997 resultados para LINE-SHAPE


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Part I.

The interaction of a nuclear magnetic moment situated on an internal top with the magnetic fields produced by the internal as well as overall molecular rotation has been derived following the method of Van Vleck for the spin-rotation interaction in rigid molecules. It is shown that the Hamiltonian for this problem may be written

HSR = Ῑ · M · Ĵ + Ῑ · M” · Ĵ”

Where the first term is the ordinary spin-rotation interaction and the second term arises from the spin-internal-rotation coupling.

The F19 nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of benzotrifluoride and several chemically substituted benzotrifluorides, have been measured both neat and in solution, at room temperature by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance. From these experimental results it is concluded that in benzotrifluoride the internal rotation is crucial to the spin relaxation of the fluorines and that the dominant relaxation mechanism is the fluctuating spin-internal-rotation interaction.

Part II.

The radiofrequency spectrum corresponding to the reorientation of the F19 nuclear moment in flurobenzene has been studied by the molecular beam magnetic resonance method. A molecular beam apparatus with an electron bombardment detector was used in the experiments. The F19 resonance is a composite spectrum with contributions from many rotational states and is not resolved. A detailed analysis of the resonance line shape and width by the method of moments led to the following diagonal components of the fluorine spin-rotational tensor in the principal inertial axis system of the molecule:

F/Caa = -1.0 ± 0.5 kHz

F/Cbb = -2.7 ± 0.2 kHz

F/Ccc = -1.9 ± 0.1 kHz

From these interaction constants, the paramagnetic contribution to the F19 nuclear shielding in C6H5F was determined to be -284 ± ppm. It was further concluded that the F19 nucleus in this molecule is more shielded when the applied magnetic field is directed along the C-F bond axis. The anisotropy of the magnetic shielding tensor, σ - σ, is +160 ± 30 ppm.


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0.5 at.% Yb:YAlO3(YAP), 5 at.% Yb:YAP and 15 at.% Yb:YAP were grown using the Czochralski method. Their absorption and fluorescence spectra were measured at room temperature and their emission line shape was calculated using the method of reciprocity. It was observed that the fluorescence spectra changed appreciably with the increasing of Yb concentration. For 0.5 at.% Yb:YAP, the line shape of fluorescence is very similar with the calculated emission line shape; with the increasing of Yb doping concentration, the line shape of fluorescence is very different from the calculated emission line shape. These phenomena are caused by the strong self-absorption at 979 and 999 nm for Yb:YAP. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Low-temperature time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy is used to probe the dynamics of photoexcited carriers in single InP nanowires. At early times after pulsed excitation, the photoluminescence line shape displays a characteristic broadening, consistent with emission from a degenerate, high-density electron-hole plasma. As the electron-hole plasma cools and the carrier density decreases, the emission rapidly converges toward a relatively narrow band consistent with free exciton emission from the InP nanowire. The free excitons in these single InP nanowires exhibit recombination lifetimes closely approaching that measured in a high-quality epilayer, suggesting that in these InP nanowires, electrons and holes are relatively insensitive to surface states. This results in higher quantum efficiencies than other single-nanowire systems as well as significant state-filling and band gap renormalization, which is observed at high electron-hole carrier densities.


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Fano resonances and their strong doping dependence are observed in Raman scattering of single-layer graphene (SLG). As the Fermi level is varied by a back-gate bias, the Raman G band of SLG exhibits an asymmetric line shape near the charge neutrality point as a manifestation of a Fano resonance, whereas the line shape is symmetric when the graphene sample is electron or hole doped. However, the G band of bilayer graphene (BLG) does not exhibit any Fano resonance regardless of doping. The observed Fano resonance can be interpreted as interferences between the phonon and excitonic many-body spectra in SLG. The absence of a Fano resonance in the Raman G band of BLG can be explained in the same framework since excitonic interactions are not expected in BLG. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the observation of strongly temperature (T)-dependent spectral lines in electronic Raman-scattering spectra of graphite in a high magnetic field up to 45 T applied along the c axis. The magnetic field quantizes the in-plane motion, while the out-of-plane motion remains free, effectively reducing the system dimension from 3 to 1. Optically created electron-hole pairs interact with, or shake up, the one-dimensional Fermi sea in the lowest Landau subbands. Based on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory, we show that interaction effects modify the spectral line shape from (ω-Δ)-1/2 to (ω-Δ)2α-1/2 at T = 0. At finite T, we predict a thermal broadening factor that increases linearly with T. Our model reproduces the observed T-dependent line shape, determining the electron-electron interaction parameter α to be ∼0.05 at 40 T. © 2014 American Physical Society.


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The dependence of the Raman spectrum on the excitation energy has been investigated for ABA-and ABC- stacked few-layer graphene in order to establish the fingerprint of the stacking order and the number of layers, which affect the transport and optical properties of few-layer graphene. Five different excitation sources with energies of 1.96, 2.33, 2.41, 2.54 and 2.81â €...eV were used. The position and the line shape of the Raman 2D, G*, N, M, and other combination modes show dependence on the excitation energy as well as the stacking order and the thickness. One can unambiguously determine the stacking order and the thickness by comparing the 2D band spectra measured with 2 different excitation energies or by carefully comparing weaker combination Raman modes such as N, M, or LOLA modes. The criteria for unambiguous determination of the stacking order and the number of layers up to 5 layers are established.


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We investigate the temperature dependence of photoluminescence from single and ensemble InAs/GaAs quantum dots systematically. As temperature increases, the exciton emission peak for single quantum dot shows broadening and redshift. For ensemble quantum dots, however, the exciton emission peak shows narrowing and fast redshift. We use a simple steady-state rate equation model to simulate the experimental data of photoluminescence spectra. It is confirmed that carrier-phonon scattering gives the broadening of the exciton emission peak in single quantum dots while the effects of carrier thermal escape and retrapping play an important role in the narrowing and fast redshift of the exciton emission peak in ensemble quantum dots.


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Both the peak position and linewidth in the photoluminescence spectrum of the InAs/GaAs quantum dots usually vary in an anomalous way with increasing temperature. Such anomalous optical behaviour is eliminated by inserting an In0.2Ga0.8As quantum well below the quantum dot layer in molecular beam epitaxy. The insensitivity of the photoluminescence spectra to temperature is explained in terms of the effective carrier redistribution between quantum dots through the In0.2Ga0.8As quantum well.


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Planar graphite has been extensively studied by Raman scattering for years. A comparative Raman study of several different and less common non-planar graphitic materials is given here. New kinds of graphite whiskers and tubular graphite cones (synthetic and natural) have been introduced. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to the characterization of natural graphite crystal edge planes, an individual graphite whisker graphite polyhedral crystals and tubular graphite cones. Almost all of the observed Raman modes were assigned according to the selection rules and the double-resonance Raman mechanism. The polarization properties related to the structural features, the line shape of the first-order dispersive mode and its combination modes, the frequency variation of some modes in different carbon materials and other unique Raman spectral features are discussed here in detail.


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We have investigated the conductance of a quantum dot system suffering an anti-symmetric ac gate voltage which induces the transition between dot levels in the linear regime at zero temperature in the rotating wave approximation. Interesting Fano resonances appear on one side of the displaced resonant tunnelling peaks for the nonresonant case or the peak splitting for the resonant case. The line shape of conductance (vs Fermi energy) near each level of the quantum dot can be decomposed into two profiles: a Breit-Wigner peak and a Fano profile, or a Breit-Wigner peak and a dip in both cases.


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By employing non-equilibrium Green's function method, the mesoscopic Fano effect modulated by Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling and external magnetic field has been elucidated for electron transport through a hybrid system composed of a quantum dot (QD) and an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring. The results show that the orientation of the Fano line shape is modulated by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction k(R)L variation, which reveals that the Fano parameter q will be extended to a complex number, although the system maintains time-reversal symmetry (TRS) under the Rashba SO interaction. Furthermore, it is shown that the modulation of the external magnetic field, which is applied not only inside the frame, but also on the QD, leads to the Fano resonance split due to Zeeman effect, which indicates that the hybrid is an ideal candidate for the spin readout device. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The Faraday rotation of an exciton in a GaAs quantum well (QW) embedded in a microcavity is investigated theoretically. The authors find that the Faraday rotation is enhanced remarkably by the microcavity, with a magnitude about two orders of magnitude larger than that of a single QW without microcavity. The Faraday rotation can be tuned by changing the incident angle of the pump and probe lights, or by varying the temperature or an external electric field. With an appropriate detuning between the cavity mode of the pump and probe lights, the Faraday rotation spectrum displays a strongly asymmetric line shape, which can easily be detected experimentally.


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Photoluminescence (PL) properties of the E-0, E-0+Delta(0), and E+ bands in an x=0.62% GaAs1-xNx alloy were investigated in detail, including their peak position, linewidth, and line shape dependences on the excitation energy, excitation power, and temperature, using micro-PL. The hot electrons within the E+ band are found to exhibit highly unusual thermalization, which results in a large blueshift in its PL peak energy by >2k(B)T, suggesting peculiar density of states and carrier dynamics of the E+ band.


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The spectrum of differential tunneling conductance in Si-doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice is measured at low electric fields. The conductance spectra feature a zero-bias peak and a low-bias dip at low temperatures. By taking into account the quantum interference between tunneling paths via superlattice miniband and via Coulomb blockade levels of impurities, we theoretically show that such a peak-dip structure is attributed to a Fano resonance where the peak always appears at the zero bias and the line shape is essentially described by a new function \xi\/\xi\+1 with the asymmetry parameter q approximate to 0. As the temperature increases, the peak-dip structure fades out due to thermal fluctuations. Good agreement between experiment and theory enables us to distinguish the zero-bias resonance from the usual Kondo resonance.


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The optical constants epsilon(E)=epsilon(1)(E)+iepsilon(2)(E) of unintentionally doped cubic GaN grown on GaAs(001) have been measured at 300 K using spectral ellipsometry in the range of 1.5-5.0 eV. The epsilon(E) spectra display a structure, associated with the critical point at E-0 (direct gap) and some contribution mainly coming from the E-1 critical point. The experimental data over the entire measured spectral range (after oxide removal) has been fit using the Holden-Munoz model dielectric function [M. Munoz et al., J. Appl. Phys. 92, 5878 (2002)]. This model is based on the electronic energy-band structure near critical points plus excitonic and band-to-band Coulomb-enhancement effects at E-0, E-0 + Delta(0) and the E-1, E-1 + Delta(1), doublet. In addition to evaluating the energy of the E-0 critical point, the binding energy (R-1) of the two-dimensional exciton related to the E-1 critical point was estimated using the effective mass/k.p theory. The line, shape of the imaginary part of the cubic-GaN dielectric function shows excitonic effects at room temperature not withstanding that the exciton was not resolved. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.