the treatment of the deformations appearing in the spectrum when instrumental drifts in both the detecting device and the pre-acconditioning electronics are to be taken into account. These deformations render the Linear Regression Model proposed almost unuseful to describe the resulting spectrum. A new model including the drifts is derived as an extensión of the individual contributions to the composite spectrum, which implies a simple extensión of the Associative Memory, which renders this suitable to accept the drifts in the composite spectrum, thus producing a robust analysis of contributions. The extensión method is based on the Low-Amplitude Perturbation Hypothesis. Experimental practice shows that in certain cases the instrumental drifts may provoke severe distortions in the resulting spectrum, which can not be treated with the before-mentioned hypothesis. To cover also these less-frequent cases, through the fifth chapter, the problem involving strong drifts is treated under the point of view of Non-Linear Optimization Techniques. This reformulation carries the study to the consideration of recursive algorithms based on the Gauss-Newton methods, which allow the introduction of Feed-Back Memories, computing elements with a sensibly improved capability to decompose spectra affected by strong drifts. The research concludes with a discussion of the results obtained in the three main levéis of study considerad, which are presented in chapters third, fourth and fifth, toghether with the review of the main conclusions derived from the study and the outline of the main research lines opened by the present work.


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This thesis describes the design and implementation of an interactive dynamic simulator called DASPRII. The starting point of this research has been an existing dynamic simulation package, DASP. DASPII is written in standard FORTRAN 77 and is implemented on universally available IBM-PC or compatible machines. It provides a means for the analysis and design of chemical processes. Industrial interest in dynamic simulation has increased due to the recent increase in concern over plant operability, resiliency and safety. DASPII is an equation oriented simulation package which allows solution of dynamic and steady state equations. The steady state can be used to initialise the dynamic simulation. A robust non linear algebraic equation solver has been implemented for steady state solution. This has increased the general robustness of DASPII, compared to DASP. A graphical front end is used to generate the process flowsheet topology from a user constructed diagram of the process. A conversational interface is used to interrogate the user with the aid of a database, to complete the topological information. An original modelling strategy implemented in DASPII provides a simple mechanism for parameter switching which creates a more flexible simulation environment. The problem description generated is by a further conversational procedure using a data-base. The model format used allows the same model equations to be used for dynamic and steady state solution. All the useful features of DASPI are retained in DASPII. The program has been demonstrated and verified using a number of example problems, Significant improvements using the new NLAE solver have been shown. Topics requiring further research are described. The benefits of variable switching in models has been demonstrated with a literature problem.


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Many workers have studied the ocular components which occur in eyes exhibiting differing amounts of central refractive error but few have ever considered the additional information that could be derived from a study of peripheral refraction. Before now, peripheral refraction has either been measured in real eyes or has otherwise been modelled in schematic eyes of varying levels of sophistication. Several differences occur between measured and modelled results which, if accounted for, could give rise to more information regarding the nature of the optical and retinal surfaces and their asymmetries. Measurements of ocular components and peripheral refraction, however, have never been made in the same sample of eyes. In this study, ocular component and peripheral refractive measurements were made in a sample of young near-emmetropic, myopic and hyperopic eyes. The data for each refractive group was averaged. A computer program was written to construct spherical surfaced schematic eyes from this data. More sophisticated eye models were developed making use of linear algebraic ray tracing program. This method allowed rays to be traced through toroidal aspheric surfaces which were translated or rotated with respect to each other. For simplicity, the gradient index optical nature of the crystalline lens was neglected. Various alterations were made in these eye models to reproduce the measured peripheral refractive patterns. Excellent agreement was found between the modelled and measured peripheral refractive values over the central 70o of the visual field. This implied that the additional biometric features incorporated in each eye model were representative of those which were present in the measured eyes. As some of these features are not otherwise obtainable using in vivo techniques, it is proposed that the variation of refraction in the periphery offers a very useful optical method for studying human ocular component dimensions.


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Let G be a semi-simple algebraic group over a field k. Projective G-homogeneous varieties are projective varieties over which G acts transitively. The stabilizer or the isotropy subgroup at a point on such a variety is a parabolic subgroup which is always smooth when the characteristic of k is zero. However, when k has positive characteristic, we encounter projective varieties with transitive G-action where the isotropy subgroup need not be smooth. We call these varieties projective pseudo-homogeneous varieties. To every such variety, we can associate a corresponding projective homogeneous variety. In this thesis, we extensively study the Chow motives (with coefficients from a finite connected ring) of projective pseudo-homogeneous varieties for G inner type over k and compare them to the Chow motives of the corresponding projective homogeneous varieties. This is done by proving a generic criterion for the motive of a variety to be isomorphic to the motive of a projective homogeneous variety which works for any characteristic of k. As a corollary, we give some applications and examples of Chow motives that exhibit an interesting phenomenon. We also show that the motives of projective pseudo-homogeneous varieties satisfy properties such as Rost Nilpotence and Krull-Schmidt.


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In an earlier paper [1], it has been shown that velocity ratio, defined with reference to the analogous circuit, is a basic parameter in the complete analysis of a linear one-dimensional dynamical system. In this paper it is shown that the terms constituting velocity ratio can be readily determined by means of an algebraic algorithm developed from a heuristic study of the process of transfer matrix multiplication. The algorithm permits the set of most significant terms at a particular frequency of interest to be identified from a knowledge of the relative magnitudes of the impedances of the constituent elements of a proposed configuration. This feature makes the algorithm a potential tool in a first approach to a rational design of a complex dynamical filter. This algorithm is particularly suited for the desk analysis of a medium size system with lumped as well as distributed elements.


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This paper addresses the problem of asymptotic stability of a linear system with many delay units. A novel algebraic test is proposed for the delay-independent stability of the system, based on the root distribution of the system's characteristic equation. If the system is only stable dependent of delay, the whole stable regions of the system can be perfectly obtained. Two algorithms are derived to examine the delay-independent stability, and to compute the whole stable regions if the system is of delay-dependent stability. These algorithms are computationally efficient and applicable to both certain and uncertain systems. Some illustrative examples demonstrate the validity of the approach.


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