931 resultados para Knowledge Transfer 2.0
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Increasing public interest in science information in a digital and 2.0 science era promotes a dramatically, rapid and deep change in science itself. The emergence and expansion of new technologies and internet-based tools is leading to new means to improve scientific methodology and communication, assessment, promotion and certification. It allows methods of acquisition, manipulation and storage, generating vast quantities of data that can further facilitate the research process. It also improves access to scientific results through information sharing and discussion. Content previously restricted only to specialists is now available to a wider audience. This context requires new management systems to make scientific knowledge more accessible and useable, including new measures to evaluate the reach of scientific information. The new science and research quality measures are strongly related to the new online technologies and services based in social media. Tools such as blogs, social bookmarks and online reference managers, Twitter and others offer alternative, transparent and more comprehensive information about the active interest, usage and reach of scientific publications. Another of these new filters is the Research Blogging platform, which was created in 2007 and now has over 1,230 active blogs, with over 26,960 entries posted about peer-reviewed research on subjects ranging from Anthropology to Zoology. This study takes a closer look at RB, in order to get insights into its contribution to the rapidly changing landscape of scientific communication.
In der Überprüfung von Kernmodellen stellt der elektrische Formfaktor des Neutrons Gen eine wichtige Eingangsgröße dar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde am polarisierten Elektronenstrahl des Mainzer Mikrotrons MAMI der elektrische Formfaktor des Neutrons in der Reaktion 3He(e,e'n) bestimmt. Aus dem Verhältnis der Asymmetrien respektive der Helizitätsumkehr der Elektronenpolarisation mit Targetspin senkrecht und parallel zum Impulsübertrag konnte in einer integralen Analyse Gen bestimmt werden. Zusammengefasst ergab sich Gen(Q2=0.67 (GeV/c)2) = 0.0468 +- 0.0064(stat} +- 0.0027(syst}. Um den Einfluß von Kernbindungseffekten, die z. Zt. von der Gruppe um Prof. Glöckle in Bochum theoretisch gerechnet werden, auch experimentell abzusichern, wurden parallel zur Gen-Messung die Targetasymmetrie Ay0 3He(e,e'n) und Protonenasymmetrie 3He(e,e'p) bestimmt. Die Empfindlichkeit dieser Observablen auf FSI und D-Wellenbeiträge schafft Redundanzen, aus denen auf die Eigenschaften des freien Neutrons im gebundenen System geschlossen werden kann.
Das Web 2.0 eröffnet Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern neue Möglichkeiten mit Wissen und Informationen umzugehen: Das Recherchieren von Informationen und Quellen, der Austausch von Wissen mit anderen, das Verwalten von Ressourcen und das Erstellen von eigenen Inhalten im Web ist einfach und kostengünstig möglich. Dieser Artikel thematisiert die Bedeutung des Web 2.0 für den Umgang mit Wissen und Informationen und zeigt auf, wie durch die Kooperation vieler Einzelner das Schaffen von neuem Wissen und von Innovationen möglich wird. Diskutiert werden der Einfluss des Web 2.0 auf die Wissenschaft und mögliche Vor- und Nachteile der Nutzung. Außerdem wird ein kurzer Überblick über Studien gegeben, die die Nutzung des Web 2.0 in der Gesamtbevölkerung untersuchen. Im empirischen Teil des Artikels werden Methode und Ergebnisse der Befragungsstudie „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Web 2.0“ vorgestellt. Befragt wurden Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler in Deutschland zur Nutzung des Web 2.0 für die eigene wissenschaftliche Arbeit. Dabei zeigt sich, dass insbesondere die Wikipedia von einem Großteil der Befragten intensiv bis sehr intensiv für den Einstieg in die Recherche verwendet wird. Die aktive Nutzung des Web 2.0, z.B. durch das Schreiben eines eigenen Blogs oder dem Mitarbeiten bei der Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia ist bis jetzt noch gering. Viele Dienste sind unbekannt oder werden eher skeptisch beurteilt, der lokale Desktopcomputer wurde noch nicht vom Web als zentraler Speicherort abgelöst.
By analyzing the transactions in Stack Overflow we can get a glimpse of the way in which the different geographical regions in the world contribute to the knowledge market represented by the website. In this paper we aggregate the knowledge transfer from the level of the users to the level of geographical regions and learn that Europe and North America are the principal and virtually equal contributors; Asia comes as a distant third, mainly represented by India; and Oceania contributes less than Asia but more than South America and Africa together.
The existing literature suggests that transitions in software-maintenance offshore outsourcing projects are prone to knowledge transfer blockades, i.e. situations in which the activities that would yield effective knowledge transfer do not occur, and that client management involvement is central to overcome them. However, the theoretical understanding of the knowledge transfer blockade is limited, and the reactive management behavior reported in case studies suggests that practitioners may frequently be astonished by the dynamics that may give rise to the blockade. Drawing on recent research from offshore sourcing and reference theories, this study proposes a system dynamics framework that may explain why knowledge transfer blockades emerge and how and why client management can overcome the blockade. The results suggest that blockades may emerge from a vicious circle of weak learning due to cognitive overload of vendor staff and resulting negative ability attributions that result in reduced helping behavior and thus aggravate cognitive load. Client management may avoid these vicious circles by selecting vendor staff with strong prior related experience. Longer phases of coexistence of vendor staff and subject matter experts and high formal and clan controls may also mitigate vicious circles.
PLATO 2.0 has recently been selected for ESA’s M3 launch opportunity (2022/24). Providing accurate key planet parameters (radius, mass, density and age) in statistical numbers, it addresses fundamental questions such as: How do planetary systems form and evolve? Are there other systems with planets like ours, including potentially habitable planets? The PLATO 2.0 instrument consists of 34 small aperture telescopes (32 with 25 s readout cadence and 2 with 2.5 s candence) providing a wide field-of-view (2232 deg 2) and a large photometric magnitude range (4–16 mag). It focusses on bright (4–11 mag) stars in wide fields to detect and characterize planets down to Earth-size by photometric transits, whose masses can then be determined by ground-based radial-velocity follow-up measurements. Asteroseismology will be performed for these bright stars to obtain highly accurate stellar parameters, including masses and ages. The combination of bright targets and asteroseismology results in high accuracy for the bulk planet parameters: 2 %, 4–10 % and 10 % for planet radii, masses and ages, respectively. The planned baseline observing strategy includes two long pointings (2–3 years) to detect and bulk characterize planets reaching into the habitable zone (HZ) of solar-like stars and an additional step-and-stare phase to cover in total about 50 % of the sky. PLATO 2.0 will observe up to 1,000,000 stars and detect and characterize hundreds of small planets, and thousands of planets in the Neptune to gas giant regime out to the HZ. It will therefore provide the first large-scale catalogue of bulk characterized planets with accurate radii, masses, mean densities and ages. This catalogue will include terrestrial planets at intermediate orbital distances, where surface temperatures are moderate. Coverage of this parameter range with statistical numbers of bulk characterized planets is unique to PLATO 2.0. The PLATO 2.0 catalogue allows us to e.g.: - complete our knowledge of planet diversity for low-mass objects, - correlate the planet mean density-orbital distance distribution with predictions from planet formation theories,- constrain the influence of planet migration and scattering on the architecture of multiple systems, and - specify how planet and system parameters change with host star characteristics, such as type, metallicity and age. The catalogue will allow us to study planets and planetary systems at different evolutionary phases. It will further provide a census for small, low-mass planets. This will serve to identify objects which retained their primordial hydrogen atmosphere and in general the typical characteristics of planets in such low-mass, low-density range. Planets detected by PLATO 2.0 will orbit bright stars and many of them will be targets for future atmosphere spectroscopy exploring their atmosphere. Furthermore, the mission has the potential to detect exomoons, planetary rings, binary and Trojan planets. The planetary science possible with PLATO 2.0 is complemented by its impact on stellar and galactic science via asteroseismology as well as light curves of all kinds of variable stars, together with observations of stellar clusters of different ages. This will allow us to improve stellar models and study stellar activity. A large number of well-known ages from red giant stars will probe the structure and evolution of our Galaxy. Asteroseismic ages of bright stars for different phases of stellar evolution allow calibrating stellar age-rotation relationships. Together with the results of ESA’s Gaia mission, the results of PLATO 2.0 will provide a huge legacy to planetary, stellar and galactic science.
This paper presents a software prototype of a personal digital assistant 2.0. Based on soft computing methods and cognitive computing this mobile application prototype improves calendar and mobility management in cognitive cities. Applying fuzzy cognitive maps and evolutionary algorithms, the prototype represents a next step towards the realization of cognitive cities (i.e., smart cities enhanced with cognition). A user scenario and a test version of the prototype are included for didactical reasons.
In Anlehnung an Begriffe wie Web 2.0, an dem sich Internet-Nutzer mit unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten beteiligen können, und Enterprise 2.0 wird das Konzept der „Wartung 2.0“ entwickelt. Bei diesem Ansatz steht die Einbeziehung von Nutzergemeinschaften zur Verbesserung des Webauftritts und insbesondere von B2C-Systemen im Vordergrund. Wartung 2.0 ist eine Komponente des Web Engineerings und damit auch ein Element des von Lutz J. Heinrich vertretenen Konzepts des Information Engineerings
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the configurations of the families that live in contexts of social exclusion; provide conceptualizations of their operation mode; highlight the formative effects that neighborhood interdisciplinary practices with such families produce in the just graduated psychologists, included on the Extension Program. We wish to contribute to produce systematic knowledge that can account for such family configurations as potential receiver of integration policies. We are also interested on transferring the approach to diversity in the training of young professionals, in order not to be regarded as a deviation from ideal models, but as an expression of different strategies built by members of a community, to resolve children breeding and to bear their existences. This work is the result about reflections on productions inside a research fellowship: The complexities that takes the breeding in families who lives in a social exclusion situation; researches about breeding, carried out from signature Developmental Psychology II, and from de interdisciplinary work with psychologically assisted families in twelve suburbs of the city of La Plata (University Extension Program "Free Legal Offices" (Convention between Law and Social Sciences and Psychology Faculties, U.N.L.P.). From a qualitative methodology and an interdisciplinary participation, the results have arrive at the characterization and proposed conceptualizations of the included families and at the same time determine the benefits that brings with the work that articulates research and extension activities for the training of advanced students and young graduates.
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the configurations of the families that live in contexts of social exclusion; provide conceptualizations of their operation mode; highlight the formative effects that neighborhood interdisciplinary practices with such families produce in the just graduated psychologists, included on the Extension Program. We wish to contribute to produce systematic knowledge that can account for such family configurations as potential receiver of integration policies. We are also interested on transferring the approach to diversity in the training of young professionals, in order not to be regarded as a deviation from ideal models, but as an expression of different strategies built by members of a community, to resolve children breeding and to bear their existences. This work is the result about reflections on productions inside a research fellowship: The complexities that takes the breeding in families who lives in a social exclusion situation; researches about breeding, carried out from signature Developmental Psychology II, and from de interdisciplinary work with psychologically assisted families in twelve suburbs of the city of La Plata (University Extension Program "Free Legal Offices" (Convention between Law and Social Sciences and Psychology Faculties, U.N.L.P.). From a qualitative methodology and an interdisciplinary participation, the results have arrive at the characterization and proposed conceptualizations of the included families and at the same time determine the benefits that brings with the work that articulates research and extension activities for the training of advanced students and young graduates.
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the configurations of the families that live in contexts of social exclusion; provide conceptualizations of their operation mode; highlight the formative effects that neighborhood interdisciplinary practices with such families produce in the just graduated psychologists, included on the Extension Program. We wish to contribute to produce systematic knowledge that can account for such family configurations as potential receiver of integration policies. We are also interested on transferring the approach to diversity in the training of young professionals, in order not to be regarded as a deviation from ideal models, but as an expression of different strategies built by members of a community, to resolve children breeding and to bear their existences. This work is the result about reflections on productions inside a research fellowship: The complexities that takes the breeding in families who lives in a social exclusion situation; researches about breeding, carried out from signature Developmental Psychology II, and from de interdisciplinary work with psychologically assisted families in twelve suburbs of the city of La Plata (University Extension Program "Free Legal Offices" (Convention between Law and Social Sciences and Psychology Faculties, U.N.L.P.). From a qualitative methodology and an interdisciplinary participation, the results have arrive at the characterization and proposed conceptualizations of the included families and at the same time determine the benefits that brings with the work that articulates research and extension activities for the training of advanced students and young graduates.
In this paper, the authors present results from a study on the usage rate of 2.0 tools and technologies among Spanish enterprises. The main objective of the study is to analyze, from the perceptions of executives, the influence of social software tools on a set of business processes. This analysis has been made using two graphic tools: the “2.0 Success Matrix” and the “Tool’s Footprint”. Both the review of literature and the empirical work have lead to important findings and conclusions.
This paper presents the results of the analysis focused on scientific-technological KT in four Mexican firms and carried out by the case study approach. The analysis highlights the use of KT mechanisms as a means to obtain scientific-technological knowledge, learning, building S&T capabilities, and achieve the results of the R&D and innovation by firms.